6. "Father"


- Third Person POV -

When Dongwoo, Myungsoo, Hoya and Sungyeol made it to the hospital, they were about to stroll their way towards Hyomi's room, only to be stopped by one of the nurses working at the reception counter.

"I'm sorry, but who are you looking for?"

"Ah, my bad. We're visiting a girl named Hyomi, she was admitted here this morning."

"Her full name, please?"

Dongwoo opened his mouth to say something - probably an excuse of some sort about not knowing her surname - but Myungsoo beat him to it.

"Lee Hyomi. She should be just down the hall."

"Ah, her," the nurse said, examining the four boys curiously. The second she saw Myungsoo, she immediately had a star-struck expression on her face. The other three boys rolled their eyes while Myungsoo plastered a stiff smile on his face. "She changed rooms actually. Are you family or...?"

She sounded a little too hopeful. Sungyeol turned around so that the nurse wouldn't see him, and made a gagging face. Hoya saw it from the corner of his eye and chuckled. Dongwoo did his best to keep from smacking his own forehead.

"Erm, yeah, you could say that we're...blood related," Myungsoo replied. Then, under his breath so that only the boys could hear, "why not."

Sungyeol had to fake a cough to hide his snickering.

The nurse said that Hyomi had been moved to a higher floor in the building. She insisted on bringing them up to the room, but Myungsoo insisted that it was okay. Before they went to find the elevator though, she called out, in a rather snide sounding voice, "I think she has a few issues. You know she tried to run away in the afternoon?"

Seriously, what happened to at least trying to look professional in this place?

Dongwoo exchanged a worried glance with the other three. *Run away? Why would she do that?*

"Why'd you say that her last name was 'Lee'?" Sungyeol asked.

Myungsoo just shrugged. "Isn't it just faster that way? The only thing left is to see for myself if she's the right person."

When they made it to the right floor, the four boys could see why her room had been moved. There were security guards stationed near pretty much every exit, and some of them were even walking around, looking rather bored. Was this really necessary?

They awkwardly made their way towards the room Hyomi was supposed to be in, and Sungyeol hesitantly knocked the door. There was no reply, so Hoya huffed and pushed it open himself once more.

Dongwoo was the first to stick his head in this time, and saw that Hyomi was sitting on the bed, awake, and staring out the locked windows. She didn't even flinch or turn around when the four boys trooped in.

"I told you I'd visit again," Dongwoo said, instinctively knowing that it was indeed the same 'Hyomi' from this morning, breaking the silence as Sungyeol carefully slid the door shut. *All that's left is for Myungsoo to see her face.*

"I hope you don't mind, but I brought a few more friends."

He sat down on the chair next to the bed. Hoya and Sungyeol looked at each other as if to say, 'oh my god, I can't breath in this awkwardness', while Myungsoo's eyes narrowed.

"Hi," she said, back towards them. Dongwoo frowned at how weak and dead her voice sounded.

"Do you like meeting new people?"

She shrugged.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes, then. You already know me and Hoya. Common guys, introduce yourselves."

He shot a smile at Sungyeol, who gaped at him, having no clue how the older boy thought. How can he not feel awkward? Seriously, it's amazing in it's own way...

"Erm, I'm Sungyeol," he said. Hyomi just nodded.

"I'm Myungsoo. I believe we may have met before."

There was nothing said for a while, until the girl said, "the sunset's pretty."

Her guests followed her gaze and looked out the window, and sure enough, they saw the fiery orb of light slowly decend below the horizon line. The orange around it slowly became a dark blue as the last rays of it's natural light hid itself for another night.

A few seconds after it had finally disappeared from their view, Hyomi finally turned around.

She looked as if she had been suffering insomnia. Her eyes were a little bloodshot, and her lips were pale. She looked as if she had cried until there were no tears left to spend. In short, she looked like a wreck.

Dongwoo felt a cold shiver run down his spine when her tired eyes met his. He really, really wanted to ask if she was okay, but he knew that it was one of the stupidest and most pointless question to ever exist. Instead, he forced a smile and said, "hope you don't mind us in your room."

She said nothing when she turned her gaze to Myungsoo, who was standing beside him. Dongwoo heard the younger boy's breath hitch and saw his fists clench. *So it is her. Oh, man, this just got so much more complicated.*

"Ah, I was right. We've met before, but I don't think you remember," Myungsoo said. His voice wavered just the slightest bit that Dongwoo barely noticed. Typical Myungsoo - when he's on to something, he becomes almost restless.

Hyomi shook her head as if to say that she had no idea who he was.

"I'm Kim Myungsoo," he said. "Well, I guess we've never actually met met, but I was a witness to the accident you were in about two years ago."

Dongwoo began to worry that someone had went and performed mental torture on the girl, who now looked like she was about to physically break apart any time.

"I was also the one who went with you to the hospital, even though you were unconscious at that time. The hospital transfused my blood to you, because they were in a panic for someone with the same blood type, and I just happened to be there. It was a hit-and-run, so I don't think the culprit was ever caught. Especially since it was at night, and it was kind of far from downtown." He paused. "I'm rambling, but am I making sense?"

