Blink. Blink.

VIXX Oneshots

Hongbin, Kasumi (OC)


Blink. Blink.

Kasumi felt a presence near her as she awoke. It felt like him. She doubted herself - it's been so long since he came. Too long. He had probably already forgotten about her. He had probably left her to meet other girls. She had always been nothing but a burden to him, anyway.

Kasumi rose, and made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast. She could feel a pair of eyes following her. It felt like him. She doubted herself - she must be imagining things. She must have missed him so much that her mind was making up for it by imagining him beside her when she wakes up, by imagining him looking at her with his intense but loving gaze.

Kasumi left the kitchen to set the table. Silently hoping that he was there, she took two sets of utensils and set them opposite each other. Internally, she berated herself. She was going to let herself down. She felt a warmth approaching. It felt like him. She doubted herself - if he was really there, why didn't he speak? She must have been setting her hopes too high. Maybe she was dreaming. She would find out when she started eating.


Blink. Blink.

Hongbin watched as she woke up. She was beautiful. He had missed her so much - it's been so long since he could sneak out of the dorm without the leader catching him. Too long. She had probably already forgotten about him. She had probably moved on with her life. He had always been nothing but a burden to her, anyway.

Hongbin traced her graceful movements with his eyes. How he longed to just catch a glimpse of her the past few months. She was beautiful. He had missed her so much - her eyes, her nose, her lips, her face, her hair, her body. Her presence. The one presence that made up for all that he lacked. If only he could imprint her being into his memories and keep her safe there just by looking at her.

Hongbin propped himself on the kitchen counter. She had made breakfast, his favourite of pancakes and scrambled eggs. She left to set the table, her slender fingers firmly grasping the utensils. She was beautiful. He had missed her so much - every small move that she made enchanted him. Her sitting down and standing up, her small delicate steps.


Blink. Blink.

Kasumi started panicking. She hated how she was feeling, she hated how he made her feel. Tears welled up in her eyes as she vented her frustrations to the passing breeze.

"Why do you go and never come back? Did you have to enter my life, make me rely on you, just to leave me alone and helpless?" Kasumi screamed, wiping the tears that had fallen on her cheeks, before uttering a small whisper.

"I miss you. Please come back."

A presence engulfed her. It felt like him. His broad shoulders, his soft hair, his scent, his strong arms that had supported her. His presence. The one presence that gave her strength to move on, despite her circumstances.


Blink. Blink.

Hongbin pulled away to see her hazel eyes looking widely at him. He pulled her into another embrace and tugged at her ponytail, his fingers combing through her long straight hair.

"I've missed you too. In fact, every day that I was gone, I've missed you."

Hongbin sighed. 

"I can't promise that I won't leave again, but I'll explain why I did. I'll answer all the questions that you've been asking me. My name isn't Toshi, but it's Hongbin. I'm from this country, and I'm a singer."

Hongbin held Kasumi's hand, and brought it to his face, his nose, touching his forehead, and bringing his lips to her fingers, kissing them lightly.

"You must be a handsome person, Toshi..."

Hongbin smiled, "Don't think too much about how I look. Didn't you say you liked my voice?"

Kasumi nodded quickly in response.

"Sing for me?"

He held her, whispering his song softly into her ear. Her eyelids, perfectly complementing her blind eyes, slowly descended at his lullaby.


Blink. Blink.


by winter.

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