

“Way to go, idiot.” Sehun hissed at Chanyeol, eyes locked on mine. “Way to freaking go.”

 I swallowed painfully, and blinked. Blinked again.

 I felt five pairs of eyes watching me carefully, and as I glanced around, I saw worry, fear, and pain in all of them.

 Even Chanyeol seemed sorry, his jaw and fists clenched tight. He looked…serious, angry, and tired. Nothing like he normally did. He looked like he actually cared.

 I felt warmth begin to flood my body, starting in my stomach and heading upwards, and I started to laugh.

 No, like, really laugh. That kind where it’s impossible to stop, and everything just seems so freaking hilarious, even though there really wasn’t anything funny about the fact that a bunch of angry souls hell-bent on revenge were going to try to kill me. For what reason they wanted to? Who knows! I just found insanely hilarious-probably showing exactly what my mental stated was in…

 Still, you have to admit-there’s just something about laughing that seems to make everything a bit brighter.

 And the looks that the demons were giving me just made it all the more hilarious. As I bent in half, trying to stop the stitch in my side from aching as I gasped for breath, I heard Chanyeol give an incredulous bark of laughter.

            “You know…” He said, moving to perch on the arm of the couch and staring at me. “Normal people would at least attempt to take this seriously…you know, crying, denial, all that stuff.” I shook my head, laughing against my knees.

            “I’m not normal…I’ve been around you for far too long…you’re fault… you … the normal-cy out of…everything!!” I gasped out, raising my head to look around at the four other demons that were standing there with their arms hanging limp at their sides, staring at me with a mixture of shock and amusement, and I burst into another fit of laughter. “There’s a group of demons in my living room…”  

            “Where?” Kai asked, turning to Suho. “Is he talking about us? I’m not a demon… Are you a demon?” Suho just blinked, still staring at me in shock.

            “Has he gone crazy?” I dimly heard Sehun hiss at D.O, and watched through streaming eyes as the shorter boy shook his head.

            “Either it’s laughter induced by stress, or he’s actually not scared.”

            “God, Chanyeol really does wear off on people, doesn’t he?” Kai muttered, and I sat up straighter, wiping my eyes.

            “Okay…okay, okay, okay.” I finally managed, holding my sides. “Okay, I’m good.” Sehun quirked an eyebrow as he moved closer to me, bending at the waist and tilting his head sideways, staring at me in confusion. “What?” I asked defensively.

            “Chanyeol’s right…most people would be flipping sideways after being told that a swarm of angry souls could be chasing them, and what do you do? You laugh.” He said, leaning closer towards me, and suddenly, a wide grin split his face. “I freaking love it! Chanyeol, keep him!” Sehun declared, throwing an arm around Chanyeol’s shoulders, and we both frowned.

            “I’m not a pet!”

            “He’s not a pet.” He said at the same time I did, and we turned to stare at each other.


            “Wow, you guys actually agreed on something! And you’re both still alive? That’s fantastic, now let’s focus.” Kai interrupted, sensing the looming argument, and I snickered, watching how Chanyeol frowned and crossed his arms. He looked like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum.

            “Right. So, what exactly is after me? I mean, besides a horde of vengeful people who don’t like to listen to directions?” I asked Suho, and he blinked, snapping out of the dazed expression he had had on his face.

            “Oh. Well. They can’t really do anything when they don’t have a physical form besides sneak into your mind and try to plant thoughts of pain or doubt, but if they can, they will find a physical body. I believe that is how they will choose to come.”

 Find…a physical body? Is there a Bodies-R-Us for angry souls or something?

            “How…exactly do they find a ‘physical body’?” I asked, confused, and Suho chewed on his lip for a second.

            “They literally step inside of the victim’s body. It has to be a weaker person, though, the stronger the mind, the harder it is to break. They usually try to use elderly people. Some stronger souls have managed to find stronger people though.”

            “Wait, so they could come after my grandma?” I asked, suddenly realizing that if ‘they’ came here, than she would be in trouble too, but Chanyeol let out a snort.

            “They’d either be suicidal or just plain stupid to come after her, Baek. For someone that small, she is terrifying.” I stared at him, confusion bubbling up inside again.

            “How do you know my grandma?” I asked, and Chanyeol just shrugged again.

            “The point is, Baekhyun, you can’t really tell what they look like, because they change bodies.” D.O started, and I nodded.

            “They body-hop. Kind of like party-hopping, except without the party, and the fact that it doesn’t sound as much fun, but not all parties are fun.” I stated, and I received blank stares.

