Minseok & Jongdae - 2

Queer & Proud - Behind the Scenes


The day dragged by painfully, and by last period, Minseok was both physically and emotionally exhausted. The image of Jongdae’s hurt and angry eyes lingered in his head, and it didn’t help that for the first time in a while, Jongdae was completely ignoring him.


He didn’t think he would miss the way Jongdae stared at him all the ing time, but now that it was replaced with negligence, it strangely annoyed him.


The worse thing, however, was the fact that last period was a study hall, meaning students from all three grades were placed in random classrooms for free studying. Normally, Minseok would’ve been ecstatic at the opportunity to fool around, but today was an exception. He cringed as he stepped into the loud classroom, looking around to see Jongdae sitting quietly in the back, earphones plugged in as he pointedly ignored his friend who was saying something to him.


Minseok didn’t notice the way he stood still in the front of the classroom, eyes fixed on Jongdae. Slowly, the noise in the classroom decreased as everyone stared at him in curiosity. Minseok felt his throat dry up when he saw Jongdae slowly lift his head and meet his eyes with a cold look.


“I-I-” Minseok stuttered, suddenly feeling obligated to explain himself. He felt his cheeks flush red, finally catching the way every single eye was fixed on him. Jongdae’s cold eyes remained on him, seemingly turning harder every second.




Minseok’s head snapped around to see Baekhyun standing beside him. The boy faced the classroom, giving everyone a pointed look.


“There’s nothing to see here,” he snapped, eyes narrowing. “Look away.”


Baekhyun was known for his hot-headedness and bad attitude, and everyone immediately tore his gaze away, turning back to whatever conversation he was having. The last to look away was Jongdae, who met Minseok’s eyes for a few more seconds before staring at his iPod screen.


“Sit down,” Baekhyun ordered as he dragged Minseok to his seat, and the two took their respective seats. Baekhyun was another reason he dreaded this period, as they had a small fight only that morning, but Minseok realized there was really nothing to be worried about. Baekhyun wasn’t one to hold grudges.


“I heard what happened,” Baekhyun whispered quietly, glaring at anyone who glanced at the two. “I just wanted to let you know that I had nothing to do with it.”


“Luhan already told me everything,” Minseok deadpanned, and Baekhyun slumped down, groaning.


“Fine, I did suggest using jealousy as a tool, but the details were all Luhan and Jongin’s doing. Not mine.”


“I don’t care, Baekhyun. I’m not mad,” Minseok reassured with a shrug.


“But I heard he called you a son of a ,” Baekhyun pointed out, “that might be fine if one of us called you that because, hey, let’s face it, it’s us. We’re all . But it was Jongdae. He might’ve actually meant it.”


“He was pretty pissed off,” Minseok took the chance to look back out of the corner of his eyes, and saw Jongdae saying something to his friend with an angry expression. He frowned and turned back around to face Baekhyun. “I admit it. I judged him wrongly. I shouldn’t have, and I want to apologize for it. But now I can’t because he’s made it clear he hates my guts now.”


“Did you say something else to him?”


“I might’ve told him he had serious problems and I didn’t want anything to do it them.”


“Ugh, Minseok,” Baekhyun whined, grabbing his friend’s arm and shaking it slightly. “Why?”


“You know what everybody says about him,” Minseok argued, “aside from Jongin, he’s probably the one with the worst reputation. Everybody says he smokes, gets into fights, sleeps with both students and teachers, and endless more. Of course I was reluctant to get to know him. I was scared and pissed off.”


“Hey, I heard things twice as worse as that about Jongin but still went ahead to befriend him,” Baekhyun said, “it’s the stupidest decision of my life, but hey, he’s not that bad. You didn’t have that many issues with Jongin. Why with Jongdae?”


“Because Luhan was friends with Jongin, so I knew what he was like before getting to know him myself,” Minseok said, “it’s different with Jongdae. I don’t know what he’s like.”


“You need to apologize, you know.”


“It’s not like I don’t want to,” Minseok whined, burying his head in his hands, “I feel like now. He scares me, to be honest.”


“He’s more a clown, isn’t he? I bet he’s just a big idiot,” Baekhyun propped his elbow on the desk behind him to get a clearer look of Jongdae, ignoring the way the owner of the desk shot him an exasperated look. “Kind of like Jongin. Maybe even worse.”


“You’re the clown, Baek,” Minseok deadpanned. “Luhan too, but not Jongin. He’s far too dark.”


“Jongin’s not dark. He’s not sunny, but there’s nothing remotely mysterious, gloomy, or serious about him.”


“You make him sound so attractive. No wonder Kyungsoo is in love with him,” Minseok drawled while rolling his eyes, earning a glare from Baekhyun.


“We need to get back to Kim Jongdae,” Baekhyun hissed, and Minseok watched as the younger reached down to his bag and took out a small piece of paper. Baekhyun folded it neatly and placed it on Minseok’s desk.


“What’s this?” Minseok asked, moving to pick it up only to have his hand slapped away by Baekhyun.


“It’s Kim Jongdae’s address.”


