4. Reunion


- Third Person POV -

"Hyomi," the man repeated, still catching his breath. He took one step into the room, unceremoniously shoving Dongwoo aside, causing the boy to grunt and glare. The man advanced towards Hyomi with an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

"It is you. I can't believe you did this again." He sighed. "Do you know how upset father would be if he found out?"

"Who?" she snapped back, almost immediately. "I have no father, nor a family. I live on my own."

Dongwoo frowned at the ice that laced her voice. He wondered if he should sudenly interest and busy himself with the flower pot or something. Maybe excuse himself for some not-so-fresh hallway air.

"Yes, I know you live by yourself, but that's no way to - "

"You've misunderstood. I mean that I live my life on my own."

Hyomi stressed these words with such toxicity that both men flinched. Dongwoo felt terribly awkward and decided to stick his head into the hallway, hoping to find Hoya or Sungyeol, which unfortunately, he didn't. Thinking that Dongwoo wasn't paying attention, the man continued.

"Hyomi, please listen to me. Father wants you to come back. We all want you to, it's been so long. Can't you see that you need us, too?"

The girl scoffed bitterly. "I don't know what you're talking about, doctor. Please leave, you've rudely interrupted us. Neh, Dongwoo-shi?"

Dongwoo's ears perked and he spun around, meeting Hyomi's gaze. Her eyes seemed to be pleading for him to do something. The man was glaring daggers at him, but Dongwoo didn't feel fazed by it at all.

"Um, yeah, that was rude," Dongwoo blabbed, waving his arm in the air and hoping that his improv acting wasn't that readable to a stranger. "I'm sorry, doctor, but could you please leave?"

With hesitant grunt, the man threw the both of them a look before storming out of the room in a rather unprofessional manner. Before he left, however, he paused, went back, seized Dongwoo by the arm, and proceeded to pull him out.

"Let me talk to you for a minute," he murmured, his painful iron grip causing the dyed blonde to yelp.

Once they were in the hall, the man closed the door and put a finger in Dongwoo's face before he could say anything. He sighed and let go, momentarily taking his glasses off to wipe on his shirt, then put them back on. When he looked back at Dongwoo, it was like he was a completely different person.

"I'm so sorry about that, our Hyomi has always had some...anger issues," he said, almost sheepishly. Dongwoo remained silent, but eyed him carefully.

"I'm a doctor here at the hospital. You can call me Byunghee, though. I don't like formal titles"

He held out a hand towards Dongwoo, who stared at it, a bored expression on his face. He made no effort to shake it.

"You look pretty young to be a doctor," he said.

Byunghee chuckled nervously as he awkwardly put his hand back down. "I worked day and night in school. Our father always wanted me to become a doctor, and -"

Dongwoo raised an eyebrow.

"What's your relationship with Hyomi?"

His question seemed to throw Byunghee off as the young doctor flinched.

"We...we're cousins," he said, eyes darting around. "Like she said, she lives by herself, and we try to take care of her, but she refuses everything. I really wish she'd come back to us, but she's always been difficult..."

He sighed and took his glasses off again, cleaning them on his shirt and putting them back on. Almost in a mechanical fashion. "That's what I was going to ask you. Could you maybe see if you can, erm, soften her up? Convince her to listen to me? Since you saved her and everything, she might just listen, right?"

Dongwoo stared at him blankly. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you so much," Byunghee breathed. "Anyways, I've got to go now, so please take care of her and keep her out of trouble."

With that, he went off. Dongwoo frowned, disliking the vibes he was getting from this guy, but shrugged it off. He wasn't sure who this guy thought he was, but he sure acted rather odd. Not just by the way he reacted to Dongwoo's questions, but also his choice of words. And usually, don't people fling themselves at their hospitalized relatives and sob for the miracle that they're okay? Or something like that? Not scold them for disappearing or whatever.

Dongwoo carefully invited himself back into the room, and saw Hyomi glaring at him.


"What did Byunghee say to you?"

