02 : Miss.Nobody

The Last Song


❝02 Miss.Nobody;
                                   SIMPLE LOVE LETTER



Chanyeol walk to his locker after done playing basketball with his friend. Still sweating, he reach the locks. He unlocks the lock  it only to find out a love letter were on top his book. He picks it up and looking at it with bored eyes. He crumpled the paper and throw it into the dustbin without even looking at it. He sighs out loud, today already been a week since the person starts sending him a letter. It's always the same question. Asking about him and even about his personal stuff. Of Course he doesn't like it, it irritated him so much that he can't focus on anything but to worry. He surely felt insecure every time he was alone, who knows what she could do to him. He can't help but to feel worry for himself .  At first he read all of it because he is curious, but then he became tired of the same question. It’s new to him, usually girl would put her shame away and ask him out . Girls really brave nowadays until sometime he felt scared. They would sometimes talk to him in public and laughing like a  whale, it would make him cringe every time the girl opens to talk. Sometime he ask himself why he did not deaf yet. That is all the girl that he met, but this one, she's kinda freaky and sound desperate. He doesn't know what it sounds like, but it really does sound desperate on his point of view.His friend always about the love letter, they are quite disturbing Chanyeol. As the day pass It's not teasing anymore, they are more to singing a song with annoying girly voice. Who wouldn't recognize that voice. It's Baekhyun of course and addition affect of the background, Kai.When he is slightly mad, he just knuckled both head, but after receiving more and more he just don’t feel the need to do that. Chanyeol close his locker and change his locker password for the tenth times this week. Now he takes all his belonging and leave the place as soon as possible.



Again today Hye Jung quickly runs into the practice room after a long day of lectures. The professor sure talk a lot, sometime he caught Hye Jung sleeping on the back and earn her a lot of work than the others.Still panting heavily, she opens the door and throw all her stuff.Hye Jung quickly walks to the  piano seat and ready to finish the song that she write yesterday.Hye Jung knows it really well that Chanyeol always came in a practice room close to her. She even write a letter everyday to him but little did she know that Chanyeol always throw it away. She just hoped that Chanyeol passed this hallway accidentally hearing her singing and playing piano. Oh, how she wants that to happen.Hye Jung starts to tap on the piano key and play the melody. She sings the lyric that she writes. She also makes sure that the door is slightly open for someone to hear.


“ Um… Hello?.. “

Quickly she looks back hoping it will be someone that she waiting for. But to her disappointment, it’s Chen. Not wanting to be rude, Hye Jung quickly stands and bow to her senior.

“ Oh Sunbae what bring you here?? “Hye Jung asks curiously while sitting herself on the previous chair. Chen scratches his nape and smile at her.

“ I just happen to pass this hallway … accidently I heard you singing and I admit you are pretty good “ Chen compliment shyly 

“ Oh, thank you Sunbae “ Hye Jung just sits there looking at Chen hoping he will go now but he don’t even make an attempt to move . He just stands there looking at Hye Jung with an expression that she couldn’t tell. When she looks again, the expression tells her that he wants something from her. She is fully aware of what is going to happen next.

“ I never saw you before this .. Do you even try to enter a contest or show off your talent I mean it will be such a shame if you don’t try to show it “ Hye Jung look at his eye and shook her head. Never crossed her mind to show her talent. Sure, she's an art student, but never beyond her expectation to show off her talent. What she knows was to sit behind the big piano and go through the semester without any problem. She has composed a song, but it's just for the assignment, nothing more .

 “ Why? “ Chen asked suddenly.

“ Because it was not what I wanted “ Hye Jung admitted and moved her attention to the ground.  

“ Oh come on, you could be an awesome singer  “ Chen said and took a seat just beside her. But Hye Jung shook her head being stubborn and it's making it harder for Chen. Chen sighs and run his hand through his hair and turn his attention fully to Hye Jung.

“ Can you tell me why? “ Chen asked again, still questions Hye Jung. She looks at Chen surprised by his question. Why would she tell him. What would Chen act if he knows the reason why is to gain someone's attention. It would be embarrassing and Hye Jung really sure he will be speechless. But nonetheless she still doesn't want to answer Chen question.

“ No “ Hye Jung answer and Chen just had to blink twice before fully looking at her. She doesn't need anyone to push her to do something she didn't want to do. She just hoped that person would be him to hear her voice when she planned all of this. All of this, She spends all her time and the whole day just to write a perfect lyric. She can’t think of anything but him. The guy who makes her blind of everything, who doesn't even know her existence. The one who makes her excited all day long just at the sight of him. 

“Hye Jung right? “ Chen asked and Hye Jung nods her head.

