
You're My Hope, J-Hope!

Hoseok's POV 

"Hyung! Hyung! Did you hear what our manager said?!" Jimin's muffled voiced called as he came bursting into the empty dressing room where I was currently trying to sleep in. I opened my eyes and took out the right side of my earphone out of my ear and looked up at Park Jimin who had a large smile etched on across his face. 

"Yah! You pabo! I was here this whole time! How would I know what he would say." I said with a hint of playful sarcasm. Jimin rolled his eyes but continued to have that huge smile plastered on his face. 

"Manager Hyung said that he went and was able to get a girl from our audience to sit in a chair while we sing to her during our maknae line performance. Did you hear? A Girl! We get to sing to a girl! I hope she's cute!!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly. I just nodded.

"That's one lucky fan girl!" I said, and Jimin looked at me as if I were missing the point. 

"You're not at all excited about this? I sure am! Normally you would be up and dancing if I told you something like this." Jimin said with a pout. I just smiled.

"Ahh! Our Jiminnielooks so cute!" I said with a mischievious smile as I reached over and pinched his cute cheeks with both hands. Jimin slapped my hands awat and rolled his eyes.

"Eww, Hyung! You're so disgusting sometimes!" he said as he backed away with a wrinkled nose. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You better hurry and get ready! Our intro performance is going to start in an hour!" Jimin said as he made his escape out the door. I gave a soft sih before I stood up and stretched.

I wonder if that girl listened to my advice and actually listened to our songs and is in the crowd right now... althoug even if she was, I would highly doubt that i'd be able to see her through our sea of fans...

I pushed that thought out of my head again as I shook my head and tried filled my thoughts with the upcoming concert.

"Focus. Focus. Focus." I muttered to myself as I exited the room.


"Hoseok! your mic isn't on properly!" one of our stylist noonas exclaimed in pure panic mode as she rushed over to 're tape the plastic mic that was slowly sliding down the side of my right cheek for what felt like the hundredth time.

"There! That should do." she said in satisfaction as she backed away a few steps to examine her work. I nodded my head in thanks before turning back around to have the other stylist finish applying my eyeliner.

"Hyung! V and Kookie are already outside meeting the girl that we will be singing to! You better hurry otherwise you might miss out on a chance to talk to her. I heard that she's really cute" Jimin yelled from the doorway.

"Alright! Go meet her! I'll come as soon as I'm done."

I smiled as I literally heard his shoes pounding down the long hallway as I imagined him jogging to catch up to V and Jungkook.

As soon as noona was done, she then quickly ushered me to the door exclaiming that there wasn't much more time till our performance was next. I smiled in thanks and headed out down the long hallway to the waiting area where the rest of my group was waiting. I could vaguely hear my Hyung's 'Adult Child' performance song echoing down the hallway from the stage above. 

As soon as I turned into the waiting room, I wasn't surprised that the maknae line was already surrounding our performance guest with lots of laughter and questions. I saw Jimin throw a casual smile in her direction and I scoffed. Jimin heard me and turned around abruptly with a large grin on his face. 

"Hyung! You're here! Look! Here's the guest! Isn't she really cute?!" He said excitedly as he stepped aside. I prepared to bow formally, but before I could even lower my head, I met a pair of familiar brown eyes that I had been aquainted with at a cafe shop...


Miyeon's POV

"It's you!!!"

I blinked in shock as a member from BTS pointed excitedly at me. 

"What are you doing here?" he exclaimed, and I blinked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I don't think--" before I could finish my sentence, the member from BTS quickly held a hand against his favce which covered half of it like a mask. 

Like a mask....

I felt my face flush a bright red as I recognized those mysterious brown eyes.

"It's you!!!" I exclaimed in shock as I realized who it was. 

"What are you... You're from BTS? How... What...?" I said in confusion as I sputtered out hald completed questions. He just smiled and shook his head.

"I'm here because I am a member in this group! More importantly, why are you here??!! I thought you never listened to BTS before!" JHe answered, and I felt my heart start to beat faster in my chest as I looked down in embarrasment. 

"I didn't really listen to BTS before, but my friend had tickets to this performance and when we got to the venue, I was pulled asied by your manager to be a guest in your song... I didn't really want to at first because I know another fan would want this spot more than me, but he told me that I had no other choice..." I mumbled as I looked up sheepishly. I was just so surprised to see him and I couldn't help but see a wide grin begin to spread across his handsome face.

I was barely aware of the rest of the members from BTS who were in the room before the boy standing next to me cleared his throat loudly. We both jumped a bit at the noise. 

"Wait! You guys know each other??!!" Jimin asked in a surprised tone, and we both nodded.

"We both met at a coffee shop a few days ago..." I admitted. Suddenly, a thought popped into my head.

"Ah! So what's your name? You failed to tell me at the cafe when we first met (Although I understand why you didn't). I already met V, Jungkook, and Jimin." I said as I recited their stage names in the order that they introduced themselves to me. V gave a bright smile as he held up a peace sign that symbolized his name. 

