Chapter 1

Two Worlds, Reunited.

Two Worlds, Reunited.



“In the Beginning…

When the skies and the grounds were one…

The legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of—”


‘Nope. That’s just lame!’  He though, ‘Who the heck starts a story like that?

Oh Sehun sighed as he held down the delete button on his dinosaur of a laptop. Who knew trying to write a story was this hard.  He obviously didn’t. This was the first time he’s ever tried to write anything in his life, and even doing his English homework when he was in high school didn’t count because he would BS it 60 percent of the time, while the other 40 percent was just copied and pasted.

He didn’t know how someone could do this for a living or even a hobby!! And don’t get him started on people who actually read books for fun! Sehun could swear that they were on drugs or something. Like, what type of crazy mental person READ’S for fun! He shuttered at the thought.

Not even taking a sip of his most beloved Chocolate Bubble Tea would stop the shivers he felt at the thought of those psycho book readers. Then again Sehun's favorite drink did have ice in it so it’d be understandable that he’d feel cold drinking it. But no, he felt cold all over. So cold in fact that his teeth were chattering.

‘What the heck?’  Sehun thought while looking up.

That’s when he remembered where he was.  He was at the Café around the corner from his house. He couldn’t remember the name of the shop, even though he went there almost every single day, all he knew was that they served the best bubble tea in the world and for so cheap.  Score!

Looking over to the owner of this fine Bubble Tea Shop— as he would refer to it— he noticed the owner humming to himself while wiping down the counter with a dreamy look on his face. The owner was really young looking for his age; so much in fact that a lot of people thought he was a still in high school. Especially with his cute round cheeks and the fact that he resembled a steam bun. No one would believe that Xiumin, the owner and Sehun’s good friend, had opened up this shop almost 5 years ago or that he had started it up on his own from scratch.  

As Sehun stared at him with a blank look, Xiumin continued to wipe down the same exact spot on the counter, staring up into the sky in his own dreamland. That’s what was wrong. Xiumin had spaced out so much that he was completely relaxed and not concentrating on reining in his powers. Something that was important to people with strong 'Powers'.

That’s the reason it was so cold in there, because Xiumin was so engrossed in his own world that he didn’t notice that he was letting out a constant stream of cold air into his shop, little by little covering everything in a fine sheet of ice. It gave the Victorian Era décor of the cafe a certain beautiful, yet haunted look. Little icicles started slowly forming on the ceiling. The few costumers that were there quickly left at the rapid decrease in temperature, and it passed Sehun's mind that he should probably get out of there too, but now that he was the only customer left he didn't want to anymore. Sure his teeth were clattering and he could no longer feel his fingers or toes, but he preferred the quiet. And if that ment sitting in an icicle Café with a day dreaming baozi and the fact that his computer would break because of the cold, then it was a sacrifice worth taking. Especially if that meant he could be together with the love of his life, his one true love, his beautiful Bubble Tea.

That was until he tried to take a sip of his drink, only to have his tongue get stuck in the straw.

“YA!” Sehun shouted, breaking Xiumin from his trance, “your stupid ice froze my Bubble Tea!”

He held up his frozen solid drink, completely pissed at its current condition and at the shops owner.

“W-what? OH! I’m so sorry; I didn’t even know what I was doing!”

“Obviously!” Sehun huffed, “your stupid daydreaming froze up my poor baby~.”

Xiumin rolled his eyes at the sight of Sehun rubbing his face against his Bubble Tea, as he headed towards the back of the cafe to turn on the heater. Xiumin’s electricity bill was sure to be high this month if he didn’t hold himself in check, especially with winter just around the corner.

Sehun patiently waited for Xiumin to come back to the front of the shop. Okay, maybe he wasn’t that patient, but he only called out for Xiumin 10 times. Which was a big improvement in his part.

“Shut up, you annoying baby and drink your bottle” Xiumin said as he slammed Sehun’s new ChocoBubble Tea on the table.

