
Black Sweet Blood Mouthfuls

Taekwoon shifted sleepily, gently kicking Hakyeon in the shin. The alarm was blaring, and Taekwoon couldn’t reach the clock. Hakyeon grumbled, sacrificing his right arm by sticking it out of the warm cocoon of blankets to find the alarm. He expertly hit the button before pulling his arm back into the warmth his and Taekwoon’s bodies had created. Somewhat maliciously, he shoved his cold fingers onto Taekwoon’s stomach. The man jerked before pushing back as hard as he could and sending Hakyeon crashing to the floor.

That woke him up.

Disgruntled, cold, and vengeful, Hakyeon slithered under the covers, grabbed Taekwoon’s foot, and pivoted backwards, using all of his strength the pull his lightly dozing partner off the bed.

Once Taekwoon’s bottom half was off, he was awake enough to start resisting. Annoyed, he latched onto the far side of the bed, refusing to be moved any further. Hakyeon was already laughing, but the show of resistance cracked him up even more. When he could pull him no further, Hakyeon grabbed the waist of Taekwoon’s sweatpants and yanked.

Taekwoon squawked indignantly and his hands flew from the edge of the bed to his pants, which allowed Hakyeon to drag him all the way off the bed. He was still laughing despite being landed on by 140 pounds of simmering fury. After pretending to wring Hakyeon’s neck for a minute, said man pecked him on the nose.

“I loooooove you,” Hakyeon sing-songed.

Glaring, Taekwoon stood up, stepping on Hakyeon in passing and moving to the kitchen for breakfast. Hakyeon languished on the floor, wiggling a little. “Don’t walk away from me!” he called piteously. A dial clicked as the stove was , and he heard the clatter of a frying pan being pulled from the cupboard. After another minute, when he was sure he was being firmly ignored, Hakyeon gave up and stood to get dressed.

Taekwoon kindly made enough pancakes for both of them. Hakyeon ate with his dress shirt half buttoned and the fly of his pants wide open, more concerned about getting breakfast before Taekwoon changed his mind and ate his share. Taekwoon finished first and went to get dressed, leaving Hakyeon to his breakfast and the dishes.

Both men were ready to leave about the same time, meeting in front of the door. Taekwoon had finally gotten over the bed incident so, grinning, Hakyeon reached up and kissed him on the mouth. Taekwoon glared a little, but reeled Hakyeon in with an arm around his neck and returned the kiss with another short one.

Hakyeon leaned back and straightened Taekwoon’s collar. “Have fun at work. Be nice to the kids. Love you.” Taekwoon nodded, but didn’t say anything. He pulled the front door open, leaving first. Before he could take two steps, Hakyeon smacked his and dodged around him, running to the car. “Bye!”

He quickly backed out of the small driveway, laughing and waving, before Taekwoon could get his revenge. Shaking his head, Taekwoon started down the sidewalk, briskly walking to the elementary school that was only a few blocks away.


“Bye Taekwoon!” a fellow teacher called as Taekwoon was leaving school. He offered her a short nod of acknowledgement without stopping on his way toward home. The pitter patter of small, sandal clad feet came from the left, growing louder and as they approached. Taekwoon turned just in time to find a small child barreling toward him at dangerous speeds. The boy smacked into his legs, squeezing them in a hug and shouting, “Hi Mr. Jung!”

Taekwoon smiled briefly, reaching down and ruffling the boy’s hair. “Hello Sanghyuk.” He glanced up to see Sanghyuk’s mother hurrying toward them, looking apologetic.

“I’m so sorry,” she said when she reached her son. “Sanghyuk always talks about you and what a great soccer player you are.” She crouched down to her son’s level. “Alright baby, it’s time to let go of Mr. Jung now. We have to go get your sister.”

Sanghyuk shook his head violently, clinging to Taekwoon’s legs. Taekwoon wobbled dangerously and had to throw an arm out for balance. The teacher who had said goodbye to him earlier was walking to her car, but stopped to look at them and laugh, covering with her hand.

