What the , Luhan?

It was the moment Sehun opened his eyes, A smile knew it's way to his pink lips, Which are not usually pink but from last night kisses they turned to be pink, and his smile went wider at the moment he saw the face of the angel who was laying next to him, Both , and smiling, Sehun went lost looking at Luhan's face and the upper part of his body, He blinked few time as he pictured himself and Luhan hugging tightly, He wanted it so badly since he felt the warmth in Luhan's body, His smooth skin made Sehun want to spend a lot of time in his hug, His hug just felt too different, But then again Sehun's mind answered with a big HELL NO! They both know what they have done has nothing to do with love, It was for , Pleasure only, Not romance and '' as Sehun said but one hug won't harm, Sehun highly thought Luhan wouldn't mind, He let him touch him in private places and stuff so why would he say no to a hug, After a conversation with his own self, Sehun decided to just steal this hug while the angel was alseep.

He slowly trailed his arm to the other male's waist, coming closer to him as quiet as he could because the last thing he wanted right now is Luhan to wake up and catch him trying to steal a hug, He took a deep breath inside of his lungs before coming even more closer to Luhan, It wasn't a real hug but at least he could feel Luhan's skin on his own, He stared as the oink lips, wanting so badly to steal another kiss, But not like yesterday's kisses, A sweet one, Gentle, He wanted to feel the lips moving sweetly not to bite it and it, He poked out his lips going closer and just about to press his lips against Luhan's, The angel opened his eyes so suddenly looking at Sehun and blinking dumbfounded, Not actually realizing that the player of his school was trying to steal a kiss from him, He blinked again, Over and over with a slight blush on his cheeks, Making him more pretty than he already is, Sehun could hardly take his eyes off of this beautiful little when he moved away slightly, Luhan giggled at Sehun's action and crawled away as well, Covering his body with the blanket as if Sehun didn't already see everything he wanted to see, He stared at Sehun smiling, Which made Sehun curse under his teeth because Luhan was just too beautiful.

Awkward... Awkward... Awakward....

"Why me?" Luhan asked so suddenly as he layed his head back on the bed, And Sehun just felt like someone slapped him on the face. Because nobody has ever asked Sehun why did he want to him. 

"Because i don't know." He simply answered as he rubbed his own nape then he got up before Luhan could throw another dumb question in his face.

When Sehun got out of his shower, He expcted to See Luhan getting ready to leave, And honestly that was all Sehun wished for, He needed to sit alone and plan for his next days, But you never get what you want so- He walked out and saw Luhan waiting for him in the bed with a tray and a plates on it, full of food, Sehun was totally shocked, Like what the ? Did Luhan really made him food? In bed? They aren't even a couple or then why is he so damn nice to him? But in the end he just sat down next to the smiling angel that is sitting next to him, He started talking "Breakfast in bed? Wow, Never tried that." He chuckled to himself and was met by Luhan saying "Me neither, Now eat!" They both did not waste any time talking, It was so awkward since they didn't know anything about each other, For Sehun Luhan was nothing more than a new prey to his list and for Luhan Sehun was-- Wait what was Sehun for Luhan?


But after the romantic breakfast in bed, Sehun called his mother and asked her to send him money for his journey to Brazil, They had this talk when his mother asked him to come over and he said "Yeah mom, I will see about that." Which for Sehun is "A ing hell no." He hated being there so much. But then he decided to go for a qouick visit to his bestfriend as a goodbye before traveling for  a month out of Korea to Brazil then Mexico. And sure he didn't go before calling and making sure that Chanyeol will be out for some hours to visit his family, Was when Sehun decided to go, But before going he had to say goodbye to Luhan too. He walked to the living room and found Luhan laying on the couch, Watching something.. Spongepop? Are you ing 8 or what? Sehun thought to himself before start talking "I have to go somewhere now, Make yourself home, And you can leave anytime you want to," leave now for the sake of god!

"Sure, Sehunnie, I will!" He just nodded and waved cutely to the other male before he made his way out of the living room.

At Beakhyun's place, Everything was normal. They had a normal conversation, Some curses to Chanyeol and slaps on Sehun's chest, Normal stuff.

