The Beginning has JUST Begun

Living with the Vampire Gangsters ~Teen Top~ [ON HIATUS FOR A FEW DAYS]


It was a normal school day; Tuesday. All three of the girls woke up from their sleep, to find the entire house empty…

*Aish…did that stupid C.A.P boy leave already?* Hana yawned, her instincts immediately following the delicious scent of a big breakfast made of eggs, ham and a cream covered waffle…

*So…sweet* Somi’s stomach growled, the sweet perfume of L.Joe’s clinging onto her nightshirt.

*Ahh…did someone cook breakfast??*  Mi Sun sleepily thought, dragging her feet  towards the kitchen. The thought of Chunji’s reaction was replayed in her mind and she giggled, all traces of sleep gone, just thoughts replaying his expression.

“Yah…what are you giggling about, missy?” Hana asked, pulling a plate of ham and eggs towards herself and two pieces of waffle. She started to dig in heartily, starting with the waffle.

“I’ll tell you later” Mi Sun chuckled; making a mental note to tell everyone that Chunji was scared of spiders.

Somi quietly, for the first time, ate dinner in silence. Her fingers automatically ran up and down her neck, every now and then brushing surfaces with the smallest wound imaginable. She only ate her eggs and half a slice of ham before scraping her chair back and putting her plate next to the sink to wander back upstairs again.

L.Joe was gone. Completely gone. Not in the house. There were exactly three umbrellas and three jackets at the front entrance of the house. In each bathroom there were three towels and three toothbrushes. In each room was a double bed or sofa.

Somi didn’t remember anything about Mi Sun and Hana coming here, but the captors must have brought them early in the morning.

She passed by a mirror and to her surprise, looked pretty much normal. Her hair was black and straight, hanging over her shoulders, her face the usual pale and lip pressed into a white line.

Upstairs, back where she originally slept, she found a bulging bag, full of her own clothes and items from their old house which now resembled piles of ashes.                       

Hana was busy downstairs, eying the digital clock above the oven. It read that it was 6:00 AM. Maybe take a day off school?? After all, they were in some place they didn’t know, it made sense not to show up. Hopefully someone would notice they were missing overnight. She sighed and flicked the tap off. No, it wasn’t possible. And C.A.P….his mesmerizing bite made her shiver. It could’ve been a good excuse to…being bitten…by such a…*a rude person* Hana concluded, putting the gloves she was using away.

*rude, rude, rude. And he kidnapped my poor Somi*

Mi Sun went to explore the outside. There wasn’t much to it. Just a neat little garden hedge with roses that smelt like chocolate and a car waiting outside…*Oh…so the tard still hasn’t left…wait* she squinted at the unfamiliar face. *that’s not Chunji…*

“YAH! GUYS! SOMEONE’S WAITING OUTSIDE WITH A CAR!!” she yelled, running back inside.

Hana and Somi were already dressed in their uniforms ready to go. Mi Sun quickly grabbed her bag and together, they all ran out to the car before it left.

“Excuse me! Excuse me sir!!” Somi pounded on the glass. It rolled down slowly, and a young boy, probably around the age of sixteen took one glance at them and smiled. He had light bronze hair that framed his face and a pretty smile that could only belong to a…a…

*Uzzlang…that’s right* Somi realized. “Can we please get a ride to XXX High?”

He took off his sunglasses to blink back at Somi with his big dark eyes. “XXX High? I go there!” he cheerfully confirmed, unlocking the back doors. *Hmm…didn’t they tell me to bring them to Alice Academy…? Oh well…shucks for them…* “But we’re going to have to make a stop somewhere first” *good enough excuse for me*

All three of them nodded and climbed into the back seat. He twisted the key and the car hummed to life and backed out of the driveway.

“By the way, my name is Lee Chi Hoon” he adjusted the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of the girls at the back. One was dully staring out the window, one furiously tapping into her phone and one who was glancing back curiously. “But you can call me Chi” he added.

“Hello…Chi” Somi pronounced it out slowly, as if trying to learn it by heart then giggled. “That’s a cute name!”

“Thank you…what’s yours??” he asked pleasantly pleased that at least one of them was trying to socialize with him.

“My name is Kim Somi” Somi introduced herself happily.

Chi arched his eyebrow. *Hmm…Kim…hah…L.Joe won’t be happy…none of them will*

“How about your friends?” *might as well ask, since they’re not talking to me*

“Huh? The one with the phone is Lee Hana and the one next to me here enjoying the bright view is Lee Mi Sun, they’re twins!!”

*Hah…what view…?*

“Hey…this isn’t where XXX High is,” Mi Sun dully stated, snatching one glance at the guy driving.

“Different route” Chi tried his best not to laugh. *I can’t believe they didn’t tell them*

They were greeted by black iron gates, with a speaker box next to it.

