Through The Speakers

A Song For You



Everyone ran out of the classroom as soon as they heard the bell ring. Baekhyun,being the first one who sprinted out of the classroom,was heading towards his best friend,Chanyeol's,classroom. Both of them were never seen alone,together with Chanyeol's girlfriend,Tammie. 

'' Hey!'' said a girl in an annoyed tone to see that all her books were on the floor. Baekhyun realised that he had caused this and headed back to help her pick up her books.

'' I'm sorry.'' Baekhyun said in between taking the books. '' I was too careless,I'm really sorry.'' he gave her back her books and apologized again. He then notice that the girl he was talking to was no other than Kim Taeyeon.

'' Geez Byun Baekhyun,out of everyone,you had to bump into Taeyeon.'' Baekhyun said to himself and hit his own head for his mistake.

'' Nah,it's fine. Thanks for helping me pick up my books.'' Taeyeon said with a smile that melt Baekhyun's heart. Before Baekhyun could open his mouth to say anything,Taeyeon already left.

'' My chance was just right infront of my eyes and I missed it.'' he sighed as continue walking to Chanyeol's class.

He made his way to see Chanyeol's classroom empty,as he was about to turn around to walk to the other direction.....

'' Boo!'' said the ChanMie couple who was giggling over their childish act. Baekhyun face palmed himself and walked ahead of the couple.

'' Aish,how could I not remember that they always do this whenever the classroom is empty.'' 

Unlike Chanyeol who confessed to his crush years ago, Baekhyun has 0% courage when it comes to confessing to his love,Kim Taeyeon,his sunbae. Well she's one of the most popular girl in school,and he has heard many gossips from girls that Taeyeon shuts guys off easily. He was too nervous and scared from being rejected,so he often practises his confession either on Chanyeol or Tammie.

Baekhyun's P.O.V 

Chanyeol sure is lucky to have a girl like Tammie,they both look so cute together. Tammie,Chanyeol and I are the same age. They might look all innocent but you don't know them.

We always had our lunch on the same table everyday,with girls surrounding us it was kinda uncomfortable eating. Girls on my side but non on Yeol's,cuz they know he has a girl. But surprisingly,they took it really well. I know it'd be chaos if I had a girlfriend,and it so happen to be Taeyeon.

One you should know is that Taeyeon has a lot of fanboys,not only in our school but outside of school too. It so happens that a fanboy of hers made a fancafe for her,and she's viral over the net. She doesn't mind it though,her latest news,her latest videos,singing clips and pictures will be uploaded on that website. And well,I am one of the fancafe members *cheeky smiling face*

'' Hurry up,dude! I gotta show my babe the new song we made!'' Chanyeol clapped his hands while repeating '' hurry up''.

'' You're gonna choke him. Take your time Baek.'' she said as Chanyeol silent down. Gotta be thankful for this girl,otherwise I'd die out of annoyance from Park Chan Yeol.

- Fast forward-

We made our way to the music room where we'd practise,well me and Yeol,Tammie would just sit down and do her home work. As we entered the music room,we all got an unexpected expectation.

Our head prefect kissing a girl at the corner of the room O_O

'' Don't watch this babe,it's bad for your eyes.'' Chanyeol said as he hugged Tammie,he's like a head taller than her.

'' I wanna see it! C'mon!'' she said as she hit his chest continully,pouting and showing her puppy eyes to Yeol hoping that he'll let her go.

'' You two! Go get a room!'' Chanyeol turned around and said to them,but they didn't notice we were here.

'' C'mon we did it together already!'' Tammie whinned as Chanyeol signal her not to mention anything. He then turned around and face me,guess he forgot to cover Tammie's eyes cuz her eyes were on the kissers.

'' You're too young to understand this.'' Chanyeol said and patted my shoulder.

'' PLOT TWIST,I'M OLDER THAN YOU!'' I half shouted,which caused the kissers to stop kissing and look at us in shock.

'' Well then,you're too single to understand.'' he patted my shoulders once again to turn around to see Tammie staring at the kissers walk out awkwardly.

(Tammie's expression XDDDD)

Chanyeol went over and whispered something to Tammie for a while,then went to the chair and tuned his guitar and our practise session started.


Chanyeol's P.O.V 

After seeing Tam's expression,I went over to hear and hugged her. 

'' We'll do it again okay? After this.'' I whispered in her ears and she smiled.

'' But at my house kay?'' Tam said and I nodded.

I then handed her a recorder,she then look at me with a shocked expression.

'' No we're not gonna recor-'' 

'' Record Baekhyun singing.'' I cut in before she could say anything.

'' Ahh,ok,but why?'' she asked as I explained my plan to her.

Baekhyun is such a scaredy cat,and he doesn't know that there is another way to confess. Confessions shouldn't be anything fancy or whatever,just say what's in your heart and it'll go fine! You shouldn't worry about anything,Baekhyun-ah! And so I'm helping him.

I told Tam to record us singing,and then I'll make a big surprise for him next thing in the afternoon. Heh,he'll be shock till his eye balls pop out of his sockets XD

Well,back to practising!


Next morning(No One's P.O.V) 

Chanyeol and Tammie came to school early to ask the head prefect to let them play the recording,however,he doesn't approve of their plan.

