001; `

Tainted Blades
The Assassins 



000; Chapter 0`


"Jungkook, I heard you score an 'S' in the archery finals," Seokjin said as he walked casually beside the dark red-haired boy. Jungkook just shrugged and darted his eyes around boringly.

"Really, hyung. It's a normal thing,"

Being perfect was not really perfect. The lower rankings admired him and girls adored him. Jungkook was a handsome eighteen year old boy. He was the most outstanding assassin in the South Korea: Nylon. No, Nylon isn't some place where castles were built and real royalties were born. Nylon was just a village. A normal village. The so called King and Queen were just some snobby villagers that claimed themselves 'smart', and they should rule the village with their 'smartness'. The other places which had real King and Queen, looked down upon them, even the peasants. Jungkook's readings and aimings were incredibly accurate and he takes down enemies within one shot. The King and Queen were proud of him and because of him they became arrogant and cocky. Whenever there's war, the first thing that came to their minds was Jungkook. They would messily order a handful of villagers that didn't even know how to fight to cover Jungkook and let him do all the killing. They didn't cared if they were greatly outnumbered, they just thought that Jungkook will save the villagers. Jungkook will save the village. Jungkook will save them all. He was a real killing machine behind that baby-matured face. But what can he say? He was forced to do all those dirty and illegal works. He was their slave. He had to follow their orders. Or else. The villagers too had to obey the King and Queen, or they will get murdered by Jungkook when they were sleeping.

Jungkook was trained to be an assassin since he learnt how to walk. He went through heavy and torturing trainings, and he thought he was going to die at a young age. His father had gone all the way to heaven with his mother. He was an orphan and he hated being pitied. It made him felt useless. An old couple came to adopt him when they saw him abandoned in a box, thrashing and crying. He was just born that day and his parents already left him. He didn't even know why or how. He would cry when nobody's watching, because he just missed them so much, even though he didn't even saw their faces before. He just felt like a part of him was.. missing. It pained him mentally. He was really thankful for the old couple took care of him till he grew up.

As he grew from a toddler to a fascinating teenager, he learnt how to control his emotions. How to be stronger. How to endure. How to fight. When he officially became an assassin, he was afraid. It scared the hell out of him that he had to assasinate people. Sometimes, even the innocent. He was a great sinner. Once, he was told to kill a rat but he didn't even dared to touch it! The teacher that taught Jungkook was furious and disappointed about him being such a scardey-cat. He forced him to barricade his heart, so that he would hold no soft spot for anyone. He didn't succeed at first. The teacher was getting frustrated and he unkowingly tortured Jungkook, abusing him to be stronger and braver. And he did. He became so emotionless, the old couple that took him in now feared him.

However, deep inside his heart, there was still a tiny spot filled with fear. He was still scared. He was traumatized by the scene in front of him when he first killed a person. It was horrifying. The anonymous that was surrounded by a pool of blood, Jungkook holding the blades that were dripping with red liquid, the gore sight left him speechless and mostly, emotionless. He couldn't bring himself to speak or to face anyone. Not when he killed a person! It was an accident, an accident! He kept chanting inside his mind, but fear and guilt swallowed him whole.

He came to accept the fact that assasinating people for an assassin was normal. Very normal.


He will accept his life. This life.



Because that's what he is now.


001; Chapter 1`

Jungkook was in the Nylon Forest, preparing to assassinate some peasants that stole the King's Amethyst Necklace. Or that was what they called them. Wearing some armor and a black cloak, he hid behind the trees, planning to ambush them. 

"I think we lost them," one boy said as he made his way out of the bushes. Behind him were five more boys. They looked around before letting their guards down. They sat on the filthy soil and discussed about something. Jungkook would love to hear what were they discussing but that was not what he was supposed to do now.

He narrowed his eyes at the boy who first made his apperance. There was something dangling on his neck, and it was shining a bright green although it was exposed in the sun.


He was so dead


Using the bow and arrow that he had brought along, he closed one of his eye and aimed it at the boy. When the positon was just right, Jungkook pulled the string. When he was about to release it, the boys suddenly jumped, creating an unnecessary chaos. Some were running around in circles and some were moving too much, making Jungkook a little confused and irritated. He was told to kill all of them, including the innocent ones but he wasn't that cruel. He may seemed like a ruthless killer but he isn't. He was willing to give the innocents a chance to live. But if you striked one of his nerves and made him go angry, he will surely bring you to the underworld without any hesitation.

