No Way Out

The Riddle

May 24th 2012, 6:20 P.M

Leo & Ken just arrived & entered the castle, after they took the longest route to the palace, they had to park Jaekwan's car outside the woods because there were a lot of trees & had to walk through the woods.

Unlike the Hyukbin & Navi couples... These two saw the door behind the staircase right away thanks to Leo's sharp eyes.

These two spent the whole trip to the castle without spitting a word to each other, the atmosphere between them was so awkward. Ken wanted to break the ice so many times but backed out because he had nothing to say & he knew the other would ignore him anyways.

After the two went to the living room, Leo sat down on the couch right away "How can you just sit? get up, lets go look for the girl" Ken finally said. "Ahh~ l'm tired~~ go look alone & I'll just sit here" luckily Ken got to know Leo for a bit during their trip, when he says no means no! yes means yes! so he didn't push more to convince the cool guy, let out a sigh & went to look for the girl all by himself.


Hongbin returned back to the first floor after the events happened with N & Ravi, he found out none of them was Hyuk so he decided to go back & look for him through square one.Although he was curious about Ravi & Hakyeon but he only cared about finding Hyuk at that moment.

He came down through the rooms connected together on the second floor instead of just coming down the stairs. The place was all connected together just like the main entrance hall, it was nerve-wrecking for Hongbin, as for the others... They still haven't experienced going from one room to another & finding themselves back at square one again...Yet!

Ken went to the hall & opened a random door, he was confused when he saw a staircase as he opened it, he thought (if there's a staircase then why having another behid the door?) but he ignored & walked up anyway. That staircase lead to the hallway that the Navi couple were in...The opposite direction of where N & Ravi were going so at any time Ken would bump into them...

Back to Hongbin...

As he entered the living room he noticed someone sitting on the couch his back facing him...

"Hyuk?" he said. Leo turned faced Hongbin "I'm sorry but who are you?" Hongbin asked, the older ignored so Hongbin just went & sat beside him without saying anything...

After ten minutes Leo finally opened his mouth "Taekwoon...Jung Taekwoon" he said with his soft voice. Hongbin was in deep thinking about what Hyuk so he didn't clearly hear what he said but he heard his soft voice "Hmm?" he turned to Leo "Jung me Leo" he said as he faced the younger. "Nice to meet you I'm Lee Hongbin" he said as he flashed his adorable dimples at the older, the older couldn't help but smile at how adorable Kongie looks (LeoBin <3)

"You look pretty young so I guess you're my dongsaeng" Leo said softly. "I'm 93 liner" Hongbin replied "So you're a dongsaeng after all" Leo said "You here alone?" he asked. "No, I came here with a dongsaeng I met on the road, but he suddenly disappeared 2 hours ago. I kept looking for him but no sign" Hongbin explained. "Oh~ well then get some rest and we'll go look for him after my friend comes back" Leo says giving him a reasuring smile. 

"Friend? I thought hyung was alone." Hong bin says a little confused, Leo shakes his head. After that the atmosphere falls silent again.

Back to Navi <3 ^3^

"Yah~ stop that~" N nags as the younger keeps making fun of him for earlier.

"Hahaha, really I wish I could go back to that moment" Ravi teased. "Yah~~ don't even think about doing it again" N hit him lightly, "I'll try" Ravi teased again as Hakyeon made a face.

The two kept quarreling  as they were walking hallway "Oh~ hello~" Ken said while bowing as he saw the both of them coming his way, the two were surprised to see someone else in the palace...They thought they were the only once in the palace.

The next second N got a bit mad thinking that Ken was the owner of the figure he saw, his face showed his anger but his actions didn't as he & Ravi bowed back at him (not a 90 degree bow though) .

"If you're going there, don't. There's nothing in there." Ravi said as he pointed at the back. "Really? wait you guys are here for the same reason I am right?" Ken asked the two. "What brought you here? & since when you're here?" N asked.

"Dreams~" Ken said thinking that the two would probably think that he's a creep if they're not here for the same reason.

