Kiss in the Rain

We May Have Some Chemistry


“In an effort to encourage more student interaction, to promote responsible teamwork, friendly encouragement and competition, —as well as to stop you annoying lazy kids from coming to me with your questions all the time—I’ve got your table partners here.” Baek-ssaem waved a piece of paper in the air as groans filled the room.

“What? You seniors should have known this would happen. I do this every time!”

“You didn’t even give us a chance to prove ourselves, ssaem. That’s not fair!” protested a boy sitting in the back.

“So?” retorted Baek-ssaem, “Life’s not fair and then—“

“And then you die.” chorused all the students that had taken Chemistry previously. Which was all of them except for Seohyun.

“Good. See, y’all know and you’re still here so I must be doing something right!”

“But we’re seniors now.”  stressed another student.

“Ok, I’m giving you seniors the freedom to sit in whatever desk you like—with your new partner!” He grinned when they groaned again. “Start moving to your new seat once I’ve finished telling you who your partner will be.”

“Uuggh, I was hoping he’d be different this year.” sighed Victoria. “Last year, I was seated next to Seunghyun, that erted little panda-eyed sleezebag. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Nara’s s long enough to do anything in our labs.”

“What about you Krystal?” asked Seohyun.

“Having a lab partner honestly doesn’t bother me.” shrugged Krystal.

“That’s cause you and Minhyuk were freaking seated together! And he helped you study for all the tests!” complained Victoria.

“And that’s why they’ll be lab partners again this year.” remarked Seungseongnim suddenly as he came to a stop beside their desks. “They were such good, quiet, hardworking lab partners last year that it seems only right they’d be put together again.”

Minhyuk and Krystal gave each other a high five.

“Not fair!” protested Victoria.

“And Victoria, you’re next to Nickhun.”

“Oh ok, that’s fine. He’s cute.” grinned Victoria, sheepishly.

“That better not affect your schoolwork.” warned Baek-ssaem. “Seohyun, right? Your lab partner is Jung Yonghwa.”

“Oh my gosh, Yonghwa is the most popular guy here,” said Krystal, leaning in, after Baek-ssaem had moved on. “And THE biggest playboy.”

“You mean my new lab partner?” gasped Seohyun.

Victoria nodded grimly.

“Yeah, and you’re just his type. Angel face, y body.” winked Krystal as Seohyun blushed a bit.

“C’mon, he won’t just start randomly hitting on a new girl that happens to be his Chemistry lab partner.” said Seohyun. “And if he’s a player, I’m sure I’ve got nothing on the other girls he’s been out with.”

“Oh he doesn’t go out with them.” said Victoria, wiggling her eyebrows.

“It’s pretty apparent that Yonghwa’s not into any relationships. He just wants the without the strings” explained Minhyuk.

“And even knowing that, girls still fall for him?” asked Seohyun, confused at their stupidity.

“They can’t help it.” sighed Victoria, mock fluttering her eyelashes. “Good looks and good game. Not to mention tons of money. Who can blame them?”

“He’s also like the role model for the guys. We can’t even hate him for charming all the females cause he doesn’t even brag about it.” said Minhyuk.

“He doesn’t need to brag.” scoffed Krystal. “Not with all the school s practically broadcasting it.”

“No offense or anything, Stal but well in my opinion that’s a hella annoying case of double standards.” frowned Seohyun. “He’s the playboy but the girls are the s?”

“None taken. It’s different because he never actually does anything for the . The girls come in droves and all he does is open his arms.” explained Krystal.

“Wait so I still can’t tell if he’s a good person or a bad person.”

“It’s kind of unfair for us to make that decision for you.” said Minhyuk. “But he’ll make a good lab partner. His grades are top of the class.”

“Attention, class. Pack yourselves up and move it to your new seats.” shouted Baek-ssaem over the chatter of voices. “This noise level is exactly why you guys don’t get to pick your own seats.”

“Got to go. I can’t wait to meet that fine, fine boy.” said Victoria as the rest of her friends laughed at her eagerness.

“I guess I have to go too.” said Seohyun hesitantly.

“Cheer up!” said Minhyuk. “Here’s to meeting new people!”