Minseok’s jaw slowly dropped it open, and he took a moment to gape at the paper and his friend alternatively.



“Why do you have his address?” He hissed as loudly as he could without getting himself heard by the whole classroom. “Are you stalking him?”


Baekhyun scoffed, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “I have connections.”


“You got Jongin to break into the principal’s office and steal the student records again, didn’t you.”


Baekhyun didn’t comment, but by the red blush on his cheeks, Minseok knew he was right.


“You can’t just get Jongin to do all the dirty work for you!”


“He already has a bad reputation. There’s nothing to dirty, unlike my innocent, pure image.”


Minseok snorted. “Oh my god. Do you honestly think that?”


Baekhyun remained silent before replying, “no.”


“Byun Baekhyun. Why are you even giving me his address?”


“You need to apologize to him, don’t you? I thought I’d make your life easier, unlike Jongin and Luhan. I’m giving you the perfect place.”


“We live in a ing dorm, you idiot.”


“We’re all going back to our respective homes during the weekend, remember? Some stupid renovations or something? That means Kim Jongdae will be at the address written on that paper. You may thank me now.”


“I’m not going to stalk him to his house,” Minseok snapped.


“You don’t get to pick the time and place. You’ve been the rude one, and he’s the mad one. You do whatever it takes to say sorry, and if he doesn’t give you the time of day here, you follow him to where he will.”


“And that’s his house? If I suddenly appear on his door steps, he’s either going to think I’m a creep or a pathetic , which, for the record, will make him even madder.”


“He honestly does not peg me to be the type to think that deeply.”


MInseok sighed, crinkling the piece of paper with his hands. “Baekhyun, I’m not going to his house. I’m going to apologize, but not like this.”


Baekhyun scoffed but turned around in his desk, shooting the boy one last exasperated stare. “You’re being stubborn again. The faster you get the apologizing over with, the less that poor boy back there is miserable. Think about him, not yourself.”


“I’m not stubborn!” Minseok cried, but Baekhyun ignored him as he slumped down on his desk, ready for his daily nap no.7. The boy was hopeless.





“I risked a detention for that. Use it.”


Minseok sighed as he shot a glare at Jongin while slowly shoving his books into his locker.


“I don’t know why you even listen to Baekhyun.”


“He threatened to make me buy him five gallons of ice cream. Even I don’t get that much allowance,” Jongin whined. “Besides, it’s not a bad idea.”


“It’s an extremely bad idea!” Minseok cried in frustration, practically throwing his calculus book in. “I’ve spent the last week avoiding him, and now I suddenly follow him to his home? It’s downright disturbing.”


“You don’t get to pick the time and place-”


“If you and Baekhyun are going to plan a speech together, at least don’t use the same line twice,” Minseok sighed.


“Come on, Minseok. The whole school now thinks I made out with you, including Kyungsoo, just because I wanted to help you and Jongdae out. You can’t do this to me. It just made my love life much more difficult.”


“Look,” Minseok snapped, slamming the locker door close and turning to face Jongin. “I didn’t ask for you to take that extremely idiotic action. I’m going to apologize to Jongdae, but I’m going to do it in a calm, nice way. I’m the idiot if I take your advice again.”


Minseok’s eyes traveled up, but he realized Jongin wasn’t looking at him but rather at something behind him. Minseok frowned and spun around only to see Jongdae standing by his locker across the hallway, frowning as he was typing something into his phone. Sighing, he faced his friend once more.


“He’s going to notice. Stop staring at him-”


Before Minseok could finish, however, Jongin pushed past Minseok and started walking away. Face quickly losing its color, Minseok squeaked in horror as he stumbled after him.


“Kim Jongin, you git, get back here!”


But Jongin passed by Jongdae without even a second glance, and Minseok quickly skid into a sharp stop and watched as Jongin stopped in front of Kyungsoo, saying something to him with a hopeful face. Groaning in frustration, he shook his head and looked up to see Jongdae only a meter away, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.


“Did you want something?” He asked, voice cold as it was before.


“U-uh-” Minseok felt himself sweat, face flushing, “not exactly?”


“Look,” Jongdae snapped, slamming his phone into his locker and turning to look at him with a pissed off look. “You’re obviously not interested in me if you faked a boyfriend to push me away, and you take large enough measures to ensure I know exactly what you think of me, so I don’t know why you keep on looking at me. I’m leaving you alone. It’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”


Minseok felt his breath hitch in his throat, wanting desperately to hide into a hole.


“I just wanted to apologize,” he muttered weakly.




Jongdae snorted and Minseok watched in shock as a condescending, bitter smile took its place on the boy’s face.


“You have no idea who I am, do you? You never even tried to find out. What are you even sorry for?”


Minseok blinked in confusion as Jongdae gave him a long stare before storming off. At that moment, he saw Kyungsoo turn red and run away from a devastated Jongin.


“I think I just made Jongdae even more mad at me,” he muttered, watching as Jongin turned around and walked over to him with slumped over shoulders.


“Kyungsoo thinks I’m a ,” Jongin sniffed, “he thinks I’m only chasing him to get into his pants. I don’t know why he believes those rumors more than he believes me when I’ve never been anything but genuine.”


