Haters gonna hate

My Thoughts on True Fanship

Hi again, music_lover10080 here

Alright, I keep seeing people send so much hate to Taeyeon and Baekhyun and I'm pretty much over it.

I know that there are fans who seriously hate them right now, but in all honesty hate is so simple to give but so hard to take back.

Why is love so hard to give, but way to easy to take back, when hate is so easily given, but too difficult to undo? This fact should be the polar opposite.

The thing is I see articles come out with comments saying "Baekhyun and Taeyeon are using us fans." But in reality, sending them hate will only create more tension between them and the fans. Fans are currently complaining about how Baekhyun treats his fans like dirt, but have you stopped to think about what he feels? Maybe he's stressed and feels helpless to stop this. Maybe he was a little blinded by stardom and forgot some parts that were important pre-debut time. Maybe he honestly can't look/reply to fans right now because he can't think of what to say. We shouldn't judge people by what we think they are because they still have time to change their reputation. Maybe this was the low of Baekhyun's career and now he's striving to make the situation better.

Fans are complaining about how Taeyeon is acting like nothing is wrong. Some called her shameless and desperate and others called her things that I'd rather not say. Although she didn't take 7 years to debut like Suho, she took 3-4 years and that's a lot of work to train. Recently, she started manually blocking her fans from her IG and turned it into a private account. She must have been extremly scared that so much hate was being sent to her right now. She was shocked that her fans were turning against her. I would be pretty shocked too, if tens of thousands of people started sending hurtful comments to me at the same time. If you wouldn't be afraid then you're incredibly brave.

Role play for a minute with me okay?

     Imagine that one day you were checking your SNS and you see one comment full of hate. You think nothing of it, blowing it off as just another anti-fan or something. But then another bashing comment pops up and another and another and another. All of a sudden your comments section is filled with hate and insults and threats. You start panicking and you try to apologize. But the apology backfires and now even more hate is being posted against you. You quickly delete your apology but not before you comments section is flooded with hate. You put your account on private in hopes that the haters would stop the comments. But you realize that the people following you before you put ur SNS on private were still able to follow you. The hate is still there and is still the majority of the comments. What would you do? 

How was my role play scenario?

This is probably what Taeyeon had to deal with and why she made her IG private and blocked a lot of her followers. SONES should know that Taeyeon has been dealing with deppression for a while now. What would it feel like for an already depressed person recieving so much hate in a short period of time? Taeyeon acted irrationally sure but in all honesty it was the fans that drove her to drastic measures.


This whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. Why can't we let the past be in the past and look towards what the future holds? 

Again Why is love so hard to give, but way too easy to take back. When hate is so easily given, but too difficult to undo? 

Love should be too easy to give but incredibly too hard to take back. 

Hate should be easy to take back but extremely too hard to give.

~ ~ ~

Hope this made people think a little differently about this whole situation.

{ This is my opinion and thoughts on the BaekYeon issue that I decided to share with the public. You are entitled to your own opinion if you agree or disagree with my personal thoughts. }