"I...think I remember," she said slowly. Myungsoo smiled while Dongwoo and Hoya both let out a deep breath.

"Small world, huh?" Sungyeol sudden burst out. His eyes were a little wild looking and it seems like the tension of the atmosphere was really getting to him.

Hyomi looked at Myungsoo in the eye as if studying him. The boy didn't flinch, but held her gaze, patiently waiting for her to say something. The four boys almost had to rub their eyes when they saw her crack a weak smile. "It is, isn't it?"

Sungyeol was the one who was the most surprised. He practically flung himself towards the bedside and took her hand in his. Hyomi was a little shocked, but she could just stare at him as he blabbed on about how she had given him a heart attack this morning and how he would smother her in a hug - but seeing how she had an IV drip and everything, would save it for another day.

Hoya grunted as he pried his crazed friend off of the girl, and scolded him for being so childish. Not that anyone could blame him, he was a choding, after all.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes before he looked back at Hyomi.

"Do you mind if we...catch up?"


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the same building...

A man was sitting in his car, which he was parked near the hospital. He looked a uncomfortable and kept wincing as the voice on the other line sounded gruff and impatient.

"Yes, father, I apologize for not telling you earlier, I was busy with work, you see, and -"

"I'm tired of your excuses, Byunghee. I specifically told you to contact me immediately if you had any leads on Hyomi."

He sighed. "Yes, father."

"I was afraid that we would lose her for good. We can't let that happen, she's too valuable. You know that, don't you, Byunghee?"

"Yes, father."

"You're sure that the reports say that all her systems are functioning properly?"

"Yes, father."

"Good. I'll need you to send me her full medical report as soon as possible, so I can go and distribute it. There are already a list of clients showing interest, as usual."

"Her medical report...? That might be a bit difficult, since I'm mainly involved in surgeries and Hyomi didn't require - "

"Are you talking back to me?"

"N-no, father."

"I thought so. I expect the report before Thursday night, as you already know. Just tell them that you're relatives and want a copy for records, but you know that you can't disclose anything more. Anything else that I should know?"

Byunghee bit his lip, wondering if he should tell his father about her strange visitors, but opted to keep quiet about it. After all, they were just people who saved her, right? His father probably wouldn't be that interested...

"Byunghee. Are you going to answer me or not?"

He flinched. "My apologies, father. That...should be all."

"Very well. I look forward to hearing from you soon. And make sure you keep an eye on her, try not to let her go far this time." There was a low and sinister chuckle. "She can run, but she can't hide."

Without any sort of a 'good bye', Byunghee was left with the dial tone bleeping in his ear. He chucked his phone to the seat next to him, and winced when he had accidentally thrown it against the window.

He picked it up to check for damages, but thankfully, it was still functioning. He stared blankly at it and carefully tucked it away at his pocket. He adjusted the car mirror above him, and then caught a glimpse of his fatigued eyes.

Byunghee slumped his shoulders and sighed. "Hyomi..."


...mmkay I need to finish my homework now. ;__; i've been slacking the whole week D:

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great job!
great job!
YAYYY! An update~ <br />
<br />
Ohh, I can sense a big scene coming up. <br />
<br />
thanks for the update :]
Onebrightstar #4
Thank you for updating! I'm a bit worried for Hyomi, because she seems to deal with alot of stuff, but I'm glad there are enough people who care for her and help her when needed. Lol at Myungsoo and the red light :) <br />
And of course happy holidays to you too!~
Onebrightstar #5
Woah, this really is an intriguing story! And your writing style makes it easy to believe this could happen in real life instead of it being just a story. You've earned another subscriber. This story is too good to ignore!
T_T<br />
omg srsly i'm starting to hate hyomi's step-father a lot -______- and well joon... scares me kekeke~<br />
happy bday our kenyan prince~~<33333<br />
update soon!
Joon just want Hyomi's money, what kind of brother she has, huh? -.-<br />
But now that's okay with me... SINCE YOU SAID DONGWOO IT'S THE MALE LEAD OF THE STORY.<br />
okay, i'm strange, that doesn't make sense and the fact that Dongwoo is the lead is kinda obvious, but there are rare good fics with him. Thank you for writing this amazing story with my ultimate bias <33 Ok, now back to the plot... I wonder what Joon want to do with Hyomi's inheritance, and I wonder what Dongwoo will do now.<br />
<br />
And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENYAN PRINCE. oh, and did you see his video, saying Happy Birthday to himself? So cute~!
cminutebyminute #9
Oh, the power of inheritance!<br />
... and it's our wild-eyed, Kenyan laughing machine's birthday! Yay ^^
cminutebyminute #10
I loved this chapter! ... and yay for INFINITE's seconds 'Paradise' win! That had to be the most unsync scorpion dance to date :D It was so funny how Dongwoo was trying to give that other mic to... And I love your story! (Just wanted to add that... ^^)