Before Minseok could reply, Jongin dragged his body away, leaning down to grab his bag before slowly walking out. Minseok remained frozen, Jongin’s voice ringing in his head.


He believes those rumors more than he believes me when I’ve never been anything but genuine.


Groaning out loud, he buried his head into his hands, cursing himself from being everything he never wanted to be - a prejudice-blinded jerk.





This was a stupid idea. It was probably going to be the stupidest stunt of Minseok’s life, and that included the time he befriended Luhan.


“,” he cursed, his own voice not doing anything to comfort him. He rechecked the paper in his hands for the tenth time that minute, hoping desperately that Jongin would’ve gotten it wrong.


The apartment door labeled 1204 seemed menacing as it was, and the fact that Kim Jongdae was behind it added more than enough fear. Minseok was terrified.


“I can do this!” Minseok exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. “I totally got this!”


Calming himself enough to steady his hands, his slowly reached out to ring the doorbell when he heard a loud crash from the inside. A small squeak escaped his mouth, and he quickly blocked his own mouth before running to the side and kneeling down behind a large plant. He didn’t know what exactly he was doing, but all sense of logic had left him hours ago - he was letting his instincts make the decisions for him, and it told him to hide.


The door immediately flew open and came out Jongdae, hoodie draped over his wet hair and wearing far too thin clothes for the weather. He was spitting at the phone, eyes narrowed dangerously.


“I don’t care what you think,” Jongdae hissed as he slammed the door behind him. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”


Minseok leaned further against the concrete floor, flattening himself as much as he could. Muffled sounds came out of the phone, and Jongdae seemed to get angrier by the second.


“It’s not your decision! You screwed up my life already; why should I give a damn what you want?”


Jongdae kicked the empty jajangmyun plates on the floor that were placed there for pickup before storming down the apartment corridor, heading towards the stairs. Before he could think, Minseok found himself running after him, keeping a distance large enough not to get caught but still keep up. Jongdae was headed to the nearest convenience store, and before Minseok could decide whether or not to follow him in, Jongdae came out with a blacj plastic bag in his hands.


Fine,” Jongdae spat into the phone before hanging up. He walked for a few more minutes, and Minseok followed him to the apartment complex’s playground. It seemed like it had been years since any kids had been there, and the only people present were a group of teenagers huddled around the swing set. There were empty and half-full bottles on the sand, and Minseok didn’t have to be genius to recognize it as alcohol.


He watched as Jongdae stopped in front of the group, throwing the bag onto the floor. Out came packets of cigarettes of various kinds, and the teenagers slowly came walking over, picking a pack each.


“Don’t be difficult, Jongdae. You’re a good friend,” a boy commented, reaching out to pat Jongdae’s shoulders. Jongdae frowned and moved away, glaring at everyone viciously.


“I’m not doing this anymore,” he said. “I already told you this weeks ago. Stop calling me.”


“It’s not my fault you’re the only one who hasn’t got caught yet,” someone spoke up, snickering by himself. He was obviously drunk. “You can’t just ditch us like that, man. So not cool.”


“My parents know.”


The group suddenly fell into a deadly silent, and Minseok felt the need to hide in a safer place than under a slide.


“They what?”


“They know I’m gay.”


He was met with silence before one of the guys who had been barely standing up burst out into laughter.


“No they don’t.”


“I told them a couple of weeks ago,” Jongdae said firmly, “I told them, and they were fine with it. That means I don’t need money from you gits to continue going to school. They found out what school I was really going to, and agreed to pay for me now.”


“Bull!” Someone cried, walking over to Jongdae. “There’s no way your parents would’ve been okay with it. You still didn’t tell them. You just want to quit being in our debt.”


“Don’t assume you know about me. I went to you guys for help, and you guys agreed for a price. I went along with it. I don’t need to be part of the deal any longer, so I quit.


“Exactly! You came to us for help! You’ve been lying to your parents about what school you have been attending for years! There’s no way you came clean now.”


“I got sick and tired of keeping them in the dark. Simple as that. I want out - I’m no longer going to sacrifice everything I want just so I can act as you please.”


Jongdae stuck his hands into his hoodie pockets and took a step back.


“It looks like you guys need to look for a new person to boss around.”


Minseok’s breath hitched in his throat when he watched a couple guys stand up to chase after Jongdae, but one of the older looking boys stepped forward, blocking their way. The boy shook his head and gave Jongdae a stern look.


“I don’t know about them,” the boy said, “but I rather liked you. It’s a pity you’re leaving.”


Jongdae froze in his steps.


“You didn’t like me. You liked the fact I went through all the for you.”


MInseok finally relaxed when he realized none of the boys were going to follow Jongdae. He was hesitant on whether he should follow Jongdae or not, as it didn’t look like it was the right timing for an apology, but when he looked at the boy and saw the way he looked like he was going to drop to the floor any moment, he knew he had no choice.


Fastening his footsteps, he tried to catch up to Jongdae. They were almost at the apartment when he saw Jongdae stop. Before he could catch himself, Jongdae fell to ground while gripping his head.