“ You're beautiful and talented. Why would you hide yourself. Show who you really are out there and stop wasting your time for this unknown reason “ Chen said sternly which make Hye Jung turn to look at him. His word really hits her hard. He was deadly serious. Hye Jung looks at him with a hurt expression because of his harsh words, Chen sigh and continued.

“ Look, I don't mean to be harsh, but take this seriously. Think about it, this thing would help you in the future, I guaranteed " Hye Jung still had this doubtful expression. 

" This would be the last time I asked you. Would you like to be my duet “ Chen asked again, this time hoping that Hye Jung would say yes. He already had high expectation that Hye Jung would say yes. But Hye Jung shook her head again and say no. Chen couldn't hide his disappointment and frown appeared on his face. 

“ I’m sorry, i just can’t .Not now “ Hye Jung said and whispered at the last sentence. She couldn't herself to look at him in the eye.

“ If it’s not now then when Hye Jung " Chen said and with every word full of disappointment.Chen sigh and look at Hye Jung for the last time. He stands up and walks to the door, taking his leave. After hearing the door close, Hye Jung stares at the door where Chen just left a second ago. The same situation that she has already been, all of them also leave her with disappointment written on their faces. She always had to be so stubborn to cooperate with them. She already knows about the duet, it's spreading the whole campus. Who is sane enough  to decline the offer . She is, and surely dumb because people would die to have this opportunity. Everyone wants to be his partner, who doesn't know Chen. He is talented and had given a gift with a melodious voice. A handsome appearance and had a sense of humor. Okay, now she sounds like a never ending fangirl. She just can’t bring herself to do it, she felt nervous and scare thinking about singing in front the people. What would people think of her. She sighs deeply and run her hand through her hair. She then gathers all her belonging and taking her leave.
She doesn't know what to do after closing the door, she just came up face to face to Chanyeol. She felt really nervous somehow. Too close for her liking. Heart rate increase immediately and she was hoping that he doesn't hear it's beating loudly. She felt really awkward and nervous seeing up close Chanyeol. He looks really handsome.

“Ahem.. “ Hye Jung cough to ease the nervousness and Chanyeol quickly back away.

“ Um, Sorry “ Chanyeol said and she can see a smile spread on his lips while laughing awkwardly. Hye Jung didn't expect to meet Chanyeol like this. 

“ Can I help you? “ Hye Jung shyly asks him.

“ Uh? Nothing? I just happened to pass by “ Chanyeol quickly answered.

" Oh " are the only word she said. She just hopes it would be the other way.



The sun rays through the white curtain, the sun is too bright that it almost made Hye Jung blind. Squinting her eyes due the bright light to adjust her eyes. Eyes open as she remembered something. She remembered that she's going to be late.

" OH MY GOD !! KILL ME  !! " Hye Jung screams at the top of her lungs. Sure, she's going to be late, but somehow he felt really lazy. Lazily her walk to the bathroom, but the sight of her is breathtaking. The reflection on the mirror doesn't show the beauty at all instead it shows a zombie and an ugly one. She is not sure if it does exist, but now 100% sure it really exist.. Her skin is too pale, her look too skinny like a walking skeleton and she starts to ask herself when did the last time she eat. Dark circle has formed around her big round eyes. She looks exhausted and worn out. She felt really ill. But nonetheless she takes a shower for about 30 minutes because she is too lazy to scrub the back.After done showering, Hye Jung pulls out her favorite hoodie and paired it with jeans. This is the total opposite, Hye Jung knows how to dress up, but today she felt lazy to even glance at her face. While dressing herself, a smile still crept on her face even with a cloudy mood. She remembered really well yesterday situation, Chanyeol smiled at her even with that awkward twitch. A small talk that she could barely remember because most of the time she was struck with awe. She admires that smile and want to pinch him so much for being cute. She is smiling to herself like a fool. With fully dress up, she works her way through the little apartment and gather all her belongings include cell phone.

Making her way through the mass of student searching for their classes. She suddenly felt like falling here, but she holds herself up. She felt exhausted, felt really dry. People seem to spin around her head and she heard people laughing, getting louder with every step she takes. She walked unsteadily and bumped almost every shoulder that pass by.  Almost every person cursing at her for being clumsy .She would bow her head and apologize. Her mind still hazy with the environment. The last thing she hears is her name before passing out in the middle of the crowd.



Hye Jung opened her eyes a little only to be greeted by a bright light. Again she tried to open her eyes, it does hurt a little. Everything in the room is surrounded by a white colour. A person figure beside her, but she can't see his face because his back is facing her . It's a guy? When did i have a guy friend?. Oh ,clumsy Hye Jung, he probably the one who saves her earlier. She sighs in relief and poke the guy arm, but the next thing  that happens  almost give her a heart attack.

" Oh My God, Who are you?! " Hye Jung screamed and look at him with widened eyes. Chen has  slightly taken aback by Hye Jung sudden screams and frowned a little.

