Chapter Two

Zico leaned back in th chair of his desk, propping his feet upon the table top.  He closed his eyes and swayed his head from side to side, enjoying every note of the music blasting through his headphones.  Like usual, the was barely any costumers to be served.  The most there had been that week was some man who wanted his car washed, and Zico had to inform the man that this was a repair shop, not a car wash.

It wasn't until a girl walked through the opened garage like doors did he move from his position.  She couldn't have been any older than him.  She looked the same age, actually, but she was without doubt the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.  It was also apparent that she was the kind of girl who had never set foot in a mechanics shop before.  She wore flats with a pale pink shaul over an white A-line dress.

"Can I help you?" he smiled brightly.

"My car," she pointed behind herself, "One of the tires needs replaced."

"Alright, then," he stood together the necassary supplies.

"Oh, and I need your name," he beamed.

"My name is Min Ji" she tilted her head to one side, "Do I need to fill out a form or something?"

"No," he admitted, "I need to report you to the cops so they know who stole my heart."

She only laughed in response.

From the shelf beside him, he took in his hand a wrench and a jack.  He turned the girl, and asked, "Size?"

"I beg your pardon?" she knitted her brows, stepping back slightly.

"Your tires," he rolled his eyes, "What size are they?"

"Oh, I don't know," she shrugged, "Medium?"

He chuckled at the girl.  Walking past her, he placed the jack in her arms.  She followed behind him to her Volkswagen on the side of the road.  She watched as Zico knelt beside the obviously damaged tire.  He grazed it with his fingers, reading the size label.

P215 / 70 R14

Luckily, in the shop, he had a tire to fit it perfectly.  He returned with the tire.  Taking the jack from the girl, he raised the car and removed the tire.  He slid the new tire onto the rod, fastening it by tightening the lug nuts.

"You must be smart," Min Ji praised Zico as she watched him work intently on her car.

But as he spun the tire around to secure it even more, the jack gave in to the weight of the car, crushing his fingers beneath the tire.

"SON OF A !!!" he cried out. 

"Don't just stand there!" he spat at the girl, "Raise the jack before I loose my hand!!!"

She twisted the lever of the jack, lifting the car just high enough for Zico to slide his fingers away.

"Are you okay?" she bit her lips anxiously as she examined his hand, gently pressing the swollen knuckles.

"I don't think they're broken," she reassured them, "Badly bruised, but not broken."

He cringed as she poked the back of his hand.  She raised a finger, as if she had a bright idea, and, reaching int the purse that hung from her shoulder, she took a pen.  With it, she scribbled her phone number on his wrist.

"And how much does this cost," she turned her attention to the tire as if she hadn't just given a stranger her personal information.

"The only thing you owe me is dinner tonight," he chuckled.

"Is that a date?"

He nodded with a cheeky grin.


These two remained together for the following five years.  Zico was certain that he wanted to spend the remaining years of his life with her.  Afterall, his time with her had been the best years of his life.  He pushed open the doors to the jewelry store, intent on leaving with the perfect ring.  As he examined the wide selection through the glass barrier, the clerk approached him.

"What exactly are you looking for?" he asked Zico.

"A piece of jewelry," Zico answered.

The clerk pursed his lips, "I couldn't tell..."

"More specifically an engagement ring," Zico grinned slightly, "For my girlfriend, not me..."

"Really?  Silly me, I thought you were going to propose to yourself," the clerk's words were drenched with an insulting tone.

"Sarcasm?" Zico narrowed his eyes.


"Oh, then, yeah, that was a pretty stupid assumption," Zico laughed.

"Because I'm the stupid one..." the clerk murmured under his breath.

"That one's beautiful," he gazed in awe at a certain, diamond encrusted ring.

"How much," he marveled.

"That one? 500,000 won," the clerk smirked.

"What?" Zico gawked at the price, "I've got 50,000....."

"How much does this girl mean to you?" the man asked.

"The world."

"Well then, 500,000 won is a lot cheaper than the world," he persuaded Zico, "And I bet it would mean so much more if you got it engraved."

"How much is that," Zico queried, stuffing his hands into his empty pockets.

"Just 30,000," he responded, "Bring the money tomorrow and it's all yours."


Zico agreed.  The following day, he spent the last of his savings on the ring.  That night, when he returned home, Min Ji had a certain proposal for him, as well.

"A cruise?  All Summer?" Zico repeated for clarification.

"I know you're sort of broke right now, so I'll pay for the trip," she pleaded.

Stupid lawyers and their stupid wealth, Zico had a conversation with himself in his mind, Wait!  This is perfect!  I could propose on the cruise!  She'll have to yes than because she can't get away from me; she'll be surrounded by 5 thousand feet of water.  It's either say yes or drown, and marrying me can't be worse than drowning, right?

"Well?" Min Ji asked, interrupting Zico from his thoughts, "Ji Ho, please!"

"It sounds awesome!!!"

"Good," she sighed in relief, "Because I already booked our room and packed our bags.  We leave Friday."

"Wait.  What?"


Three nights from then, the two of them had situated in their hotel room.  Min Ji wore her bikini underneath a pale blue dress that acted as a cover-up, and atop her head was her cherished floppy hat.  All Zico wore was an old tea shirt and his swim trunks.

Min Ji held a canvas bag over her shoulder.  Inside, was a cannister of sunscreen, two beach towels, and a few water bottles.  In case you couldn't tell, they were headed toward the swimming pool.  That is, until a siren boomed over the intercome along with the voiced out signal, "Warning!  Please proceed to the life boats in an orderly fashion!"

Zico immediately began to scream and hyperventilate.  He gripped his hand around Min Ji's wrist, pulling her into the one of the life boats along the edge of the ship.  There they sat, Min Ji trying her best to calm him as he raged through a panic attack.


"Shhh," she cooed as she rubbed his back.

It wasn't long before another two people stumbled onto the life boat.  Both of them were stuffing pastries and tiny sandwhiches into their shirts and jackets, and both lugged a heavy looking bag on their backs.

"Don't drop anymore," the boy barked at the girl.

"Don't worry," she smiled brightly, "The good stuff is in a safe place."

As they settled themselves in the boat across from Zico and Min Ji, another girl stepped in cautiously.  Her small figure was trembling.  She sat inbetween the two couples and hugged her legs against her chest, burrying her face in her knees and mumbling inaudible curses to herself.

Only seconds after those three arrived, another two people joined them.  A boy and a girl.  The girl was generously short.  But she scanned the current passengers on the life boat with a rather judgemental expression.

"Kara!!!!" the short girl suddenly shouted at the girl who boarded the boat with food down her shirt.

"Angela?" she replied.

The short gripped the boy's forearm, tugging him onto the life boat.  Just after they sat, two other boys ran toward the ship, screaming for them to let them on.

Zico suddenly felt all the fear of being taken down with the sinking ship elevate past his twisting stomach and into the pit of his heart.  He jumped to his feet and only seconds after the two boys jumped aboard, he slapped the red button.  The life boat dropped down, every occupant screaming as it fell to the ocean.

But as the life boat hit the water, they could hear the intercome of the ship switch on followed by the captain's familiar voice with an announcement...

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AHHHHH I love this so much!!