"Kim Jongdae!” Minseok cried, running over to kneel down in front of the boy. Jongdae’s head snapped up and stared at him surprise, but Minseok was too busy examining his head.


“Are you alright? You look like you’re going to faint.”


“What are you doing here?” Jongdae said in shock, jaw dropping open. Minseok winced and let out an awkward laugh.


“I wanted to apologize,” Minseok said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to see all that.”


Jongdae slowly paled and quickly slapped Minseok’s hand away. “That wasn’t any of your business!”


“You’re right. It isn’t,” Minseok sighed and nodded. “Look, I didn’t come here to anger you further. I wanted to say I’m sorry, and wanted to ask for a chance to get to know you. I’ve been a to you ever since you came to talk to me. I wasn’t smart enough to see why. If you’re willing to, will you give me a second chance?”


Jongdae stared back at MInseok before slowly parting his mouth. “I’m not a bad kid.”


“I know you aren’t,” Minseok said with a light laugh. “At least, I know that now.”


“I suppose that’s alright, then,” Jongdae whispered, ducking his head. “You’re sorry, after all. And I’m in need of a friend.”


“That’s great!” Minseok smiled brightly. “Come on! Let’s get you inside before you collapse again.”


Jongdae and Minseok went into Jongdae’s apartment, and Minseok awkwardly took a seat on the sofa, watching as Jongdae plopped down beside him.


“That was all bull,” Jongdae said, “what I said back in the playground. My parents have no idea that I’m gay.”


Minseok blinked. “Is that even possible?”


“They’re busy all the time. They don’t really have the time to pay attention to my uality,” Jongdae attempted a weak smile. “I told them I got a scholarship to a boarding school a few kilometers away, and they took my word. I couldn’t get them to pay my fees though, because that meant they’d find out where the money goes. I had to get the money somewhere - I was young and desperate when I first came to this school. I made a couple rich friends, and they said they’d pay for me as long as I did everything they asked for. That included getting cigarettes, alcohol, and stealing test papers.”


“But they’re your parents,” Minseok protested, “surely they would understand?”


“You don’t know them, Minseok. They’re as old-fashioned as parents get. I don’t think any adults in Korea are actually okay with accepting the fact their son is gay. My parents especially. They would disown me at best; probably will get me sent to an asylum for the rest of the life.”


Minseok sat in silence, not knowing what to say.


“Why did you stop now?” He whispered.


“I needed to get away from them,” Jongdae shrugged, “I couldn’t live under their power forever. I needed other people in my life, and the only way for me to do that was to stop it once and for all.”


“What will you do now?”


“I saved up some money over the breaks. Did tons of part time jobs. I have enough to pay for the rest of this year,” Jongdae sighed. “I don’t know about next year though. I can’t get a loan, being underaged and all. I’ll figure something out along the way.”


Minseok bit his lips, staring down at his feet in shame.


“I’m sorry for judging you. I should’ve known better.”


“Jongin’s not your boyfriend, is he?”


Jongdae’s offhand remark took Minseok by surprise, and he found himself laughing out loud.


“No, of course not!” Minseok exclaimed. “He’s just a stupid friend who wanted to make you jealous. Thought it would ‘make us closer.’ I told you he was stupid.”


“Well, he certainly succeeded,” Jongdae grumble, leaning his head against his palm. “I was pissed as hell.”


“We should start over,” announced Minseok as he straightened up and extended his hand. “Hi, my name is Kim Minseok. I’d like to get to know you better and not be a git about it. How about it?”


Jongdae smiled down at the hand before pushing himself off the couch, taking the hand and shaking it firmly. “I think that sounds great,” he added a wink, and Minseok found himself laughing again.





“Good afternoon.”


Three wide eyes blinked up in shock as Minseok sat down. Jongdae scratched the back of his head as he awkwardly sat down beside him.


“This is Jongdae,” Minseok said, pointing his chopsticks in his direction, “and this,” he pointed it at his friends, “are my stupid, pain-in-the- best friends I was telling you about. A word of advice: don’t get close to them.”


“Ah right,” Jongdae chuckled and nodded, “nice to meet you fellas.”


“Uh......?” Baekhyun cocked his head, trying to wrap his head around the situation. “What?”


“Is Minseok smiling?” Luhan whispered under his breath, and although the whole table could hear him, they didn’t comment on it. “Is he actually smiling...as if he was genuinely happy?”


“I decided to be friends with Jongdae here,” Minseok announced with a definite nod, “he won’t be friends with you guys, of course, because that would be like wishing him pain and misery, but at least you won’t have to hear me whining about him, right?”


“I want to be his friend!” Luhan protested and turned around to Jongdae with a frown. “You’ll be friends with me, right?”


Jongdae shrugged and grinned. “Depends. Are you going to make me deliver cigarettes to you?”


“Jongin can do that if the time calls for it,” Baekhyun replied, earning a glare from Jongin and Luhan.


“Then that’s fine with me. I’ll be your friend.”


“And mine too, of course. No one can deny my incredible charm” Baekhyun said. Jongin snorted while shaking his head.


“I pity your poor little soul.”