Seeing his mom’s exasperated expression, Sanghyuk gave Taekwoon’s legs one more heartfelt squeeze before reluctantly releasing him. Pouting, the little boy suggested that maybe they should just leave his sister so they could stay and play with Mr. Jung. “But Sanghyuk, Mr. Jung can’t stay to play. He needs to go home.” Apologizing again, she tugged the kindergartener away. Taekwoon returned Sanghyuk’s enthusiastic wave, albeit much smaller, then turned and headed home.

When Taekwoon was less than halfway home, it occurred to him that he had some extra time before Hakyeon was off work. His boss had asked him to stay late this past week, so Hakyeon wouldn’t beat Taekwoon home. Since he had some time, Taekwoon decided that he would take a slight detour to the small collection of shops and boutiques that were only a few minutes out of the way.

Taekwoon kept his pace slow but steady as he meandered toward the specialty shops, one arm holding his messenger bag tight to his side. The area was small, but popular, boasting two small bookstores, that offered out of print and rare books, clothing and shoe boutiques, a candy shop, a florist, and most importantly, Ravi’s.

Taekwoon’s mind had gotten away from him, so he was surprised when something bumped into his leg. A small chalkboard sign, with some of the brightest chalk Taekwoon had ever seen, was wobbling on its stand. They way each letter was a different neon color made Taekwoon think of little Sanghyuk. The bold letters spelled: ‘Ravi’s – We’re located down the steps!’ In smaller text, it listed the coffee deal of the day, which happened to be a white mocha.

Smiling a little, Taekwoon headed down the stairs the familiar set of worn stone stairs.

Gripping the worn brass handle, Taekwoon hauled the heavy door open and was assaulted with the smell of fresh coffee. Stepping inside, he passed a small alcove that was home to a small table and two burgundy wing-backed chairs. To the left, there were tables strewn about, occasionally interrupted by thick wooden beams that supported the ceiling. The red, rough brick gave the entire café a cozy, cave-like atmosphere.

The small shop seemed rough and untreated, but tamed by loving hands. The ceiling was dark, unpolished wood, which made the bare pipes winding across all the more bright. In contrast to the dark walls and ceiling, the café featured bright paintings from local artists.

As Taekwoon reached the register, an employee emerged from the depths of the back room. He was shorter than Taekwoon, though many were, with short brown hair and a prominent nose. His sleeves were haphazardly rolled up, and though he had a black name tag securely pinned to his shirt, Taekwoon didn’t need it.

“Hi Taekwoon, we don’t normally see you during the week,” Ken chirped. Taekwoon just looked at him, not saying anything with slightly narrowed eyes. To Ken’s credit, he didn’t look away under Taekwoon’s naturally heavy gaze.

Taekwoon shrugged slowly. “Hakyeon will be a little late.”

Ken nodded and said, “Well, do you want a recommendation, or the usual two hot chocolates?” Taekwoon shook his head, which was enough for Ken to know that he’d take the usual.

“Whipped cream on only one of them?”

With the tiniest of hesitations, Taekwoon quietly consented, “Yes, please.”

“Alright. Just a moment then.”

Ken disappeared into the back room where the hum of the machinery rang loud.

Taekwoon quietly slipped the exact change due onto the counter.

In a quick minute or two, Ken trotted around the back wall with two insulated paper cups tightly covered with plastic lids in his hands. He carefully handed them to Taekwoon, who nodded once in thanks.

“Have a great day! I hope to see you again soon, and bring Hakyeon with you next time!” Ken called excitedly as Taekwoon turned to leave the small café. He hoped that Hakyeon would like his surprise.

Taekwoon returned to an expectedly empty driveway. He stepped through the gate, latching it behind him with a well-maneuvered elbow, before carefully unlocking the front door, stripping off his shoes, and padding through the foyer. The two hot drinks in his hands made it difficult, but Taekwoon was patient. The house was dark and quiet, something Taekwoon enjoyed after spending the day around rambunctious children.