"My stage name is J-Hope! Because I will forever be your hope! But you can call me Jung Hoseok." he said with a little attempt at aegyo. I smiled at his attempt.

"My name is Kim Miyeon." I said, and the guy named Jimin laughed beside me.

"Look at you two! Your faces are as red as tomatoes!" he pointed out in amusement and we both turned away bashfully. 

OK! You guys are next! Start heading out to the stage!" BTS's managers voice yelled through the speaker phone that was hanging on the waiting room wall. We all jumped slightly at the loud voice. 

"I guess that's our cue to start heading down!" Jungkook said as he nudged the other members to start walking down the hallway towad the backstage area. Hoseok smiled at me as we both walked down together. 



As soon as we reached the back stage area, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach that wasn't there before. I swallowed ervously as I realized I would be in the attention of thousands of fans.

"Nervous?" A voice whispered in my ear. I jumped a bit in surprise.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that!" Hoseok exclaimed in apology. I shook my head and smiled.

"Sorry, it's my fault. I'm just a little nervous..." I admitted, as I looked back at the closed curtains that concealed the back stage from the crows. I could hear the other half of the members still talking on stage.

"Don't be nervous. Just look for me if you begin to feel scared." he said encouragingly. I smiled a bit at his words. 

"Or should I just treat you to another coffee drink later if that would make you feel better?" 

I blinked and looked up at him in confusion.

"Can you do that? I mean... You're an idol..." I trailed off as I started to realize how different we were from each other. Before he could answer, one of the backstage helpers grabbed my arm and began to pull me toward the stage.

"Ok! You go on stage first!" she said before I could protest as she quickly led me onto the now pitch black stage. I was worrried that I would trip over somethin in the darkness in the hurried speed that she ws dragging me at. She then gently pushed me down to sit on a chair.

"Ok! Just sit here and let the other members handle everything." she whispered before hurrying away.

After a few seconds of sitting in silence, I began to fidgit in my seat nervously. What was going on???


Suddenly, a catchy tune began playing in the background. As it got louder, the lights that were on me suddenly got brighter as well. I held up a hand to shield my eyes from the sudden change of light.

A few whispers from the watching fans flitted through the performance hall.

"Who is that girl?" 

"Why is she up there??"

"Who is she?!?"

I looked down nervously and I thankfully realized that I was seated so that my back was facing the crowd. I felt a litte better at the fact that I won't have to be looking into the eyes of those fan girls.

The sillhouette of 4 tall and handsome men began walking from out of the shadows. Suddenly, all the lights and I realized I was seated facing those 4 tall handsome young men who were walking toward me slowly with warm smiles on their faces. I slowly looked at each member before letting my eyes rest on Hosek. 

As soon as they reached where I was sitting, I felt suddenly even more nervous as I saw Hoseok hold out a hand. I stared at it for a while, feeling like a fish completely out of water. Noticing my hesitation, Hoesok just smiled and took my hand smoothly, pulling me up and out of my seat easily causing a whole bunch of fangirls to scream in the process. I stumbled upward and he led me to stand at the center of the circle like formation that they had around me. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to face Jungkook who was singing.

 "Hidding my true feelings while I'm next to you, slidding into the comfortable catagory. Always kicking the blanket at night in frustration.

I watched in awe as his beautiful voice distracted me from the watching audience. Suddenly, someone tapped my on my arm and I turned around to see Jimin singing 'with a smile.

"You're beautiful~ Don't we look good together? I always imagine it like this, you being with me~ With me~" 

As soon as his verse was over, I felt someone gently grab my hand and I turned around to see Hoseok holding onto it and rapping his verse of the song. I felt a rush of butterflies as I realized that he wasn't going to let go. 

"But when I saw you i lost my mind, my heart is like a keyboard~ Trying hard to be cool Not giving you a single glance to protect my ego~ But your words hit me like a bowling ball... My heart is hit by a strike like a bowling pin~"

I coudn't help but look down at my feet in embarassment. 

"My feelings for you get better and better but I can't figure out how you feel about me~"

Just as his verse was coming to an end, I felt him squeeze my hand tightly once before turning me around to face Jungkook who then finished his verse and turned me around to face V who sang to me while making cute faces all the while in an attempt to make my smile even bigger.

"You're beautiful~"

As soon as he finished his verse, all of the members began tapping me on my shoulder or arm to get my attention, I couldn't help but fall for each of their attempts by turning around to see who tapped me. I laughed a little at Hoseok's attempts at aegyo and the other members attempts at pointing to themselves. At the very end of the song, I let out a small gasp as someone pulled me into a tight hug before the lights completely went dark again, hidding all of us from the screaming audience. 









OK! PHEW!!!! Done with this chapter! I hope everyone liked it! Hopefully I will have the chance to update again soon!



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