
VIXX Oneshots

Ken, Claire (OC) / Songfic


High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life

The picture of him, his frame so perfect on the television screens. It was bright, the future she had bought the one way ticket for him to. It was clear, his path she had paved the way for with her own soul. 

Fight fear for the selfish pain it was worth it every time

Her heart sank with the weight of his light. The light that had came with her soul. Pain diffused within her, but she loved the feeling of it. If she could kindle luminescence with her darkness, she would. If she could elevate with her depression, she would. If she could fashion beauty from her depravity, she would, a thousand times again.

Hold still right before we crash, ‘cause we both know how this ends


A clock ticks 'till it breaks your glass and I drown in you again

A door - locked - the key stashed away in the forgotten parts of that jewelry box. A room - filled - with posters, newspapers, magazines, albums, recordings. A girl - key retrieved, door unlocked - was standing in the middle of that room, flipping through photo albums. It's been a year.

Cause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn’t need

She hated the way she was there everytime he occurred. The internal turbulence that consumed her entity had overflowed, the raging war between her calm and her passion. She was sick, dreadfully ill with her obsession, and yet it seemed his smile cured everything.

Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don’t know why

"I'll let go." Claire's lips trembled violently. Instinctively, she focused her eyes on the night sky, as the tears gathered themselves, threatening to spill over the tip of her lower eyelid. For a moment, she glanced at the boy before her. His wide eyes looked at her pleadingly. She hated the hurricane of thoughts and emotions that flooded her mind.

But mainly, she hated to hurt him.

"I don't have to do this. We can run away." His barely audible voice was amplified in the silence, and was hanging there intensely.

She fought against the whispers from her heart, which had always been louder than the shouts from her common sense. Three seconds, and the gentle, melancholic gaze in her hazel eyes had hardened into a contemptuous glare. Three seconds, and the love she harbored in her heart had calcified into a callous cruelty. Three seconds, and the flickering light in her had been extinguished.


If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?

That's why when she sees him dancing on the illuminated stages, her still heart starts beating again. That's why when he jokes around on the television screens, she talks back to him and reprimands him for his immaturity. That's why when his face gets thinner in the pictures in magazines, she irrationally feels worried the entire day. That's why when she hears his voice in songs in the albums, she closes her eyes and takes in all of it.

His voice brings his scent. His scent brings his image. His image brings his touch, and for a moment, he is next to her.

But for the next few moments, and the moments after that, he disappears. Moments turn into minutes, and minutes turn into hours, and hours turn into days. And for days, he is far away.

If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity?

His voice brings his scent. His scent brings his image. His image brings his touch, but for moments, he is next to her.


He smelt like a campfire in the middle of a snowstorm. His aura was luminous, but his eyes were sad. His fingers gripping her shoulders had fragile strength.

"Don't ask me to go. I've succeeded. I've done everything already, so take me back now, okay?" his begging eyes drilled into her cold irises.

Is this real? The confusion boiled her insides, and messily and unconsciously, she replied, like how she replied when he spoke on television. "This is insanity. Go back. I've done all I can to have you in that world, don't throw it away."

Three seconds, and the first tear had stained her cheeks. Three seconds, and she fell right back to him. Three seconds, and his light had ignited her dormant glowing one.

"That world is a mist. You'd think the flashing camera lights and glamour would give you clarity, but in actual fact, everything occurs in the darkness, behind the scenes, when the final slate has been clapped."

Ken held her in a tight embrace. Her eyes had become weary, the edges of her lips were turned down, and wrinkles had appeared on her forehead. He berated himself mentally. He would repair everything that he had destroyed.

Why are you my clarity?

Why are you my remedy?

A door - mahogany - wide and welcoming. A room - engulfed - with posters, newspapers, magazines, albums, recordings. A girl - smiling  - was sitting in the middle of that room, watching a boy write his music, charming voice singing to the tune of an acoustic guitar. It's been a year.



by winter.

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