With the coffee cups gently placed on the coffee table, Taekwoon’s hands were free to pull his messenger bag over his head and place it on the floor next to the couch. He planned to eat a small snack and work on tweaking his lesson plan until Hakyeon got home from work. Flipping on the nearest lamp, he settled into the couch with a pen and his hot chocolate (no whipped cream) and got started.

Taekwoon heard Hakyeon coming long before he actually entered the house. Hakyeon had a way of making his presence known; his absent-minded humming could be heard through the door.

“I’m home!” Hakyeon called out as soon as he entered the house. Taekwoon didn’t reply, but he knew Hakyeon would know he was home from the light in the living room and his shoes in the entrance. A few seconds later, Hakyeon blew through the room, a mess of pants half off, a bag hanging from the crook of his elbow, and his buttons partially undone. He dropped a kiss on Taekwoon’s head on the way to the bedroom.

“How was school?” he called while stripping out of his work clothes.

Silence radiated from the living room.

Hakyeon smiled to himself. “Good, then? Awesome. Work was pretty boring today, though I did see Karen trip over her own feet. I felt bad for her, I did, but it was still kind of funny.” He poked his head from around the corner of the hallway. “Am I a terrible person?”

Taekwoon glanced in his direction, face expressionless, eyebrow slightly raised.

Hakyeon retreated. “I’ll take that as a no.”

A few minutes later, Hakyeon emerged from the bedroom dressed in comfortable clothes. He flopped on the couch next to Taekwoon, making the cushions dip and his partner’s papers tip dangerously to the side. Taekwoon quickly straightened them, glaring slightly. Hakyeon wiggled closer, laying his head on Taekwoon’s shoulder. Sighing a little, Taekwoon straightened his work into a neat pile and slid it onto the coffee table, resigning himself to getting little to no more work done that evening. In doing so, it drew Hakyeon’s attention to the coffee cups sitting on the table.

“Is one of those for me?” he asked, a beaming smile on his face. Taekwoon nodded with a slight smile playing on his own lips.

“You got whipped cream on mine!” Hakyeon was touched by the gesture, knowing that Taekwoon wasn’t one to spoil him too often. He leaned forward off the couch, away from Taekwoon’s side, and grasped the cup with both hands. The hot chocolate had been just long enough so it was the perfect temperature when he sipped through the whipped cream. Usually Hakyeon was too eager and ended up burning his tongue and the roof of his mouth.

The both sat there, finishing their drinks in silence, just pressed close together.

Hakeyon had his head tipped far back, his red hair falling from his face slightly. With a satisfied sigh, he pulled the cup from his lips and placed the empty cup on the coffee table. Taekwoon finished at the same time, and Hakyeon plucked the cup from his hands and stacked them.

Ravi’s is the best,” he practically moaned. “Thanks, Taekwoon.”

Pleased, Hakyeon scooted closer, almost pushing himself into Taekwoon’s lap. He wrapped his arms around Taekwoon as best he could, smushing his face into his husband’s sweater-covered chest. With a big sigh, he let himself relax fully, warmed when Taekwoon’s arms curled around his back and pulled him close. They both rested for a few minutes, unwinding from their day of work and enjoying the closeness.

Finally, Hakyeon pulled back a little, and Taekwoon loosened his grip. He looked up into Taekwoon’s face and bumped their noses. “Boop.”

Staring down at Hakyeon, Taekwoon bumped their noses. Hakyeon repeated, “Boop.”

He grinned widely, darting forward and pressing a kiss to Taekwoon’s lips. Taekwoon returned it, and deepened it, pushing him back a little with the force. Just as Hakyeon was getting into it, forcing Taekwoon back into the cushions, Taekwoon released his hands. Hakyeon fell backward with a yelp, torso awkwardly sliding off his partner’s legs and going straight to the floor. Taekwoon laughed quietly, a rare real smile curling his mouth and Hakyeon couldn’t stay too mad. “Payback for this morning?” he grumbled, yanking on Taekwoon’s knee to pull himself up.