He settled down his bow and observed them. He was slightly surprised that there was an arrow in the middle of the soil, exactly where the boys were sitting at just now. It wasn't even his arrow.

“What the hell?!” one shrieked as he put a hand at where his heart was. The others were panting, obviously shocked by the sudden attack.

“I thought you said we lost them?” a leader-like blondie said as he stepped forward to take a look at the arrow that nearly killed them. He was getting suspicious of their surroundings. “I think.. they are still there,” a tall boy whispered and his body went rigid when he witnessed something, or rather– someone, shuffled behind the trees. The six of them slowly walked backwards while keeping their eyes to the front until their backs and shoulders met, creating a circle.

Jungkook was beyond frustrated. Who was moving behind the trees? He or she was going to blow his cover! He made a mental note that he will wipe that 'he' or 'she' off the surface of Earth for interupting his mission. He then froze when he sensed a presence near him. He prepared his bow and turned his whole body around in an unexpected speed, readied to shoot the intruder. The 'intruder' himself wasn't expecting him to noticed him, thus he took a step back.

“Whoa, Jungkook!”

He was about to release the arrow but soon squinted his eyes on the intruder that called his name. He put down his bow and let out an angry sigh when he saw who the intruder was.

“What, Jimin?”

The 'intruder' named Jimin only grinned at him. But he scrunched his eyebrows together when he realized something. “Thats hyung to you,” he smacked Jungkook's head and smiled in satisfaction when the younger didn't even dodge his hit. Jungkook groaned in pain while rubbing his head. He looked at his hyung angrily and scolded him inwardly for his childish behaviours. Jimin pretended he didn't noticed the angry looks he was receiving and folded his arms, starting a conversation casually like nothing happened, “Did you get the King's necklace?”

At that sentence Jungkook immediately fumed. How dare he asked him that when he was the one that interupted his mission?!

“And you shouldn't bring a bow, you're a freaking assassin, not a hunter, bring some spears or datura bombs, ”

“Well, for your information, assassins do use bows so back off,”

“If you're gonna use bows then maybe you should use your brain to think and not bring only one arrow!”

“You got a problem? If yes then back off, I am on a mission and it's because of you I haven't even touch that damn nacklace yet!” Jungkook half yelled while glaring at Jimin, “And I haven't rip your head off yet for making those noises behind the trees,”

“Wait, Jungkoo–”

Jungkook turned to leave but halted when he saw something. That was– nothing. The empty space of land in front of him was now, well– empty. Those six peasants had escaped long ago. He balled his fists.



Damn you, Jimin.




"What– how dare you failed the King!"

Kim Namjoon, the head of the assassins, (although Jungkook was the most powerful) yelled at him when he knew that Jungkook didn't bring back the Amethyst Necklace. He was expecting Jungkook to bring back the six peasants in one piece, mentally beaten up of course, kneeling in front of them while begging for their lives. He didn't expect him to fail, what was that word he was trying to find? That's right, disgrace! It's such a disgrace!

"Don't yell at me," Jungkook sneered. He pointed his finger at Jimin, who was standing beside him, "It was his fault that he interupted me!" he was expecting Namjoon to solve this problem without getting into some useless fight, but no, it just had to be today that Namjoon was in a bad mood. Like bad bad mood. "Don't you drag people into this!" the leader said as he slammed the nearest object with his palms, which happened to be a small table that belonged to some random villager. If one look closely, It was visible that the table had a small crack. They were argueing in the middle of the village, and they sure did attracted a lot of unnecessary attention. The villagers that were either passing by or doing their own things glanced at their way, wondering what was the commotion about. Thinking that it was a normal thing, they went back to whatever they were doing, but it was not long that their gazes switched to Namjoon and Jungkook again.

Jungkook was now clutching onto Namjoon's collar while raising him up the ground, the leader's feet dangling in the air. He struggled, but the younger's grip only got tighter. The villagers gaped at Jungkook, shocked at his strength. Some continued to stare, some pitied the leader that dared to confront Jungkook. Who would? Jungkook wasn't someone you want to mess with. It didn't matter that the one he was about to strangle to death with was very close to him. If Jungkook says it's not his fault, then it's not his fault. End of the story.

"I said, it's not my damn fault,"

He's grip got even tighter as he spat out each word at Namjoon's face. Namjoon was literally choking and he thanked the heavens that someone pulled Jungkook's hand away from him. He breathed in an amount of air and fell to the ground on his knees immediately like a sack of potatoes. He panted heavily, sweats dripping down his chin to the soil, creating gray dots. Death flashed before his eyes and he thought he was going to die in Jungkook's hands– just like that.

