Cinco - (Not so) Nice to meet you

You are the one and always be


Forgive me for the late update. Busy with work and my life :(

If you spot a lot of grammar error please complain to me through DM. I appreciate of you can help me to improve my grammar. :)




The pregnant pause of silent is making the young Alpha uncomfortable with his dirty clothes and bleeding shoulder. The wound kind of big but it didn’t give any hurt to Luhan so he don’t care about how much the amount of blood he lost. Besides, with four pairs of eyes that looking at him strangely like he some kind of alien not making any better. He is an Alpha for god sake!

Luhan forgetting about his two Beta that cruel enough to leave him alone battling with crazy bear. Not knowing how to start the conversation, Luhan keep his mouth shut and waiting his mother to speak up on behalf of him.

“Luhan, you have to greet our guest here honey.” His mother spook with her soft voice. She signalling him to speak or handshaking with them as a welcoming gesture.

Yeah great. His mom is calling him ‘Honey’ and making him more embarrassing with his state right now.

Luhan stared at his dirty hand that covered with blood and scratch. No, they definitely would not handshaking his hand because it’s so dirty. He felt hard staring coming from the stranger that he never met before.

Luhan accidentally meeting his eyes with the stranger on the wheelchair. He is taken aback when the man smile at him as his eyes saying ‘nice to meet you’. Blood crept through his face when he mentally praises the man beauty and his lithe body. Thinking that it would be perfectly fit with him.

He is bowing, 90 degrees to be exact while gripping his finger until he can felt it can pierce into his flesh. “Nice meeting you, Kim’s.”

There is hint of nervousness coming from his tune and he began cursing to himself why in the earth he introduce himself like someone fell in love.

Luhan expect that the tan skin man standing tall beside the beautiful creature he ever seen is the Alpha because he had the strong aura coming from him. He will not surprise though.

“We glad meeting you Alpha.”

Luhan almost peed his pant when the beautiful man said that to him.


Mrs. Lu inviting all of them inside Lu’s mansion. And since Minseok cannot make it because the stairs is so high and there are no wheelchair path where he can use, Jongin lifted Minseok up using bridal style while Joonmyeon bring his wheelchair up.

Luhan felt something. He felt uncomfortable when seeing the man is held by another man. How the strong arm support his little body. How fragile the smaller wolf in someone else arms. He thinking what it felt like if he can touch his skin, his body and his face. It look so soft in his vision. Sehun and Tao gave him a dirty look when the Alpha daydreaming alone without even realize only he and two dumb Beta leave outside the mansion.


“Save your drool Alpha.” Said Sehun before sprinted fast afraid being punch by Luhan.


Luhan quickly changes his dirty clothes, wipe his face including patch a plaster onto his scratches. The first impression is important but unfortunately he just ruined in after the fight with a stupid bear. He didn’t think that he will meet such a beautiful man in his life. Truth he met a lot of beautiful woman and man but it not fit his taste. That explaining while he is still single just because he extremely to choosy in picking mate. Wearing his black jeans and fit blue T-shirt, he gelled up his hair making it more tidying and handsome. His muscle still sore with previous fight but he ignore it. Perhaps his soreness will disappeared when he meet the beautiful wolf.


They are gathered in dining hall where the maids and butlers served the guess with such delicious meals as a greetings. Luhan can heard laughing sound came across the hall and definitely he can recognized the voice belong to who.

‘, his voice is so beautiful too.’


Why suddenly he acting very nervous, he wondering too about that. The other packs just want to solve the problems and treat a peace. Maybe this time he can showing them how charismatic he is in handle this situation.

He took a seat beside his mother who smirking at him without even care if the guest is see her gesture or not. Ignoring his mother look, his eyes fell into the smaller man. Luhan didn’t know his name and he is dying to get that name.


“Yeah, sometimes our respected leader can act such in foolish way.” Speak Mrs. Lu when Luhan just reached his seat. The meal look delicious but Luhan not craving of this. What he crave right now is the male’s name.


