Enter the Pack

Two Moons

Sun Hwa Arts School. To any typical listener, it sounds like any other school for the arts, nothing special. But to all of Korea, this school is prestigious, known for its high entrance rates and famous graduates. Both a middle and high school, Sun Hwa Arts is very large, and is so prominent that they provide dorms for their vast number of students.

While everything was normal at this school one day, known for their high standards and no tolerance for bull attitude, something changed in the air one day and nobody, not one person, could say they liked what was coming.

All was calm and quiet until they showed up. A group of boys of varying sizes and ages ran through the front gates of the school in a whirlwind frenzy. Those who weren’t screeching at the top of their lungs and hooting as they jumped through the air with their books wandered quietly behind them, lazy smiles plastered on their uncaring faces.

While the back-end of the group of twelve was stuck carrying loads of belongings the excitable friends had seemingly forgotten, one in particular went to hoot and holler at some girl, tripping over his face in the process and simply making her laugh and walk away.

“Aye, Chanyeol, maybe you should just give up, you know, forever,” one of the boys taking up the rear snickered out. His shorter friend beside him laughed and the male known as Chanyeol stood and dusted off his uniform, sticking out his tongue and flicking the other off.

“Ah shut up, Jongdae. Ain’t none of your business what I do,” he bit back.

“It is if you do it in front of me. Go pick up your books , you dropped ‘em all over the ground and I’m not carrying them for you.”

And so this was how the Two Moons pack made their first impression.

After a few altercations, the boys made their way inside the large building in front of them, hands stuck in pockets, some dragging suitcases, some more concerned with trying to bum cigarettes off of other students.

However, this was the main office building, there was no smoking here or anywhere on campus for that matter, and the boys were here for one reason: to check in. They got looks as they waited, some of them leaning against the wall outside of the dean’s door, some falling asleep already as they sat crouched on the carpeted floor. One by one they were called into the office to have their files checked one last time so they could be handed their dorm room keys.

Called based on their ages, a shorter student of the group went first, running lazy fingers through reddish-brown hair as he opened the door and shut it with his free hand. He immediately sat across from the dean’s desk and faced him. The dean didn’t once look up from the file in his hand to face the student. Instead he simply talked.

“So, Kim Minseok is it? You prefer the name..Xiumin? Tell me, why is that?” Already this was starting to feel like an interrogation, and the student in question raised an eyebrow.

“Eh, you know, personal reasons. The twelve of us are kinda like..a group, see, and four of them outside are from China so they just..came up with the name and we’ve been using it ever since. It’s just a Chinese version of my name.” This was an outright lie but hey, it sounded convincing, and instead of questioning it, the man behind his file continued.

“A senior this year already? A transfer I suppose? Where exactly are you transferring from, Xiumin?”

This was a harder question, but Xiumin easily avoided it. Without missing a beat and sounding a bit like a suspicious criminal, he leaned back in his chair, shrugging and letting out the nonchalant words, “Eh, somewhere.”

And so this is how it went, one by one, profiles being checked. In the end, twelve files were looked over, twelve keys given, six rooms assigned.

Name: Kim Minseok

Preferred Nickname: Xiumin

Gender: Male

Grade: 12              

Major Studies: Vocal, music

Notes: Not very cooperative. Upon entering, didn’t speak much. Wouldn’t reveal much information. Very secretive. Lacks a certain amount of care. Will have to observe around his friends.

Roommate: Huang Zitao


Name: Lu Han

Preferred Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Grade: 12              

Major Studies: Vocal, music.

Notes: Friendly but rather domineering. Believes he’s in charge. May be good at modeling. Self-proclaimed athlete with an interest for soccer. He as well as the other oldest student, Kim Minseok, don’t seem to have much to say. Both are rather private seniors. Will have to observe around his friends.

Roommate: Wu Yi Fan


Name: Wu Yi Fan

Preferred Nickname: Kris

Gender: Male

Grade: 11              

Major Studies: Vocal and dance, music.

