How It Began

Once Upon a Kai

"Ughhh, you better let go as soon as we leave" I hiss at Myung Sook under my breathe.


I feel her loosen grip of my arm. She falls silent from her giggling.


"Aigoo, such a handsome gentleman" I force a quick smile and make eye contact.


"Oh, thank you. You're too nice, F-Father." After so many years, I still find it difficult to call him Father, but I push the words out of my mouth as I bow ever so slightly.

His arm make its way around my shoulders. His right hand rests upon my collar bone.


"Take care of our Myung Sook-ie, okay?" He whispers into my ear.


"Daddy~" Myung Sook whines.


As "Father" kisses Myung Sook good bye, I look up to see Kang In.


His arms crossed. Before we made eye contact, I noticed he was biting his lower lip with a strong glare in his eyes, but it's not much diferent from his usual self.


By the time our eyes met, he managed to pull a natural smile; I thought my eyes were mistaken. 


Myung Sook grips my forearm again. I realized it was time to go to school.


Kang In lead the way out, steps ahead of us.


Myung Sook then stops walking after passing her house. "Oppa you can go first." She ends with a smile.


"Mm...fine; take care of her," He says hesitantly with his husky voice.


Myung Sook lets go of my arm and digs her fingertips into my shoulder instead. 


"Ahhh~~, ahh!" I yelp.


"Shhh," She responds quickly.


Before I know it, she's balancing on one leg, pushing her head out to the side, keeping her eyes on Kang In to confirm that he's turned the corner.


"He's gone! He's gone!" I assure her while fddling with her fingers to help lossen her grip.


She then takes a step back.


She lightly kicks the back of her foot as she pulls her left hand behind her head. "Sorry..."


I just glare at her, resting my hand on the shoulder he had gripped.


"Look Kyungsoo, I know that your not so thrilled (???) with me, but your going to have to deal with it!"


"I know," I respond apathetically.


Her arms fly up. "Well if you know that, then stop taking your anger, or fustration, or whatever out on me!" She pauses to calm her self down. "Okay oppa?" she adds, placing her hand gently on the same shoulder she gripped earlier.


I do a weird shrug to flick her hand off my shoulder. "Okay; but first, don't call me that, and second don't you dare touch that shoulder again,"


"Heheh, deal!!" She giggles.



"!!! What the hell! Why isn't my alarm working!??! Aghhh~~" I scream, although no one can hear me.


I jump out of bed. Wash my face, brush my teeth, and continue my usual late morning routines.


 I take one last glance at my reflection. My thumb swips my bottom lip. "Oh Jong In~ Still looking hot as usual" I say to myself as I rub my side burns and start running out the door.


"I'm half way there. Another half to go. That's just 2 quarters; added together," I continue to pant under my breath.


Then I soon stop and throw my arms into the air as I squat down. "I'm already late, what's the point of running?!" I fall onto my .


Some ahjummas (old ladies) walk past me with a weird look. That's when I realized I sad that outloud... "..."


I re-adjust my school uniform, put my bag on properly, and tuck in my shoe laces. I continue to walk.


I slide the back door open quietly and sprint to my seat without looking up, but before I can even touch my desk-


"Kim Jong In, may I have a word with you in the hallway!?" Mr.Oh states as he tries to remain calm.


He uses his head movements strongly to tell me to hurry up.


As soon as I enter the hallway I don't give Mr.Oh a chance to speak and explain my side of the story.


"Mr.Oh! You know I wasn't trying to skip! If I was then I would have never showed up!! Isn't that better then nothing?!" I spout out.


"SHHH!" Mr.Oh stops me.


"Kim Jong In, must I warn you again!? This is unacceptable behaviour! You have been late 20 times, within a span of 5 weeks!!" Mr. Oh makes pauses and make some ugly face (I think he was trying to be serious) and he continues. "What is the reason this time?!"


"My alarm didn't go off!! I swear!!" I appeal.


"Let me see!" He demands.


I hand him my phone with a cute face that I practiced on my way here, thinking it would come in handy. I put my feet together, bent my knees a little, opened my eyes nice and wide, and made a puppy face.


Mr.Oh jerks the phone out of my hands, avoiding eye contact, and starts pressing random things. Throughout this awkward process my knees got uncomfortable, so I began to stand again.


Suddenly Mr.Oh's expression went dull. "YOUR SOUND WAS OFF YOU FREAKING IDIOT!!"


The bell then rang for lunch.


I held back laughter, did a full 90 degree bow and said "I'm sorry!" with a army like feel. I jolt my phone back into my hands and ran!!


I saw Mr.Oh looking for me, and I heard a slight echo of my name, but it was clear that Mr.Oh couldn't see me through the sea of students, so I continued on my merry way.


"Hya!" I scream as I chase after my friend.


"Wait, it's hot can we get in the shade and talk!?" Shi Won replied.


