I can't just move on.


I sat on the beach , letting the cold waves hit my feet as they splashed on the sandy shore. Unaware if anybody could see me or hear me I started to cry and scream his name aloud..........''DooJoon Oppa …..DooJoon Oppa!!!!!!!''. When suddenly I felt a hand on my back, I turned around to see what it was and there was nothing there but a familiar presence. I quickly jumped up forgetting that I was crying and wiped my wet face. In a way I think that whatever that was that touched me was a person someone I know because the feeling was kind of familiar of a touch I used to know. It was a touch I haven't felt it a long time and I missed it. I gathered myself and brought my belongings with me which wasn't much just a picture of my dead husband. As I walked along the beach going into my house I felt that same familiar presence watching me as walked up the stairs I felt it staring at me. I paid it no attention and just kept walking.


-heavy sigh- 

I am not to sure about this... I dunno how this is going to end.. this is all freestyle. If this get boring let me know.. I'm still thinking wether or not I should put up my old story..


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