Diamond in the Rough III

Diamond in the Rough

Loading eight Asians into a car is hard enough, but convincing them to get along and not murder each other? That’s near impossible.

As usual, Im tried something suicidal that led to Mei trying to strangle him. Of course, Im enjoys living, so naturally he just had to escape--but diving into Kaoru’s lap was probably more suicidal than the original crime.

Kaoru’s eyes darkened. He pulled out his pistol.


Im squeaked and looked up at the angry Cantonese teen with pleading eyes.

“Get off of me, Im.” The way Kaoru said it made the words sound more like “Get off me now or you will die a slow painful death by my .45”.

Im managed a scared grin, trying not to shake, “W-why? Protecting your girlfriend?”

Kaoru smiled sadistically, “...You really want to die don’t you?”

A scream rang through the car as Im chose a different lap to dive into.

“ANIKI!!” Im cried as he tackled Yao, “SAVE ME!! KAORU IS TRYING TO KILL ME DA-ZE!!”

“Aiyah!” Yao shouted, trying to kick the Korean off him, “Go away, aru!”

“Nonononononono!!” Im writhed. “Kaoru is really defensive of his girlfriend! He’ll shoot me!”

“If you call Mei my girlfriend again, I swear I will shoot you.” Kaoru grumbled menacingly.

“Deal with him yourself, aru! Don’t drag me into this!”

“But Aniki! I don’t want t--OWWWWWW!”

“Be quiet Im!” Lien shouted, paddle poised above her head, “Do you want us to crash? If we do we’d die anyway and I’ll let Kaoru shoot you!”

Im screamed again and tried to bury himself deeper into Yao’s seat which caused more protest from the Chinese man and in turn more noise from everyone.

“Almost there~” Cheng said, as if unaware of the chaos behind him.


When the doors of the white van opened, Im literally rolled out.

“Anikiiiiiiii…” He whined, “Everyone’s bullying me…”

“Get over it, aru.” Yao grumbled, stepping out, “Next time don’t bother Kaoru, okay?”

“But Anikiiii…” Im sniffled, “He was being mean to me…”

Lien stabbed him with her paddle, “Be quiet, we’re starting the assignment.”

Kaoru closed the door of the van as he stepped out. “Teacher, the back door has guards.”

The group fell silent.

“I’ll go see.” Lien said.

Lien started walking towards the back entrance. She turned the corner and disappeared.

The group held their breath, waiting.


Kaoru shifted uncomfortably, hating how he could barely see in the darkness. He felt someone next to him move.

“Kaoru, are you okay?” Mei asked quietly.

“Yeah,” He murmured, “It’s just… you know…”

Although he couldn’t see, Kaoru knew that Mei had nodded, “The dark.”

“Oh? The big bad Kaoru is scared of the dark?” Im teased from somewhere below.

The Cantonese teen aimed his pistol in front of him, “I am not scared of the dark, nor will I let my lack of sight prevent me from shooting you.”

“Hahahaha-!” Im was interrupted by a sharp “shh!” from Mei.

“Someone’s coming.” Kiku said.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the night. All the members of the group either drew their weapons or hid.

Kaoru chose to aim his pistol, with Im and Mei behind him. Cheng and Kasem stayed in the car. Yao stood ready for hand-to-hand; Kiku was next to him, wielding his katana.

The footsteps stopped. All was silent for a while.

“Where did everyone go?” Lien asked, having returned.

A collective breath was released.

“We thought you were a guard.” Cheng said, “I assume you knocked them out with your paddle?”

Lien nodded, but then remembered nobody could see her, “Yeah.”

The group gathered together.

“Okay,” Kiku said, “Kaoru, Im, and Mei will go to the vaults; Yao and I will deal with the Pink Diamond; Cheng, Kasem, and Lien will stay here.”

Everyone nodded, “Yeah.”

“Be wary of the cameras and lasers.” Kaoru added.

“If all else fails,” Yao said, “Use the masks.”

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