Chapter 2

Two Worlds, Reunited.


That’s the only thing he could register as he slowly began to regain consciousness. He felt as though someone was taking a hammer to his head, pounding on it longer and harder as he became more aware.

Though with time it started to subdue he became aware of the other pain he felt. Stuck in darkness he felt his whole body ace. From the tip of his toes all the way up his body. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so much pain in his life. In reality the more he tried, he couldn’t seem remember anything.

He felt himself start to panic. No. He couldn’t let himself do that. He couldn’t panic. He had to calm down. He didn’t know where he was or even who he was.

He felt himself take a steady breathe, trying to break threw the fog of his memories.

‘Okay, first I have to remember my name. He thought to himself. He felt that if he could at least remember his name then maybe he could remember everything else. But nothing was coming to him.

He groaned out in frustration.

“Oh, he’s waking up.” Someone said softly to his right, “Hey, can you hear me? You’re going to be okay, just calm down.”

He felt something brush against his forehead, his hair soothingly. Then he felt something wet wip his forehead, probably a towel. It actually seemed to calm him, so he tried slowly opening his eyes. He felt as like someone had glued his eyes shut, but he was finally able to open them.

He instantly rerated it when he was greeted with blinding light. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that the pain would lessen. When it did, he tried to open his eyes again only to shut them tight right after. He continued this pattern a couple more times before his eyes adjusted to the light.

He looked around him, noticing he was in a small room and on top of a small bed.  There didn’t seem to be much to look at, just a dresser that was in front of him and a big window to his left. Looking over to his right he saw the person that had talked to him, seated in a chair pulled up close to the bed and a small table beside him.

The man had light hair with a tint of pink. He had round cheeks and high slanted brown eyes that were looking at him with a mix of worry and curiosity. He got the feeling the man before him was some kind of server since he wore a half apron on top of his simple black jeans and t-shirt.

“Hi, my names Xiumin. How are you feeling?” The stranger asked him.

Like . He thought as he struggled to sit up, succeeding with the help of Xiumin. His whole body aced and he felt like he was ripping his tongue off the roof of his mouth when he opened his mouth to speak.

“Like… .” He rasped repeating his thoughts.

“Well I wouldn’t be surprised,” Said Xiumin, passing him a glass of water. “We did find you unconscious outback. Do you remember what happened? Or why you were there?”

Luhan chugged his water before he answered the question. “Honestly, no. I can’t seem to remember much, my brain is still a little fogy.”

“It’s alright, it’ll come back to you soon. You seemed to have hurt your head pretty bad. Do you think you can remember your name?”

He tried to concentrate really hard, slumping against the bed’s headboard. Focusing was much easier now. He felt as though his name was on the tip of his tongue, within hands reach.

“Its… I believe it beguines with an L…. Yes, Lu-something.”

“Oh, so her names Lucy?” Another man said as he strut into the room. He was tall with cat shaped eyes that had dark bags under them and short light blond hair. He stopped at the foot of the bed with his hands on his waist.

“No, Tao. He’s a boy, not a girl. So I highly doubt his parents would give him a girls name.” Xiumin sighed at the tall male.

“Unless his parent’s hated him. Or had a sense of humor.” Tao added as he walked over to the side of the bed examining the others face closely.

“Shut up, Tao, your scaring him.” Xiumin scolded.

Tao just hummed.

“So who are you, Lucy? If that even is your real name?”

“I-it’s not. You just randomly made that up.” He answered playing with the hem of the bed sheets. “But I think I might be starting to remember. Yeah I am remembering!”

And it was true. Things where starting to come back to him slowly but surly. He could remember the fact that he was Chinese, an only child and that his birthday was April 20th, 1990. Now if only I could remember my name…. He could feel it on the tip of his tongue.

“Ah!” He exclaimed, startling the two others in the room who had been staring at him intently. “I remember! I remember what my name is!”

“His name is Luhan.”

All three heads whipped around to stare at the man standing at the doorway. They were in complete shock at how sure he sounded about himself.