“ off, love boy.”


Jongin’s head snapped up, eyes narrowing into thin slits. “You didn’t call me that since back in middle school. Don’t start now.”


“It can come back any moment, so you better watch your mouth.”


Sure, Baekhee.”


“I thought we were over the name calling phase!”


“Hypocrites,” Luhan coughed, and smiled cheekily when both Baekhyun and Jongin turned to glare at him.


“Right,” Minseok said as he gave his friends an exasperated look. “We’re leaving, Jongdae. Let’s go.”




“Trust me. When this starts, you want to leave as quickly as you can.”


“Right,” Jongdae said, allowing himself to be pulled up and away from the arguing friends.





“So....did you hear? Apparently Jongdae got ditched by his friends. Almost got caught stealing the biology test or something, and his friends got sick of his attitude.”


Minseok felt his eyes twitch, but for the sake of his friends, kept silent.


“I always knew Kim Jongdae was as much a troublemaker as Kim Jongin. No wonder they’re hanging out together now.”


“That whole friend group is weird, isn’t it? Byun Baekhyun is a little off in the head, Luhan looks high all the time, and Minseok, well, I suppose he’s normal, but he’s still friends with them.”


“It’s going to be so much worse with Kim Jongdae in the picture. I wonder if Kim Jongin slept with him yet.”


“They probably ed a long time ago. One’s a , and the other uses to get whatever he wants.”


One snickered . “Do you think Jongdae agreed to sleep with Jongin in order to join his friend group?”


“I wouldn’t be surprised if they all take turns sleeping with one another.”


The three boys cackled amongst themselves, oblivious to the way MInseok slowly stood up from his seat in the library and walked over to them.


“Hello boys,” Minseok said, slumping into the seat across the now horror-stricken boys. “Mind if I join in the conversation?”


“K-kim Minseok?” A boy stuttered, looking at his friends in surprise. “You were here?”


“Just over there,” Minseok pointed at the seat a couple rows back. “I couldn’t help but overhear,but I think I heard my name somewhere in there.”


“We were just joking around. We didn’t mean anything by it.”


“Really now?” Minseok said, cocking his eyebrow. “Because I’m sure you called one of my friends a , another a lunatic, and insinuated that we all sleep together. Which is, for the record, absolutely hypocritical of you because the whole school knows you have threesomes nearly every week.”


The three boys blushed simultaneously, and a couple students listening in the conversation snickered.


“We do not,” one protested, but Minseok merely cocked his head.


“Don’t be such a prude. If you’re so freely talking about another person’s exaggerated life, I’m sure you have much experience. Having fun with friends isn’t a bad thing, is it?” Minseok added a sly smile.


“Go away, Minseok-”


“I mean, really, how thick can you possibly be? Do you honestly not see the way Jongin looks at Kyungsoo and chases after him? You think he sleeps around with the longest crush known to mankind? And Baekhyun, well, he is a little mad, but he’s probably ten times the person you three are combined, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing.”




Minseok lifted his head to see Jongdae standing a few meters away, giving him a confused look. Sighing, he slowly stood up before giving the three a cold glare.


“For the record, Kim Jongdae’s my friend. And he didn’t have to sleep with anyone for it.”


Pointedly ignoring the roars of laughter from the surrounding students as they looked at the flushed faces of the three, Minseok walked out of the library, hand reaching out to grab Jongdae’s wrist to pull him out with him.


“They think you’re sleeping with Jongin.”


Jongdae lifted an eyebrow at Minseok’s comment, mouth tugging up into a smile.



“Ah, I’m flattered. At least they chose Jongin over someone like Luhan. Sleeping with Luhan will just make me feel like a e.”


Minseok’s frown deepened.


“That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”


“Don’t take it personally, babe,” Jongdae winked, fighting back a chuckle as Minseok turned crimson red. With an embarrassed cough, Minseok glared at Jongdae and averted his gaze.


“So....,” Jongdae said, ducking his head to meet Minseok’s eyes, “you stood up for me, huh?”


“Of course I did,” Minseok rolled his eyes. “You’re my friend, are you? I’m not going to just sit there and hear people who don’t even know you talk . I made that mistake once.”


Jongdae’s grin widened. “It’s been over a month since, Minseok. Forget about it. I did.”


“I still feel guilty, alright?”


“Don’t be,” Jongdae urged. “It’s not like I want you to feel guilty. I want both of us to get over it.”


Minseok bit his lips, eyes wavering.


“Besides,” Jongdae continued, “some of the best people in my life, I made through you. So don’t feel sorry.”


“Baekhyun, Jongin, and Luhan should not have been ideal best friend candidates. I’m incredibly sorry about that too, by the way.”


Jongdae let out a loud, barking laughter. “I was talking about you, idiot.”


Minseok blush deepened even more, and Jongdae sent him one last amused look before grabbing the boy’s arm and pulling him to their next class.




There was only about an hour left before lights went off, and as usual, all the boys were crashing in Luhan’s room. Being the only one without a roommate, Luhan was a very convenient excuse for the friends to hang out until a very late time.