'' Let's make a deal.'' Chanyeol said and stepped on the chair with his right leg,giving him a death glare. '' If you let us play this recording,I won't expose you and Jenny kissing in the music room.'' he continued with a smirk. 

The head prefect let out a gulp of fear and stayed silent,hoping he would be able to slip pass this issue.

'' My patience is not to be taken advantage of~'' Chanyeol said in a singing tune.

'' Fine! But when will you play it?'' the restless boy said in defeat as Chanyeol told him exactly when to play it,he and Tammie walked out in joy.

'' Byun Baekhyun,you'd better thank me for doing this.'' Chanyeol thought as he and Tammie went to their classroom.

-Fast forward- 

Baekhyun was suspecting something from the couple sitting infront of him, judging from their cheeky smiles something must be going on.

'' If you can't confess through words,confess through a song.'' said Chanyeol as their giggles died down when they heard a familiar voice singing.

( Just imagine this moment :3)

It wasn't just blasting through the speakers of the cafetaria,but around the whole entire school. So everyone could hear what he was singing,this could be his chance,who knows? Maybe Taeyeon might be listening to him singing.

'' Is that me?'' Baekhyun ruffled his hair and turned to Chanyeol who was giving his girl a back hug. They're standing at the entrance of the cafetaria now.

Just when the song ended,everyone cheered for Baekhyun. Screams from the fangirls were heared far away too. Baekhyun almost fell from his chair when someone tapped his shoulders. He turned around,shock to see who it was.

'' Taeyeon noona...'' those words just slipped out of his mouth.

'' I guess you're one of my fanboys huh? Your friend Chanyeol told me everything.'' she said and pointed at Chanyeol's direction. He gave Baekhyun a tumbs up as Baekhyun turned back to face her.

'' I have a crush on you,noona. But I was nervous and scared.'' he himself couldn't believe that he managed to blurt out the words he had wanted to say all along.

'' Why were you scared? C'mon,I know who you are,you're Byun Baekhyun,the guy who bumped into me.'' Taeyeon shocked the hell out of Baekhyun,he didn't know that Taeyeon knew what his name was.

'' How did you....'' 

'' I got it from my source,I knew your name after you bump into me.'' Taeyeon said and pointed to one of her friend who was giggling. '' The truth is Baekhyun.....I was expecting your confession.'' she hid her face in her palms.

Baekhyun took her hands away from her to reveal her tomato red face. He let out a smile and said '' I love you for who you are noona,I will treat you right and make sure no tears will be shed in our relationship.'' 

'' You'd better make sure!'' Taeyeon jokked as the cafetaria was filled with people cheering once again.

'' Guess he has a girl now.'' Chanyeol said to Tammie.

'' I'm happy for him,well I guess dreams do come true.'' Tammie said as both of them made their way to the new couple,BaekYeon to congratulate them.

'' Maybe we should call them the ByunTae couple!'' Chanyeol jokked,earning a smack from Baekhyun as the girls just giggled.

-The End-

After the BaekYeon dating issue,I decided to make a one shot :D how was it? :D hehe hope you didn't mind me being in the story! XD

It would be great if you could upvote this story! Share with your friends too! :D 



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Tammie and chanyeol is very cute omg ;;
Done with your poster! Pick it up my place. :)
Don't forget to credit my site and upvote it, okay?
Good luck on your one-shot. :D
Chapter 1: I listened to the song first before finishing this chapter. OMG. I feel so sad... I just cried at the song (even though I kind of thought it was a Korean song at first. >_<) and Chanyeol's GUITAR SKILLS and Baekhyun's VOICE. OMG. THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL.

*ahem* Now, back to the story. I like it. There's just something I'm curious about. I hope you don't mind me asking questions. Who's Taeyeon's source? You know, the source where she got Baekhyun's name. It's a bit interesting to look for answers to small details (I love paying attention to details) so I can complete my idea of the story.

This is REALLY REALLY good. But I think you won't have many readers yet for this fanfic until the Baekyeon issue is over. :-( Some people can't get over it and seeing fanfics about it makes them sad, angry or disappointed. I hope you get more readers soon!

YeolMie is a cute couple and if possible, I want them to have their own story (>_> Sorry... I just want to find out how they got together, met and stuff) It's a fanfic after all and I just want to find out how YeolMie met, how they became a couple (I know, I know... Through Chanyeol's confession.) I mean, like, if they had mutual feelings for each other even BEFORE Chanyeol confessed.

But still, other than that, this is AWESOME! You made me cry... But that's a good thing! Thumbs up!
Chapter 1: Chanyeol and Tammie are such a cute couple hahaha
LOL thank you Chanyeol ah XD Baekhyun's such a coward hahah lol
Chapter 1: OH MY GUCCI!!!! KYAHHHHH *smiling like crazy* Tammie and Yeol is very cute~~ what a cute story~ i love this oneshot.. JJINJA DAEBAKKKK~~

Chapter 1: Kyahing~~~~ ^O^! TaengKyung just too cute so does Channie and Tammie Hehe Kyeopta~ ! :3
update soon ♥♥♥♥♥