Stop it! The Rain

Stop It

Daehyun was giddy with excitement. He hoped that his boyfriend would like it. He had just finished setting the small table which he had set up at the top of roof of their dorm building. It had taken a long time for him to convince the building manager, but after waving a few tickets to their next concert in his face he managed to get it.

Dae had planned a romantic, yet simplistic, candle lit dinner under the full moon tonight. He smiled widely as he set the wine down. He had managed to get the others to help him get Youngjae to the roof, since Jae refused to speak with Daehyun, let alone look at him. 

Daehyun had fixed his hair, and was wearing a crisp white button down shirt tucked into black slacks and black dress shoes with a black tie. He was gripping the bouquet of white roses, Youngjae's favorite, tightly in his hand. Just a few more minutes before Youngjae would be shoved out onto the roof. Daehyun gulped his nerves down.

Just as the handle began to turn the clouds that Daehyun had failed to register earlier thundered and let loose a torrent of rain. Daehyun was soak in an instant. The wind knocked over the table, and the flowers wilted all within a minute before Youngjae was forced out onto the roof. Daehyun was frozen staring at his boyfriend who was now also soaked, and even more angry than before. 

"The hell is your problem Jung Daehyun. First you forget our special day, and now you go and get me sick? Maybe we should just end this." the diva vocalist yelled through the wind and rain. His words were a slap in the face. But, Daehyun was frozen in shock as Youngjae turned and stormed into the building. He felt the flowers drop to the ground next to his shattered heart. He stared at his feet biting his lips as the hot tears poured down his cheeks mixing with the cold rain. 

He had messed up. Big time. Not only did he forget something important to Youngjae, but now he just lost the man he loved.

Broken sobs were hidden by the booming thunder and howling wind. Not that Daehyun cared. He was numb to it all except for the pain in his chest. 

"Dae...?" Yongguk said carefully as he held an umbrella over him and his young friend. Himchan had gone to comfort Youngjae who had ran into the dorm crying. Yongguk knew the minute he stepped out onto the roof that Daehyun was just as bad, if not worse. He sighed and hugged the young singer and brought him inside.

"I-I messed u-up, h-hy-ung!" Daehyun cried into Yongguk's shoulder. "H-he hates me no-ow."

Yongguk didn't really know how to convince the broken hearted man otherwise.

"You just need to try something more suited for you, Daehyun Ah. Maybe romance isn't your thing." Yongguk had an idea. "Why don't you sing to him?"

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Chapter 3: Cute!~ <3333
Chapter 3: So cute! ^^