Chapter 1


Chapter 1
Moving In

The grey sky shadows everything as far as the eye can see, sun is no where in sight. The car rumbles and jumps as it drives down the cobblestone rode, the smell of country enters his nostrils, but fighter jets fill his ears. The tall man sighed, breath white from the cold, biting, Winter air. This month, war was meant to end- but it hadn't and now the man pictures it never will. So he left to the countryside, hoping desperately to avoid death and despair of fighting in war. In the front sits the sharp angled driver, an old friend Chanyeol had made years ago when he hired the young man to chauffer him.

"Chanyeol?" The voice in the driver's seat calls. Chanyeol merely hummed in response, "Are you sure about this?"
Eyeing his friend he sighed, "Yes. I do not wish to fight, nor watch my friends die... I'm fine evacuating and writing"

Silence enveloped them both, and the cawing of crows and roaring engines of jets and the car were the only noises that kept them company. Clearing his throat, noticing how tense his friend was the driver spoke, "You don't have to though..."

"No- Chen I do... I must do this" Chanyeol said stubbornly, spotting the big country home up ahead. He'd be living with another friend of his, Kai who had taught for a living wheras his partner worked in the city as a chef. 

"Why? You never know, the war might be ending soon...  and even then, you've brought all your writing equipment. Aren't you in a rut?" Chen had sounded unsure of everything he was saying, Chanyeol noted that. They got closer to the house as the sky began to cry, tiny droplets dripping down the car, racing one another down the windows. Yet this was the most relaxing thing in the world to Chanyeol; the lull of an engine on a rainy day. It'd be much better when he had a warm coffee within his large hands. He fixed his paperboy hat and buttoned his brown coat up to the neck, hoping that'd it fight back the cold of Winter.

"How's you and Minseok?" He asks, ignoring the previous questions.
"Fine- He's busy with work but we're doing fine, and you?"
"Fine. I'm just peachy" Chanyeol says in a monotone voice and they pull up the the house, a boy dressed neatly was waiting at the front door. As soon as he spotted them he turned and screamed something inaudible, but soon enough a man with tan skin joined him outside and they smiled. Chanyeol opened the door of the car and swung his legs out, his already dirty shoes touching the wet gravel and sunk in a little, tightening his grey messenger bag and grabbing his old typewriter he walked over to the men calmly.

"Chanyeol!!!" The smaller exclaimed, hugging the giant as the tanner man watched in amusement.
"Hey Kyungsoo~" He chuckled, as the smaller took the typewriter from him.
"I'm going to go say hello to Chen, haven't seen the guy in months" Kai stated and with long strides went to the black car.

"Come inside please" Kyungsoo said, opening the big mahogany doors and welcoming his curly-haired friend. As soon as Chanyeol had entered, he noticed how clean everything was, from the polished wood floors to the spotless cream coloured walls lined with pictures. Everything was warm from the fire lit in the livingroom and it smelt devine, if God had created a holy scent; well it'd definitely be Kyungsoo's cooking.

Chanyeol took his bag off from his shoulder, took off the hat and coat then hung it up alongside his friends' coats. Then with barely even 5 long steps he was in the livingroom and settled in front of the blazing warmth captured in its stoney cell, sat upon the soft plush of the couch.

"Would you like anything?" The chef inquired to the younger boy, "a drink? food? a towel?"
Chanyeol who had only now met the elder was flustered, "U-um" Stuttering a little he tried to calm down, "Just water please- thanks"
"I think there's enough of that in that mop of yours" The older chuckles in reply, handing him a towel to dry his hair.

Frowning, but knowing Kyungsoo was right, he dries his hair with the towel, getting comfier in front of the fire. The front door creaks the closes with a heavy slam and he hears Kai's steady, throaty yet rough humming. The younger had not changed a bit since the last Chanyeol had seen him. 

"Hey Chan, you doing okay?" The younger asks, lighting a cigarette while leaning in the archway, eyeing his long-term friend.
"I don't know Kai... just men in the city, they went to war and never came back. Apparently any men left are just being picked off the streets now..."
"Apparently" The younger repeats, puffing out nicotine, cigarette held almost professionally between his middle and index finger, "Kyungsoo said somehting about it, too. I don't mind. As long as he's fine, and you of course" He smiles reassuringly then takes a long drag, the paper burning down.

Kyungsoo appears out of nowhere, handing the tan man an ash tray- looking at him with a glance that could cut through steel. Then he turns and smiles heartwarmingly at the guest and hands him water, "If you're ever hungry, you-"
"He knows where the kitchen is Kyungsoo" Kai chuckles, deep voice resonating the small room, "He practically visited here everyday"
"You had a dog..." Chanyeol mumbles, sipping the beverage- not realising how truly parched he had been until doing so.
"I have two now!" Kai calls, exiting down the hall to God-knows-where.

Chanyeol studies the livingroom in the meantime as Kyungsoo plays with the fire, trying to bring it back to life. Everything seemed the same, from the white carpets to the various family pictures of Kai's family tree. The brown draping curtains that lay upon the floor and the many chairs that many people had sat on. The fire like a tiger roared back to life as Kai returned and sat in one of the green leather armchairs, drinking his coffee. Kyungsoo eyed the clock whose hands had been pointing at a seven and six.

"Half seven..." Kai muttered, "I can't believe I'm awake at half seven, sun ain't even up!" He exclaims, recling into the chair and stretching his legs out.
"Oh hush" Kyungsoo hissed at his lover, "Be welcoming to our guest!"

Somehow the curly haired man keeps forgetting he was a guest at his childhood friend's family home. He had always just been Chanyeol Park; never; 'sir' nor 'Mr Park' he was Channie to everyone in Kai's family.

A chuckle comes from the green armchair as the man sips his coffee, Kyungsoo cross-legged in front of the fire.

"Welcome back, Channie" Kai murmurs.

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Chapter 4: this is so interesting ^^