Chapter 2


Chapter 2;
Settling in at Home

"CHANYEOL!" Kai bellowed from downstairs later that day, "TAKE YOUR STUFF UPSTAIRS!"

Chanyeol came out of his room and leaned on the banister, "I did...? Did Chen leave more?" He asked, exasperated. Kai stared at him, arms spread out wide at the display of five more boxes sitting before the two men. Chanyeol stared back then groaned, "Okay... Okay. I'll do it now, don't get your stupid tie in a knot" He jumped down the stairs and grabbed two boxes. 

"Are these all your books?" Kai asked in disbelief, reading the labels on the boxes.
"No, he has many more in his apartment" Chen speaks, sitting peacefully on the bottom stair, drinking a well deserved tea. Chanyeol enjoyed books as much as the next author, but he did not wish to gaze at one again right now, so he just placed the boxes in a corner in his room.

Making his way back down for the other three boxes, he saw Chen and Kai talking about the city and how their lives were, and marketing. Overhearing a snippet that stung his heart and made his stomach bubble up and shrink in on itself, "Baekhyun is still producing more and more books"
"Ah, he's really good too right?"
"Yeah! He wrote that one book!" Chen smiled, proud of his description.
"...He wrote 'To You With Love' Chen" Chanyeol called over his shoulder. The two immediately quieted down, knowing Baekhyun was a sensitive subject with Chanyeol still. 

Placing then last boxes on his new tower he laid on the bed which was placed beside a window. And at the foot of the bed was a desk and typewriter, and to the side of the room next to the door was the wardrobe. But the boxes sat there, and he needed to find a place for them later he mentally reminded himself. Going back downstairs again he sits next to Chen as Kai is leaning against the wall, smoking as usual.
"How's Minseok? Haven't seen him in ages either" Kai speaks past the lit stick in his mouth.
"Oh he's still teaching down at the university"
"Science or math?"
"Sciences now... psycics I think" Chen said sheepishly, showing that he's never been a good listener unless you're upset or information is neccesary.
"...You mean physics" Kai corrected, flicking the ashes on the floor. Chanyeol laughing at Chen and Chen shrugging in dismissal.

The three continued chatting and laughing for another half hour before Chen left, then when he did Kai turned to Chanyeol.
"Oh Good. You're already in your bad clothes" He says, "Follow me" And he heads out the back door towards the green fields of crops and animals. Kai's family had all been farmers and very crafty people, but Kai became a music teacher in the city, thus ending the farming scene, but over years he seems to have started again- perhaps because he now lives with a chef.

"What do you need?" The taller asks, as they walk through the dew moistened glades of green. The neverending trees stretching towards the neverending skies above and the Earth's carpet filling the air with the most peaceful scent. Chanyeol relaxed, now knowing why Kai had decided to stay in the countryside.
"Nothin'. Just wanted to talk"

Tucking his hands into his pocket and puffing out his cheeks, "That means something"
The younger chuckled and shrugged, "I needed to ask, why did you really leave?"
"War. I already told you this in the letter" Chanyeol replies immediately, "Why?"
"I feel something else is up" Kai speaks firmly, his husky voice tired and more rough than usual.

Silence enveloped them both as they continued walking further from the house to the cold Winter afternoon. Chanyeol refuses to speak his true answer, war yes was one of the many reasons he left- but he did still have many more. He was in a rut. He couldn't think. Men were dying. He couldn't sleep with all the fighter jets flying overhead, growling in the night. And still, the main reason he escaped he refuses to admit it to himself. Yet he knows it's there.

Interuppting the taller's thoughts, "Baekhyun" Kai suddenly says.
Glaring at his friend at the name, "What about him?"
"Is he the reason?"
No hesitation, as to deny it to himself and the world, "No. Of course not, he's really nice- he wouldn't bother me at all"
"If you insist"
And so the two just stood, staring into the distant horizon, enjoying one another's company and the faint smell of home.

"So how was your day, Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo asks, eating the very well made food. It tastes like heaven itself- the food was just begging to be eaten and who was Chanyeol to deny this?
Mouth full he spoke, "Good- just packing mostly, you?"
Kyungsoo's eyes glistened, glad the guest was now awake and taking full interest in human conversation, "Well the train rides are boring and long, but work was fun, I always enjoy it. Maybe because it's easy to me?" 
The taller nods eagerly, "No wonder it's so easy, Kyungsoo! This food is divine!" He announces, as if he was blessing the food.
"My baby makes the best" Kai says proudly, sipping his water, making his lover blush.
"I just have to move some boxes out of my room right now- got any other space out of my sight?" Chanyeol asks, staring at them both.
"Hmm... the attic?" Kyungsoo suggests, looking at Kai as if to ask permission.
"Yeah whatever, it was cleaned out and there's not much there, dump whatever it is you need there" He shrugs, eating his juicy steak.
"Thanks, I'll do it now since I'm done then come down to help clean" He claims, standing and pushing the chair in.
"Oh no, you're our guest! Please I'll do the cleaning" Kyungsoo insists as the other leaves.
"Don't worry" The tan soothed him, "He'll forget about it" And they both continued to eat their meal, noticing how little their abnormally large friend had ate.

Walking around the top floor aimlessly, staring at the ceiling for a little hatch for the attic. Not sure really what he was doing, he mumbles to himself, "Haven't been here in years... where the hell is that damned attic?" 
A creaking noise is heard, followed by a click then a rusty door hinge opening, "Right here" A familiar voice says then the person walks away.
Chanyeol immediately walks backwards and looks at the tiny door in the wall that had a tiny staircase leading up, he smiles at how stupid he was and goes to get his boxes. He carries each one up two at a time, including his typwriter and in the musty, thick air of the attic he coughs. Hiding the boxes among many others. He studies the place.

A small window allowing only the smallest bit of moonlight to luminate everything. The floors creaking of their old, worn down age and the walls were practically falling and melting off. Cobwebs decorated the nooks and crannies of the room and thick layers of dust coated many boxes. But the most intriguing thing was covered by a white sheet now grey with all the dirt and dust of years. It was long and square and Chanyeol edged closer to it gingerly, his long arms stretching to grab the sheet.
"CHANYEOL!" A smooth and motherly voice calls, Kyungsoo.

He stopped immediately, "Yeah?!" He called out, the deep voice resounding and echoing among the acoustics in the attic. 

Turning on his heel, he gives the object one last glance before descending back down the stairs, crouching his body in half to fit through the small door and closing it. Smiling at Kyungsoo, he was mentally telling himself, 'That is a mystery that will be solved another day'. 

Then Kyungsoo locked the door with a firm click.

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Chapter 4: this is so interesting ^^