Of Sunflowers, the Colour Red, and Rain

Infinite Drabble/One-Shot Collection [Ongoing.]





It’s foggy on Monday.


Woohyun thinks that Myungsoo is mysterious. Perhaps, mysterious with a dash of handsome? Yes, that was definitely it.


This small town is different than what Woohyun is used to; there are no bustling cars, rowdy people, or high rise skyscrapers. Just some old buildings, idle buses here and there, and perhaps an old couple strolling down the sidewalk every so often.


It was all so… quiet.


Quiet, like the dark haired boy with cold eyes sitting on the bench right beside him at the bus stop.




On the other hand, Myungsoo thinks that  Woohyun is simply annoying.


He’s tired of listening to the other’s seemingly endless rambling because frankly, by the end of the 20 minutes as they wait for the bus to come, Myungsoo is convinced that he knows every single detail of Woohyun’s life. Nam Woohyun is 17 years old, (un)fortunately the same age as him, and his birthday is on February 8th. He also likes to sing and cook, and his favourite colour is red. He hates waking up early and well, today for breakfast he just had pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes, to be exact. (Like Myungsoo really had to know that.)Woohyun just talks, and talks, and talks—and oh, what was that now? Apparently Woohyun’s favourite flowers are sunflowers. Imagine that; a guy having a favourite flower. As a reply, Myungsoo simply scoffs and shifts slightly in his seat.


Myungsoo tries to hold back a relieved sigh as the bus comes chugging down the road, screeching to a halt in front of the two waiting at the bus stop. He doesn’t waste a second and (quickly) gets on the bus, finding an empty seat next to the window. He sits down, closing his eyes as he tries to catch some shut-eye during the 30 minute bus ride.


His consciousness was just about to slip away when he felt a presence next to him.


“Hi again! Is it okay if I sit next to you?”


Myungsoo has to try his best to resist the urge to choke the other into silence.




It’s cloudy on Tuesday.


And Myungsoo is stuck yet again with Nam Woohyun Who Talks Way Too Much. This time, Woohyun is talking on and on about how one time at his old school where his friends Sungyeol and Dongwoo played a prank on their homeroom teacher, or something like that. Truthfully, Myungsoo is probably only half listening to what the other is saying, but he can’t seem to block out the other’s voice.


“… And then the teacher looked around menacingly, and shouted ‘YAH! Jang Dongwoo! Lee Sungyeol! Office! Now!’ And it was so hilarious because– ”


“Will you shut up?” Myungsoo suddenly shouts, turning his head to glare at the other, angry at how annoying the other was. Seeing the hurt in Woohyun’s eyes and the way he partly shrank back away from his glare, Myungsoo almost wants to take his words back. Almost.


It’s quiet for a moment between the two of them before a bright smile finds its way to Woohyun’s face, his eyes crinkling up into perfect crescent moons while he gives a slightly nervous chuckle.


“Ah well, Myungsoo-sshi probably wants some peace and quiet right? I’ll just leave you be then – Oh the bus is here! To school we go!” And with that, Woohyun jumps up from his seat and walks (skips) over to the curb at the side of the road to wait for the bus to stop in front of him.


Myungsoo is left wondering how in the world Woohyun knows his name when the only thing he ever said to him was the ‘Will you shut up’, and then it occurs to him that oh right, he’s in my class damn it.


“Myungsoo-yah? Are you coming?” Woohyun seems to be his hyperactive cheerful self again, motioning for him to follow him onto the bus. (Since when did he let this annoying kid call him ‘Myungsoo-yah’?)


Myungsoo has to bite back a smile at how cute the other was – (wait what in the world is he thinking?) and makes his way through bus door to a seat (away from Woohyun) while keeping his head down.


It’s not long before someone sits beside him, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who it is.




It’s partly cloudy on Wednesday.


The clouds from yesterday are still lingering in the sky, but there are some rays of sunlight that make it through the gaps, shining down onto Woohyun’s face.


