Mi Sun & her Surroundings || Somi & the New Master

Living with the Vampire Gangsters ~Teen Top~ [ON HIATUS FOR A FEW DAYS]


The wheels in Mi Sun’s brain were turning. The blindfold was off and the room she was in smelt dusty, like no one had lived in it ever since three hundred years ago. The boy’s perfect lips were pressed into a white line.

“Yah…yah…” Mi Sun struggled to think of something to say. The boy’s face remained expressionless, but he answered all the same.

“What is it? Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

It clicked into her head.

“Yeah. I do need to go to the bathroom can you take me there?”

He sighed deeply, but took her arm to lead her down empty hallways and then to a lone bathroom door. He pushed it lightly. Its hinges squeaked to reveal a large bathroom.

Its shower and tub were shining white and rimmed with gold, not the usual white plastic seen in most homes. The mirror reflected their images perfectly, not a single smudge. The toilet was a nice white and the sink had not a speck of grime on it. Everything looked perfect. Apart from the weird fact that the towel rack was empty and the past rooms we passed were all empty.

“Do you own any furniture??” She questioned curiously, taking one step towards to toilet.

“It’s better than L.Joe’s. He doesn’t have any furniture. I have a coffee table” his voice was disguised in a blank voice, but he had it hinted that it was impressive to have a coffee table.

“Coffee table” she snorted and then glanced once at him, her hands on her jeans. “Uh…you going to go out now? Cos I have to pee” she informed him sheepishly.

“You can do it here”

“Uh…has something gone wrong with your brain?” Mi Sun waved a hand in front of his eyes. “I’m a girl and you’re a boy. As a boy, you watching me as a girl pee, that’d be kind of awkward”


“Not to mention rude,” she added hopefully.

“I’ll turn around”

“What happens if you see me in the mirror?”

“You are so persistent aren’t you?” he grumbled, but proceeded to walk out the door. He stopped halfway, his hand on the knob to tilt his head back. His light blonde hair shifted over his forehead. “I’ll wait outside. But if you don’t come out in four minutes, I’m going in here, even if you still have your pants pulled down” he warned, closing the door behind him.

“” she muttered, not even bothering to pull her pants down. As quietly as she could, she wandered around the bathroom. The windows looked too stiff to open…and there was no hiding place…nor a second door…the only exit was the one he was guarding…**…now she’d have to pretend…grr…*what the hell was his name anyway?* She racked my head for answers…flashing…flashing…

~“My name is Chunji”~

*Right. Chunji. Stupid tard Chunji*

“Y-yah! You done!” he called, knocking on the door.

“Aish! Not yet!” she called back, irritated with the fact there was no escape. Grr. What the hell was she supposed to do? Her eye caught the sight of a blue patterned spider, scuttling along the edges of the bathroom. Its sapphire colour glowed. “Aww, yah! That’s a cute spider!” she cooed, reaching out to scoop it into her hands.

“S-s-spider? A b-b-big one?” he stammered through the door.

“Yeah, it’s so cu-

She stopped mid-sentence, replaying his worry and fear stained voice in her head. A smile crawled onto her face and she opened the door with the spider scrambling around on her palms.


Somi’s POV

I didn’t really understand…first L.Joe was happy…then quiet…then smirking and meanie pants…then now he’s back to being quiet again?? Is he bipolar??

A minute ago, he was smirking at me, claiming I was his ‘slave’ and that he was my master. And now he’s not doing anything?

“Yah…you didn’t answer my question…what master?” I demanded.

He as quiet for a few seconds, his light brown hair flopping over his eyes darkly. Then in the next few seconds, my back was slammed against the wall, hands pinned above my head. His sweet breath swept past my cheek, creating a brief tingle in my nerves.

“I am your master. You have to listen to what I say. I am in charge of you. You are my responsibility,” he murmured, his dark chocolate eyes milking in my appearance. It glinted in the only light of the moon stabbing through the cracks of the curtain.

“Ok…you can let me go now” I nodded.

He chuckled and then released my hands. They fell to my sides stiffly.

“Seeing as I’m your master… I order you to sleep” he then knocked out my knees from the ground and swung me up bridal style to carry me down the hallways. In the lonely room, he laid me down on the kind sized bed, the only furniture in the entire room that was smack bang in the middle.

He pulled the covers up to my chest, before staring at me in a strange manner and pulling it up to my chin. His weight lifted off the bed and I could see him about to venture out.

I cowered in the bed…silently…it seemed scary…too scary…to even sleep…


“Yes?” he paused at the door.

“I’m scared…of the dark,” I whispered shamefully. After all, I was fifteen already…

“You’re scared of the dark?” the corner of his mouth was tugged into a smile and in less than a second, he was beside me, on his side, staring intently.

“Close your eyes. And go to sleep. I’m here” he assured me, brushing a thumb across my cheek.

“And you’ll scare away the monsters” I snuggled into the pillow and let out a sigh of relief. Before I drifted to sleep, I could hear him chuckle softly. Strong arms locked around my body and sweet breath escaped perfect pink shelled lips that were pressing themselves against my forehead.

L.Joe’s POV

I felt shamed. Shamed that I was pretending that I was her master…when in truth…she was mine…


A/N: (bunny66) I’m sorry that this chapter was a little lousy and yes, I was a little puzzled about what to do with Hana and it seemed alright to pull Mi Sun back into the picture J Thank you for commenting and subscribing, both are loved very much <3timesinfinityandbeyond

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cant wait xD
monytigerxx #3
hope you update soon ;__; (no pressure) lol
Seaworld24 #4
Please keep updating!<br />
Seaworld24 #6
Who's the umma???<br />
Oh and by the way the story is great!!! Keep updating and hav a great holiday!!!!
Seaworld24 #7
Who r u guys talking about?
monytigerxx #8
Teen Top vs SHINee?! O_O<br />
this is good!~ xD <br />
please update!~ *-*
@yploverholic-San/ah: keke :)) Jongie isn't tall :D but you know who the tall one is...right?? :D
SHINeeLoVeRx #10
Update update! * jumping up and down like a little girl * :D