Thank you for reading~

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chanyeol614 #1
Chapter 1: I just found your story and I agree with you 100%. That whole comment Baek made about not datin till 35.....idk if it's just me but I never took that seriously. I mean what's an idol supposed to say. That's why in Korea some responses are known as the model idol response. I also read somewhere that apparently that interview was translated wrong and he actually said he wanted to get married after 30 or something not date (but I could be wrong, I only read this). But I honestly took that answer as a joke since things happen in life and you can't hold every word someone says against them. Btw love that you're willing to put you opinion out there and look at the situation not as a fan but as an outsider looking in.
sharonnath #2
Chapter 5: Woww i found your story and i totally agree with you authornim! Uhm, i just want to ask if is it okay if i kind of make this kind of story too? I'm currently writing a fanfic but i've been considering for a pretty long time on writing personal thoughts like you too, it's just that i still don't have the courage to do it and i'm scared that people will ended up getting bored with my thoughts. But then i found your story and it encourage me a lot!:) So i feel like writing personal thoughts like you did, is my way to try my best on supporting Baekyeon, so that people will open up their mind more:) If it's not okay for you authornim, it's okay i won't do it:) i just feel like you're my inspiration on writing personal thoughts about baekyeon so i asked your permission ^.^
adahgogo7 #3
Chapter 8: Good to know there is someone out there willingly to stand for BAEKYEON.. Im Sone and Exotic..there's no doubt i do feel unsure about thier relationship..but as a fan i have to be the best i can to show my support. Gosh..the narrow minded fans have to learn that we're human. Basically, human:we do own the freedow!! So no matter what happen in future..i wish the best for them. Despite they break out in future(who knew),i will always stand next to them. If you call yourself as a fan or fan in fandom..then display your roles as fan in the true way. Btw..author-nim i really appreciate your columnfor this issue. I agree with you a lot.
mhargelynne #4
Chapter 12: . . .
and if anything i've typed struck a vein, then you're welcome to disagree. because by disagreeing it only proves how much you feel it in your heart that what i've typed are most probably the truth.
mhargelynne #5
Chapter 12: . . .
what could i say? you already mentioned everything i feel about this whole ordeal. i am baekhyun-biased and a baekyeol shipper but i never once scorned or hated them both. how could i? when it's someone who i truly love that made a mistake? i did cry once during this issue because i've read comments and stuff regarding baekhyun and i can almost feel second-hand hate of "fans" (that's what those people call themselves) to him. have you ever felt like you love someone so much that you would rather have yourself be hurt than that person? . . . and this morning i read baekhyun's post in ig and i almost cried again. did people really think that he's that insincere? they can't preach him when they. themselves don't know what sincerity is. this whole betrayal thing is just pure b. really is. betrayal? do they (baekhyun and taeyeon) owe you their lives that you feel betrayed that they love each other behind your back? that's just so irrational.
. . .
people like those need to understand that a fan likes a group or band or singer for the music they create. not for the virtual reality they give you. pffft. those type of people are just cowards. they can't face reality, and they choose to live in the fantasy that they hope and wish to live in. and now that that fantasy world is also beginning to crumble, they are aggravated and they blame all their personal problems to those that "threatened" to destroy their shell.
. . .
i'm so sorry this has gone to deep but it hurts to just sit there and hope for some miracle to happen and not do anything about it.
. . .
sorry but i won't take back everything.
Wow this is super cool ^^ <3
Chapter 9: I'm really glad someone else supports Baekhyun and Taeyeon. I agree that this hate is rediculous and needs to stop. Seriously guys! They are human. Humans love other humans. Just because their famous does NOT mean they have to stay single! I'm extreemely glad that they both have a chance at happiness! They deserve that at LEAST! Thank you again for supporting them. Anyone else who supports: please stay strong.
Chapter 9: So, they are real? Woah every time i read about Baekyeon always hurt little bit.

I'm not said and not happy for they become real, but i'm not hate Taeyeon, I'll always support her even though i lose respect to Baekhyun because Taeyeon seem always stand in front on him and take all pain. I always pray that Taeyeon can be strong, i always pray that God always protect her for everything that make her sad and cry.
Now, i don't give a damn about their personal problem, i just appreciate their music now^^

But I don't understand why k-netizen so hate them, and they seem know about something deeper than I-fans, and they keep it only for k-netizen.

Plus one thing about Taeny (sorry if i become delusional), If they are not real, why Tiffany family always like Taeny photo on Ig? Are they just love their bond? Or very trust Taeyeon to protect Tiffany? Or they are really fond of Taeyeon beside Tiffany?
CosmicLatte00 #9
Chapter 5: hi,im here again...just one to agree your words..im pretty much over it.Hearing Heechul who doesnt set his eyes to the ladies of SM as a girl to admire BaekYeon as the first cp in SM is asuring me that if SM got each other's back,everything will be find.I just hope the didnt break up...bcos it would be awkward for them and us...live happily BaekYeon <3.thanks again and again author-nim.
myzyra #10
Chapter 8: i like the idea that u still support both exo and snsd ... i was surprise to see that many fans hate the couple when the news break out. as you can see, taeyeon has been stressing out being a leader all this while and i think ppl should respect her decision. let her live her life rather than being quiet abt things. who knw baek is the one that make her happy... who knw baek is the one that help her relieve stress.. i really hope all of u guys will blessed their rship! that is all i wish... i pity taeyeon when i see the article abt she saying sorry at the airport with a teary eyes. that shows how much she is hurt... anyway SNSD EXO HWAITING!!!