Sehun ignored him as he took sips of his wonderful drink. He’d been going to Xiumin’s cafe since it first opened; though back then it was a sorry excuse of a shop. The only thing Xiumin sold in the beginning was coffee and pastries, but thanks to Sehun and his constant insistence—or nagging, depending on who you ask—Xiumin decided to add Bubble Tea to the menu. From then on it became a place where Sehun would hang out all the time.

“Hey, Hyung! You should name your Bubble Tea Shop after me!” Sehun randomly called out.

“This isn’t a Bubble Tea Shop, it’s a Café. And there’s no way I’m naming it after an annoying little brat like you.”

“HEY! Who’re you calling a brat! Yah Baozi!”

“You. Now drink your Bubble Tea or I’ll freeze it again.” Xiumin chuckled.

“Whatever.” Mumbled Sehun, going back to concentrating on his story.

He was so engrossed in typing that he didn’t notice someone plop down in the seat in front of him until they slammed his laptop shut on his fingers.

“Hey, Sehun! Buy your Gege something to drink!”

“What? No, buy your own god damn drink.” Sehun snapped, shaking out his poor abused fingers.

Tao gasped. “How dare you! I don't have any money on me. Now buy it.”

“No. If you have money to throw away on shopping then you have enough to buy your own drink. Now leave me alone, I’m trying to be creative and .” Sehun buried his face into his laptop, praying that Tao wouldn’t get all sassy and ask/force him to buy him a drink.

“Fine, Whatever.”

Sehun thanked the heavens.

“But you’re paying next time”

‘Damn it!’

Tao turned towards Xiumin who was currently moping up floor, slightly humming to himself.

“Xiumin-Gege,” He called, “Could I order a coffee please~?”

“Sure, what coffee would you like?”

“Well I’m not sure if you can make it here… I only ever get it at Starbucks and they make it exclusively there.”

Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Tao, just tell me what coffee you want.”

“Fine, fine” Tao took a deep breath as Xiumin got a pen and paper from his apron to jot down the order, “I’ll take a Non-fat Skim Vanilla Latte on the rocks with an extra shot of espresso and a dash of cinnamon.”

Xiumin gave Tao a blank look before saying “Iced Vanilla Latte it is.” And walked away.

Tao scoffed.

“Really is it so hard to give me what I want? It’s not like I ask for much!”

“No, just the World on a gold platter.”

“No I don’t. Anyways what are you doing? That typing noise if annoying.”

“I’m writing a story.” Sehun answered trying to concentrate.

“Why would you do that? Are you having a midlife crises or something? You know I hear drinking a special type of herbal tea can help with that.” Tao wiggled his fingers

“What the are you talking about? I’m not having a midlife crisis, I’m ing 20 years old.”

“So? ”

“So that means I’m to young to have a midlife crises.”

“Oh! Well who cares about that, what are you writing?”

Sehun sighed. If Tao hadn’t been his beast friend he would have walked away by now. That’s just how he was, if he found something annoying or not worth his time he would just up and leave.

“Like I said: I’m writing a story,” Sehun answered.


“What do you mean ‘why’? Because I want to that’s why!”

“No you don’t”

“And how would you know what I want and don’t want?”

“Because I know you, and you find the idea of reading psychotic. So there’s no way in hell you’d try writing.” Tao stated while reaching over for Sehun’s drink only to have it slapped away.

“No, mine!” Sehun snarled just as Xiumin walked up with Tao’s Iced Coffee.

“Here you go, sorry for the wait.” He turned toward Sehun, “Sehun I’ll be right back, I have groceries to pick up, so I’m leaving you in charge while I’m out. All right? Just don’t destroy the place or I’ll make you into ice sculptures, got it?” Xiumin called out as he walked towards the back of the café.

Sehun and Tao mumbled their agreements. He only got into one Wushu fight with Tao, accidentally destroying the place and he’s never heard the end of it.

“Alright Sehun, if your such an amazing writer then tell me what’s the story about?” Tao leaned back against his seat sipping his iced coffee.

“Okay. Well so far it’s about this big group of guys that have different 'Powers' and to—”

“Wait!” Tao interrupted. “'Powers', really? Is that the best you can come up with?”

“Yeah, so. What’s wrong with having 'Powers'?”

