



"In the history of all stupid ideas, that has got to be the stupidest one out of them all. What were you thinking?!"

"Rub it in his face, will you?" Yoochun hisses. "Changmin, stop being so rude and let him cry in peace."

As embarrassing as it may sound, he was found by his manager and his bandmate on the floor, sobbing. Jaejoong did not leave him, but seeing him walk away broke his heart into pieces, and knowing that he broke his boyfriend's trust hurts more than anything. He knows that no matter what he does to make it up to Jaejoong, it will not be the same anymore.

"I'm not crying." he replies, "Well, not anymore." and sits up. "No wonder I was anxious the whole day. It felt like something would happen but I just waved the feeling off." His eyes are red, puffy and it hurts when he blinks. He takes the cold bottled water Yoochun hands him and puts it over his right eye.

"So what are you planning to do now?" asks Changmin in a softer voice. In his nine years of friendship with Yunho, he did not think that the man is capable of doing such things for the sake of love,

"Give him time."

"Is that necessary?"

Yunho quirks a brow at his bandmate as Yoochun answers for him. "Try feeling betrayed and humiliated by your partner, let's see if you wouldn't want an alone time."

"Oh geeze, Yoochun, why do you keep answering for Yunho anyway? Are you his spokesperson?"

"Are you sure about this? I mean, this will surely cause controversy or some like that."

"Relax, Min. It's all good. I've talked to Yoochun about this and I have his and the management's go signal. And besides, it's not like I'm going to do anything drastic. Releasing a digital single wouldn't hurt."

Changmin sighs. "How are you going to pull this off in a few days?" He only grins in response. "Are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to use his photos?"

"For teasers, yes." answers the seemingly giddy Yunho with a grin. "His face is not shown so people would think it's just some random guy. Chill, Changminnie."

"You do realize that this would give away your preference, right? I mean, obviously it's for a guy."

"Who cares, Min? I won't be giving anything away but if people happen to catch on... nah, I don't think anyone would."


"Seriously, Changminah, just chill. No one's career is at stake, you can trust me on this."

Changmin could only hope Yunho is telling the truth.

Junsu does not know what he is doing this for, all he knows is that it is for Jaejoong which is why he has agreed to help Yunho out. At five in the afternoon, he receives a missed call from Yoochun and that is his cue to put his acting skills to test. He spots Jaejoong lazing around the couch and pretends to browse his laptop.

"Jaejoongah, would you take a look at this?" he says as he points at a tweet that mentioned him.

black  * @SHINBI 3m
  http://dearj.com @xiatup

"That looks really creepy, Su. Don't open it." replies Jaejoong with a frown, resting his chin on top of Junsu's head.

"But what if it's important?"

"I bet it's not. Gimme that." Jaejoong snatches the mouse from Junsu's hand and clicks on the profile. "This is a spam account, see. There's only one tweet and everything is all black. There's nothing but virus in that link."

Junsu scoffs, pulling his mouse back. Of course it is not a virus. It is a tweet sent from Yunho himself. Initially, they were going to tweet Jaejoong, but Junsu told him that he is currently on a short hiatus from the fandom and has not checked his twitter account since yesterday. "What are you, a virus expert?" Knowing that he is only going to lose if he keeps on arguing with Jaejoong, he clicks the suspicious link and watches as Jaejoong gapes in shock.

dear j-3

"That's me!" Jaejoong almost screams.

"Seems like it."

"B-but what's that for and who did that?!"

Junsu shrugs and clicks randomly. Even he knows nothing about the actual plan. He is simply doing what he is told to do. This better be good, he thinks, because if this turns into a disaster and hurts Jaejoong again, he would never forgive Yunho.


Now that his friend seems to be more than interested in Yunho's gimmick, he pulls the gaping man to sit on his lap. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Dear J..." Jaejoong mumbles, eyes still trained on the laptop screen. "Dear Jaejoong?"

"No, Dear Junsu." he scowls when Jaejoong pinches his hand. "Well obviously it's Dear Jaejoong. No need to resort to violence, sheesh!"

"Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know, Jae." he mumbles, wrapping his arms around Jaejoong's waist. "We'll see."

Jaejoong does not get much sleep that night.

A squeal echoes throughout the Kim household and a groggy Jaejoong finds himself getting dragged out of bed by an excited Junsu. "What the f-- Su!"

"Good morning to you too, lovely. I'm not even sorry for not letting you sleep in because here, read." The giddy male pushes Jaejoong down the couch and places his laptop on his lap.

The website is updated. Upon clicking the photo that was posted yesterday, they are directed to an entry. A blog entry.



"i love you. i love you. if i say this twice, would you believe me

Yesterday seemed like a normal day. It was, until I've been found out. I broke something precious, something so, so fragile. Something I cannot fix in a matter of days, weeks, months. Probably not even a year.

But here I am, attempting, trying.

My name is Jung Yunho and this is my apology.


Jaejoong could only gape. Speechless, yes he is. He could recognize himself in the picture. When was it taken anyway? He's clueless about what he is supposed to feel. What is Yunho on about? Apology? Haven't they talked about it before? He asked three days and that is enough for him to feel better. Yunho did not have to resort to extreme measures like this one.

"What's wrong?" asks Junsu, noticing his expression.

He bites his lip, reading the entry over and over again. "I'm worried." Surely, this would spread like wildfire, if it still hasn't. "How are the fans going to take this?"