“Hoon…come on in…you got them?” a voice buzzed through the speaker.

“Yeah…three, right?? I got them,” Chi answered, slipping his sunglasses back on.

“Alright…open the gates”

As the gates slid in lightening speed apart, all three girls studied the board outside the gates and the enormous looking palace like school.

The sign board read in gold letters:


And under than neatly in italics:

~For the gifted and unidentified~

“This is definitely not XXX High” Hana agreed, eyebrows creeping together in worry.

“Where are we then??” Somi asked worriedly, Chi’s stare holding her down.

They drove down the winding driveways, pathways and past the beautiful cherry blossoms beginning to bloom already. It was like a park and a mansion mixed together…Alice Academy…

“Hey…can I ask you something…do you have a relative called Kim Jonghyun…Somi?” Chi asked, trying to distract them for a moment.

Hana and Mi Sun tensed slightly, but Somi just went on smiling…

*How can that girl smile…at the thought of him?*

“My brother…is an amazing person” she began dreamily…

[Flash Back]

“Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!” the small little girl with her fluffy sweet scented brown hair ran eagerly down to meet the straight amused boy with the same coloured hair, same pale skin and dark chocolate eyes.

“Somi-ah!” his straight lined mouth curved up into a smile no one but his precious ‘princess’ ever saw. Almost immediately, his arms shot out to snake around her waist and hoist her up onto his broad shoulders.

“Oppa, how was school today?” she giggled, her tiny hands wrapping around his neck, her beautiful scent almost making him want to bite that instant. He resisted the temptation calmly and with the lie, his loving emotions rolled down to the girls ears.

“I did well…Somi-ah…” he softly whispered, carrying her into the house to lightly drop her on the sofa. His eyes scanned her entire body until he found the source of the temptation. “How did you get this cut?” his fingers gently brushed against the wound. She hardly flinched.

“Oh! Hana-ah got her teddy bear stuck in the tree because some…pabo boys knocked it up there! I went up, but fell a little on the way down” she cheerfully informed him.

“And no one came to help? No teacher?” his eyebrows steadied themselves.

“Nope! It’s not too deep” she nuzzled her face into his chest, just hovering above her. His wonderful perfume engulfed her nose.

“Somi-ah…what did oppa tell you? Small things like that can get an infection…and worry oppa…” his brown eyes than flashed a ruby red. “And oppa worries a lot…because oppa might get out of control” he whispered, a hand running through her hair, his eyes dangerously glowing. Just one bite…. but then…no…one small one wouldn’t matter…no one would know…the risks…though…they were hard…

“Oppa, it’s nothing,” she giggled once more, bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Ah…ne! Oppa will bandage that for you!” the boy shook his head in confusion and hurried into the kitchen pantry to seek out the medical kit.

“Just for a few seconds…” he muttered, holding his breath as he re-entered the room.

“There…we go” he weakly smiled as his hand automatically patted her covered up knee.

She just smiled happily, making his heart break even more, knowing he might never see it again…her smile…

January  4th

“UWAH!!! Today I turn eight” Somi giggled to herself. Giggling always made her feel the happiest. And especially on her birthday… *SQUEE* she threw the covers off her bed and quickly ran to her parents room, only to find to her dismay that it was empty.

“Wha…appa…?” she asked in confusion, walking slowly to the bed. “Eomma…??” no answer.

“Appa and Eomma are out” a sharp voice pierced her ears. Jonghyun stood there, glaring at the empty bed, his eyes a sharp red that Somi had never seen before. Blackness clouded over his face as his lips were pulled down into a terrible scowl.

“Hweh…OPPA!! It’s my birthday today! Today: I TURN EIGHT!!!” she beamed, holding up eight fingers.

His expression softened and he nodded.

“I got you a present” he gently whispered into her ear. She felt a little worried. Now adays, he wouldn’t speak loud enough, just whisper all the time. All the same, she cocked her head to the side in wonder.

Soft fur pressed against her skin and she suddenly felt the difference between the teddy bear’s temperature and her own brother’s. The teddy bear’s warmth was incredible, compared to her icy skinned brother.

“Thank you oppa” she hugged it lightly to her chest and peered over the top of it’s head to look at him. “Are you cold?” she freed one hand from the bear and pressed a warm tiny hand into his arm.

A gasp escaped her lips as the cold current ran up her bones.

“Ah…oppa is cold now…you shouldn’t touch oppa” he said this with a smile and a shrug to make her drop her hand, but he was stiff.


[Flash Back End]


“He sounds like a good brother” Chi commented, his eyes still on the girls while maneuvering the car around the right paths.


“Oh…yeah…good brother” Hana and Mi Sun rolled their eyes, grudge and disapproval rolling off their tongue.