"Fine~" I grab the back of his lower neck gently as we run towards a tree.


"Okay, this isn't helpful," He says with a sluggish face.


"Oh! Let's go in there Won-ah" I say as I headlock him and drag him along with me.


"Come on Soo Oppa!! You should be used to it by now!" Myung Sook whines as she continues to tug on my arm.


"Fine!" I agree. "But let go, and I told you to stop calling me that,"


Myung Sook jumps back and sticks her tongue out at me. "Let's go!!"


I follow Myung Sook as she leads me into an Ice Cream store.


"What are you going to have, Soo Oppa?" She says, eyes focusing on the variety of ice cream options.


"Nothing, I need to go check over my essay, and I don't want that wet sticky stuff near it," I walk over to the seats next to the window.


Luckily Myung Sook wasn't annoying me, and just sat there staring at me. It was creepy and all, but not annoying.


I was just about to start reading the conclusion, and then I noticed some ice cream on my uniform. I decided to hold back the urge of yelling at Myung Sook, because the ice cream matched the stain on my uniform. So I just stood up, gave Myung Sook a glare, and went to the washroom.


She tried to follow me, as she questioned my mad face, but she was trapped at a dead end once I entered the washroom.


Once I returned from the washroom, and Myung Sook followed me to my seat, the table was covered with a broken cone, and melting ice cream. The worst part was, THE ICE CREAM WAS ON MY ESSAY!!


Myung Sook gasped. "Omo" Her jaw dropped, and she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.


"Shoulder!" I said, with a husky voice.


"Oh yeah, sorry~" She responded.


I decided to follow the drips of ice cream, which lead to the entrance of the store. 


There I found a tall, black haired, slick and (I have to admit attractive) guy. He seemed familiar, but he definitely wasn't someone I knew. That's when I noticed, he was that troublemaker! He's practically known for it! That jerk, he's going to pay.


He continued to try and flick the ice cream off his hands, as he ignored my exsistense. 


"EWWWWWW" I can't believe that piece of got ice cream on me. Like, what the hell Shi Won?! I know you wanted revenge but that wasn't the way. 


I made my way to the front of the store so I wouldn't get yelled at, or caught for Shi Wons anger tantram. I continued to flick the ice cream off my hands, although it didn't seem to be working. 


Suddenly a short, big eyed dude come out of the store, and he just stood there. in front of me. I decided to ignore him since he didn't seem to say anything.


"Ahem" the shorty said, obviously trying to get my attention.


I look up (or should I say down) at him. That's when I noticed he was actually really cute. The way his big eyes just went perfectly with his cute face, and the even cuter way he tried to get my attention. I mean, he's so my type, but he seemed to have other things on his mind.


He brought a soaked paper a little too close to my face and asks "Is this your doing?!"


I tried to hold my laughter back, he was too cute I couldn't resist. But first I need to deal with this issue, so I don't ruin my chances "Umm, you see; I know it seems like I did it, but I swear I didn't! Like I get the ice cream, and then me, and then it's wet,'s not me..." -regret- All I could think after I said that is how stupid I probably sounded!


His eyes opened even wider (which I didn't think was possible, but damn wasn't it adorable).


"Yeah, that huge trail of ice cream that leads from my table to you, SOO isn't obvious!" He said with an utmost of sarcasm. It seemed like he already had something, against me...


"You're going to pay for my essay! You need to explain this to Ms.Lee" He demanded.


"Fine, if you pay me back for my ice cream," I started~


His eyes opened wide again, "What the hell are you talking about?! You're the one that owes me"


"And you owe me back, for my owing" I say, trying to make my voice sound husky as I plant my hand against the wall. "How about you take me out for another ice cream cone later, huh shorty?"


He raises an eyebrow, and his jaw drops. "Is that how you speak to your hyung (elder)?!"


I started laughing. "Haha, nice try. You think I'd believe that your my hyung?! Anyways you're cute, so how about we go out for some ice cream later, and after I can help you with that essay of yours" I wink.


He began to blush; even his ears turned red. It was like a baby, but he still had the courage to argue back. "Do you usually ask strangers out?!" he questions.


"Only if they're cute I say" As I take a step closer to him


He begins to pet his ears. He must have acknowledged that he was turning red. "Umm..." He stutters


He MUST like me back, maybe I did turn things around. My confidence is as high as ever as I continue "So; how about that da-" 


That's when some GIRL walks out of the store and hugs her arms around shorty's. "Soo Oppa! Are you okay?!" She whines.


"Soo OPPA?!" I blare flabbergasted.

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Chapter 2: Whhhaatttt???kaisooooooo♥
:( why'd you allow her to kiss you kyunggie??
Chapter 1: I like it :)
Chapter 1: Great job chingu!♥ Kai is as smooth as usual and Kyungie is still the violent spawn of Satan LMFAO. he's so tetchy LOL.