Dongwoo pursed his lips. Hyomi was clearly not fond of this doctor. *Cousins, huh? ...at least be more convincing, you idiot. Even Sungjong could see through that.*

"He just introduced himself and told me to look after you," Dongwoo replied. It was the truth, after all. "Anyways, sorry if this offends you, but he's kind of a moron. Where were we?"

He sat back down with a goofy grin on his face, which made Hyomi raise an eyebrow, a faint smile curving on her lips. Okay, whoa, she smiled?

"You are weird. But I guess you're not that bad of a guy after all."

Having no idea what she was talking about, Dongwoo shrugged and was about to ask if she liked the ocean, but was untimely interrupted by Hoya, who carefully poked his head in.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but Dongwoo-ah, Sunggyu said he needs us to go over right now, or y'know, he'll..." Hoya made a hand motion that mimicked a slice in the neck.

Dongwoo blinked a few times at the younger boy and sighed. If Sunggyu had threatened them, it must mean that he's being cranky again, and no one likes it when cranky-pants-Gyu is out. Whatever he had called them in for this morning must have been important, and now they were...a few hours late. *Okay, not good.*

He turned back to Hyomi and gave her an apologetic smile. She had on a poker face as she just shrugged her shoulders again and looked back out the window once more.

"I'll...come by and visit tonight," Dongwoo said with a grin.

Hyomi seemed a little surprised, but didn't protest as she watched Dongwoo scamper out the door behind Hoya. The two boys jumped into the car with Sungyeol (Hoya insisted that he would drive), hoping that Sunggyu wouldn't be too furious when they arrived.


New profile.

Jung Byung Hee [정병희]
- I don't trust him. -
Age, 27. Blood type, A.

diagnosis: submissive.


Yes, Jung Byunghee = Mblaq's G.O.! (moleugesseoyo~ <3) I adjusted his age, though. And I just chose him cause I like him in glasses ;w;

Next chapter will be longer, I promise. But graugh! I tried to switch the time of one of my uni courses, only to get rejected because the "number of interested people are insignificant". Now I'm gonna have trouble trying to switch back, ajndfkajdnfadf. =='

thank you to everyone who subscribed already! <3 <3
and lol @ thuytranxD - you're way ahead of me hahaha XD you'll find out more about byunghee soon! :B


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great job!
great job!
YAYYY! An update~ <br />
<br />
Ohh, I can sense a big scene coming up. <br />
<br />
thanks for the update :]
Onebrightstar #4
Thank you for updating! I'm a bit worried for Hyomi, because she seems to deal with alot of stuff, but I'm glad there are enough people who care for her and help her when needed. Lol at Myungsoo and the red light :) <br />
And of course happy holidays to you too!~
Onebrightstar #5
Woah, this really is an intriguing story! And your writing style makes it easy to believe this could happen in real life instead of it being just a story. You've earned another subscriber. This story is too good to ignore!
T_T<br />
omg srsly i'm starting to hate hyomi's step-father a lot -______- and well joon... scares me kekeke~<br />
happy bday our kenyan prince~~<33333<br />
update soon!
Joon just want Hyomi's money, what kind of brother she has, huh? -.-<br />
But now that's okay with me... SINCE YOU SAID DONGWOO IT'S THE MALE LEAD OF THE STORY.<br />
okay, i'm strange, that doesn't make sense and the fact that Dongwoo is the lead is kinda obvious, but there are rare good fics with him. Thank you for writing this amazing story with my ultimate bias <33 Ok, now back to the plot... I wonder what Joon want to do with Hyomi's inheritance, and I wonder what Dongwoo will do now.<br />
<br />
And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENYAN PRINCE. oh, and did you see his video, saying Happy Birthday to himself? So cute~!
cminutebyminute #9
Oh, the power of inheritance!<br />
... and it's our wild-eyed, Kenyan laughing machine's birthday! Yay ^^
cminutebyminute #10
I loved this chapter! ... and yay for INFINITE's seconds 'Paradise' win! That had to be the most unsync scorpion dance to date :D It was so funny how Dongwoo was trying to give that other mic to... And I love your story! (Just wanted to add that... ^^)