The Blue Room



Hello guys!

I'm really happy with the way this turned out. I got inspired by Lee Joon and mostly by his role in "Gap Dong". I didn't mean it to be Joon in the lead role, but I couldn't  imagine anyone else in it while writing. 

It will be angst + mystery like 90% of the time, with a pitch of horror and of course, romance. I'll stop here, else I'll turn it into an equation completely.


“What’s happens in your mind?” Was the first question after the lock up.

“You people and your questions… Aren’t you curious?”



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uglyferret #1
Wow! Love this first chapter! I seriously can't wait for the next one!
Chapter 1: Well, aside from some minors spelling errors or eaten words and lack of description on the foreword (I honestly only guessed what it could be about because I've seen Gap Dong), I'm intrigued xD

We find out Joon, spelled wrong John by his doctor (by the way, is it Eward or Edward?) is blocked in a mental clinic if I'm not mistaken. Or some sort of jail that deals with that. There isn't much information going around - why is he there, how he ended up there, since when, where is there exactly and so on - which is good for this kind of story! I'm sure you'll reveal everything bit by bit as it progresses ^^

It's also nice to see his twisted thoughts interlock with the narration, it gives us readers a way to judge his character better and fully understand /why/ is a guy like him trapped in there.

Looking forward to his grandiose tale that could make it in the textbooks ;D