Luhan stared at him as he walked back out and returned with a tray of food, seconds later. He walked up to the bed and placed it on Luhan’s lap. He had a blank expression the whole time, as though he hadn’t just done something so bizarre. 

“H-how did you know?” Luhan asked nervously.

Not only was this tall male strange, but also extremely handsome. He had fair skin and a snap-back on backwards covering his hair, making his neck look longer. He seemed to have a slight scowling look to his face and was staring at Luhan intently, but other then that had no expression. He gave of the silent and mysterious vibe that made Luhan’s heart skip a beat.

He hadn’t noticed he had been staring with his jaw hanging loose for so long until the stranger lifted an eyebrow, looking down pointedly at the food before. Luhan blushed, hoping the others in the room hadn’t noticed.

“Wait, he was right?!” Tao exclaimed. “How did you know his name?”

The other just shrugged looking around the room.

“Come on tell me! How did you know Lucy’s name! Did you guess or are you like psychic or something!? Please tell me!”

Another shrug.

“Tell me!”

This time he shook his head.

“Please!” Tao practically begged.

Sehun looked away.

“SEHUN!!! Don’t you dare get all shy and silent on me just because there’s a stranger in the room!” Tao grabbed hold of Sehun’s shoulders and shook him violently.

“Okay that’s enough you two. Calm down before someone gets hurt.” Xiumin said as he separated them.

“But Xiumin-ge! He won’t say anything!” Tao wined.

“Sehun. Can you please get over your embarrassment and just answer before Tao gets even more worked up.”

Sehun looked Tao straight in the eye with a blank expression. “I’m Psychic.”

The room was silent for only two seconds before Tao exploded and began to chase Sehun out of the room, threatening to beat him so hard his children’s children would feel it.

Xiumin just sighed as he turned to an amused Luhan, who was nibbling on a piece of toast from his plate. He still looked a little sick but seemed to be regaining his energy slowly.

“I’m so sorry about those two. Tao can be a bit of a diva at times and it doesn’t help that Sehun likes to mess with him. How are you feeling?”

“Better,” Luhan smiled. “Even though my head hurts a little, it still feels good to remember things more clearly.”

“That’s good. You gave me quite the scare you know that. Imagine my surprise when I come back form the store only to find a guy passed out in front of my backdoor.”

“Really? I don’t remember that.”

“Yeah, I figured. I thought you were dead at first until I noticed you were still breathing. I was about to call the police but Sehun begged me not to. Said something about a bad feeling.” Xiumin just shrugged.

Just then Tao walked back in dragging a chuckling Sehun by his shirt collar.

“Now tell us!” Tao shouted as he tossed Sehun on the bed.

Luhan was grateful he wasn’t that tall or Sehun would have landed on his legs. Though he doubted it would have actually hurt, considering how light Sehun looked.

“I already told you: I’m psychic!”

“NO! I refuse to except that answer!”

“Ha-ha, Okay, okay I’ll tell you the truth.” Sehun said with his hand out. “But y’all have to listen closely, because this is top secret Information I’m about to give you guys.”

They all leaned in close to hear what he had to say. Luhan was honestly curious, how did this Sehun guy know his name when he hadn’t remembered it at first. And he was pretty sure he hadn’t met him before. Luhan would have remembered meeting such a handsome man before.

When Sehun was sure he had all their attention he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wallet.

“This was on the floor when we found him.” He said simply, tossing Luhan back his wallet.

Sure enough, there was his ID with his name and picture. Luhan started chuckling at the ridiculousness of it all. He looked threw it to make sure all the pictures he carried of his family and friends were still there. Though he couldn’t find the picture of himself when he went on vacation, at least his cash was still there. So he wasn’t mugged or anything.

“Yah! You idiot! Why didn’t you say you had his wallet in the first place! I actually thought you might have been psychic!” Tao exclaimed as he smacked Sehun on the head. 

Xiumin simply chuckled at their antics as he reached over to grab Luhan’s wallet. Maybe now they could find out were he lived and get him home safe and sound. But when he looked at the ID, there was something off about it.

He examined it closely, looking at the front and back multiple times, trying to figure out if it was a fake. It just didn’t make any sense. There must have been some type of confusion.