Jongin was currently staring intensely at his phone, having been staring at the same screen for over ten minutes. None of the texts he had sent Kyungsoo (a total of 34) were met with a reply, and even though the two technically shared a room, it had been nearly 48 hours since Jongin saw Kyungsoo’s face. With a large pout, something that no one outside of the friend group ever had the displeasure of witnessing, Jongin whined loudly to no avail.


Luhan was lying down on his bed, feet sticking up as he shook them slightly. The magazine he had recently gotten into were full of tips of quick, efficient ways to lose some weight and gain muscle, and the newest edition encouraged leg shaking. It looked hideous to others, but he was set on getting it done.


“I am so ing sick of this,” Baekhyun deadpanned, eyes closing shut as he emitted a resigned sigh. Luhan sent him a weary look, silently reprimanding the boy.


“Don’t be a spoilsport, Byun,” Minseok said, eyes not leaving his computer screen. Jongdae was down at detention, but he had managed to sneak in his phone. He grinned as a new message popped out and chuckled at the message.


“Tell that to Jongin,” Baekhyun grumbled, but Jongin was completely out of zone. He was too busy brooding to pay any attention to what was going on.


“Leave him be. It’s Kyungsoo again,” Luhan said as his eyes narrowed in concentration. This leg shaking exercise was much more difficult than he had expected. “Poor him.”


“Don’t you dare feel bad for him. It’s his fault for being such a pathetic baby,” Baekhyun glared at the boy. “Look at him. He’s sulking. Like, seriously, what the ? Kyungsoo’s an to him anyway.”


Luhan, who watched as Jongin’s head snapped up and eyes sent Baekhyun a furious look, quickly intervened. “Shut up, Baekhyun.”


“We are not going to have this argument again,” Minseok said, turning around to silence his friends. “It never ends pretty, so no. Not today. I’m not dealing with it.”


“Thank God,” Jongin muttered under his breath. Baekhyun sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration.


“Okay, Minseok, you’ve got to tell me what’s going on between you and Jongdae. You are literally always with him.”


Luhan let out a bark of laughter.


Minseok choked on his spit as another message popped up that moment.


Don’t have too much fun without me.


“There’s nothing going on,” he managed to say weakly as he typed in a reply. Then get your back here. Jongin’s depressed mode again, and it’s killing the mood.


“Sure, right, totally true,” Baekhyun drawled, leaning his head on his palm, “because it’s not like you look at him like he’s the most gorgeous being on the planet.”


“Which is true, by the way,” Luhan said, “Jongdae is ing hot.”


“Shut up,” Minseok snapped, ignoring the way Baekhyun and Luhan smiled wider.


“I’m not saying I want him,” Luhan replied cheekily. “Just appreciating beauty when I see it. My type isn’t him either. I like more serious, sharper features on my man. Slimmer body, too.”


“To make up for all that fat on you?”


Luhan cursed and picked up his body for a split second to throw a pillow in Baekhyun’s direction.


“I am not fat,” he argued.


“Tell that to your scale,” Baekhyun snorted.


Minseok turned back to the screen, opting to ignore his friends.


Are you sure it’s not because you miss me?


Blushing red, Minseok typed hesitantly.


That too.


So finish the goddamn detention.


And come back.


I have something I want to tell you.




Minseok flushed red as he saw what he had just typed. Damn it, he wasn’t ready. Groaning in embarrassment, he let out a muffled scream as he buried his head in his arms. He heard the sound of feet scruffling as lifted his head slightly to see Baekhyun and Luhan leaning over his back, eyes squinting at the computer screen. He jumped up to slam the lid down but was too late, as Baekhyun was holding up the screen with a large, mischievous smile on his face. Luhan was simply cackling in the back.


“Ooooohhh, Minseok is going to confess,” Baekhyun cooed, twirling around dramatically. “How absolutely adorable.”


“I didn’t mean it like that!” Minseok said, blushing furiously. He almost looked like Jongin had when he saw Kyungsoo come out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. That had resulted in Jongin being forced to crash in Luhan’s room for a whole month.


“You totally did,” Baekhyun argued, crossing his arms and foot stomping the ground in a definite manner. “Because you obviously like him, and he likes you, duh, he’s been chasing you in the most obvious manner humanly possible. So you are going to man up and say ‘Hey Jongdae, I know I’ve been an to you for a while, but since now we’re friends and all and you finally know the awesomeness of Byun Baekhyun, would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?’”


“Baekhyun. Just shut up.”


“Not until you ask him out,” Baekhyun stuck out his bottom lip as if to make a point. “Honestly, all this . As if Jongin’s moping wasn’t enough to stress me the hell out. I don’t need you on my plate.”


“Touché,” Luhan muttered under his breath, raising his thumb to the sky. “I so vote on this. Minseok, be assertive for once. Jongdae was the one to start talking to you. Why don’t you be the one to start the relationship?”


“We just became friends,” Minseok argued weakly.


“Not all couples are initially friends. You two were definitely not friends when Jongdae pursued you. It’s not like your friendship right now can be considered completely platonic. You want to know what a simple, natural, true friendship that has zero romance in it is like? Look at those two,” Luhan turned to point at Baekhyun who was currently frowning down at Jongin, repeatedly flicking the boy in the head.


