Shadow Figures

The Riddle

The Navi couple just entered the second main hall through the door that connected it to the living room. As they went up the staircase they started searching the rooms that were on the second floor everytime they were calling for the owner of the house silence would reply them. They looked in every room just to find nothing.

Eventually, they ended up being in a hallway like the ones in hotels where there are a lot of rooms opposite of each other .

N being sharp eared as he is, he heard some rushing footsteps.... He got scared...A bit.

"Hey Ravi~ did you hear that?" the older said as he turned around to face the other "Ravi?" he said to himself.

The older was shivering in fear & was sweating as he didn't find the younger behind him when he was just there, just then he heard a ruffling coming from that specific room where the footstep sounds came from, he went completely pale & out of space, but decided to let the fear go as he clenched his fists fighting his fear & approached the door as slowly as possible, he reached his hand to the doorknob & slowly turned it. He opened the door to a small darkend room, the only light in the room was coming from the hallway he just came in from.

He tried to look at what's in there, he noticed the light switch next to another door behind a pistacho colored love seat, he took a few steps forward when suddenly the door behind Hakyeon slammed shut which made him startle as he turned back facing the now closed door behind which totally made the room into pitch black, then a hand slowly approached Hakyeon from the back... 

"Boo!" a deep voice said as his hand reached Hakyeon's shoulder, the older turned around as he saw a familiar face under a hood​ & let out a high-pitched scream.

"Hahahahahaha, hyung hyung it's me Ravi, hahahahaha" Wonshik said as he flickered the small flashlight he was holding. "Yah~ Wonshik-ah~~ Don't do that~~" the older nagged with a girly voice as he opened the door to let the light in because the room had no windows & the room was pitch black, the younger kept laughing "hahahaha hyung you should've seen your face! hahaha priceless!"

The pale Hakyeon made a face at the younger just then he saw a figure walking out the door behind the love seat he shat bricks at that moment  "Did....did you... did you see that?" he asks the younger as he points at the door opposite from him "You're not gonna get back at me hyung , I'm not falling for that!" the younger teased. "No no...I'm not..." "Hyung you're just scared... C'mon lets go out there's nothing here" The younger said as he cut N off. as they walked out the room, Hakyeon took another glance at the door where he saw the shadowy figure walk out...

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Guys in the latest chapter's AN I said I'll update after my pre-dawn meal but I'm srsly sleepy~ Sorry guys~~ I'm so sorry but I haven't slept yesterday so :(


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weirdstuff #1
Chapter 8: Tis awesome storyyy.. Uhuuu, i'm so curioussss
wowwhKENDV #2
Chapter 23: Arghhhhh !!!!
Can't wait for next chappie..... >_<
Died for waiting....hahaha
Anyway,great story tho....
I love it.. <3 <3 <3
trixiecanadilla1234 #3
Chapter 22: I want more!!!!! pls update soon new reader here!!!
na24ni #4
Chapter 22: Combine between voodoo doll and eternity. Thats cool after all. But thing's make me confuse is the plot. I don't get it.
Just waiting for update and make them complete.
aizie14 #5
Chapter 21: too bad. your story is getting more exciting and I really want to read the next chapters but I can't do anything about it but just wait.: -(
aizie14 #6
Chapter 20: can't wait to read the next chapter