“Hmm?” Luhan hummed, distracted but the younger two’s little fight. But when he glanced at Xiumin, he noticed the others distressed and faced him. “What’s wrong Xiumin?”

“Are you sure this is yours?”

“Uh, yeah. I mean it looks like mine and eveything inside looks familiar too. Why do you ask?”

“So this is your address here on the ID.”

Luhan looked over to make sure that it was. When he saw the familiar address, he nodded his head.

“How long have you lived at this address?”

“For almost 5 years now. I even have a little Arcade shop out front.”

“That’s impossible!”

“No it’s not! I even started my own business there, there’s no way I’d make something like that up!”

Xiumin yanked Luhan up by the arm, bringing him close to his face.

“Is this some kind of sick joke!?”He hissed at him.

“N-no i-it’s not! I s-swear!” Luhan yelped as the grip on his arm tightened.

He was scared. He hadn’t done anything wrong, how could this man hurt him. Luhan had started to like Xiumin, he had been so nice and friendly to him that he thought they could have been great friends. Why was he doing this to him? And why did his arm start to feel so cold, it almost burned.

“HYUNG! What are you doing to him?!” Sehun wailed as Xiumin dragged Luhan out of the room and to the front of the building where the Café was located. Sehun and Tao ran close behind.

“Then tell me exactly why your ID has the address of my Cafe?”

Luhan looked around in shock. Though all the décor and colors of the wall were different he could still notice the similarities. How could he not, he had spent five years of his life fixing up his beloved Arcade, he knew the place front and back.

So the fact that he was standing where he had been standing for years and not recognize a single thing scared him. He ran to the windows looking out each one to make sure it wasn’t just a building with the same architect as his. But what he saw outside did nothing to calm his nerves.

Everything was similar, yet not. The streets and buildings were the same, and all the people that were walking around were similar, but the things that were different were the shops. Some were familiar but different colors, while others were completely new to him.

“I-I don’t get it? What’s going on here? Where’s my Arcade?”

“There is no arcade. There never has been.” Xiumin said grabbing hold of him again.

Sehun pulled Luhan from Xiumin’s grasp. He held the shorter against his body, rubbing his frozen arm to relive the pain from earlier. Luhan was trembling and he looked on the verge of tears. It broke Sehun’s heart.

Even though he knew Luhan was older then him, he still felt the need to protect the elder. He reminded Sehun of a small baby deer and everything in his being told him that he needed protecting, and if that meant getting in a fight with his older and stronger Hyung, then he would.

“Xiumin-ge? What’s going on? Why did you hurt him?” Tao asked softly, a little scared at everything that was happening. He felt it in the air. Both Xiumin and Sehun were furious. That was never a good thing.

People with strong 'Powers' always had to be carful with their emotions or they would start to lose control. He could feel both of them slowly lose said control as their emotions started taking over the rational sides of them.

The air in the bedroom started to gain a slight breeze, moving slowly around them in lazy cycles as it gained speed, with a slight bite to it as the temperature in the room started to drop. If Tao didn’t stop them soon they would create a blizzard that would most likely kill them all.

Tao took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down and concentrate, blocking out the sounds around him. Though he was still learning to control his own 'Powers' he knew enough to help him at the moment.

Tao raised two fingers and slowly moved them to the right, concentrating on ‘Time’, trying to grab hold of it as though it were a physical thing. He felt as though he had stuffed his whole right arm in mud and was slowly trying to move it sideways. He started form the left and slowly moved his arm to the right.

As his arm moved 'Time' began to slow down and by the time his arm had reached his right side everything was completely frozen in ‘Time’. Xiumin And Sehun’s powers were suspended in mid forming, the trash that Sehun’s ‘Wind’ Power had picked up was now suspended in the air and Xiumin’s ice was no longer expanding to cover the whole Café. Even Luhan was frozen in Sehun’s arms, with a frightened look on his face as he took in everything around him.