“I honestly don’t understand why my friends are so involved in my love life,” Minseok and Jongin said in unison. Baekhyun scoffed while Luhan slumped down on the bed with a frustrated groan.


“You’re stuck with us 24/7. How could you possible separate your love life from your friend life?”


“Okay, so here’s the plan,” Baekhyun said as he sat down in front of Minseok, crossing his legs and staring at him with determined eyes. “When Jongdae comes back, we’re all going to leave. Luhan will come back in fifteen minutes, so confess and do whatever you need to do to get him to go out with you during that time, okay?”


“In fifteen minutes?” Minseok squeaked.


“It’s not going to take ing forever to say ‘I like you very much will you please go out with me pretty please I will love you forever and ever,’” Luhan deadpanned.


“Don’t you think that’s a tad bit dramatic,” Minseok could feel himself panicking. He was never particularly good with words - especially not the way Baekhyun and Luhan was. He would probably end up mumbling and saying the exact opposite of what he wanted to say.


“Calm down,” Luhan put his hands on Minseok’s shoulders, squeezing it. “You’ll do fine. He’s head over heels for you anyway. It’ll be easy.”


There was a groan from the other side of the room, and Baekhyun, Luhan, and Minseok turned to Jongin who was stuffing his head deeper into the pillow.


“Kyungsoooooooo,” he moaned, and Baekhyun shot him a disgusted look before the three returned their attention to the matter on hand.


“You really think so?” Minseok shuffled nervously. Maybe, just maybe, he was ready. Jongdae was a nice guy, and Minseok liked him more than he allowed himself to admit. They had been friends for a couple months now, and they connected in levels Minseok couldn’t with the other guys. There was something different, and Minseok was pretty sure the flirting in their supposed platonic relationship wasn’t healthy.


“I know so,” Baekhyun said. “There’s no need to make this more complicated than it really is. You don’t want to end up like that guy over there,” he pointed at the lumped figure that was Jongin, “do you?”


Minseok turned deadly pale. “Hell no.”


“Then it’s final!” Luhan clapped his hands together. “Oh joy! Finally, the first couple within my friends. This is exciting.”


“Tone down the excitement, will you? I’m trying to die over here.”


Baekhyun whipped around, eyes darkening to a deadly level.


“Oh, I’ll happily do the favor,” he hissed, stomping over with a pillow. He jumped forward and started to press the pillow on Jongin’s face, slapping Jongin’s flailing hands away.


“Holy crap, Baekhyun! Don’t kill him for real! He’s not that bad!” Luhan and Minseok ran over and pulled Baekhyun away, watching as Jongin panted for breath, face purple.


“He’s toxic for you, you idiot. Get over it,” Baekhyun spat.


Minseok sighed. “Didn’t I just say we weren’t having this conversation today?”

“He tried to kill me!” Jongin pointed at Baekhyun with an indignant look. “Like, literally tried to suffocate me!”


“Sorry to burst your bubble, but you kind of deserved it. You were making everyone miserable because of your sulking,” Luhan tutted.


“What, I can’t even sulk now without there being threat to my life?”


“The problem is you do it all the time,” Baekhyun huffed. “Once in a while, I’ll even bother to make you feel better. But if Kyungsoo makes you feel like once every two days, hell, everyday, you know what you should do? Stop this ery.”


“Okay! We are stopping right there.” Minseok put out his hands, stepping between the two boys. “This is stopping before someone actually kills another. I’m trying to deal with my love life, not a murder.”


“I’m going to bed,” Jongin stated as he stood up, pulling up his hoodie to hide his eyes. He walked towards the door, phone in his pocket. Baekhyun’s eyes glowered as he stormed after him, voice trailing off as the two disappeared along the dark hallway.


“Will the two of them ever start being nice to each other?” Luhan blurted. “It’s been three years since they’ve been friends.”


“You know that’s how they show their affection. Baekhyun becomes a when he’s worried, and Jongin’s too absorbed in his own misery to notice anything else.”


“Yay,” Luhan deadpanned. With a sigh, he turned and looked at Minseok with soft eyes. “You’re going to ask Jongdae out, right?”


“I’m scared,” Minseok replied, fidgeting nervously. Luhan just had to bring up the subject again.


“It’s your decision Minseok, but it’s obvious Jongdae likes you. If you’re sure you want to commit to a relationship with him, go ahead. I’d personally like at least one proper relationship around me. Jongin’s hopeless, Baekhyun has way too high standards, and I scare people away. You’re our only hope,” Luhan joked, smiling good-naturedly.


“Hah,” Minseok let out a forced laugh, wincing slightly.


“I’ll come back soon, so make up your mind soon, yeah?” Luhan gave Minseok a playful wink as he went out. Minseok felt his breath hitch in his throat as he saw Jongdae walking through the hallway, sharing a few jokes with Luhan before closing the room door behind him.


“Did Jongin and Baekhyun ditch too?” He asked with a confused frown. “Luhan said they had a fight.”


