2. Saviours


- Hoya's POV -

"What is he - WHAT THE IS HE DOING?"

Sungyeol and I had clambered out of the car just in time to see Dongwoo dive off the bridge.

We panicked and ran over to the edge, leaning down and squinting. It wasn't exactly the easiest place to jump off of, and I was seriously surprised as heck that Dongwoo did it without the slightest hesitation, even though he was, well, Dongwoo.

My heart was racing and my pulse thudded in my ears as I continued to strain, trying to see where the now-certified lunatic had went. Sungyeol was freaking out next to me, yelling his name.

After what felt like eternity, we saw the surface of the water ripple and bubble. Within seconds, Dongwoo's head emerged, his mouth opened and hungry for air. He saw the two of us yelling for him, and waved.

"The hell is he waving so casually for!?" I yelled.

"N-no, look!"

I bit my lower lip and squinted to look closer. My eyes widened. Oh, my god..

". Yeol! Ambulance!"

Just like Dongwoo, I shoved his things in the hands of the poor, bedazzled Sungyeol, as well as my own phone and wallet. I peeled off my jacket, tossing it in the direction of the taller one of us, and quickly dove into the water as well.

How did today turn out to be like this?!

- Third Person POV -

Hoya dove into the water to help Dongwoo with the girl that he had pulled out from the depths of the river. Thankfully, they were both athletic and the base of the bridge supporters was just slightly above the water level.

Sungyeol had jolted right back into the car, flinging the gadgets and leather wallets somewhere next to him, neglected his seatbelt and Hoya's jacket that had been draped haphazardly around his neck, and drove for the end of the bridge with such speed that rivaled even Dongwoo's. Once there, he fumbled with his phone and screamed - yes, screamed - for ambulance.

Back on a base support in the middle of the bridge, the two very soaked boys had hoisted the girl out of the water, clambering on the dry cement after her. She seemed to be unconscious and wasn't breathing.

They were arguing with each other about the steps of CPR as Dongwoo tried to pump the swallowed water out of the girl's system.

- ?'s POV -


I gasped, eyes suddenly shot wide open, my body immediately functioned on its own, hungrily gulping for air.

*What...happened? Am I dead?*

My vision began to clear up, and my eyes fell onto the boy who was kneeling down beside me. He blinked at me before beaming.

"Thank goodness, you woke up."

Confused, I tried to sit up. My head was hurting slightly and I nearly collapsed back on the ground. The boy caught me before quickly scooting over so that he could act as a temporary pillow. He took off his dripping wet jacket, folded it, and slid it underneath my hair.

"Don't move too quickly. Anyways, I was scared that I wasn't performing CPR properly," he said nonchalantly, trying to joke around a little. I didn't reply and tried to look around, only to groan when I made the mistake to turn and look directly at the brilliant sunlight. The boy laughed and gently nudged my head back to facing him.

With still bleary eyes, I looked up at him as he stayed in his position, wrenching the water out of his white shirt. His eyes looked piercing, his facial features defined in such a way that I didn't think he was a full Korean. His hair was dyed a dirty blonde, still spikey despite it being wet.

"Oh, she's awake, finally," another voice came, sounding relieved. "I saw a ship coming this way, probably for us, cause someone very Yeol-like was at the front jumping around and waving."

I tilted my head slightly to see another boy was walking towards me, hands in his pockets, also drenched with water. He had thick, dark eyebrows and he looked exhausted.

As the boys were talking to each other about the boat, and something else about "being screwed for the meeting", I slowly began to realize what had happened.

My clothes and hair were soaked, their clothes and hair were soaked, I'm under a bridge, and the sun is already up.

Although I wasn't in the right state of mind, head hurting and drowsy and all, it was pretty obvious.

"...why did you save me?" I murmured. My body felt numb. Part of me felt annoyed at them interferring, but another part was shivering, unsure of how they would answer...and how that answer would affect me.

They stopped talking, and I noticed that the one by my side looked surprised. "Are you telling me that I should just let someone fall off a bridge and drown?"

"Yes," I snapped back. I winced at the sharpness of my own voice, not meaning to sound angry. Chills began to run down my spine, fearing for the worst. *Would these people be just like them?*

The boy huffed. "You're weird. Well, I wouldn't live with myself if I did that. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, would you?"

I stared at him blankly as I slowly processed his words. I opened my mouth to respond, but ended up just gaping at him. Huh?


So I clearly have no knowledge about the anatomy of bridges, so I hope "bridge support base" makes sense~ essentially, it's the flat piece of concrete that the bridge columns are build on. Do they have an actual name? Lol.

Anyways, another short chapter! It'll get longer though, I promise.

Btw, wtf. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqxik2BmELA

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great job!
great job!
YAYYY! An update~ <br />
<br />
Ohh, I can sense a big scene coming up. <br />
<br />
thanks for the update :]
Onebrightstar #4
Thank you for updating! I'm a bit worried for Hyomi, because she seems to deal with alot of stuff, but I'm glad there are enough people who care for her and help her when needed. Lol at Myungsoo and the red light :) <br />
And of course happy holidays to you too!~
Onebrightstar #5
Woah, this really is an intriguing story! And your writing style makes it easy to believe this could happen in real life instead of it being just a story. You've earned another subscriber. This story is too good to ignore!
T_T<br />
omg srsly i'm starting to hate hyomi's step-father a lot -______- and well joon... scares me kekeke~<br />
happy bday our kenyan prince~~<33333<br />
update soon!
Joon just want Hyomi's money, what kind of brother she has, huh? -.-<br />
But now that's okay with me... SINCE YOU SAID DONGWOO IT'S THE MALE LEAD OF THE STORY.<br />
okay, i'm strange, that doesn't make sense and the fact that Dongwoo is the lead is kinda obvious, but there are rare good fics with him. Thank you for writing this amazing story with my ultimate bias <33 Ok, now back to the plot... I wonder what Joon want to do with Hyomi's inheritance, and I wonder what Dongwoo will do now.<br />
<br />
And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENYAN PRINCE. oh, and did you see his video, saying Happy Birthday to himself? So cute~!
cminutebyminute #9
Oh, the power of inheritance!<br />
... and it's our wild-eyed, Kenyan laughing machine's birthday! Yay ^^
cminutebyminute #10
I loved this chapter! ... and yay for INFINITE's seconds 'Paradise' win! That had to be the most unsync scorpion dance to date :D It was so funny how Dongwoo was trying to give that other mic to... And I love your story! (Just wanted to add that... ^^)