“If that Jung Yonghwa tries anything on you, just tell me and I’ll beat him up.” said Krystal, menacingly causing the corners of Seohyun’s lips to turn up in a smile. Even though it was all in good fun, Seohyun felt reassured and relived that she had met this awesome gang on the first day at her new school.

She then turned to study her new lab partner. The slight brown undertones in his hair caught the rays of sun as he bent down, gathering his backpack. She could tell that his arms were definitely well defined, even though they were concealed by his plaid shirt. And when he looked up, she most definitely knew why all the girls her friends were telling her about were so into this boy. His jawline was defined in a y way. His lips drew her attention the way few other non-photo-shopped guys had before. His eyes were brown but not boring brown, they appeared to be warm and distant at the same time—an enigma that seemed to draw her in. The rest of his features were just as pleasing…oh, he was good looking alright. Good looking in a way that made her heartbeat increase when his eyes met hers.

Seohyun gave herself a mental slap, cursing her uncharacteristic bashfulness. He’s a playboy. She scolded herself. Plaaaayboy. Seo Joohyun, make your blush calm down. Unfaithfulness is ugly. Not your type. Don’t be the stereotypical good girl that likes bad boys. Ok, am I still red?

“Hey. You’re Joohyun right?”

Seohyun realized with a start that she had already arrived at her new lab partner’s desk.

“Uh, yeah.” Stammered Seohyun. “Nice to meet you. Please call me Seohyun.”

“It is my pleasure. After all, I’m the electron to your proton.”

“What?” Did he just use a corny pick-up line on her?

“Cause you attract me? And I can already feel the bond forming between us?” Yonghwa hinted, cringing inside at his cheesiness. But he had seen the way her friends and her had been discussing him. If there was one thing he knew about girls, it was that even though pickup lines were lame, they always loosened the girls up. No matter how cheesy, compliments were still flattering.   

“Please.” laughed Seohyun. “I was told that you had some game.”

“Oh no, the lady’s not impressed. How about according to the third law of thermodynamics, you’re supposed to share some of your hotness with me?”

“Now you’re just grossing me out.” Said Seohyun. “And it’s the second law, not the third.”

“Well, I for one am glad to have a smart lab partner. I think it’ll be a fun year.” He said. Yonghwa was proud of himself for already succeeding in changing Seohyun’s cautious expression when she first approached him into the more comfortable and relaxed one she wore now. Girls. They could hear as many warnings as they want and still let their guard down easy. And letting that guard down was the first step in the game.

“If you cut down on the cheesiness, I’m sure we’ll do fine.” agreed Seohyun.

The two of them picked a set of desks and sat down as Baek-ssaem successfully regained the attention of the class with the announcement of a quiz the next class—on all the measurement and conversion topics the students had supposedly retained from the year before. Oh, joy.

“I can’t believe your luck, Jung Yonghwa.” said Jungshin, shaking his head as they exited the Introductory Assembly arranged at the end of the day. “How did you manage to get the new girl as your lab partner?”

“I can feel the fates shining down on me. Even if the skies aren’t shining right now. Hey Jungshin, do you have an extra umbrella?” asked Yonghwa, observing how the rain pounded against the windows of the hall. The weather was bipolar, he was sure.  

“Yeah, I do but you’re taking me home right?”

“Ok, fine. I’m in a good mood.”

“Tell me about the new girl.” said Jungshin, holding the school doors open behind him as the two of them left the school.

“Her name is Seohyun. And she was checking me out. Hands off her—until I’m done at least. That’s all you need to know about her.”

Jungshin snorted. “I’m sorry to break it to your ego but from my point of view, she was totally uninterested.”

“You don’t see what I see.”

“Ok, you’re more delusional than I thought.” Jungshin shook his head. “Why bother though? There are plenty of girls who would do you without you having to put in the effort to get a girl who just isn’t after you the same way. Hyerin was making googly eyes at you all day during English.”

“Oppa! Don’t forget about tomorrow!”

“Speak of the she-devil.” muttered Jungshin, as Hyerin ran up to the two and hooked her arm tightly through Yonghwa’s.

“Oppa, did you miss me?” she asked, batting her eyes, the edges of one of her false lashes fluttering. Yonghwa and Jungshin both found the detached lash absolutely disgusting, if not also hilarious.  