“Don’t talk bad about me when I’m around.” Replied Luhan after adjusting his seat. He noticed that the small man just sitting across him with such soft smile. Luhan began fidgeting and refused to face him. besides how much longer he can sit in one table with this beautiful male in front of him.


“Well, isn’t bring a dead deer to their party is polite? One Luhan, you just breaking into their territory without permission. Second, you don’t even know which one who cause all this mess and that’s making you act without thinking.” Mrs. Lu start blabbering about his foolish way intruding the Kim’s ceremony. He still remember how mad she is after knowing Luhan just threatening them.


Luhan pout. What his mother says is true but it doesn’t mean he can accept it. Born as an Alpha, he owned such charismatic aura. His packs comes first and if anyone messed up with them, of course he is the one that kills them.


“Mrs. Luhan, we don’t blame Mr. Luhan in this matter. We are the one that should begging you to accepting our sorry. This shouldn’t be happen if not that our Alpha acted in such way.” Minseok said after seeing how tight the condition is. Minseok understand if Luhan didn’t forgive them but that is the last one he want to think. Right now, he must make sure there is no disputes between two packs.


“If you are here to be an Alpha Minseok, I would such be grateful.” Mrs. Lu said in sarcasm tune. She teasing her son to act more mature like Minseok is. Annabeth smiling with her jokes.


Luhan freeze after hearing his mother called that smaller man name. Minseok. Minseok. Minseok. Wow, sound nice when I said it.


“If…if you could let us meet with Misa, we would like to help her with every way we can. We heard from our side that she is not living in her best condition.”

Luhan snapped. Yeah, they coming to settle the Misa’s accident. Poor that young innocent girl become a victim to such beast creature. Misa is such lovely girl always coming to Lu’s mansion to deliver fresh flowers to his mom. She is a happy girl with cheerful personality. She living with her father who is old and sick.

“Why should we?” despite of the smoothness coming from Minseok, Luhan have a pride to handle. True, if they want to help her he will let them but should they explain why their future Alpha misbehave and lead to this chaos.


Minseok seems too taken aback after Luhan questioned him. The grey hair male might be friendly from outside. His face didn’t look like an Alpha leader after all.


“I demand you explain to us of what happen. Isn’t too absurd that your future Alpha one of our omega before his ceremony? Don’t you think that Kim’s pack the powerful pack of the West territory is led by such misconduct act?” Luhan said with his dominance voice. Even though Minseok start to shake him a little with that such beautiful form, that doesn’t mean he forget their intention today. He demand explanation, justice and respect from the other packs.

Luhan not gonna see this as an easy things. Purity for a young omega is a blissful. As an Alpha, he is responsible to keep them safe from any danger and threat.

“I’m terribly sorry about the accident happen before the ceremony. We are not denied that our packs is the one should be blame. We failed to control our future Alpha and led him to cause this things happen. But we are aware his intention is also wrong. Kim Jongdae, the future Alpha of Kim’s is acting out of blue just because to proving himself as a capable Alpha.”

Luhan clenched his teeth so hard. He don’t know whether he angry about Jongdae stupidity or the way Minseok talk so calmly. He should afraid with him because as he knows Minseok is a Beta. Should he feel at least behave like a Beta.

“And I don’t know why by Misa can prove his capability as an Alpha.”

“Yes. We are sorry. As a Beta I feel ashamed of what happen. But we had given a punishment to him as we thought he should learn from his mistake.”

“So, he still become your leader?”

“That still in our elder decision whether to appoint him or not. Beside we…we don’t have any capable Alpha to led us except him.”

The gap between his words seems attract Luhan. He can feel Minseok hesitating to say that words. He is so interesting. Despites his beautiful face and delicate figure, his words are strong. He is calm in handling the situation and it’s pissed him off.


The other two companion just silently stand beside him as guard making Luhan feel slightly jealous as the smaller one surrounded by young and handsome man. He eyes darted to the only female came with them. He don’t yet her name but she look beautiful like his mother.

