
The Riddle

She was pretty, cute, smart, polite, talented, sweet, y. She was what everyone wished for, every guy's dream girl... With her mini-white dress she looked absolutely stunning. She was smiling as she intwined her hand with his hand. A soft smile broke on his lips as he heard a soft voice say almost a whisper "Baby~ Wake up~" the voice kept on repeating. He suddenly jerked up as he felt a warm hand run across his back down to , he woke up right away...

"YAH! HYUNG! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Ravi yelled as he barely saw the older's face. Yes~ it was his hand rubbing Ravi's back, it was his soft girly voice, yup it was the one & only Cha Hakyeon... "What's with the attitude?" Hakyeon said as he made a face. "You Tell ME!! ...And what's with the baby baby you call me, you're not a ert!" Ravi yelled back at the older " ....or Are you?" he continued as he winked at him. "Yah~ stop it now!" Hakyeon nagged.

"Yah~ c'mon Rabi~~ Rabi~~ get up & play with me~~" Hakyeon said as he shook the younger "Ahhh Hyung~~ let me be~ go play with the others!" Ravi said aas he shoved his head into his pillow..."I'm the only one awake so come on~ play with me~~~" Hakyeon shook the younger even more.... "Aaaghh! what time is it?" The younger asked as he looked at his phone "IT'S 5 IN THE MORNING!!!" He yelled at the other & curled himself in the blanket... 

"YAH! WHAT'S WITH THE NOISE IN EARLY MORNING??!" Taekwoon yelled as he kicked the door a few times... "Oh! Leo is awake!" Hakyeon said as his eyes brightened. "That's right! now let me sleep & continue my dream" Ravi said. Hakyeon slapped Ravi's once as got up & went to annoy Leo. "Leo~~" Hakyeon said as he locked his arms on Leo's neck giving him a back-hug. Taekwoon let out a sigh as he shoved the older's hands away making him nag & nag endlessly~~ "Leo-yah~~ c'mon play with me~~" he kept saying.

As for the others Hongbin & Hyuk were half awake from the strange noises N & Ravi were making ;D , but Ken was wide awake because he was right next to Ravi's room, so was Leo's which is why Leo kicked their door. 

As Taekwoon & Hakyeon were still quarreling a super loud high-pitched scream could be heard throughout the palace which was coming from Soo-jin's territory, everyone came out from their rooms right away & ran towards her place wihout second thought...As Hakyeon opened a door which happens to be Soo-jin's bedroom, he sees Soo-jin drying her hair with a towel...

"OPPA! How can you open a girl's door like that ?!" Soo-jin raised her voice on her oppas. "Bu-but..but we heard a scream?" Ken said. "I didn't scream though...and I didn't expect you to be awake at this time of the day after we went to sleep at around 12 a.m" Soo-jin said. everyone was shocked to know that the loud scream didn't come from her, they didn't talk much about the matter in front of her, all that everyone knew was that something is not normal in that palace.The boys had a short conversation with Soo-jin & after that they all left her room...

In the piano room...

"Guys don't you think something is going on around here?" Ravi asked. "Yeah, there's this weird feeling..." Hongbin said "...About this place" Hyuk continued Hongbin's sentence. They all stood in the middle of the room quietly discussing how they felt...

"From the smallest incident...The watch...to Hyuk's sudden disappearance...to the scream...nothing is normal here" Ken said. "The watch? what does the watch have to do with this?" Hyuk asked. "Look at your rist watch...it works perfectly now, doesn't it?" Ken said as Hyuk looked. "So? it was working from the begining" Hongbin said. Taekwoon shook his head. "It doesn't work outside Soo-jin's "territory" " Taekwoon said. "Also Hyuk's disappearance wouldn't be just like a magic trick now would it?" Ken asked. Ravi & Hakyeon nodded agreeing with the others "At first I believed he hid on purpose but now this scream added to it...It's just...abnormal" Ravi said.

The boys then went through the candle-lit hallway, Hyuk suddenly looked at his wrist watch only to find out that it wasn't working. "Hyungs, my watch is not working here." He said as the others looked at theirs only to find the same thing happening to their watches. "Wait a minute...Let me go to the music room to see if it works there." Hongbin said everyone agreed, he came back telling them that it works perfectly there & it just stops from the hallway, lucky they had their phones with them to know what time it is but the only problem was they had no signal.

"What do you guys suggest we do about this?" Hakyeon asked...





Author Note:

short chapter for you guys!! I'll update again after my pre-dawn meal, Ramadan Mubarak to the muslims out there (sorry I'm late) & I'm So HAPPY I PASSED MY NATIONAL EXAMS WITH A GOOD GRADE YEEY!! Yup haven't been updating much cuz of Ramadan & grade results which were announced late~ Sorry~~ Also before I forget again THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS FOR SUBSCRIBING & UPVOTING & ALSO READING THIS TRASHY STORY!! YOU GUYS MAKE ME FEEL PROUD I LOVE YOU!! I REALLY DO!! /Throws confetti/

P.S/ sorry for the caps XD






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Guys in the latest chapter's AN I said I'll update after my pre-dawn meal but I'm srsly sleepy~ Sorry guys~~ I'm so sorry but I haven't slept yesterday so :(


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weirdstuff #1
Chapter 8: Tis awesome storyyy.. Uhuuu, i'm so curioussss
wowwhKENDV #2
Chapter 23: Arghhhhh !!!!
Can't wait for next chappie..... >_<
Died for waiting....hahaha
Anyway,great story tho....
I love it.. <3 <3 <3
trixiecanadilla1234 #3
Chapter 22: I want more!!!!! pls update soon new reader here!!!
na24ni #4
Chapter 22: Combine between voodoo doll and eternity. Thats cool after all. But thing's make me confuse is the plot. I don't get it.
Just waiting for update and make them complete.
aizie14 #5
Chapter 21: too bad. your story is getting more exciting and I really want to read the next chapters but I can't do anything about it but just wait.: -(
aizie14 #6
Chapter 20: can't wait to read the next chapter