(1) Forever




CHAPTER (1) ~ Forever



“Jaejoong! Hurry up and wake up!” A loud, many voice filled the small dorm room. It was fairly small, but very comfortable. The walls were white with a big window filling the back wall, a deep red curtain blocking it harshly. One side of the room was neatly done, with two small desks in the corners and a big TV in between, textbooks and papers scattered on the desktops. The other side of the room contained a set of bunk beds, each dressed neatly with soft comforters and fluffy pillows. Kneeling by the bottom bed, was a very handsome man in only a large pair of grey sweatpants and a thin white wife beater. His small yet handsome face scrunched in annoyance as the lump under the blankets grunted as a reply.

“Seriously Jae! We’re gonna be late, and it’s only the first day!!”

Not even receiving a reply this time, the man resorted to the thing he knew would wake the other. As quickly as he could, he jumped into the air and onto the bed, causing the lump that was now under him, being crushed, to gasp loudly.

“Yah! Jung Yunho! What the hell do you think you’re doing!!”

From under the mass of colourful blankets emerged a pale skinned, raven haired beauty. His cheeks were blown out and his big doe eyes were glaring holes into the other, a full on pout covering his face. Running a hand through his short messy brown locks, Jung Yunho jumped to his feet.

“This is your fault Jae.” Yunho huffed. “If you had just woken up..!”

“I need my beauty sleep, sorry about that…” Jaejoong mumbled to himself, but with Yunho’s excellent hearing, he heard the other loud and clear. He smiled and ruffled the other’s black locks, making Jaejoong jump in surprise.

“Like you of all people need that. You’re always beautiful Jae.”

“Whatever..” Jaejoong quickly buried his face back into his pillow, completely ignoring the now frustrated face of the almighty flirt, Jung Yunho.

Yunho and Jaejoong had been friends since as far back as either of them could remember. Their parents had been great friends since they had all started off working in the same office, and it was like fate when both Jaejoong’s umma and Yunho’s umma ended up getting pregnant at practically the same time.

Jaejoong’s umma used to always joke that the two families had promised to have their children marry each other someday no matter their genders, not that Yunho minded.

Ever since he could remember, Jaejoong had been the number one thought occupying his mind. When he was little and got a new toy, he instantly thought of Jaejoong, and how he wanted nothing but to share it with the other. When he would get sweets, he would always make sure to save at least half for Jaejoong, since Jaejoong had quite the infatuation with sweets. When he was in middle school and a classmate asked if he had a girlfriend, he instantly thought of Jaejoong, and how much he would love to hold those soft petite hands in his own.

Yunho’s almond eyes glanced over to the little bit of cheek that was visible and peeking out behind the blanket and his hair. Ah, how Yunho wanted nothing but to slide his fingers gracefully across Jaejoong’s luscious skin.

A pillow suddenly whacked Yunho in the face, breaking him from the ever so tempting trance that was Jaejoong. He quickly wiped away his drool before looking back to the bed. There sat Jaejoong, arms crossed, pout present once again.

“Who can sleep when their roommate is looking at them like they’re a piece of meat?”

Yunho just chuckled.

“Oh my sweet sweet Jaejoong ~ You are much better than a piece of meat. If anything, you are a plump, juicy strawberry, covered in the scent of vanilla, just waiting for me to devour-”

Another pillow flew at the brunette, but this time he swiftly dodged it.

“Gah! Why must you be such a flirt so early in the morning?!”

Yunho just shrugged. “It’s my job, I guess.”

Yes, Yunho and Jaejoong were the best of friends, even if they didn’t always act like it. While Jaejoong had never been too fond of Yunho’s constant flirting, he had too much of a connection with the other to let that affect their friendship. Even though he found it damn annoying.

Making his way into their small bathroom area, Yunho began listing out all of the things that they’d need to be sure to remember to bring to their first law class. Uninterested and still tired, Jaejoong just stared blankly at the wall across from him. A thought suddenly crossed his mind and he bit his lip, looking down to his hands.

After a quick five minute shower, Yunho emerged back into their living space, clad in only a fluffy white towel around his waist. He was a bit surprised to find Jaejoong exactly where he had left him.

“Jae? Aren’t you gonna get ready?”

Jaejoong quickly snapped out of his trancelike state, looked up at Yunho, then instantly looked away.

“Uhm… Yunho…” He fidgeted, biting at his bottom lip again. Yunho noticed this gesture – it was something he knew quite well. And while he found it totally adorable and just wanted to squeeze the other in between his arms, he knew that wasn’t appropriate right now. Maybe later. Jaejoong had a habit of biting at his lip when he was nervous or felt guilty about something. Yunho had discovered this a long time ago, and knew that it was never a good sign.

He softly sat down next to the raven. “What’s up Jae?”

“I… I…”

“OH! I KNOW!” Jumping to his feet, Yunho smiled brightly. “You must be reeeeeeeally nervous for our first day of class. It’ll be alright! After all, I’ll be there for you.” He winked, and Jaejoong just sighed.

“That’s not it-” But he couldn’t continue with his sentence as Yunho walked away from him and over to his closet, mumbling to himself about what he should wear to their first class. Should he look like he was ready to learn or ready to party? Should he look smart or cool? So many choices.

