15 x Love


15 guys


15 girls


15 love stories




I am going to create an oneshot collection with my horrible english... please bear with it  *bows*

Luckily I got almightyYimmie to help me with my english ^^

It's nice to have someone to correct mistakes :D

Treat her well! She is my friend ^^



But! I am using all 15 members of Super Junior.

Because for me there will always be 15 members to love and protect.


And thanks to  haessica09 and Sweet Apples Graphics Shop I have now an amazing poster ^///^ and an incredibly beautiful background.


1. Fanservice?


At work Janna met one of her favorite idols. What happens when that certain idol wants to meet up with Janna? To date her. Even though Janna is absolutely against it. What will she do? What will he do?

Read and find out.


2. Too Soft for His Own Good



A young single mother and her one-and-a-half year old son.

Will they find a place in his heart?


3. Letter of Love


What shall a Prince longing for his Princess do?

Write a letter and invite her to visit his kindom.



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I really like this! SJ15!! ^^
Thania97 #2
AHH!!!! ITS DAMN NICE!!! update soon! :)