“Well…he kind of…ran away from home” Somi rubbed the nape of her neck sheepishly.


“Like I said. Nice brother” Hana remarked. Mi Sun nodded in sarcastic approval. In the rearview mirror, Chi saw how uncomfortable Somi was.


“You don’t have to tell me about that…”


Deep inside though, his chest was burning with curiosity. His one sentence earned a heavy, but relieved sigh from the girls, yet it didn’t stop them from remembering.


[Flash Back]


It was afternoon in the park, the sun’s warm glow was subsiding and the three playful girls with their oppas were busy on the playground.  Hana, a cute and charming girl, who cared for her two best friends with all her heart. Mi Sun, a quiet but kind girl who enjoyed spending time with her two best friends. Somi, an adorable, lively girl…with a monster for a brother.

They could all hear the conversation clearly. Though the boys made only hints and not an understandable conversation, the girls hardly understood a thing…but knew that there was something wrong…with the tension in the air.

“ByungHun…are you saying you’re going against your ally?” Jonghyun questioned coldly at the younger.

“It is not a game. This is not war. There is no ally or enemy” the younger replied calmly.

“Well then you’re wrong!” Jonghyun exclaimed.

“I am not! This is no war! It is a school!” ByungHun protested.

“A school full of-of” the elder struggled.

“Monsters? Hated people? Worthless?” the younger interrupted.

“You shut up! STAY AWAY FROM THEM” Jonghyun growled.


“I have a special person to protect! I can’t let them down like that!” Jonghyun yelled.

“If that’s what you call responsibility, I’m not letting you go alone! I have a special someone to protect too!” ByunHun sounded close to tears.


“ I DO!” ByungHun thundered back.

“NO! YOU DON’T! STOP SAYING YOU DO!” tears were streaming down his cheeks then, eyes glowing madly.


Jonghyun froze.

“I will never. NEVER be like them,” he growled, his fists trembling with rage. His eyes glowered dangerously again and again, like coals in the fire.  “SO DON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT!” were the last words he shouted, before throwing a quick punch in the ribs and then running off to a path he didn’t usually go down.

Ever since that argument…no one…no one saw him…until that night that he confessed he was going somewhere…but then…the only times anyone did see him was when he was bloody…covered in bruises…and other boys sent to the hospital…the details were just too harsh to think about…at the moment…

[Flash Back End]

“Ah…well…here we are” Chi coughed, halting the engine. It died down and he jumped from his seat and onto the pavement, closed his door and opened the girls’. Somi climbed out curiously, Hana cautiously and Mi Sun casually. To somewhere…

Hana’s POV

So then we entered the empty office. It smelt like office. It looked like office. It pretty much was a normal office. But it was empty.

“Oh…it’s empty today…” Chi murmured, leading us back out and down a few different paths.

“Is it usually empty?” I asked, peering over his shoulder.

“Sometimes…most of the time it is” he shrugged, and then something caught his eye. He automatically waved at the group passing by.

“HEY! TEEN TOP! Weren’t these the girls you were keeping with you?” he called out. I watched C.A.P tense up at the sight of me and then loosen again to look away nonchalantly.

“Yeah…aren’t much of use though…bring them over,” he ordered in a monotone voice.

*THE NERVE OF THAT BASTARD* I clenched my teeth together. He couldn’t possibly have been the one to cook that breakfast…

“We’re going to bring you around the school…then fit you in for your new uniform…then have lunch…then go through your classes…of course you’ll be living with us…and that’s practi-

“Wait” I interrupted L.Joe whose eyes that were previously on Somi. They slid to my face.

“What is it?”

I struggled to find a question. There were so many questions, but I just couldn’t seem to put them into my own sentence…

“None of us understand the reason why we’re here. And you just come out nowhere and-

“Well. You got kicked out of your own house right? And the loan sharks burnt it down. We just brought you in for fun…and besides…the principal suspects you have some sort of ‘great’ power or whatever…. I’d say that’s a pretty good enough reason” C.A.P smirked at my silence.

“Well, we’re not living with you people. We don’t even know half of who you are. I don’t give a about what this so called principal thinks, we’re out of here” I grabbed both Somi and Mi Sun’s hand to stalk back out of the entire school land.

“So. Where will you go? You don’t even have a home to go back to” a new voice challenged me.

We stopped in our tracks, my hand on the door handle. I hesitated before whirling back to face them.


I began, but was interrupted with a yell.

“HEY! TEEN TOP! Your looks good! Too bad we’ll be beating it up in a second”

Five smirking boys emerged from behind the bushes. The one in front had a little spike cut with a dino like smirk and the ones behind looked pretty much like normal boys.