“If I snort anymore today, I’ll get a sore throat.” laughed Jungshin.

“Hello to you too, Jungshin.” sniffed Hyerin. “Oppa, your friend is bullying me.”

“Lee Hyerin, your eyelashes are falling off.” said Yonghwa, in a deadpan, bored tone. “And I could care less if Jungshin was bullying you. Which he isn’t.”

Just then, Yonghwa spotted his new lab partner (and what he decided would be the source of his amusement) leave the school without an umbrella. Seeing how Jungshin hadn’t had the chance to take out his umbrella yet, Yonghwa grabbed the umbrella that Hyerin was holding and walked away, ignoring the dumbfounded girl behind him.  

The weather was just too much, thought Seohyun, frowning at the fat rain droplets falling from the sky. Just this morning, the sun was hotter than it was mid-august.

“Hello, lady. I think we might have had a class together today.”

Seohyun looked up to see Yonghwa’s smirk. Playboy, she reminded herself again. It was evident in the ease and the comfort with which he had approached her.

“If I’m not mistaken,” he continued. “We may have some chemistry together.”

“Oh my god, you’re starting again. When are you going to run out?” laughed Seohyun, ignoring the double meaning of his words. “What’s up?”

“Just escorting a pretty lady to her car and shielding her from the rain.”

“Well, I’m not going to turn that down.” said Seohyun. “Thanks.”

The two chatted comfortably—mostly complaining about the quiz next class and telling each other about why they refused to be chauffeured (Yonghwa wanted independence and Seohyun just didn’t like people waiting on her)—until they stopped in front of her car. She smiled when Yonghwa gave a low appreciative whistle as he admired the sleek lines of the Jaguar.

Just then a car swerved by suddenly, causing Seohyun to drop her keys .She bit back a curse as she fumbled with the textbooks she had in her hand. The freaking Prada was a bad choice. It was too small to fit any of the bigger books and papers.

But before she could pick up her keys, Yonghwa had already picked them up anyways.


“Don’t thank me yet. If you want these back, give me a kiss here.” He tapped his lips. She looked at him, bewildered.

“My payment for making sure that you stay dry.” He grinned.


He looked at her, shocked. Did she just say “Alright”? Had he underestimated his power of attraction?

Before he could think any further, she was already leaning in. His senses sharpened and his world became smaller. The sound of the rain drops was eclipsed by his heartbeat drumming in his ears. She was so close that he could see and if he wanted to count, each of her soft eyelashes. Her delicate fragrance—Versace Bright Crystal, he guessed—mingled with the fresh smell of rain and tickled his nose. He closed his eyes as he felt her breath ghost over his lips, already imagining the soft touching of their lips—and the next thing he knew, his left hand was empty and she was in her car, peeling out of the parking spot.

All that was left behind was the smell of burnt rubber.

He chuckled slowly, stunned. Then amused, he began to laugh in earnest.

“Still think she’s interested?” asked Jungshin, coming up behind him. Yonghwa only smiled in response.

“Let’s go.” He said, stepping into his own car, tossing away the frilly umbrella in his hands.

Let the games begin.

First things first though, he really needed to teach that girl how to drive. Before, she ruined her car.


On the road, Seohyun’s heart was beating like a Formula I race car. What if he hadn’t closed his eyes? Well, she decided, right now she preferred not to think about what ifs.

A/N: It’s been a long time coming, but I’m here now~

Finally got a poster and that’s here too.

Let me apologize though. Yonghwa is supposed to have some really good game in this story but obviously the level of his game only goes as far as the level of MY game. And your author here has very little game so the resulting Yonghwa isn’t as smooth as he’s supposed to be. OTL And hence, has to resort to cheesy pickup lines in order to make Seohyun feel more comfortable.

Also, I apologize for being a tease lol. You guys didn’t really think that the first kiss would come so fast?

There’ll be a new character and some family issues next chappie, so please stay tuned! I’ve been toying with various ideas and various twists but I think I might just keep this simple.

Also, let me know what you guys think? Your comments make my day :D

And I’m curious. What’s the attitude in your country about girls and boys and ? Is there a double standard for girls as opposed to guys as Seohyun mentioned here? Or vice versa?