“How young this Jongdae is?”

“18 years old. Barely an adult but still under training.”

“If that so, why don’t they appoint a Beta rather than him. Or maybe why don’t they appoint you as a leader?”


Minseok decided to keep his mouth shut. “I think that question may cross the boundary Mr. Luhan.” Annabeth took his place replacing Minseok as she can’t restrained herself from being humiliating in front of them.


“Why? Because he incapable to take care of himself? Because he is a disabled person so he can’t led his own pack?”


“Mr. Luhan. Please don’t bring this up.” Annabeth strictly demanded for Luhan to stop. She can sees Minseok face start to change. Joonmyeon and Jongin in their steady mode in case the Alpha start to attack them.

“Luhan, stop it.” Mrs. Lu said.


“It will be better if a disabled person who lead your pack Kim Minseok. Rather than stupid 18 years old Alpha who barely know nothing. This is his first time he cause this disputes between us and where he is now? Hiding? Should he the one kneel and begging in front me now?”


“I am sorry for…”


“Why are you the one that should feel sorry?! I want him to say that in front of Misa and all my packs!”


“Luhan! Stop this nonsenses!” Mrs. Lu can’t bear it anymore. Seeing his son sprouting hatred is not something an Alpha do.


Luhan stop. His eyes is red, angry and depressed. Maybe because he said something offended to Minseok. His mind full of confusion right now. When he look at Minseok, the smaller one giving him a disappointing look.


As much as he wanted their first encounter to be friendlier, Luhan turned it became so ugly.

Their meeting ended with silent.



Minseok freshly remember Luhan angry face from earlier. The male spit out all his hatred towards him. He can sense the male really hate is packs. Minseok thought Luhan is easy going man that easy to talk and discuss with. It doesn’t came up in his mind that the Alpha is actually strict with his words. Maybe because he is trained to be an Alpha in his teenage age, Luhan is much more consistent with his leadership. He can be bold sometimes with his words but that is one that unique about him. People still listen what he said.

Mrs. Lu advised him to stay for one night before heading back. Despite the argument still unclearly settle, Minseok doesn’t have heart to going back.

Annabeth just leave out leaving him a thick quilt for him. After a fresh bath and warm tea, his eyes feel sleepy. But he decided to stay longer on the balcony, staring at the sky full with star. How wish he can become a star. Freely on the galaxy, shining up above the sky.

He felt a windy breeze a bit strong tonight but there is no sign there will be a rain soon. The Lu’s mansion is huge together with their garden too. There is maze garden, beautifully surrounded by green wall and various flower. He can notice few maid walking home to their cabin that located near enough with the mansion. It’s 12.00 midnight and it feel so calm.


“Don’t feel sleepy yet?”

Minseok startled when the deep voice coming just above from his balcony. There he is seeing two head one with red brown hair and the other with black with white strip hair. The two faces hanging on top of balcony roof.

“What the…”

“Hai, I’m Tao. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Sehun.”

Minseok surprised when these two hanging on top of the roof. Since his sense is quiet sensitive, usually he can detect an activity 50 meter ahead. He is impressive if someone can sneak secretly without his knowledge.

“I’m Minseok.”

“Yes. We know. You are the important subject to our leader at this moment.”


Sehun pinching Tao’s cheek hard making him almost slip from his hold. “Yah! It’s hurt idiot!”

The two wolves jumping from their place and landing in front of Minseok. They quietly skilfully to move between the roof.


“We are sorry to intruding your personal space. Please be calm as we don’t want to scare you.” Sehun said with such stoic face. They are tall, much taller than Luhan and even himself.

“Tsk. You are the one who talk Sehun. Don’t act like a gentlemen you poop!”


And then Sehun stoic face changed into annoyed when Tao keep repeating the same sentence. The two wolves bickering with each other, forgetting that Minseok still with them. As much as Minseok like to enjoy their useless fight, it’s already midnight and they might disturb somebody else sleep.