“But seriously Jae.” The other shouted, taking his clothes into the bathroom and closing the door, getting ready to change. “You should really wash up too. No need to look yummy when you can look delicious.”

“Stupid flirt.”

But Jaejoong reluctantly began getting ready, just as Yunho had told him to. As much as he hated that he hadn’t been able to tell Yunho yet, he was also relieved. How would Yunho react? Would he be ok with it, or would he be hurt? Jaejoong wanted anything but to hurt his best friend… But he needed this. He needed his own space and his own freedom. He needed a world where Yunho wasn’t constantly breathing down his neck, saying how beautiful he was.

But he still felt bad…


Ten minutes later, both Yunho and Jaejoong were groomed and dressed for success. Well, not really. Yunho was still wearing sweatpants, but they were a better fitting black pair, which he paired with a white v neck tee and dark sunglasses. Jaejoong on the other hand was dressed a bit more appropriately – he wore a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a soft pink shirt. Yunho couldn’t help but gawk as he looked at his friend.

“Damn Jae! These clothes hug you perfectly!” He whistled obnoxiously while circling the now flushed Jaejoong. “They show off practically every curve! Now if you’d just let me take them off of you…”

“YAH! Get your mind out of the gutter!!”

Jaejoong was now beyond embarrassed. Sure he could handle Yunho’s little flirty comments, but when it came to Yunho talking about… that, Jaejoong’s innocent mind just couldn’t handle it.

“Sorry, sorry. I was just messing with you.” Yunho laughed heartily, throwing his arm over Jaejoong’s shoulder and guiding them out the room. Jaejoong made sure to grab their bags as he passed them, then they were out the door.

As they walked through the dorm and to class, guilt crept up onto Jaejoong’s shoulder once again. He could almost hear a little voice whispering into his ear, tell him! He needs to know! But another voice whispered into the other ear, do you want to upset him? Don’t do it Jaejoong. Spare his heart.

They continued on, Yunho constantly waving at boys and girls who passed by, giving out merry hellos with the biggest smile on his face. As soon as Jaejoong glanced up at the slightly taller man’s face and saw that smile, Jaejoong knew he couldn’t do it. He bit at his lip again, which didn’t go unnoticed by Yunho.

He abruptly stopped walking, which would have caused Jaejoong to trip and fall on his face, if Yunho hadn’t quickly grabbed him by the waist, steadying him.

“Jae, something’s wrong. I can tell.”

Jaejoong avoided his gaze.

“N-No, there’s nothing wrong.” Jaejoong just laughed, but Yunho narrowed his eyes. He knew that laugh was forced. Yunho tightly gripped Jaejoong’s forearm, earning him a yelp from the smaller man, and he dragged him back toward the dorm and into their room, before throwing him onto the bed and locking the door.

“You didn’t really think you could fool me with a fake smile like that, did you?”

Jaejoong shook slightly, before taking a deep breath.

“I need to talk to you.”

Yunho crouched down in front of the other, a crooked smile on his face.

“Then talk to me Jae.” He brushed a strand of black hair behind the other’s ear. “I’ll always listen, if it’s you.”

“I…” Taking another deep breath, Jaejoong took a few seconds to collect himself. He knew that what he was about to say would probably really hurt the other, but he had no other choice. This had to be done. After one more breath, Jaejoong looked up and into Yunho’s eyes.

“I switched out of our law class.”

Yunho just blinked. “That’s it? Jae, you know that that doesn’t matter. As long as we’re still studying the same major, it doesn’t really-”

“You need to let me finish Yunho!” Jaejoong raised his voice. Yunho’s eyes widened. Jaejoong had always been a moody person, he was very easily annoyed and sometimes Yunho felt like he was walking on glass with his best friend, but Jaejoong was never one to yell. Even in middle school when older boys made fun of how thin he was, he never once raised his voice.

“I’m not studying law anymore. I switched my major.”

He paused, a hint of guilt in his voice.

“I-I think we need to spend less time together Yunho…”

Yunho froze, wide eyed at what his best friend had just said.

“I’m really sorry and please don’t think that I dislike you or anything… But this is just something I need to do. For myself, and you.”

But Jaejoong’s words fell on deaf ears.

Yunho could only stand still, one thought running through his heads.

I thought we’d be together forever…



sooooo there's chapter one.. I'm sorry it took a few days, and I'm reeeeeally sorry that it's not the best first chapter.. D: starting a story is really hard for me, and I really wanted to post something tonight so I kinda rushed.. T_T mianhae, I hope y'all enjoy it and will stick with this story >w< !!

oh ~ and I should have chappy 2 of my other story Falling done and posted tomorrow :D

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This reminds me of the days when it was DB5K. I miss those days.. Keep up the good work!
Keep it up
bohyemi #3
Axiela #4
*goes down on her knees* Please... Please... Don't leave it at that T-T It has so much potential, I want to see what will happen next! =)<br />
Thanks for sharing your work!
Erikaoi #5
Continue please.update soon.
MiszCJung #6
This is interesting!! Updateee... ;)
Aww. Jae you are hurting Yunho. Interesting! Update please!
awww TT _ TT
AngelsEternalFaith #9
This sounds like it's gonna be epic o:<br />
Can't wait!! Hope you UPDATE SOOOON!!! :D
kyaaaa !!! can't wait for the update ! :)