002; `

Tainted Blades
Threatening Task



002; Chapter 2`


"Jungkook, wait!"

The six boys ran after Jungkook as the younger practically ran off without letting the King finish his sentence(which the Queen was yelling nonstop at Jungkook for his rudeness from a far). To Namjoon's dismay, he had to apologize to the King and Queen for Jungkook's rude behaviour. He just had to be the one that ran off one step slower then the others.

Jungkook ran with all his might and he let out a relieved sigh when he saw a familiar wooden house came into his sight. He kicked opened the wooden door harshly and bolted inside. The six other boys ran into the house just in time to see Jungkook's figure disappeared up the staircase. Panting, they plopped themselves on the living room's worn out couch, deciding to take a short rest whilst waiting for Jungkook to come down.

"Damn that kid and his long legs," Jimin cursed and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. Hoseok grabbed the hem of his shirt and wiped his face while Yoongi fanned himself continuously, occasionally sticking out his tougue to wet his dry lips. Yoongi kicked the person sitting beside him–which was Seokjin–and demanded the older to fan him. Seokjin just rolled his eyes and blew air at Yoongi's face, which made the younger flinched away and glared at him in pure disgust. Taehyung, the boy who was miraculously born with orange hair just sat on the couch motionless, as if he was an undead.

The sound of Jungkook coming down the stairs made the six boys snapped their heads up. They watched silently as the youngest stared at the rope which was located in the middle of the living room dangling from the ceilling before reaching his hands out and pulling it downwards with force. With a loud creak, a hidden door was revealed and a long ladder made out of sturdy ropes came tumbling out. Jungkook didn't hesitated to grab hold onto the ladder and climbed into the attic. The six boys listened intently as Jungkook fumbled through the contents in the boxes carelessly and threw them aside when it was not what he wanted(judging by how most of the things came tumbling out of the attic and landed on most of their faces).

Some time passed and finally Jungkook jumped out of the attic and landed on the ground perfectly while holding a thick canvas in his hand. He pulled the rope again and the attic effectively closed up. He rushed toward the door, only to be blocked by Jimin who was just a few centimetres shorter then him. Jungkook let out a irritated huff and glared at Jimin. "Hyung, move."

Jimin just stood still and stared at Jungkook, "What's with the hurry? We have plenty of time to complete this mission–" however, his sentence was cut short when Jungkook snapped at him. "You mean, my mission. Minsoo obviously directed this mission to me, not you–" Jungkook used the King's name without any honourifics and the others couldn't be bothered to correct him at the moment. The youngest glanced at the other boys sitting on the couch before averting his gaze to Jimin again, "–not them. Not all of you. It's only me. There is no 'us' in this mission."

Jungkook panted slightly as he let out all his thoughts inside of him. He was tired of his hyungs that were always babying him, tired of his hyungs scolding him when he did nothing wrong, tired of his hyungs getting in his way. He was not in a good mood, especially when he failed his mission today because of Jimin and earned a scolding from Namjoon for nothing. He was definitely angered, and he was determined to finish the mission given by the King in the shortest time possible,






"An Outsider has invaded my village," the King said while his chin lightly with his fingers. The golden ring on his middle finger shone when it came in contact with the sunlight. He looked at the seven boys in front of him expectantly and tapped his foot, waiting for an explanation.

Namjoon was the first to freak out slightly as he was the head of the assassins and was responsible for the villagers and the Royals of the village's safety. "H-How is that possible, your Majesty? Last night, I sent sufficient assassins to the surrounding of the village to keep an eye out for any sort danger. No suspicious events are in act. It couldn't be. Maybe you had seen wrong, your Majesty–"

The Queen standing beside the King let out a snort and checked her finger nails casually. "Hmph, peasants will be peasants." Namjoon's blood boiled at the word 'peasant' but he managed to calm himself down and not punch the Queen in the face right on the spot. 

"Do any of you even have brains," the Queen said straightforwardly, or more like stated as if it was the most obvious fact in the world, "The Outsider could have disguise himself and sneak in! Can't you see how useless your little army of assassins are? I don't even remember when I agree on letting you recruit new members! You seven should be doing the job," the Queen sneered and eyed all seven of them in disgust, but lastly her gaze was fixed on Jungkook alone, "Especially you."

She pointed a finger at Jungkook accusingly and narrowed her eyes on him. Jungkook fought to roll his eyes at the Queen's direct insults and just stood his ground, listiening to the Royals' words unwillingly yet obediently.

And how would you know that the Outsider's a man? Jungkook wanted to ask but stopped himself in time to save himself from any unnecessary troubles. Maybe that Outsider was you all along! You just need to get some gold from the King's storage because sharing is caring. Of course.