Comment Replies:

@jonghyunsgirl: Jonghyun is da bombdiggity. I love his voice.

@shaniakris: Thank you so much for showing this story love. I’m sorry for the lateness of the update. :S But I hope you still enjoy it.

@kmrsanchez: You’re welcome 

@Inspired4339: Oh my gosh, you flatter me so much. Thank you so much for coming out of silent mode to comment . It makes me super happy. Hehe can’t wait for Krysmin to get together. And yes, Yong is a ert. I hope you’re not barfing too much with the cheesy lines in this chapter haha. I hope you keep commenting!

@cnsapphireblue: Well Yong made the first step in this chapter. Thanks for your support and please stay tuned~!

@maricon_0220: You’re most very welcome. Thank you so much for the love. I feel tremendously flattered.

@encitaeyang: Taeyang swept the charts! Haha sorry, Taeyang and Big Bang started me off in kpop. Any good Taeyang fics to recommend to me?

@tartytorts: Did I mention that you are fabulous? Thanks so much for showing your appreciation. Yes, you caught my naming laziness with Watts and Physics. ;)

It’s summer where I live right now and romcoms and chick flicks are just so good in hot weather. I just want to keep this fic fluffy. My updates usually range from 1500 to 2200 words and it’s just the amount I’m used to writing. Sorry :S I hope you enjoyed this update though! It’s on the long side for me, haha.


Thank you so much to all my readers, to my commenters and most especially to my 3 upvoters. I hope you continue showing my stories love. I love y’all! :’)


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Thank you!
I was moving recently so I had too much to do. But finally, here's the update!


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Chapter 5: I don't want to lose hope that you'll still come back & update :(
Heybeautiful #2
Chapter 5: Please don't leave this story hanging! I just saw this and I'm really interested in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 5: Just found the story
I like the story
Please update because i can't wait for the next chap
Chapter 5: Hehe he's so cute, Yong is just a hormonal guy XD of course Seobaby is like the cutest thing ever sooo it's okay!!
Chapter 5: That was cool... I like read all 5chapters less than an hour I really like it
oniongring #6
Chapter 5: I guess we can look forward to the racing that'll happen at night? Hopefully in the next update? Haha...not gonna lie tt I went back to re-read the previous chapters to remind myself of the story line again :p Thanks for the update! ^^
Heybeauty #7
Chapter 5: I love your fanfics ! Hopefully you can update soon when you have the time (:
Chapter 4: Lol can Hyerin just evaporate haha! I always imagine Sistar's Hyorin as Hyerin. why idk :p
ok I'll just live with your updates, short or long they are so good! This could just be a starting to the date or not?
Even though this is just a story, would you let a handsome playboy bleh class fellow to drive your car because you need to run away?

I totally would :D haha
hope to see the next soon :D
cnsdGirl #9
Chapter 4: Hey!!!!! I got one point!! Just not about the father, but the brother! Yah Jungmo! Dude..that is too sudden man! What with the run away thing? Oh my!! I forgot!!! Wait! Let me pack my things!!! Let's run awayyyyyyyy!!! xD
But seriously, why? Author-nim........... (Yup, I'm glaring you :p and sticking out my tongue too) Uh, arranged marriage? No, I think it's too common. Or maybe, he want to be in band. LOL! Since in real life, he is in a band. So yeah. Hehehe. Get my point right? x3

And geez!! WOW!! WE, GIRLS, SHOULDN'T BE THAT CHEAP!! HOW COULD YOU???? *drama alert* Hahhh! As if I care about you! Big L for you. Yonghwa doesn't seem enjoy your tongue right? (I'm mean. Why am I being like this????'s fun x3)

Yonghwa-ssi, I found that your flirtiness is convert to caringness(?) if you with Seohyun. Shouldn't you realize that? It's charming when you switch your paper with Seohyun. I'm jealous! Can you give me that kind of man to me too, authornim? Of course minus the playboy behaviour. Hehehe. Peace!! ^^v

Seohyun, be strong!!! Hm..good thing that you 'elope' with Yonghwa! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! xD

Update soon!
Chapter 4: Awww, you're so sweet for replying to all of our comments! This update was very intriguing, time to bring in the plot!! XD go go go :P