Notes: Would be a senior if he cared more about his classes; held back. Prefers rapping to other vocal aspects. Walked in with an arrogant attitude. Believes he’s better than everyone else. Sat leaned back with his feet inappropriately raised onto the desk. Tried to show off dance skills; ended up slamming his head into the back wall with a concussion. Paramedics were called and he caused a scene. May cause trouble in the future.

Roommate: Lu Han


Name: Kim Joon Myun

Preferred Nickname: Suho

Gender: Male

Grade: 11              

Major Studies: Vocal, music. Minor acting.

Notes: Very well-mannered. Walked in, bowed, graciously waited to be offered a seat. Apologized for the behavior of the previous student, Wu Yi Fan, after said student caused a scene. Offered compensation in the form of money. Very pleasant to talk to. Seems to be a grade A student. Overall a very pleasant boy with a good heart. Doesn’t seem to want any trouble.

Roommate: Oh Sehun


Name: Zhang Yixing

Preferred Nickname: None; Note that the other eleven sometimes refer to him as Lay. He has asked them to stop.

Gender: Male

Grade: 11              

Major Studies: Dancing.

Notes: Rather timid upon entering the room. Seemed shy at first. Warmed up eventually but was very humble the entire time. Much like Kim Joon Myun, very well-mannered. Offered a box of Pepero as a small gift for being admitted into the school. Didn’t say much but was overall very pleasant and overly polite; he couldn’t seem to stop bowing. May have the paramedics check his back and see that he doesn’t overdo it.

Roommate: Kim Jongdae


Name: Byun Baekhyun

Preferred Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Grade: 11              

Major Studies: Vocal, music.

Notes: Walked in with a bright, sunny smile on his face. Immediately felt suspicious. Proved correct when he tried to pull a prank while sitting right in front of the dean. Told numerous jokes. None of them were funny. Was a bit sassy towards the dean when told to behave more properly. Pouted and threw a small fit when not getting his way; Park Chanyeol forced to intervene to calm him down.

Roommate: Park Chanyeol


Name: Kim Jongdae

Preferred Nickname: Chen, though he noted this nickname was optional.

Gender: Male

Grade: 11              

Major Studies: Vocal, music.

Notes: As he walked in, other students from the group poked their heads in and warned of his being what they call a “troll.” Have not yet figured out what this means. Overall very polite. Told the dean he looked overheated in his suit in the hot summer weather, offered a cold water bottle he had on his person. Smiled and laughed often even if the situation wasn’t necessarily funny. Questionable whether this is a nervous habit or just a character trait.

Roommate: Zhang Yixing


Name: Park Chanyeol

Preferred Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Grade: 10              

Major Studies: Vocal and guitar, music.

Notes: Overall a fun student but seems to know when to be serious. Expressed concerns over his schedule. Would like more time learning various instruments, including the drums and the bass and perhaps the violin and piano. Prefers rapping to other vocal aspects. Is not interested in his current chorus class. May need to re-assign his class schedule.

Roommate: Byun Baekhyun


Name: Do Kyungsoo

Preferred Nickname: None, though he noted sometimes his friends refer to him as D.O. simply because of his last name.

Gender: Male

Grade: 10              

Major Studies: Vocal, music, and the culinary arts.

Notes: Had a nervous, rather awkward air upon entering the room. Hesitantly asked for a few of his vocal classes to be switched out and replaced with various types of culinary classes. Typically quiet. Seems rather innocent but something is a little strange about him. Have yet to figure out what this is. Kept one leg on his other knee while sitting, his hands locked around his ankle. It continued to shake violently as he couldn’t seem to sit still. Was nervous the entire time. Note that he is to be observed closely due to the concerning nature of his tremors.

Roommate: Kim Jongin


Name: Huang Zitao

Preferred Nickname: Tao

Gender: Male

Grade: 10

Major Studies: Vocal and dancing, music.

Notes: Upon entering the room, the look on his face set the mood. Seemed completely disgusted, as if everything in the room was beneath him. Confident outer air; this was easily broken through conversation. Tough on the outside, showed off great skills in the martial arts. When interrogated, however, easily broke his will. Actually a very scared young man whose confidence lends itself to staying within his group. Terrified of being left alone/being lonely. Needs constant reassurance that he won’t be pulled away from his group of friends.