“You two. Please calm down.”

“Sehun you ing useless ! Stop pulling my beautiful hair!”

“Tao! You have an ugly !”

Tao, the fiercest face, with teary eyes looking at Minseok who quietly watch them bickering. “My is not ugly right?”

What? Minseok don’t know what to do. He don’t know these guys and Jongin and Joonmyeon probably already sleeping. Annabeth must be tired with long journey and he don’t want to disturb her either.


“Wait, wait wait, you two. Please calm down will you? It’s already midnight so please respect the others sleeping time.”

Voice like a dominate leader, he don’t know why he can say that so freely without offended by the other. The two active wolves stand straight, silent and waiting for Minseok order.

“Why are you silent? I’m not ordering you anything? I just asking for being quiet a little.”

Tao and Sehun begin to look each other. “But you doesn’t sound like Beta as what Luhan said. You clearly sound like an Alpha when you said that.” Tao explaining to him with confused look.


“Because Luhan said you are a Beta, so we thought as a same level with us you might want to be friend with ours. We are sorry for acting like that earlier.”

Minseok sighing. Of course. He is just like Luhan, training from such an early age. So the leadership characteristics still with him.

“But since the beginning we felt you not like a Beta. Your scent smell so strong too. Maybe not strong like an omega but more like an Alpha.”

“It doesn’t prove anything that I’m not a Beta.”

“I’m not said you are not but when you said like that I think you hiding something.” Sehun facing Minseok with curious face.

Tao jumping in happiness like a child so suddenly. “Are we gonna playing Sherlock Holmes right now? You know, searching for Minseok secret background?”

“You two should go back to your room now. It’s already late and I’m began to sleepy. Maybe we can continue our chat tomorrow.” Minseok afraid if they talk much longer, any more suspicious things will be happen. Sehun has a sharp observation, the characteristics that should a Beta owned. He can sense if someone is lying or not.


“We are sorry Minseok hyung. We don’t want to do anything funny but since Luhan hyung nonstop talking about you, we just curious. That’s all.”


“He hate me right?”

“No! Actually…hmp! Hmphh!” Tao mouth muffle with Sehun’s palm, preventing him to talk.


“Actually our leader is an idiot. That’s what Tao want to say.”


The two walked out from Minseok room, leaving him confuse all alone.


Luhan take a stroll in the garden. As much he want to sleep, his mind keep repeating the disappointed look Minseok gave to him.


“It will be better if a disabled person who lead your pack Kim Minseok.”


Why the hell he is talking like that. Insulting a disable person in front of other is unacceptable. Minseok is human and he have a kind heart. Luhan felt like a jerk. Total .

He gripped the wall that separating his mansion with the deep forest. Knocking his head again and again to get back his sense. This is not his at all.

If he want to ask Minseok forgiveness, he would not want to do it in public. But their disputes is not settle yet and its kind hard if the person who cause all these things is absent. ing Kim Jongdae.


His eyes darted to Minseok temporary room. They will stayed for one night as per request by his mother. Luhan cannot composed himself when Minseok is around him. The scent is strong making him drowned and feel helpless. There is one time where Luhan almost, almost grab Minseok’s hand when he about to fall from his wheelchair. He have an urged to grab him, hug him into his arm.


Luhan widening his eyes when he notice there is some voices coming from Minseok’s room. He hearing is sharp and any abnormal sound he can detect it. Climbing on top of the tree, his eyes noticing two brats he know so well in Minseok’s room bickering like a cat. He can’t believe that his two Beta casually talking and bickering in front of Minseok, his love interest at this moment.


Note: Words in bold meaning they're communicated through telepathy.


ing brats! How dare you all betray me.

“Are we gonna playing Sherlock Holmes right now? You know, searching for Minseok secret background?”

“You ing go back to your room now Tao, Sehun.” Luhan telepathy communicating with his two Betas. He don’t want these two idiots disturbing Minseok rest time.