Tao took shallow breaths, wiping at the sweat that had collected on his brow. That’s one of the things that he hated about using his 'Powers'. It would leave him exhausted and sweaty, as if he had just ran a 25-mile marathon at full speed. That’s why he tried not to use it— though with time and training it would become much easier— but there were times that he needed to in order to keep the peace between his fellow ‘Powerful’ and friends.

He carefully laid Xiumin down in the ground along with a still hugging Luhan and Sehun. Nothing messed with a fight between two 'Powers' more then suddenly appearing on the floor.

When he had them placed as comfortably as he could, Tao stood between the two and took a deep breath. He lifted his right arm again and slowly began to move it from the right to left. Luckily it was easier to speed up time then it was to slow it down.

He watched as their ‘Time’ slowly started to speed up and they began to spread out their arms and legs. Sehun and Xiumin just stayed lying on the ground looking up at the ceiling while Luhan scrambled out of Sehun’s grasp and ran to the bathroom.

“Tao… what did we talk about last time.” Xiumin sighed as he slowly got up. Being moved so suddenly by ‘Time’ control always left them feeling groggy. “But thank you, I needed that.”

“Tell me about it. You two nearly destroyed the Café” Tao shook his head in disapproval.

Sehun clicked his tongue. “It’s all Xiumin’s fault for going crazy all of a sudden.”

“Hey, Sehun, watch how you address me. I might have lost my temper and acted a bit immature but I am still your elder.”

“Sorry, Hyung.”

Tao walked over to the bathroom as Sehun and Xiumin got up off the ground. They headed over as well while patting themselves clean.

They found Luhan cuddled up in the corner of the stall, holding his knees and trembling as he mumbled to himself. When he noticed the others walk in he looked as though he tried to fold into himself tighter.

“It’s not real, it’s not real!” His chanting growing louder and faster.

 Sehun kneeled in front of him and rested his hand on Luhan’s shoulder only to pull it back when Luhan whined at the contact. His eyes started to water as he looked at everyone in the bathroom. This worried Sehun. He couldn’t figure out why Luhan was acting like this, it wasn’t uncommon for people with Powers to get into little brawls every now and then. Everyone was used to it and didn’t really care unless it physically involved them.So for Luhan to act like this was a bit odd.

“Hey, are you alright?” Tao asked over a worried Sehun’s shoulder.

“No, no. Please don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Luhan kept repeating. He looked absolutely frightened.

“Now, look what you did Xiumin-ge. He’s terrified of you. How could you scare him like that!?” Tao Xiumin.

“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t make sense. I kind of started to see red when I saw the address on his ID was the same as mine. I mean look at it!”

Xiumin showed Tao and Sehun the ID. He was right; the address was the same as his Café. But that made no sense, Luhan had talked about it as though he was the current owner, but Xiumin had owned it for the past five years.

“Luhan,” Sehun coaxed softly, “What’s the meaning of this? Your ID looks real, but why does it have Xiumin’s Café as the home address?”

When Luhan stayed curled up Sehun slowly pulled him into his embrace, rocking the other slowly. At first Luhan struggle to get free but after a while he began to calm down, taking deep breaths to stop the hiccupping that had started because of his crying.

“Shhhhh. It’s okay Hyung, your safe with us. No one is going to hurt you as long as I’m here. Xiumin didn’t mean to snap, he’s just very protective of his Café. Didn’t you say you had your own Arcade?” Sehun said in Luhan’s ear, hoping his talking would calm the older down.

It seemed to work as Luhan became more relaxed and was able to answer more loudly.


“Then wouldn’t you freak a little if your situations were reversed?”

“Yeah.” Luhan looked over his shoulder at Xiumin. “But I don’t know what’s going on.”

Xiumin sighed.

“I don’t ether but lets move back to the café and talk about it.” He walked out.

“Dang Sehun, since when have you been so mature and rational?” Tao joked as he watched Sehun help Luhan off the floor.

“Since the day I was born, duh!”

“Nope, back to your old self.”

“Shut up.” Sehun tossed back as they made their way out of the bathroom and back into the café.

Xiumin was sweeping up the floor while mumbling something about the electricity bill.