“Yeah, I think I like my a-

But before that stupid C.A.P could roll his eyes and finish his remark, Mi Sun butted in.

“So. Five retards jumping out of a bush. That’s gay” Mi Sun muttered, glaring at the tall one who was about the same height as her…187. She wasn’t used to people as tall as her. Despite this awkward turtle situation, I smiled and in my pockets, I brought my two hands together to make awkward turtle motion.

“Awkward turtle” Somi added, her eyes on her feet, a slight pink flush in her cheeks as she switched her glance from the floor to L.Joe. My smile widened. Someone’s in love.

“Grr. Get the hell out of here” the tall one growled at Mi Sun. Mi Sun raised her eyebrows.

“Why should I?”

“You don’t belong”

“Gee, NO ONE figured that out” Mi Sun rolled her eyes.

“You should go now”

“Yeah. I would. If I was allowed to”

“Who’d WANT to stop YOU?”

“Some people are privileged to have mouths. Some people find that if they accidently make too many smart remarks, their mouths get cut off by a certain person”

“Gee, THAT’S a threat” more eye rolling.


“ENOUGH. This is too much talk” the dino headed one pouted childishly, a devilish grin in his eye…a familiar…dino…where…

“Get out of here” that sentence ended with a crunching sound as C.A.P kicked at the tall blonde’s leg. His long legs gave way and he shrieked out.

“! YOU BROKE MY LEG!” he cussed, picking up an empty can of coke and

Throwing it at C.A.P, missing by a millimeter.

L.Joe took that moment to get in a punch to the dino’s rib.

“OW! MY RIB!” he spat out, clutching his side.

“YOUR FACE” Chunji snarled, drawing back his fist and smashing it into the dino’s nose.

“His face is perfectly fine” the other blonde, who was still standing, icily glared at Chunji.

“It’s just as good as yo-

The tall one in time kneed him in the stomach, resulting in Chunji falling back into Ricky’s arm. Ricky bared his teeth, a snake like hiss escaping his throat.

“YOU BASTARD” Ricky tossed Chunji to his feet and then made the move to lunge at the blonde’s throat. The blonde stumbled back and his back hit the floor harshly as Ricky tackled him down, the tall one stooping down to try and pull Ricky off.

Chunji lurched forward to pummel the tall one’s back, making no effect until L.Joe stepped in to grab the dino’s spiked up hair and slam him into the tall one.

I watched with amusement as this went on for a few more seconds.

 “Anyone one have candy?” Somi asked dully.

“How can you think of candy at a time like this?” the dino growled, grabbing her by the collar to force her to lift her face up. His knuckles turned as white as his face as his jaw dropped open.



There was a hardened pause before the sound of L.Joe’s fist connecting with the dino headed boy’s cheek was heard.

The dino let go of her collar and Somi stumbled backwards with a gasp, inaudible to everyone but Chi and L.Joe.

Tempting blood trickled down the dino’s lips. He it off, shooting a taunting glare at L.Joe. It wasn’t stares…it wasn’t looks…it wasn’t smirks…it was just glares…

“You even crave your enemy” the dino chuckled, wiping off drops of blood. They soaked into his sleeve, the dark liquid creating an effect on L.Joe almost immediately.

A low growl rumbled from his chest, his posture about to break. Eye snot red not even close to gold were then a dangerous black, tinges of red glowing…like that flash back…

The dino held up his blood stained wrist in sick triumph.

Suddenly, C.A.P’s expression turned dark and Chunji’s face tightened into a grimace. The smell of blood wavered over everyone’s senses. Taking over their mind…their mind flooded with temptation…it then rolled off with everyone’s sanity as the group sprang forward, thirst drying out the soft longing in their eyes.


A/N: (bunny66) keke ^^" sorry, I didn't show Chunji's reaction to the spider just YET, but hopefully SakuraOak120 will be able to feature that in the next chapter. Most of you (though not all of you T~T) have voted for SHINee to come in the story and TA-DA~!! Here they are :3 thank you for taking the poll and we hope you enjoyed this chapter :D thank you to all lovely subscribers, your comments are our motivation...FIGHTING XD!!!!!!!! 

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cant wait xD
monytigerxx #3
hope you update soon ;__; (no pressure) lol
Seaworld24 #4
Please keep updating!<br />
Seaworld24 #6
Who's the umma???<br />
Oh and by the way the story is great!!! Keep updating and hav a great holiday!!!!
Seaworld24 #7
Who r u guys talking about?
monytigerxx #8
Teen Top vs SHINee?! O_O<br />
this is good!~ xD <br />
please update!~ *-*
@yploverholic-San/ah: keke :)) Jongie isn't tall :D but you know who the tall one is...right?? :D
SHINeeLoVeRx #10
Update update! * jumping up and down like a little girl * :D