When he just got back from his world tour

Daddy Dae
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To: badDae

Hero: Jung Daehyun

Heroin: lee Dahee

Plot: when he just got back from his world tour

Genre: fluff


Missing Daehyun has really taken toll on Lee Dahee.

You got a fever and now, you are fighting the headaches. Like seriously, you were okay waiting for 3 months and for just 3 days ago, you suddenly feel very sensitive, edgy and you suddenly start missing him so much. You checked your phone for updates and it looked like BAP’s concert had started.

You threw your phone elsewhere and cuddled into the warm blanket as you shivered. You want to have some warm porridge or soup but you just can’t stand up and cook. This makes you miss Daehyun even more and you really wanted him to just abandon the concert and go back to the house. You drifted back to a deep sleep, dreaming of Daehyun.


The next morning, you wake up to feel a pair of arm on your waist. You smile giddily as you turn around and see Daehyun’s face. What had you done to me Jung Daehyun? You caress his face gently and eventually leave some kisses on Daehyun’s face.

You feel healthy and a lot more energetic compared to those long months. You removed Daehyun’s hand and stand up before washing your face and take a bath. A bath had never felt so great and refreshing! Next, you go to the kitchen to make some pancakes. You start eating some as you were very hungry but decided to stop and eat together with Daehyun.

You tip toed to your room to avoid waking Daehyun up. Slowly, you climb the bed and lie beside him. You turn a little bit and stare at his perfect face. “I miss you Daehyun-ah.” You pat his face slightly and he stirs in his sleep. “Wake up sleepy-head, I made food for you.” At the mention of food, Daehyun’s eyes open slightly and he smiles slightly.

“Good morning beauty.” Daehyun greets and you blush. “Come on, wash up and we can eat.” Daehyun walks towards the toilet and he starts washing his face. He looks at his image formed on the mirror and he smiled. Ahhhhhh I miss home so much! Last night, he came home expecting to see you all dolled up and waiting for him but unfortunately you were alre

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Chapter 28: I love this storyy T^T
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 33: I understand only being able to stan 1 group, no worries, that's how I feel about B.A.P. I did enjoy the fic, but didn't find until late. I'll stay subscribed for the off chance you do continue, but I'm only interested in reading B.A.P fics. Thanks for letting us know.
Chapter 28: This was so sweet, but also so sad :(
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 32: Finally finished reading all of them, what a roller coaster of emotion! Some laughs, sadness & just plain feels from happiness! But this last one.... ugh! My heart!!!
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 30: Omo....so sweet...thanks authornim...
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 29: Plot: when daedae and oc cuddle with their baby...@ when daedae and oc cuddle while she was pregnant...
choyriyee #7
Chapter 28: I am literally sobbing hard here read this chapter.. Omg..
badDae #8
Chapter 28: hero: jung daehyun
heroin: lee dahee
Plot: when he just got back from his world tour
genre: fluff
Chapter 28: plot : When you are diagnosed having abrain tumor a month before your wedding.
hero : jung daehyun
heroin : lee yoobi