(It kind of makes him look more beautiful than he already is, but Myungsoo quickly pushes that thought to the back of his head.)


Woohyun is unusually quiet today and Myungsoo thinks that he’s finally getting the message that he doesn’t like it when the younger talks and talks and talks. At least, Myungsoo thinks that’s the truth, but he can’t help but frown when there’s this longing at the back of his head to hear the other’s voice and before he can stop himself, he’s turning to face the other and asking,


“Why are you so quiet today?”


Woohyun jumps a bit and looks up from his gaze down at his hands, eyes showing that he’s shocked for a bit before they soften and he smiles, though his smile does not quite reach his eyes.


“Oh I’m just giving you a break from listening to my beautiful voice which I know you love.” He replies confidently while nodding.


Okay, so maybe Woohyun didn’t get the full message. But Myungsoo can’t help but smile a little at the other’s foolishness. Realizing that he’s  smiling, Myungsoo quickly turns away, hoping that the other didn’t see it while a slight blush settles on his cheeks. He’s hoping that the younger doesn’t see that either.


When he slowly turns back to glance at the other again, he finds Woohyun smiling more brightly than ever.


“You smiled!”


“No I didn’t.” Myungsoo grumbles.


“You actually smiled!”


“I said I didn’t!”


“Yes you did! I just saw you!”










“Shut up.”


“Yes – I mean – oh, fine. I’m sorry Myungsoo-yah~”


“And stop calling me that! We’re not close friends or anything!”


“Well, I feel that we are!”


Myungsoo can only faceplam.




It’s rainy on Thursday.


There’s a storm up ahead and the rain is coming down in sheets, the thunder crashing and the lightning streaks through the sky.


Woohyun is running at full speed towards the bus stop with his bag over his head, cursing the fact that he couldn’t find his umbrella today and was going to miss the bus if he searched for it any longer. He sits down with a huff as soon as reaches the protection of the roof over the bus stop, shaking his hair to try and get rid of the rain water.


It takes him a moment to realize that the figure that is usually beside him is absent today, but instead, a bouquet of flowers is there on Myungsoo’s usual side of the bench. And to make it even more intriguing, it’s a bouquet of sunflowers. Woohyun leans in to take a better look and finds a card tucked neatly beneath the red paper, and ‘Woohyun’ in fine, small handwriting can be clearly seen. Curiously, he reaches for the small card, pulling it out from the bouquet and reads the short message written across it:


‘For a smile on a rainy day.’


There’s no name or indication of who sent it whatsoever, Woohyun concludes, as he flips the card over, even searching the bouquet. He smiles brightly nonetheless, even laughing a little and picking up the bouquet to hug in his arms.


The flowers are beautiful, Woohyun thought. Just beautiful.


(1 minute into the bus ride, Myungsoo gets on the bus, sparing a short glance at Woohyun and smiling slightly before sitting next to him. A few seconds later, a pack of tissue is thrown onto Woohyun’s lap.)




It’s sunny on Friday.


The sun is shining down on two linked hands with fingers intertwined, and Myungsoo swears it’s because of the warm weather that his cheeks are turning pink.


“I knew I could make you fall in love with me, you know that, Myungsoo-yah?”


And of course, Myungsoo still thinks Woohyun is annoying as ever.

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704 streak #1
Chapter 7: cute 🩷
Simran20 #2
Chapter 4: Truly a perfectionist ♥️♥️
Simran20 #3
Chapter 5: Soft 😍😍😍😍
Chapter 8: Your stories are beautiful authornim..
Thank you for this great work.. ^^
ercique #5
Chapter 6: I'm dying at the fluffiness of this you're amazing;;;
ercique #6
Chapter 1: ohmygod i literally squealed seeing woosoo here ;;;-;; omg pls write longer, i love your works <3
noreal #7
You always write Woohyun so adorable! That precious puppy...
I love you so much! Not many people write about LHyun you know :(
great job!
great job!