Tao Sehun and Luhan took a seat at the round table near the counter. They were waiting for Xiumin to finish and take a seat with them to talk about it. And eve though the other two were completely calm Luhan was siting on the edge of his chair looking at everything around him suspiciously.

“You lazy brats, just sitting around while I clean up. Don’t even offer to help out your Hyung.” Xiumin said as he took a seat between Sehun and Tao.

“You didn’t ask.” Tao said examining his nails. “Anyways, what are we going to do now?”

“We could call and ask Suho Hyung for help?” offered Sehun.

“He wouldn’t help, he only deals with people with 'Powers', and I highly doubt Luhan is that strong.”

They all looked at Luhan at the same time, wondering what type of 'Abilities' Luhan had. He had spaced out, looking around the room when he felt their gazes on him, making him jump in his seat.

“W-what?” He asked suspiciously.

“What’s you 'Ability'?” Xiumin asked.

“My what?”

“Your 'Ability', you know. Unless you have a 'Power', but I don’t think you would.” Tao said.

“W-what are you talking about?”

“Your 'Ability'. Do we really need to spell it out for you?” Tao sighed with frustration. “You know! Like how Xiumin controls ‘Frost’ and Sehun can control ‘Wind’. Except an 'bility isn’t nearly as strong as their Power”

“That’s not possible.” Luhan said shacking his head. He had just convinced himself that what he had seen earlier was all just his imagination. There was just no way that people could do what Sehun and Xiumin had done. It’s only things that you see in movies or books.

“Uh, yeah it is.”

“Tao, don’t talk to him that way,” Xiumin scolded. “He probably doesn’t remember it yet. Don’t forget we found him unconscious out back.”

Tao pouted.

“Haha!” Sehun taunted and Tao stuck his tongue out at him.

“Don’t worry, you might not just remember right now.” Xiumin told a freaked out Luhan.

“No, no. That's not possible.” He repeated, “People with powers or abilities isn’t real. It can’t be. I must be hallucinating. Yeah, this is all a dream. There’s no way that he could control wind or frost! That’s just crazy! Yeah, you’ve finally lost it Luhan. You over worked you’re self again and now your imagining people with powers?” Luhan rambled to himself out loud.

“Luhan? Are you okay?” Sehun reaches out to hold Luhan’s hand only to have it slapped away.

Luhan’s chair clattered loudly behind him as he stood abruptly causing it to tip over. He started backing up slowly, his hands raised out as if to keep distance between them. Tao, Xiumin and Sehun looked at him as though he had gone crazy, but it wasn’t true. They were the crazy ones, talking about stuff that didn’t exist.

“You're all crazy! There’s no such thing as people with powers or abilities. They don’t exist! It’s not real! There’s just no such—”

Just then a cloud of black ‘poofed’ in front of Luhan. Black swirls of smoke brushed his face as the cloud instantly became solid. Then just as quickly as it had appeared the smoke reduces, only to reveal a tanned skin male with white hair. He turned around and faced Luhan.

The other looked at Luhan for a second before he smiled and said, “Oh! You’re new. My names Kai, nice to meet you.”

Kai held out his hand just as Luhan crumbled to the floor, blacking out.

Okay so here is the update for chapter 2! Hope you like it! I tried to make it as interesting as I could~. Though things are a little slow right now, as everyone gets introduced things will state to get more interesting and fun~

So please stick around~! 

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Chapter 3: You are back! :DD
I had to re-read it because I couldn't remember the story ^^;;
I'm so happy, I'll be waiting for the next chapter e.e
Chapter 2: Woah!!! This is great!! Please update soon!
xXxcielxXx #3
Chapter 2: *thumbs up* nice job mah friend!! Im really likeing it so far!!! Update soon XD
Chapter 2: Good story it must interesting
Chapter 1: Oh woah, this is gonna be so exciting!!! Update soon! :D
RandomViewer6914 #6
Chapter 1: *sits there, waiting for author-nim to update* do it......... i can wait a thousand years.
xXxcielxXx #7
Chapter 1: First comment woot!! Yeaaahhhhh me likkkkkkeeeee!! U did good!! Now ima nag u to update soon! XD