“What do you mean what’s wrong? That’s so common! Everyone has some sort of 'Ability' or 'power'. Why can’t you try writing a fictional story where no one has 'Abilities'.”

Sehun thought about it. That would make an interesting story. He could hardly imagine a world where no one had some sort of special 'Ability' or 'Power'.

It was strange and unheard of for someone to be born without an 'Ability'. Sure, most are born with very weak and pathetic powers—referred to as an “Ability”—, but others were so great that they needed special trinkets and training to help control them better and those were referred to as people with “Powers”.

 Sehun and Tao were one of those few people with strong 'Powers', his being the 'Power' to control Wind and Tao was a Time Stopper. Though their powers were considered strong they weren’t nearly as powerful as Xiumin or their teachers. So to hear of a person without even an Ability was just crazy.

“Nah. I want them to have 'Powers'.” Sehun answered trying to remember where he left off in the story. “What was I saying…. oh yeah! They have different 'Powers' and while six of them are from a different world, like a parallel world of ours, all twelve of them must meet up in order to—”

“Wait! Why twelve? Isn’t that too much?” Tao interrupted again.

“No. It’s not. Now do you want to hear the rest or not?”

“Actually no, I don’t.” Tao leaned on the table while slurping his Iced Coffee.

Sehun groaned.

“But, I would like to know why you decided to write this boring story in the first place.”

“It’s not boring, it’s—”

“Yeah it is.”

“— Actually because I had a dream about it and when I woke up I had this  urge to dig out my old laptop and start typing up what I could remember. So that’s exactly what I did this morning.” Sehun said.

“Huh. Well good luck with that.”

“You know Tao, you were actually one of the twelve in my dream”

“Oh~! I was! Hmm, maybe your story isn’t as lame as it sound. I bet I was amazing.”

“Wow, you’re such a Deva!” Sehun chuckled.

“So tell me, Oh Sehun, just how amazing am I in your story?”

“Well actually—” Sehun started before being interrupted by 

He sighed at being interrupted again. He looked at the caller I.D. and saw that it was actually Xiumin calling him.

“Yeah?”  Sehun answered after the third ring.

Sehun, I need you and Tao to come out back as fast as you can. It’s an emergence. Hurry!

The distress in Xiumin’s voice over the phone unsettled him. Normally Xiumin was very calm, but he sounded practically frantic.

“Why, what’s wrong? Are you okay Hyung?”

I can’t explain it over the phone. Just come quick!” He said before hanging up.

“What’s wrong?” Tao asked, noticing the worried expression on Sehun’s face.

“Xiumin-Hyung needs us to go out back. He said it’s urgent.” Sehun looked up at Tao. “I have a bad feeling about this.” He said as he packed his laptop into the backpack that he had brought with him.

And it was true. As soon as Xiumin hung up the phone, Sehun had felt an electric chill run down along his whole body causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

The sound of chairs scraping against the floor could be heard as Sehun and Tao rushed to the back of Xiumin’s café.

As the two boys burst threw the back door, spotting Xiumin hunched over a body on the ground, Sehun got the feeling that nothing was ever going to be the same again.


So here's Chapter 1!
I'm sorry it's a little jumpy and slow, but I'm not very good at starting stories.

But anyways~

Who do you think it is that they found on the floor?


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Chapter 3: You are back! :DD
I had to re-read it because I couldn't remember the story ^^;;
I'm so happy, I'll be waiting for the next chapter e.e
Chapter 2: Woah!!! This is great!! Please update soon!
xXxcielxXx #3
Chapter 2: *thumbs up* nice job mah friend!! Im really likeing it so far!!! Update soon XD
Chapter 2: Good story it must interesting
Chapter 1: Oh woah, this is gonna be so exciting!!! Update soon! :D
RandomViewer6914 #6
Chapter 1: *sits there, waiting for author-nim to update* do it......... i can wait a thousand years.
xXxcielxXx #7
Chapter 1: First comment woot!! Yeaaahhhhh me likkkkkkeeeee!! U did good!! Now ima nag u to update soon! XD