"You cannot be thinking about that right now Kim Jaejoong!" Junsu scolds, hitting him on the arm none too gently. "Aren't you the least bit touched? I'm pretty sure before he did all this, he asked permission from the higher ups." He would know because, well, he has already asked Yoochun about it. "You know Yunho. He doesn't make rash decisions." Jaejoong quirks a brow. "Well, usually."

"You think I should call Yunho?"

"No!" Junsu replies almost immediately and squeaks, realizing his mistake. "I mean, no, psh. Didn't you want space? He's giving you that. And besides, maybe there's still more of that... that thing."

Jaejoong nods, taking Junsu's words into consideration. "You're right. Even if I already I miss him so much, I can endure two more days."

"That's the spirit." Jaejoong wonders why Junsu is laughing as he takes a seat beside him. "Yah, who would have thought you'd end up dating the person you ship your favourite person with." Junsu says, slinging an arm over his shoulder.

He grins. "I have a new favourite now."

"Yeah, only because you're dating. If you aren't, then Changmin would still be on top. Pun may or may not be intended."

They burst out laughing.

Just as he expected, there is another entry the next day. There is no Junsu to bug him about it because the latter has gone off to work hours ago. He bites his lip as he clicks the picture redirecting him to another blog entry.



"you know you're so beautiful, maybe you will never know"

adjbeau·ti·ful /byo͞otəfəl/

i would say

the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh at my lame jokes,
or how your staccato laugh sounds music to my ears

but that's not it

struggling with words,
trying to be poetic,
but at the end of the day, it's as simple as this,
beautiful is



He blinks back his tears as he curls in a ball on the couch.

Jaejoong wakes up extra early on the third day, both nervous and excited. Today is the day he will be going back to Yunho, the love of his life and he is itching to find out what he came up with this time.

He is not disappointed. In fact, he is far from it.



"all the words in the world is probably not enough"

I don't have much to say but--

I love you.

(click to listen to the song)

*my eyes keep going to that white face
why don't I even get sick of you?
when you slightly smile at me, I go crazy
how can you be so pretty baby?
how can I explain this feeling?
when I see you, my heart becomes numb and sore

with what word can I explain you?
all the words in the world is probably not enough
with those legs that are so pretty by just standing still,
you walk towards me and you hug me

you know he's so beautiful, maybe you will never know
I want to hide you in my embrace
and only I want to look at you
I'm not saying this out of a young heart,
but I really want to marry you

telling you multiple times is not enough
with this tickling voice that only knows you,
I will sing for you
my heart keeps going to you
I'm really going crazy


Being a fansite master has its perks. Although on hiatus from the fandom, he is still aware of The Punstars' schedule, and right now, he knows that the duo is clear for the day. Not wasting any more time, he slams his laptop shut, runs out of the house and hails a cab, pressuring the driver to drive fast like an ambulance.

The past three days have been an emotional rollercoaster. He was livid, oh yes he was, but it wasn't long before it toned down to anger which soon turned into humiliation. He was not okay with getting his privacy invaded, but accepting how Yunho had no ill intention, he figured there was no point in torturing the man. He has long forgiven him, but he needed space. Space and time for himself, and he was grateful for Yunho for giving him just that.

When he - safely - arrives at Yunho's house, he bangs on the door over and over again, uncaring whether or not it would disturb Yunho's neighbors. As soon as the door swings open, he looks up at the stunned Yunho and smiles. "I'm back. And I love you too."




a/n: how did i do? i'm nervous omg this is long overdue, i'm sorry. and hold up! before you kick me in the bum, there is an epilogue. but consider this done :) you have no idea how long i took thinking about this lmao did you listen to the song? you must. the reason why i linked you to the male version is bcs it's easier to pretend that it's yunho singing. i was planning on making a comm for yunho's entries but then dearj was already taken and i took it as a sign that no, i should stop. it's probably a waste of time anyway hehe

*english translation of the song. i changed a few words that sounded wrong to me though

oh btw, shinbi (the twitter id) means mystery. if you have questions, feel free to ask


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Chapter 15: this fic is like every fan dream. It was so light and fluffy not too much dram and i really really like it. thank you for sharing and creating this sweet story :D you got me hooked up read it in one go
Chapter 15: Read this in one go! Oh Joongie! I wish I were you...what a lucky fan!hehe....interesting plot!
Yuki132 #3
Chapter 15: So cute, although the first epilogue made me start a little :) Haha poor junsu who tried to get back at jaejoong, though I guess yoosu got him back in the end :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 14: Ugh who did she think she is?!? guess gay issues or not she deserved the break up with such attitude in her..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 11: Really really unexpected twist! so glad its just alternative becoz this broke my heart T.T though im sure yunjae will always find way to each other again no matter what :)
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: OMG I was looking around this yunjae fic where Jae is homin shipper! i think its in LJ hehe.. stupid memory *facepalm*
Chapter 1: I started reading it at work, and I'm dying to supress my giggles and squeaks!!!!!! This plot it's SOOOOOOOOOO interesting! So much!
monshine #8
Chapter 15: Yoosu....Ha Ha Ha Ha.....
Chapter 14: so much emotional in this part, but they all happy and had his happiness. So glad it. Surprising even yoosu had little daughter. Hiihihi whenyou had too yunjae?!! You are so sweet at all
Chapter 13: their meeting so cute, but this the first time i read about changmin & siwon got relationship. So rarely found it but so far not bad.
So siwon's daughter biased of changmin? Hahaha good.