"Filthy," Jungkook muttered under his breath but the Queen saw his lips  moved and raised her eyebrows in suspicion, "Did you say something, peasant?" Jungkook just stared at her with a bored expression and bowed slightly in apology. "No, your majesty."

Seeing that the Queen was angered and was ready to fire insults at the assassin again, the King spoke, "Now, I think it's about time we stop this here and get serious," he cut the tension between the two by pushing himself between them, although he was amused himself by the small 'fight'. What really interested him was the hostility burning in Jungkook's eyes when the latter was speaking with the Queen earlier.

"I don't really care whether you sent sufficient assassins to guard the village or not. What I want now is you, all seven of you to go out to the outskirts of Nylon and find that Outsider. If necessary, hunt further more and go to the grounds of the Mediterraneans, where actual castles are built and real Royals are born. Bring the Outsider back here, dead or alive. Better yet, I want to see his or her head dangling on one of you seven assassins' hands."

The King listed out his request and smirked triumphantly. The last sentence was directed at Jungkook and he was sure that the latter knew, judging by how Jungkook's lips almost curve into a small smirk. He watched how the seven assassins in front of him hung their mouths wide open and stared at the youngest, whose eyes are burning in anticipation and excitement. Jungkook's reactions was always different and not to mention, calmer then the others. While others laugh, he smiles. While others jump for joy, he sits in a corner and thinks. When others fear, he looks forward. That was what made the King anticipates whenever it was Jungkook's turn in accomplishing a mission. Jungkook always impresses one.

"The Mediterraneans?! We're going to the Capital!" Jimin whooped and hugged Taehyung, in return he was hugged back with equal excitement. The older assassins could only stand still and process their thoughts. It was the first time they were actually getting pumped up with a mission. Other then the Nylon Forest, the Nylon Fields or the Nylon whatever, they were about to set foot on the outside world!

"I am sure you are all excited. But if you happened to get killed in the middle of the journey, then so be it. Or, if you fail me, I rather not have you come back to my village. You know how it runs. " the King's words were dripping with venom and the Queen couldn't help but smirk at what the King said. Finally, something I can agree to. The excitement died down almost immediately and the seven assassins returned to their serious positions. Although in a state of disbelief, they nodded their heads hesitantly.

Jungkook clenched his fists tightly and looked at the King in the eye, saying out each word without faltering, "I will not fail you."

Impressed by his determination, the King only smirked in return. He shooed the assassins away with his hand. "I will look forward to your coming success. Now be gone, prepare yourselves." the King threw one last look at Jungkook and opened his mouth, "Im–"

Jungkook his heels and ran off to the opposite of the Royals direction. The six assassins gaped at the youngest brave action and ran after him, not wanting a scolding from the Queen. However, Namjoon was one step slower then the others. He was dragged by the Queen harshly to her side and was forced to apologize.

"–press me." the King finished his sentence and watched as Namjoon muttered an apology and ran off to the direction where the others ran to.


When others attack, Jungkook kills.





-KAIWAII: Word count; 1686. Not yet edited. It's been.. months. Like, wow. Terribly sorry for not updating! I will update more often cause school holidays– finally. Sorry if it's short– You may wanna read the previous chapter again to refresh your memory because it's like, so long since I last updated.

layout by dream_keeper88
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SmilingDaze #1
Sorry it took me so very, very, long! I'm soooo sorry! Anywho, your review is complete and ready in the shop! Sorry again!
Chapter 2: Oh~ Thanks for the update and I think the outsider is Kai, right? or not? keke...I'm not sure myself - Yuki
Chapter 1: Aww~ I feels bad for Jungkook for being treat like that....anyway I like your story - Yuki
Chapter 1: Sounds pretty promising so far!
I'll subscribe :)
lilmisssherwin16 #5
Chapter 1: By any chance is the blonde boy with the necklace that looked like a leader kris oppa from exo and the other 5 the exo-m members
Chapter 1: OMGeee!!!!!
So sorry for the late comment! But I'm here to do it now! Hee :)
Okay, first of all--Your writing is so beautiful! It's definitely mature, and it doesn't lack in action/emotion so yay! /claps/
As for the characters, it's kinda rare (I think) to see Jungkook like this. An emotionless assassin at such a young age. The way you wrote about his inner fear was spot on. /cries/ Okay, I didn't cry, but he's position is understandable! :)

Getting curious about the plot here, and why do I feel like the necklace will have an important role? LOL XD
Update soon and hwaiting!!!
Chapter 1: Looks awesome!
I'll drop by a comment later neh? :)