Chapter 4~ A Slight Misunderstanding?

Learning to Love


Kyuhyun made his usual way to the cafe with a smile on his face. Mornings were definitely his favourite time of day lately.

He walked to the door, taking in the surroundings first in hopes of seeing at least a glimpse of Sungmin. After giving up on his search he decided to just get his coffee, he'll see Sungmin, he's always the one to deliver the coffee anyway.

Leeteuk was stood at the counter, cleaning various objects that littered the area around him. All he did was simply glance at Kyuhyun before returning to cleaning. Kyuhyun cleared his throat, trying to get Leeteuk's attention in a mature sort of manner.

“Sungmin's not here.”

Kyuhyun stepped back, a look of confusion crossing over his face.

“...And why would I want to know that?” Of course he wanted to know. But why would Leeteuk suddenly come out with that?

A smirked was planted on Leeteuk's face.

“Oh Kyuhyun, I'm not an idiot you know.”

“I never said you were.”

Leeteuk sighed and crossed his arms before staring straight at Kyuhyun.

“Why don't you just tell him you like him?”

“Because I don't like him...In that way, I mean.” This caused Leeteuk to glare.

“Don't lie.”

“I'm not lying!” Kyuhyun started to get slightly nervous. Leeteuk could be strangely intimidating!

“Then why else would you even come here everyday?! I very much doubt you'd be coming here to admire the food...”

“Well, considering it's a CAFE, people usually come here for that reason!”

“Yes, but not you!”

“And how would you know that?!”

“I must admit, it's not that hard.” The smile that crept up on Leeteuk's face was anything but reassuring. “...Aren't you curious as to where he is?”

“No! Because it isn't any of my concern!”

“Not this again! You've been talking to him a lot recently, friends can be curious as well!”

“Fine, where is he then?” In reality, Kyuhyun was extremely curious. In all the time that he's been coming here, not once has Sungmin not turned up before.

“Well, I heard he had a date.”

Kyuhyun froze. Date? That wasn't possible, he was supposed to be the one taking Sungmin out on dates! He gulped before making sure he didn't let any of his emotions slip out.

“Well, I hope it all goes well for him. Now can I just get my coffee?” He couldn't help sounding angry when he said it.

Another smirk was on Leeteuk's face. Obviously his plan seemed to be working!

“Of course!”

Kyuhyun seemed to finish up considerable faster today than usual and left for work.

Little did he know, Sungmin was simply running late today.


For the rest of the day Kyuhyun was in a bit of a mood. He couldn't focus on his work properly, all he could think about was Sungmin.

A few of his co-workers noticed his distressed state and decided it would be best if he went home and rested for a while. Kyuhyun agreed.

As he was walking home he thought he might as well stop off to pick up some groceries from the supermarket. He had nothing better to do.

He was browsing through the fruit isles when a familiar figure appeared in the corner of his eye. Directly across from him, with his back to Kyuhyun, was none other than Sungmin.

Kyuhyun panicked slightly. He wasn't necessarily prepared to see Sungmin, especially when he was still slightly annoyed with what happened earlier.

He ducked down slightly and attempted to shuffle off, occasionally glancing over the top of the aisles and shelves to keep an eye on Sungmin. But luck didn't appear to be on his side, for as soon as he looked up, Sungmin decided to turn around and look straight at him. A huge smile formed on Sungmin's face as he waved frantically.


Kyuhyun cursed under his breath. He couldn't just ignore Sungmin. So, moving at a fairly slow pace, he walked towards him and flashed a slight smile.

“Sorry I couldn't be there to see you this morning at the cafe, I was-”

“A date, I know.” Kyuhyun finished for him, sounding quite irritated.

Sungmin looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Leeteuk told me this morning.”

“But I didn't go on a date?”

“Look, you don't have to hide it or anything.”

“How can I hide something that isn't true in the first place...?”

“I don't know, I just...Doesn't matter! You can do whatever you want!” Kyuhyun's voice was starting to get louder.

Sungmin frowned. “Why are you so bothered by it anyway?”

“I am not!”

“You clearly are! Or else you wouldn't be kicking up so much of a fuss about it!”

“All I'm saying is that you're allowed to go out on dates. What's so wrong about that?!”