"What's wrong with you?! Can't you see we're in the middle of something?!"

He heard Jungkook shouting at someone, judging by his tone, he was surely pissed as hell.

"What's wrong with me? Jungkook, your causing a scene here!" Min Yoongi , a boy with unbelivable white skin said with his hand still on Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook used his free hand to escape from his grip and he stumbled back after doing so. He quickly gained back his balance and threw a menacing glare at him, which the older seemed unfazed by it, "Does it look like I care about that right now?"

Yoongi shook his head in disapprovement and went to help the leader back on his feet, "Your killing our leader," Namjoon coughed and Yoongi patted his back without looking at him, as his eyes were focused on Jungkook. Jungkook only scoffed and crossed his arms, "I'm not killing, I'm just choking him to death,"

"Makes no difference," Yoongi frowned.

Both of them continued the arguement and Namjoon was thankful that Jungkook forgot about his presence for awhile. The villagers were no longer focusing on them anymore, except for a few kids that were curious. He made a mental note to not confront Jungkook ever again, or he will have his life at the edge of a cliff. He inhaled and exhaled, calming himself. He was about to say something when two people behind Yoongi and Jungkook caught his attention. He immediately regconized the figures and straightened up his back, eyes showing fake respect.

"Your majesties," he bowed.

The two that were fighting widened their eyes upon hearing what Namjoon said, and they bowed reluctantly, along with a few other boys that were behind them, including Jimin. They lifted their heads up when the two figures mumbled a 'mmmhm'.

The majesties- or known as 'King' and 'Queen' in the village, eyed each of them with their eagle eyes before setting their gazes on the youngest, which was Jungkook.

"Jungkook my dear, have you retrieve my necklace?"

The whole crowd went silent for awhile and Jungkook gulped. He met eyes with the King and muttered, "..No, your majesty," he swore that his heart did those nervous flip flops when he saw the King raised his brow, "..oh?" Jimin and Hoseok kneed him and he fell to the ground. Hard. He climbed back up on his knees and glared at the two. Both of them only judged him with their eyes, as if telling him to beg for forgivenesss. And in seconds, his head touched the ground with his palms planted beside it. "I'm sorry your majesty, I couldn't retrieve your damn necklace.." he emphasized the 'damn' word but at the same time he said it softly, and thank goodness the King and Queen didn't heard it.

"Get up, peasant," the King said and Jungkook inwardly scowled, unhappy at the word that he used to describe him. He patted the younger's shoulder, and Jungkook tried hard not to cringe at his touch. "You're lucky, because I don't need that necklace anymore," Jungkook observed the King's face closely and was annoyed that he found a smirk forming on his lips.

But all of the sudden, the smirk disappeared and was replaced with clenched teeth. "But that's not what I want to talk about with you today, I need you all to come with me. Seven of you, " he looked, or more like glared at the six boys behind Jungkook before looking at him again, 

" An Outsider had invaded my village,"





-KAIWAII: Word count; 2518.  Edited.

layout by dream_keeper88
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SmilingDaze #1
Sorry it took me so very, very, long! I'm soooo sorry! Anywho, your review is complete and ready in the shop! Sorry again!
Chapter 2: Oh~ Thanks for the update and I think the outsider is Kai, right? or not? keke...I'm not sure myself - Yuki
Chapter 1: Aww~ I feels bad for Jungkook for being treat like that....anyway I like your story - Yuki
Chapter 1: Sounds pretty promising so far!
I'll subscribe :)
lilmisssherwin16 #5
Chapter 1: By any chance is the blonde boy with the necklace that looked like a leader kris oppa from exo and the other 5 the exo-m members
Chapter 1: OMGeee!!!!!
So sorry for the late comment! But I'm here to do it now! Hee :)
Okay, first of all--Your writing is so beautiful! It's definitely mature, and it doesn't lack in action/emotion so yay! /claps/
As for the characters, it's kinda rare (I think) to see Jungkook like this. An emotionless assassin at such a young age. The way you wrote about his inner fear was spot on. /cries/ Okay, I didn't cry, but he's position is understandable! :)

Getting curious about the plot here, and why do I feel like the necklace will have an important role? LOL XD
Update soon and hwaiting!!!
Chapter 1: Looks awesome!
I'll drop by a comment later neh? :)