"Same" The two said in unison "And when did you arrive?" N repeated his question "I arrived at exactly 6:20 P.M, now it's...huh? I'm sure it's been about ten minutes since I arrived" can said as he looked at his wrist watch, surprised to find it not working. as the two figured out why he's surprised they both looked at their own wrist watches they were all surprised to find that their wrist watches stopped at 6:20 P.M. too.

"This is weird" Ken said. "So if the girl's no where to be found what do we do?" Ravi asked. "Right now, I think I'll just go back to my friend in the living room. We should discuss it when we all meet" Ken suggested.

"Friend?" N said as Ken nodded. N was somehow happy to know there's somebody else also he wasn't angry at Ken anymore because he found out that he arrived at the palace way later than the incident happened in the small room...

"By the way I'm Hakyeon, Cha Hakyeon call me N" N said as he stretched his hand for a handshake "Oh~ sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Lee Jaehwan known as Ken" he said as he shook his hand then looked at Ravi as he waited to shake his hands too "...And you are?" he continued. "Kim Wonshik or Ravi" as they shook hands. The trio decided to return to Leo...

In the living room...

As Ken opened the door he noticed someone sitting with Taekwoon.

"Oh~" he said dragging all's attention to himself "Hyung this is your friend?" Hongbin asked as he looked at Taekwoon who replied with a nod. Hongbin then smiled at Ken (adorable smile <3 ) & said "93 liner Lee Hongbin"

"92 liner Lee Jaehwan or Ken...These are Hakyeon & Wonshik" he said as he pointed  at the back the two then noticed N & Ravi behind Ken.

Hongbin let out a chuckle "What? where are your manners kid? is that how you greet someone?" N said "Sorry so sorry I just remember you guys from earlier in the dark room" Hongbin explained as he stopped laughing, now Hakyeon was really angry & if he knew Hongbin from before he'd have scolded him right now for scaring him, he did tell him that he saw Hongbin walk out the door & he got scared but he didn't get mad at him for he just met him "Really? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Hongbin said.

"Why were you hiding anyways?" N asked. "You're right...Why were I hiding?...I don't really know I'm sorry" Hongbin said as he bowed twice...

The three sat down & conversed with Hongbin & sometimes with Taekwoon too. At first they only shared some personal information like their birthdays to know what's their age order & nicknames also how did it all begin.

"...So what should we do about this?" Ravi said after he explained that the girl is nowhere to be found.

"I think we..." "We get out!" Hakyeon said cutting Hongbin off unintentionally... "Yeah we should go back" Taekwoon agreed. "after a while" he continued. Hongbin stayed quiet, he knew that Taekwoon meant after we find Hyuk by saying what he said. "After a while?" Ken said as he & the other two glared at him.

Hongbin finally butts in saying "I'm not going anywhere without my dongsaeng Hyuk, he's still a teen & has a long way to go" "Then look for him on your own kid, we can't stay in this place any more, it's all so confusing" N said bitterly, Taekwoon glared at him. "...Plus, there's no use of you getting out because There is No Way Out!"

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Guys in the latest chapter's AN I said I'll update after my pre-dawn meal but I'm srsly sleepy~ Sorry guys~~ I'm so sorry but I haven't slept yesterday so :(


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weirdstuff #1
Chapter 8: Tis awesome storyyy.. Uhuuu, i'm so curioussss
wowwhKENDV #2
Chapter 23: Arghhhhh !!!!
Can't wait for next chappie..... >_<
Died for waiting....hahaha
Anyway,great story tho....
I love it.. <3 <3 <3
trixiecanadilla1234 #3
Chapter 22: I want more!!!!! pls update soon new reader here!!!
na24ni #4
Chapter 22: Combine between voodoo doll and eternity. Thats cool after all. But thing's make me confuse is the plot. I don't get it.
Just waiting for update and make them complete.
aizie14 #5
Chapter 21: too bad. your story is getting more exciting and I really want to read the next chapters but I can't do anything about it but just wait.: -(
aizie14 #6
Chapter 20: can't wait to read the next chapter