Roommate: Kim Minseok


Name: Kim Jongin

Preferred Nickname: Kai, though it was mentioned that this nickname is optional. Noted a lot of people still call him Jongin.

Gender: Male

Grade: 9                

Major Studies: Ballet, dance.  

Notes: Walked in with a lazy stance but overall seemed very stressed. Stress lines showed on his face from a possible lack of sleep. It seemed his side was in pain; he kept wincing. When asked about it he continually brushed it off and said he was fine. Will have to force him to see the school nurse later. Asked hesitantly that if he was seen being fawned over by anyone outside of his group that they be told to leave by teachers and other authorities. He is not interested and does not want to deal with it. Says this is a regular occurrence though didn’t boast his handsome features, simply mentioned that this was a burden.

Roommate: Do Kyungsoo


Name: Oh Sehun

Preferred Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Grade: 9                

Major Studies: Vocal, music.

Notes: Walked in with his hands in his pockets. Refused to sit when offered. Continually walked around the room. Touched anything he could get his hands on, played with anything interesting he could find that didn’t belong to him, on the shelves and desk situated throughout the room. Barely listened to anything that was said, zoned out during questions. When speaking, holds a lisp and has a rather bad attitude. Mentioned the suit the dean was wearing was “gross” and “ugly” and then continued to play with the snow globe on the desk. Couldn’t stay still, held an arrogant “better than you” attitude. Almost immediately expelled when stopping everything to throw various insults at the dean and the school. Roommate Kim Joon Myun intervened and offered compensation in the form of money again as long as Sehun would be kept in school. Had to be escorted out of the office by Kim Joon Myun and security.

Roommate: Kim Joon Myun


And that was it. By the time the Dean had finished speaking with all twelve of the new students, handing them their keys and showing them out of his office, he was so tired from the ordeals of some of them that he was about ready to just walk out of his office, get a flight to the U.S and run his car off a cliff somewhere in Montana. It was going to be quite a school year.

As he highly considered his options, however, the group of twelve was busy moving their belongings into their dorms. The first of the students who had had interviews, Xiumin, Luhan, and Kris, had already finished moving their own belongings in and had started to move the other students’ bags off of the sidewalk outside to make room for other possible new arrivals. Being the helpful elders wasn’t necessarily in their nature, but hey, they were feeling nice today. Unsure of what rooms the other nine students would be in, though, they’d parked all of the belongings outside of their own rooms in the hallway of the boy’s dorm. At least it was better than having all of their suitcases and books lying out on the street, and hey, as far as Chanyeol was concerned, it meant less work for him. He’d already had a mishap just carrying a few of his books today when he’d tripped over his own feet. He didn’t need any more problems.

So, despite any arguments or disagreements the group may have had, after a few hours, one by one, all twelve of them had helped each other move in, luckily all on the same floor, and finally found themselves able to truly relax.

And for the first time in recorded history, each member of the Two Moons wolf pack got to sleep in a real bed, and each and every one of them loved it. Yes, it was going to be a good year.


Whoops. So I had this first chapter written for awhile? I dunno why I didn't post it. D: But here it is. I spent a few minutes editing all the pictures and cropping them so they were the same size. oTL Anyway, I hope the first chapter is good for you. Not that much but I hope it's at least a good start! C: I'm working on a second EXO story at the same time so I dunno when I'll update what ;P <3

I also need to get back to my old stories. It's been so long since I've worked on them I don't remember what I was planning D:

Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

I don't like silent readers! Please leave a comment if you read! Nothing super mean, but critiqs are good and I love knowing if you loved it! Keeps me inspired to keep doing more! C: <3

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exoLbeautyot12 #1
Chapter 2: Seems very intersting .I love these kinds of plots.
I also loved the way you introduced their profile.
Can't wait for the next update
xMayberry #2
Chapter 1: omg, was so waiting for a fic like this!
Please update soon ! ^^
baeknips #3
Chapter 1: pls udpate soon aurthor noimm!!!!!

i'm joking but omg yes please update soon *^*