“I never said anything was wrong, it's just you seem to be quite affected by it!”

“But I don't care about your love life!”

“Kyuhyun, for the last time, I did not go on a date! I've never even been on one before...”

Kyuhyun sighed, defeated. “Then why would Leeteuk say that?”

“I don't know, I'll ask him tomorrow.” Truthfully, Sungmin knew why.

“Alright...Sungmin, I'm uh...Sorry about this...” Kyuhyun rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a guilty sort of smile on his face.

Sungmin smiled back brightly. “Don't worry! Anyway, I'll have to be going now. Have a good night!”

Just as Sungmin was turning around to walk away, Kyuhyun reacted without thinking and grabbed a hold of his wrist.

“Are you free tomorrow afternoon?” He said, struggling to keep his voice even.

Sungmin nodded his head enthusiastically. “I should be!”

“Well...Would you like to go somewhere to eat?”

“Could this be considered a...Date?”

Kyuhyun's face went bright red as he struggled to form actually words.

“No!..I-it's just a meeting sort of thing...Although it could be a date if you wanted! But it doesn't have to be! I just-”

“It's fine, Kyuhyun! I was joking!” Sungmin laughed.

Kyuhyun pouted, his cheeks still holding a pinkish hue. “Okay then...So, I'll see you tomorrow?”

Sungmin nodded, the faintest, yet most breathtaking smile gracing his features. “See you tomorrow, Kyuhyun...”


“I'm going out with him tomorrow!” Sungmin's overly-excited voice was the first thing that Leeteuk heard as he answered his phone.

Leeteuk smirked. “This 'him' you're talking about...I'm guessing you mean Kyuhyun?”

“Who else would I be talking about?”

“I know...So, fill me in on the details!”

Sungmin and Leeteuk very much resembled gossiping teenagers at this point in time. Sungmin told Leeteuk every little detail of how things were going with Kyuhyun, and Leeteuk would soak up everything he'd say. He was always ready to give advice.

“Okay, this is your chance. You need to make him fall absolutely head-over-heels in love with you!”

“...And how can I possibly do that?!”

“Just be yourself. Trust me. You won't have to do anything.” Because Leeteuk was convinced that Kyuhyun was already a good part of the way there already...


I WAS going to make this longer, but I felt that this was a good place to stop. That way I can do the whole 'date' thing in one chapter! :) And it'll hopefully be full of fluff!
I just hope I'm not moving too fast or too slow with the story :(

Anyway, I need your help! I'm (maybe) going to introduce Kyuhyun's ex into the story soon to spice things up a bit. and I'm absolutely torn as to who I can have as the ex. So I was wondering if any of my lovely readers have any suggestions? It could be a fellow member of Super Junior, or maybe someone from another group. It could even be a girl if you want! Or I could just come up with an OC. So yeah, you can comment on that if you want with anyone of your choice, :)

So yeah, thanks for reading and all the absolutely amazing comments (seriously, I couldn't help but grin to myself like an idiot reading some of them :P), and I'll try and get it updated soon!


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I love you.
Poor Kyuhyun... He has such a mean boss =3=
This story is so good X3 Can't wait for the next chapter :D
a new reader here!!!<br />
this is rreally goood!!!<br />
update soooooon please!!!
minuet #4
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Hold up.<br />
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If Kyu gets fired, I guess that leaves him with no choice but to work at the cafe with Sungmin MUAHHAHAHAH Sungmin's so cute, all excited and stuff. Even Leeteuk, I lol-ed at the part where it said that Leetuek watched the whole thing like a TV drama.<br />
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THAT LAST SENTENCE. Stop messing around? WHAT ON EARTH DOES THAT MEAN. Kyu can't stop being cute with Sungmin T_T That would be so cruel D:<br />
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I was so sad D: I thought you gave up on the story so I was like NOOOO T_T I was like "EEEE" when I saw it was updated! So update soon <3 Happy new year!
Awww :3 the end of the date was sooo cute ♥ <br />
Can't wait for the next chapter :)
kyaaa! i wish i could see the whole chapter in real.. thank you for updating ♥ <br />
i think i would panic just like them when i would go on a 'date' :D i would like to say more but k-ross already mentioned it xD