" Aw, come on do i look that scary. Really?" Chen pout and said it in a sarcastic way. Hye Jung still shocked by this situation, with mouth slightly open she mumbled a word that makes Chen laugh at her dumbness.

" Isn't it obvious that i'm the one who help you " Hye Jung couldn't help but to blink her eyes in daze state. She felt really dumb right now because she can't seem to process everything. 

" And in addition, you really are heavy like a pig " Chen said and laugh on his own attempt at making jokes  which make Hye Jung scrunch her face in annoyance. It is not funny at all and it's an insult to make a joke about girl weigh. She sits up and smack the back of Chen head who is still laughing like there is no tomorrow.

" Ouch ouch ouch- Yah! Are your hand made of rock ?! It's hurt like hell ! " Hye Jung sends  a death glare at Chen and he instantly shut his mouth.    

" Why would you the one who help me out of many students. Why ?! "

" Hey Hey if i don't help you who would help you. You pass out in the middle of crowds and who would see you if it not me " Hye Jung look at Chen as he finished talking. He looks disappointed because instead of me thanking him, i'm being angry at him.

" I'm sorry Chen, i don't mean to be rude. I'm thankful that you help me, i just thought that maybe you are going to bother me since i decline your offer. Thankfully, it's not for that " Hye Jung smile and look at Chen, he seem in a little deep thought. Hye Jung frowned, still can't make out what he was thinking. He finally looks at Hye Jung. Eyes shining with hope. Oh no, this is not going to happen she thought.

" Exactly, actually ... i thought that maybe i should find you and persuade you " 

" WHAT ! Are you thinking to bother me all day long until i said yes ?! That's a no no " 

" But-" Before he could say more someone interrupting their conversation.

" Hello there, i'm doctor Zhang Yixing, call me Lay. I will be the doctor in charge of you from today on " Lay smile at Hye Jung, it shows his cute dimple. He pulls out the stethoscope that hung around his neck. He took a step closer.

" Can I? " Lay asks Hye Jung permission to go further. As Hye Jung nod, he takes the stethoscope and press it against her chest. He pulls off and check her temperature by touching her forehead.

" Miss Jung i need to discuss some matter to you " Lay said and Hye Jung knows bad news is going to come out of his mouth by reading his face. But before he could start. He looked at Chen ,who curiously look back at Hye Jung.

" Um, sir can you leave us both alone " Lay said which make Chen immediately stand up and bow before leaving us alone . As he reached the door, Chen swiftly turns to look at Hye Jung and wish her a good luck.



" So I heard you had a medical problem. Is it true ?" The sudden voice make Hye Jung jump shocked to see Chen early in the morning. Hye Jung clearly annoyed that her routine has been interrupted by this jerk.

" Oh, Stop annoying me with your question ! " Hye Jung snaps angrily.

" What ?! I heard the doctor said about your sick- " Chen said and almost spilled the truth.

" What ! Did you eavesdropping on our conversation! " Chen just looks at her innocently.

" It's not like I want to, but your doctor talks loud enough for me to hear " he defend. When receive no response, he asks again.

" So is it true ? "

" Yes ! Now happy ! " Hye Jung said and turn to leave Chen alone.

" Hey ! Where are- I'm not finished yet ! Come here ! " Chen yelled and run to her side.

" So about that guy. Who is it . Is it me ? " Chen asks as he walks at a normal pace again.

" Oh Chen don't flatter yourself. It never will be you and nope, not going to talk about it " Hye Jung said with sarcasm.

" Oh, I know where it's getting. Okay, fine if you don't want to talk about it. I'm sure i will help you with that " Chen smile unknowingly as he thought about the benefit he will get .

Hye Jung stops from walking and look at Chen with an eyebrow raised.

" Don't ever think about grabbing the opportunity Chen. I know you're planning one. "

" Aw, come on, " Chen said and look at Hye Jung asking for a chance.

" New flash Chen, I never ask your help and there is no reward " Hye Jung said.

" Deal " Chen said and Hye Jung had too look at him surprised by his decision.Chen smiled at Hye Jung and walk ahead.

" See you tomorrow then, at the usual place " Hye Jung just stood there dumbfounded.




Thanks for subscribing and for reading ofcourse. Sorry it's already been month right ... I'm not inspired to write that's the reason and alot of homewrork. So this is it. I hope you enjoy readin this. It kind of boring because you know it will be only her and addition Chen.

Thanks subscriber 

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I thought about editing the previous chapter, maybe change this and that.


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qistina16 #1
Chapter 2: Authornim pls continue...nice one..update soon.fighting
Update soon,author-nim!!
The story plot Sounds Jjang! If you don't mind, I would like to volunteer to make you trailer :) Going to support this fic, can't wait for the 1st chapter ^.^