Minseok shook his head. “They didn’t fight. They were just being themselves, that’s all.”


“Ah,” Jongdae nodded, as if that explained everything. “Kyungsoo again, isn’t it?”


“Yup,” Minseok cocked his head, head swarming with ambivalence.




The two stared at each other, silence in the room. Jongdae cocked his eyebrow, and Minseok was too busy trying to keep himself from blushing.


“I thought you had something to say to me.”


Minseok sighed as he could feel himself heating up. Groaning as quietly as he could, he spared a glance at Jongdae who was looking down at him with an amused look.


“How was detention?” Minseok blurted. Jongdae let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head as the question.


“Was fine,” he answered with a shrug. “That was the question?”


Minseok winced. “No.”


“I thought so,” Jongdae shrugged. “So what is it?”


Minseok bit his lips. Damn it, he was going to end up killing himself before he could do this. The look on Jongdae’s face as if he knew exactly what Minseok was going to say didn’t help either.


“Come on, Minseok. I’m not getting any younger,” Jongdae teased.


“Don’t be an , Jongdae,” Minseok tutted. Jongdae chortled, rolling his eyes.


“What is it, Minseok? Please don’t make me force it out of you.”


Minseok sighed, dropping his head.


“Well....,” he said in a barely audible voice. “I seem to have come to a conclusion....that I might like you. A lot.”


Jongdae’s smile brightened, but he kept still.


“And, well, I sort of think you might like me back,” Minseok continued, sparing nervous glances at Jongdae. “So.....well.....if you want to, then maybe, I don’t know, you’d like to go out with me? Be my boyfriend or something.”


Jongdae’s eyes crinkled into half-moons, and he took a step forward.


“Well, if you put it like that, how could I possibly refuse?” Jongdae said cheekily as he pulled Minseok into a hug. Minseok stiffened before relaxing slowly, enjoying being in his now-boyfriend’s arms.


“Jackass,” Minseok muttered as he wrapped his arm around Jongdae’s waist. “You’re the one who liked me first.”


“No need to rub it in,” Jongdae said, chuckling softly. “Yeah, I liked you for some time now. It’s not my fault you're so adorable when you sleep in class, is it?”


Minseok flushed deeply. “You better be one heck of a boyfriend.”


“Trust me, I’ll be ing perfect.”


Suddenly, there was a loud click from the back and a flash of light, and both boys spun around to see Luhan standing by the doorway with a camera.


“It’s half past midnight,” Luhan said with a large smile. “I’d like my room back please.”


“ since day one,” Minseok muttered under his breath as he slowly broke away from Jongdae.


“You know you love me,” Luhan winked and then pointed at the camera hanging from his wrist. “And I have blackmail, so you two can never break up, alright?”


“How considerate of you,” Minseok drawled, and grabbed Jongdae’s wrist before pulling him out.


“PDA!” Luhan screamed, and Minseok shot him a vicious glare before slamming the door behind him.


“Baekhyun’s going to be so much worse, isn’t he?” Jongdae said.


“Definitely,” Minseok groaned. “ my friends.”


Jongdae chuckled, and right before dropping Minseok off at his dorm room, leaned in to place a quick peck on the boy’s lips.


“See you tomorrow, boyfriend.”


Minseok’s mouth curled up into a wide smile.



*and then Minseok and Jongdae, two very ually frustrated teenagers, request a room change so they can be with each other all day and night



this was so much longer than I had originally planned. Baekhyun's badassery was distracting


So, for the next couple of chapters, I'm thinking about writing about how Luhan became friends with Baekhyun and Jongin. How does that sound guys? Is there some other situation you want to see?

Leave comments below!



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hanley #1
Chapter 4: This is ing cute...k that's it...gudnite
Chapter 4: so like i feel bad about nagging authors, but PLEASE UPDATE I NEED IT SO BAD
like i really want some friend and lu becoming friends with baek and nini would kill me
TheMasked_Lady #3
Chapter 2: I reeeaaaalllyyyy want to know how Lulu ended up being friends with those two dorks.
Chapter 4: I'm really curious about how Luhan became friends with Jongin and Baek,also Luhan and Min and then Kyung and Chan XD.Nice Xiuchen btw and loved Baek and Jongin.
Ninjia #5
Hello i was just wondering if you would mind writing a fic about hunhan meeting behind the scenes after Luhan's .....um ....incident.
Its just that i'm going a bit crazy with a lack of them interacting. Like yesterday whilst watching Runningman China, when Luhan's princess partner was revealed i just started rolling around on the floor yelling "IT'S NOT SEHUN , WHYYYYYY"
Luckily my parents had no idea what i was saying ...
Thankyou for listening to my rant
Chapter 4: I want you to write about those three, how they became friends! I totally loved this XiuChen (specially the way you create Xiumij to be around Chen); really cute btw♡
xbubblex #7
Chapter 4: This was so cute!!~ ^3^ It's nice to know about everyone's past, and Xiuchen is so cute in this! *3*
Chapter 4: Oo I wanna see how kyungsoo becomes friends with park chanyeol. And omg xiuchen is too cute
noona are you still gonna update this?