“No! I don’t want!” Luhan can imagine Tao stomping his feet like a kid who want a lollipop.

“You two should go back to your room now. It’s already late and I’m began to sleepy. Maybe we can continue our chat tomorrow.” How in the earth Minseok can said that so sweetly to them. If he know that these two are the most spoil brat in the earth, he might wanna kick their to behave.

“Listen to him. Tao! Sehun!” Luhan yelled through his mind. They are lucky Minseok is there if not Luhan already jump in and beat their now.

“Hyung relax, it’s not that we want to take him.” Sehun replied.

“ you.”

“We are sorry Minseok hyung. We don’t want to do anything funny but since Luhan hyung nonstop talking about you, we just curious. That’s all.”

“Don’t bring my name to him. Bastard!” He has pride. If that two gonna dirtied his name, he gonna ask them to pay off.

“Hey! You lucky I’m not said you want to mate with him.”

“Well, I’m gonna said it now.”

“I dare you. Meet me at the Dojo now.” Luhan flared with anger. His mind still in a mess and he need someone to release his anger. Maybe some training in the Dojo might not be hurt. It’s not like his two Beta never training with him.

“He hate me right?”

“What?” Luhan fliched when Minseok let out his thought. No way has Luhan hated him when Minseok is the one should hate him.

“No! Actually…hmp! Hmphh!”

“Actually our leader is an idiot. That’s what Tao want to say.”

“What the hell Sehun.” There got some guts to insult him in front of him! For sure they will be at Dojo until tomorrow morning with fist full of their blood. Just wait and see.

“Look!” his mind signalling Tao to look outside.

There is Luhan stand like killer on the tree branch. His gazed can killed 10 persons and it also including Tao and Sehun.

“Meet. Me. At. The. Dojo. Now.”

“He gonna kill us!”

“You lucky I’m just gonna whip your and beat the out of you.”

“We’re doomed!”






So after five chapter, here I conclude all the character.

I’m making Luhan being a jerk, then a total idiot in love. It’s boring to have same personality apply to Luhan since he is unpredictable. He might look like a dumb young man from the outside but never underestimated him when it comes to lead his pack. The conclusion is Luhan is an idiot with a leader charm.

Minseok is not easy character here. You might look at him like defend less wolf but he is strict with his decision. The one that can change his inner self is his parents. I’m still not revealing his true character yet so just wait and see.

Annabeth is like my mother. Strict but caring. Her name I taken from movie I watching. Not sure what movie. Already forgot tho. What I like about her is she always defending Minseok from his cruel parents.

Joonmyeon and Jongin. Two Beta that accompany Minseok to his journey towards Lu’s mansion. They might not gonna open up themselves to Minseok but they will in future after know Minseok situations.

And then we have two idiots, Sehun and Tao. The Lu’s Beta. Active like a child but in their fighting skills, they are the top one. There is a reasons why Luhan still keep up with them. As a training friend and a loyal companion.

I almost forgot about Jongdae. The key of Lu’s and Kim’s dispute. He is thick headed with zero tolerance between his friends. Spoiled with money and fame. I never mention he hate his big brother, Minseok because Jongdae never care about him anyways. They lack of communication, and Minseok always isolated himself from him.



Bye. See you again.


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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 6: Author-nim please update...
negin_eunhae_ #2
I just read the whole thing pleaseee update ?
Chapter 6: Please, update your story because I really love it ^^
abercromkey #4
jennifer_yuki #5
Chapter 6: Lmao that ending is hilarious! XD
Will wait for next chapter (v)
Lumin45 #6
Chapter 6: Woahhh,,, i'm just read your story from chapter 1,, and i like it..
Chapter 6: Your update feels like a Christmas gift...... I thought, you will never complete your story! But now there is hope..... Welcome back and thank you for making my day!
Chapter 6: O god omggg iam in tears now. U finally update huwaaaa.
Chapter 5: Still nothing new...... :-((((( Too sad, because this story is really pure gold!