He's Not Gay!?

Once Upon a Kai

He MUST like me back, maybe I did turn things around. My confidence is as high as ever as I continue "So; how about that da-" 


That's when some GIRL walks out of the store and hugs her arms around shorty’s. "Soo Oppa! Are you okay?!" She whines.


"Soo OPPA?!" I blare flabbergasted.


Shorty Soo raises an eyebrow, and that girl looks at me weirdly.


"What the ?!" I squawk.


"What?!" Soo blurts out.


The girl then pulls Shorty in close and starts to whisper, but Soo's eyes stay focused on me.


I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do! I was hitting on a guy, who's not gay!? Is that his girlfriend?! Or is she actually his sister?! No, but do sisters and brothers touch like that?! I mean, they can...can't they?! But, if he isn't gay why'd he blu-


I get interrupted from my thoughts. It was Shi Won.


"You okay man?" Shi Won began. "Why the hell are you talking to-" 


"It's all you ing fault" I complain, as I grab his wrist and drag him with me. 


That's when I noticed I was walking out on Soo. I stop walking "I need to maintain my cool" I barely whisper.


"Hey Soo" I look back to Shorty, but he still has that on his arm. 


I turn back around so I don't have to see that painful and embarrassing sight "We'll work out your essay thingy later, okay?" I scream back. I wave a hand in the air, and then continue to drag Shi Won with me.


“What the hell was that?” Shi Won utters.


“It’s all your ing fault!! If it weren’t for you, I would’ve never seen him, and if it weren’t for you, I would have never made a fool of myself!” I protest.


“Come on, I doubt you seemed that stupid out there, what happened?!” Shi Wonnie demands.


I begin “Well…”


He’s hotter than I thought, and he was so close to me; how could I stop him?! Ughh. But I can’t, not with him, not with anybody~


And then he said "So; how about that da-" 


But then Myung Sook storms out the door and grabs my arm and starts talking…


Ughhh, maybe it was for the better… It’s not like I can ever~~ with him~~ and it just wouldn’t work.


“Oppa?! Soo Oppa?!” Myung Sook calls.


“What!?” I say.


“Don’t stress out, I know you’re worrying about the essay and all, but I can help you” Myung Sook reminds me!


“Oh noo~~ The essay!! It’s due soon. The one time I decided to get things done early this happens” My mind is now flooded with thoughts~ He better get the essay back for me somehow.




I was walking to school as I feel vibrations in my left pants pocket. My phone was ringing, and it was Myung Sook-ah.


“What do you want?!” I grumble,


“Daddy wants to have dinner together tonight.”


“Didn’t I just see him yesterday?!”


“Come on, please!? You’re free right?”


I don’t respond,


“You didn’t say no! Thanks! Be here by 6” She hangs up.


I sigh.


After putting my phone back into my pocket, I see that bastard from yesterday! He didn’t seem to notice me, but he was acting weird…


“What the freaking hell was that yesterday?! I acted dumb, then I make up for it, then he isn’t gay?! Like, can he not be so misleading!? He was practically asking for it! Like what punk comes up to me like that, and expects me not to hit on him!? He must have been messing with me! He purposely did it, didn’t he! So I can look even stupider than I am; that bitc-“


“Who?” I hear from behind me


I turn around to see Shorty’s big eyes staring at me.


“None of your business,” I respond. “What do you want?”


“My essay…!” He stated


“…” I turn away, running my hand through my hair.


“What?” Soo questions, leaning over to see my face


I turn back around, “Fine, Soo-


“I’m not Soo, I’m Kyung Soo” Shorty complained,


“Sorry shorty” I teased


Kyungsoo jerked his head. “Okay, so the essay. When and where?”


“Whenever, wherever” I respond with a y smirk


Kyungsoo looked at me unsatisfyingly. “Here, give me your phone,” He claimed


I handed it over without thought.


As Kyungsoo began to fiddle with our phones between his fingers, I began to realize how small and cute his hands were. It made me want to hold them. Wait; why am feeling this way!? I never feel this way about anyone for more than a day, especially when nothing happened between us yet, and-


“What are you staring at?” Kyungsoo questioned.


“What do you mean shorty?” I said back,


“What do you mean, ‘what do you mean?’ ? He asks back.


“What?!” I say, honestly confused.


“You keep on looking at me. You’re going to dig a hole through my face.”


“Pshh, like I’d stare at you!” I dispute, trying to remain firm


“Why wouldn’t you? It’s not like it’s your first time staring. Remember? Asking me ou-“


“Shut up and do what you’re doing” I hiss.


While Kyungsoo continued to fidget with the phones, I notice my face getting hot. I must be blushing. That’s when I noticed I was staring at him again. I look away quickly.


Kyungsoo would glance up from time to time, (not that I would know)


He hands the phone back to me. “Okay, done!” 


“What did you do?”


“We just exchanged numbers, call me when you’re done rewriting my essay” He says as he shoves the use-to-be soaked essay against my chest.


“Woah, what?! What if I mess up?! And I said I’d help, not do it” I complain


“Mmmm…Fine let’s go!” Kyungsoo suggests.


“Where?” I ask, unable to digest the situation,


“Wherever” he says sticking his tongue out. “Hahaha”


He picks at my wrist, and pulls me with him.