But what wasn't even normal was waiting for Sehun back at home, When he got back and found Luhan still there, and he saw a dinner on candles' light, Ew romantic.

Sehun shoved spoons into his mouth dying to ask Luhan why the was he still here, Like doesn't he have home or some place to go to? This is ing sick!

A week had gone and everything's going so opposite from what Sehun has planed for, His journey to Brazil was canceled because his mother didn't want him to go anywhere before he comes to visit her, And he was still saying no! Luhan was still in his house, Living like they are some kind of a married couple, He cleans, Makes food, Takes care of Sehun and at night he pleases him as nobody has ever does, But one person was never enough for Sehun, He wants more. Every time he asked Luhan why is he still staying at him house, He said "Because i don't wanna leave you alone." "Am i bothering you, Sehunnie?" And Sehun always said no. A part of him was lying, He wanted to say YES you are bothering me by blocking me from doing all the things i have planned to do. But a part of him was happy Luhan was there to fill the emptiness and loneliness he feels staying alone.


At one night, While having dinner, Sehun decided he is going to ask Luhan what is the real reason behind him staying at Sehun's place. After Luhan sat down across of Sehun, "I made you 宫保鸡丁." Luhan smiled proudly saying this, But Sehun's reaction was "What the hell?" Luhan started laughing and said "Dorry i forgot you are not chinese, Since i used to live in an apartment that is full of Chinese people." He nodded at his own words but these words were like a slap to Sehun's face. wait, what? "Used to?" the word used to kept replaying on sehun's mind, Before realizing he actually said it out loud.

Luhan take a deep breath,He knew he has to tell Sehun the truth sooner or later, He knew this moment was to come anyhow, So he said "I have no place to stay in anymore." Sehun's eyes widen as he heard Luhan's words. He never expected that, He thought the rel reason behind Luhan staying at him was that he had a crush on him or so but what? "Don't you live in an apratment with your classmates?"

"Yeah, They got back to China, Some to spend the summer with their families and some got back to their homes after finishing school at Korea. And i can't pay for the apratment alone, I actually have no money to find another one, None of my friends wanted to host me at their places and i had nothing to do, But then you came and-" He was cut with a shocked Sehun mumbling words "So that's the real reason you accepted to come at my place." He left down the spoon and started at Luhan, The other looked back with a regretful look, Saying thousands of sorry's but none of them was enough to make Sehun forgive him.

"If you want me to leave i can disapear from your eyes--" And before finishing his words Sehun just got up and went to the bedroom, He threw himself on the bed trying to realize that he was fooled by the last person he would expcted to, But what's the new anyway, They always knew Sehun for a reason, Not for his personality. He stared up thinking to himself...

That's it, I will ask him to leave tomorrow morning!

Here's a new chapter!

My bestfriend wrote the already just let me know if you want me to update it or not!

Feedback are welcomed just comment i won't bite.

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I finally updated the . Lol sorry took me forever.


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ForeverWithHunHan #1
Chapter 1: Baek not beak.

And baekyeol not beakyeol.
finhunah #2
Chapter 8: Update soon author nim ! Ouwh my uunhan feeelllllsssss
Chapter 8: wow! this is cool! yeah an have to got a lesson! i though luhan will say no, and this fic is getting longer~ okay noprob i like this fic! keep writing authornim~
Chapter 8: finally they are together *party time*
faithlu #5
Chapter 7: Cliffhanger cliffhanger aiiissshhh !
OMG luhan say yessss
I hate xiuhan ;~; even in real life.. (As a couple xD)
Good luck author nim !
Update soon ~
aini_13 #7
Chapter 7: oh my god !!! what will happen ??!!!! update soon ^^
Chapter 7: Waaaaah why a cliffhanger AISHHHH Luhan please say yes pweaaaase *bbuing bbuing* *puppy eyes*
I hate you when I see u with that Xiumin ><

Update Sooooon !!!
HongKong #9
aini_13 #10
Chapter 6: Wohh perfect..sometime an must get revenge.. Sehun, your mission is to snatch Luhan back with your prove love,, hwaiting !! Poor Sehun :p.. Update soon ^^