After he righted himself, Taekwoon got up anyway. “I’ll start dinner,” he said before abandoning Hakyeon on the couch.

Hakyeon only laid dramatically for a minute or two before he gave up and rose to help. “What are you making?” he asked petulantly, poking Taekwoon in the side.

Taekwoon deftly batted Hakyeon’s fingers away and slid over to the fridge. “Stir fry.”

“Ooh! I love stir fry. Let me help,” Hakyeon said, reaching for the ingredients in Taekwoon’s hand.

Taekwoon huffed at him, but handed over two bags of vegetables. Hakyeon fumbled them over to the counter. “Cut those up, please,” Taekwoon ordered, pulling out a pack of chicken.

“Will do!”

Hakyeon was dodging around Taekwoon, trying to get to the trashcan and avoid stabbing anyone with a paring knife when his phone started to ring in the other room. He fumbled the knife in surprise, managing to nick his ring finger. Taekwoon quickly moved his feet out of the way as the knife clattered to the floor.

“You alright?” he asked, grasping Hakyeon’s left hand and dragging it to the sink. He flipped the water on to rinse off the blood. The phone blared in the background while Hakyeon scooted the knife beneath the counter with his foot so they wouldn’t step on it.

“I’m fine,” Hakyeon assured his husband. He twisted the tap, turning off the faucet, and grabbed a paper towel to stem the small flow of blood. “Would you grab the first aid kit?” he asked, but Taekwoon was already pulling it out from under the sink. After making sure Hakyeon’s finger was dry, Taekwoon gently dabbed the cut with antibiotic ointment and wrapped it with a Pokémon bandage.

Hakyeon's cellphone made one final bleat before giving up and sending the call to voicemail.

“Don’t scare me like that,” Taekwoon huffed, holding onto Hakyeon’s hands. He wrapped his fingers around the silver band on Hakyeon’s injured finger, warming the cold metal with his body heat.

“Sorry,” Hakyeon replied, giving Taekwoon’s hands a squeeze.

The phone blared back to life, startling Hakyeon again. Rolling his eyes, he hustled into the living room to answer it, warning Taekwoon about the knife that was still on the floor. “Yes? Oh, Minyung! How are you? Calling your little brother Taekwoon? You’re so sweet. Of course we didn’t forget about the wedding. Give him a sec, he’s right here…”

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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 13: Rereading because it is so mindblowing ♡,♡
Sera12 #2
Chapter 13: Wow this story is amazing!!
shizwow #3
Chapter 13: Still the best one ever!
Chapter 13: Wow. This is the first supernatural story I've read in a long while, and it definitely did not disappoint. I really appreciate all the detail you put in everything, the characters, plot, and I like how you didn't just dive right into the supernatural part and dedicated some time to introduce the setting and characters.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go read the side story now :)
Velzonly #5
Author nim, im sorry im so late! New reader and subs here :3 OMG this story is AMAZING. Every single chapter is amazing omg and thankyou for making this story end happily *hugs you* anw i just checked your stories page and this is the last story that you wrote ㅠㅠ are u on hiatus? Anw, thankyou so much for writing this wonderful story, have a good day author nim <3
_hekochin_ #6
Chapter 12: Wow. I've read a lot of supernatural au stories, but this one deserves a medal or a trophy or SOMETHING because it was simply amazing. I loved the plot of the story and how paced it is, and also the amount of detail put into describing that "shadow monster." The way you basically painted a picture of it in all of its deathly glory was beautiful. Fantastic story, unique plot, wonderful grammar, what else could one ask for in a fanfiction? ^^
greenpixies #7
Chapter 13: I love this! Read it from chapter 1 - 12 all in one go!!! Haha!