            “Where did that bit of randomness come from?” Sehun asked, and Chanyeol grinned his wide smile.     

            “Story of my life.” He muttered, and I shot a glare at him.

            “It comes from hanging around with you.”

            “And we’ve lost focus...Bring it back, people.” Suho whistled, and the chatter died down.

“Baekhyun, you might be wondering how you avoid something you can’t see-“

            “That’s a good assumption.” Chanyeol snickered, and Suho closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath before continuing.

            “It’s hard, but there is a way you can tell if a person is possessed by another soul, especially a vengeful one. One, their eyes will be completely black, even the white part-but that is not a definite guarantee, because that only happens when the vengeful soul loses control of the physical body for a second. That usually happens when the body is harmed.”

            “He can’t really go around punching everybody he sees, Suho.” Chanyeol pointed out, and Suho sighed, turning to him.

            “Here you are, telling me how Baekhyun is the biggest pain in the world, and I’m having more difficulty from you. Baekhyun, I know that you won’t agree with this, but I want Chanyeol to be around you as much as possible.” Suho said, turning back to me, and I swallowed.

 Chanyeol shot to his feet.

          “No way! I’m not a babysitter!” He objected, and I sighed, looking up at Suho pleadingly.

          “Is it really necessary?” I whispered, and he frowned.

          “At this point, yes. Even though you can see souls, it’s rather difficult to spot the ones being concealed in a body unless you’re trained to recognize-“

          “Why do I have to do it?! Why can’t D.O or Kai-“ Chanyeol complained.

          “Quit whining. We’re doing twice the work now, trying to keep them away. I thought you would be happy-you get a break.” Kai shot back, and D.O chewed on his lip for a moment.

          “Why don’t we get Kris to watch out for Baekhyun?” He said suddenly, and the room went quiet. I stared at the shorter boy in disbelief at the mention of my friend.

          “How do you know Kris?” I asked, and Suho grimly smiled.

          “He’s one of the few who-like you-can see us, and he’s extremely good at spotting vengeful souls. That’s a good idea, D.O.” I frowned, my mind flashing back to my tall friend. I’d never really thought that he was strange, that he could see dead people… Jesus, do I have an alter-ego named Strange, and is he having a birthday party today? Because this is a terrible surprise party.

          “If a whole load of them come after Baekhyun, though, Kris isn’t enough to fight them off. I don’t want to be responsible if he gets injured, he has a life to live-“ Suho continued, but D.O suddenly cut him off.

          “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” He suggested, and nodded in the direction of the door. “He’s driving this way, and there are five other people in the car with him.”

 Wait, my friends are coming?  I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, and I imagined the conversation.

Hey, guys! Meet Kai, Suho, D.O, and Sehun. Remember when I went comatose a while ago? Apparently my soul went out wandering and partied with other dead people. See this guy? This is Chanyeol. Yeah, this idiot right here is the one who found my soul and brought me back to life, and he also makes me go out in graveyards to hunt down souls at night. Oh, why do I do that? Well, Chanyeol’s probably too lazy, and they have this really awkward job of deciding where souls go after they die. Fun, right?

Oh, and I just found out that an army of angry souls who aren’t happy with where they were sorted is coming to try and attack me for no reason, apparently! Isn’t that just a walk through the park?

I shook my head rapidly, imagining my impending admittance into the closest psychiatric ward.

 Luck is really laughing at me today.  

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Surprise! Double update. It is a lot of dialogue, right? I'm sorry, I know these past two chapters are difficult and boring...^-^;


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bipolarmidget #1
Chapter 4: Oohhhh!! this is interesting. I like it a lot!!!
What's going to happen??

Thank you for the wonderful story author-nim!!
mhargelynne #2
Chapter 4: . . .
hooray for the double update :) it's getting more and more interesting, :))
. . .
can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 4: I loved the double update!! Their interaction made my day and I really like that Kris is able to see souls!! I definitely hope that Baek will be okay though.. Vengeful souls out to kill you aren't really the nicest of prospects.. And if Kai and the others aren't demons, what are they exactly? Questionsss... Anyway, kudos for the chapters and I really look forward to the next update :)
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #4
Chapter 2: Omo lmao baekie should listen to yeollie~~~~
ink-spelled #5
I laughed through the entire chapter. Can't wait for more!
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #6
Chapter 1: Ive read this like 50 times~ update soon~ authornim hwaiting!!
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #7
Chapter 1: Omg this is hilarious like I can't-- I'm dying laughing and my mom came over and asked me if I was on drugs >_< :D rofl update soon!