I felt a rush go through my body as he touched me. It was weird. I’ve never felt this feeling before. No one has ever had the kind of effect on me. I couldn’t help but stare. But the problem is, is he gay?! I still can’t understand him from yesterday.


Before I know it, we’ve arrived at a house!


“Where are we?” I inquire


“Where else? My house.” He says, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.


I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. He seems to have that effect on me…


Soo reaches touches my lower back, and pushes with his 2 hands “What are you waiting for?!”


I follow his push. It leads me to his bedroom door.


I gulped. My heart started racing fast. I'm about to go in a bedroom, with a cute guy, and he’s not gay!? This is like a nightmare. How am I going to control myself?!


“Hurry Up! What are you waiting for?! The door isn’t going to open itself.” Shorty nudges my back.


I open the door. His walls were a nice shade of blue, and it was very spacious.


His single bed was in the left corner, with a bedside table next to it; while his desk was opposite of the bed. His closet was to my right.


“Go in!” Soo demands.


“Okay, okay! I’m in…” I say putting my hands up as if I surrendered.


Kyungsoo shuts the door behind him and smirks.


My face becomes confused, but with a small smirk from the amusement.


He puts his right hand on my right shoulder, then his left hand was resting slightly beneath my left collar bone.


I didn’t know what to think?! Am I dreaming?! He is gay! Isn’t he?!


Kyungsoo gives a more evident smirk, and then pushes me.


I land first on the bed. I was leaning back, resting on my elbows as I watch Kyungsoo make his way across the room, avoiding eye contact. My eyes are wide open, watching every step Soo takes, and then he stops at his desk. He then grabs a notebook and pencil and whips them at me.


“Here, hurry up. We need to get this done.” Soo conveys.


I knew it was too good to be true… I look down in  grief and sigh.


“Oh! And don’t forget this” He tosses an eraser, that bumps off my head.


Kyungsoo begins to chuckle as he sees me look up at him.


“I said help!! Come here,” I rub a spot next to me, and fold my legs on to the bed, guiding him with my eye movement.



It was fun playing with him, but does he really have to play with me. I can’t believe he can’t take a hint. No wait! Snap out of it Kyungsoo. This can never happen. Whether I want it to happen or not. Okay, do NOT let him get to you…


I look back up at him to see him using sharp eye movements, hinting me to come sit next to him.


I (fake) sigh, and place myself to his left. That’s when I realized, I don’t know his name.


He looked at me with a smirk, and was about to write something, but I didn’t give him the chance.


I held his writing hand with my left hand and said “Wait,” he looks at me with concern.


“Umm, I just noticed I don’t know your name,” I say, awkwardly.


“Oh, cool.” He replies, with a slight chuckle.


“Um, aren’t you going to tell me?” I ask


“You didn’t ask.” He said, thinking he’s so smart.


“Fine. What’s your name?” I finally ask.


“Jong In; Kim Jong In. But you can call me Kai.” He says with a y deep voice.


“What the hell?! How do you go from Kim Jong In, to Kai?!” I ask


He chuckles, “Kai means open, and I open people’s hearts”


I feel a rush go through me as he stares into my eyes. I feel my ears start to warm up, like yesterday. My ears turned red


“Awww” He says.


“What?!” I say, not thinking straight.


“Ahem” He coughs, using his deep voice once again. “It’s nothing. It’s just that…” He points towards the side of my face “Your ears are red again” This time Kai starts blushing


“I doubt they’re as red as your cheeks!” I reason, starting to giggle.


Kai gasps, and his jaw drops.


Within seconds his mouth then draws a smirk.


“It’s just because your face still needs time to settle in? Your face red yet, let me check.” He teases, as he grabs my face in the palm of his hands; and rests his thumbs gently upon my cheekbones.


My face was turning red. I opened my eyes wide, and I couldn’t hold back my smile. My cheekbones kept on rising. His touch felt so right, and I didn’t know what to say or do.


“Oh yeah?!” I chuckle. “Want to bet who can blush the most?!” I call.


I push him against my bed, and hop over him. His waist is now between my knees, as I sit up on my knees; looking down at him. My hands are planted on the bed on either sides of his face as my chest and face get closer to his.


“Look who’s blushing now,” I tease.


But then my bedroom door bursts open,


“Oppa! I called so many times, why didn’t you pick up?! We need to be at my house in 15 minu-“ Myung Sook looks up, to see my body cuddling over Kai’s.


“OPPA?!” She cries.


I jump off the bed, and walk over to Myung Sook’s side.


“Oh yeah! Oppa…” Kai whines, displeased; as he continues to look at me.


“Myung Sook, I can-“ I attempt, but I get cut off. However, not by Myung Sook, but by that bastard.


“Wait, who is she to you?! I just don’t~~” Kai questions, confused.


Myung Sook begins to wail “Who am I?!” I’M HIS-“


I push my lips onto Myung Sooks, not knowing any other way to stop her. I feel my cold lips, against her soft glossed lips. My eyes are wide open, but to my surprise, hers are closed. That’s when I realized; she was doing the kissing~

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Chapter 2: Whhhaatttt???kaisooooooo♥
:( why'd you allow her to kiss you kyunggie??
Chapter 1: I like it :)
Chapter 1: Great job chingu!♥ Kai is as smooth as usual and Kyungie is still the violent spawn of Satan LMFAO. he's so tetchy LOL.