Display Matrix

Through Her Eyes

“Let's just start and see what happens.”
― Sarah Dessen, What Happened to Goodbye


Waking up to a smell is a lot more satisfying than waking up to a noise. Instead of barging in uninvited and yanking you out into reality, smells enter your dreams with a silent knock and a polite "Excuse me?” It is especially welcomed if you arrived on midnight from a long overseas 'vacation'.

"Good Morning Mira. How was your night, any Jet lag?" Asked Ms Kyo, with a smile in her face. It was a nice smile not overly kind, not fake either. It was one of the smiles I liked a lot.

"Better than I expected. Not really but who knows maybe I will fall asleep in class" I said looking at my breakfast. How much did I missed this? Sure I can't complain about the food my grand parents on my mother's side gave me. It was made by a chef after all. But there was something about Ms Kyo's Korean styled breakfast I couldn't get enough of. Eating rice first thing in the morning was not something my mom was fond of, but then again, she was not fond of many things. Normally I could only eat those type of breakfast on the holidays or when I asked Ms Kyo to prepare them which happened often, but I didn't ask her last night. I didn't do anything when I arrived . I just greeted my father and went straight to my room to wash up and sleep, which I found rare. I thought I was going to stay the whole night awake.

"Your mother gave me permission to give you rice this morning. Something about it being the first day of school and that proteins bar wouldn't give you enough energy. I was surprised but then she told me to remind you to eat slowly" said Ms Kyo she must have some sort of telepathic power or maybe it was just the years we spent together.

But I was happy, my mother knew how much I liked this type breakfast and she even let me eat in bed and that was unspeakable to her. The eating slow part didn't bother me though; my mother was obsessed in making me some sort of anorexic runaway model. The thing I wanted the most was to make her happy, so I did my best to comply in everything.

Eating my food, I eyed Ms Lee going inside my room uniform in hand. Just ironed.
"Good morning Mira" she said, smiling brightly at me. Another smile I liked. I replied with a smile. We had really grown close through the years.
Finishing my meal I thanked Ms Kyo for the food and handed her the plate. She noted I left the meat but did not say anything and gave a small sigh. She and Ms Lee then left me to change.

Normally, people will be annoyed waking up early to go to school. It was the first day too. But I was excited. I was finally going to see Ji Eun, we had so much to talk about. There is a limit to the things you can say via social networks. When it comes to Ji Eun talking directly is the best. The girl had such funny expressions and even when her jokes I couldn't help but to laugh and she never finishes a joke. She always ends up laughing before finishing. Her laugh, let me tell you, was contagious.

Brushing my hair. I decided to let it loose. We always let it loose the first day of school. Something I appreciated. I applied very light make up. It was forbidden but my mother will not let me go to school bare faced. And it's not like I'm the only one, must girls did. The headmaster just never reprimanded me. Maybe because my father was very generous to their school. Contented with my face, I headed downstairs taking my bag I had bought a week ago in New York that I had prepared before hand.

I found my mother and my father eating breakfast. The usual for both of them, meaning Korean styled for my father and 'nothing' for my mother. I certainly wasn't amazed my mother was up this early. She didn't know the word jet lag. The both greeted me back, my father spared me a look over his newspaper and my mother kissed my cheek. They looked like they came out of a magazine. Too perfect and flawless.
Not wanting to stay any longer, I headed out. I promised to meet Ji Eun earlier than usual. Our driver Mr Shim opened the door for me.

"We'll be picking Ji Eun on the park nearby" I said to him. He gave me a court nod.
As we headed out, I was already feeling anxious. I really had missed Ji Eun. Soon we arrived and I couldn't conceal my excitement when Ji Eun got in. We both gave a some girly screams like the ones we always made fun of. We were just joking around though. We greeted each other with a warm hug. Ji Eun smile couldn't grow wider and I couldn't hide my happiness.

"You won't believe just how I missed you" she exclaimed

"Don't worry I know. I'm so glad to see you. It feels like forever"

"Blame the time zone for that. But how was New York? I can't believe you were there for the fashion week"

"Ji Eun, I have told you a million time, New York isn't much different from Seoul or Tokyo and you been to those places before. You could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street and nobody will notice

"You can't blame me for having dreams. I would happily die in the streets of New York"

"You are coming with me next time and I will fulfill your death wish" she stuck her tongue at me in feigned annoyance.

The outskirts of the school took my full attention.I'll be finally seeing him. I couldn't help but to smile. Ji Eun noted and nudged me, a sly smile on her face.

"Can't hide your happiness?"

"Looks who's talking. I am just a little excited that's all" I replied with the most serious face I could give.

"Yes and I'm dating Ronald McDonald. Admit it you probably spent the whole night thinking about him"

"Didn't know you dated clowns but congratulations. The things you do when I am not around. But no, as soon as I got home I fell asleep"

"You dreamed about him then" she said looking out the window, seeing we were almost there. She must be some sort of dream master or maybe just knew me to well. Seeing I didn't reply she continued "You know you have a hell of a time to catch up. So many girls were after him this summer. It was so funny but don't worry Jin ri does a good job"

Jin ri, I thought the happiness I was felling minutes ago was replaced with bitterness, well at least she can do something right. With Jin ri around he hardly paid any girl attention. Sure he has changed a lot since primary school. His reign started in High school anyways. He flirted here and there but nothing serious. The girls however were all over him, who wouldn't though, poverty did him right, his friends were a bonus. They weren't ugly the opposite some were pretty good looking but I never payed them attention. At least not as much as I do to Jong in or Kai as he is now called. I don't even know why he is called that. Sure, it sounds 'cool' but Jong In is so much nicer and fits him more. Jongin is such a perfect name for such a perfect person.

My thoughts were cut when I saw Mr Shim opening the door for Jieun and me. The moment we went out, I felt all eyes on me. I didn't mind all the stares and whispers. I actually welcomed them. It was empowering to me. This was one of the reasons I preferred this town to Big cities like New York. I never fade in the back ground at least not anymore. Here everybody knew me. Some admired and respected me, others disliked me ( some had good reasons anyways).

Looking at each other from head to toe, we gave each other a smile only we knew. Our thought, I was sure, was the same.

We didn't bother to look at the classrooms boards. We both already knew which class we were. We are in the same class of course. I always asked my father for that. However I knew I couldn't possibly ask him to put a boy in my same class. Because of this I was a little bit nervous to see if I was going to be together with Jong in.

One thing I was sure though, with or without Jong in, I didn't want to be in the same class as Jin ri. 'No God, please help me' I thought. But can one actually ask God for something like that. I wasn't sure. But I was sure that if Jin ri is in my class with Jong in in it, it would be too difficult. I already had that experience. And if she is in my class without Jong in it would be too annoying. Plus I would have to bite my tongue to not make fun of her at least once a day.

I shook my head. I wasn't going to get in a bad mood on the first day of school. Ji Eun and I headed to the Assembly hall were the Headmaster was going to give the same boring speech he gave last year. Normally only First years went to the entrance ceremony I mean why should go to it more than once. The problem was that ever since my parent's moved to town, the town was growing too fast and with growth comes problems. And by problems I mean alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, delinquency, but for someone like me who wasn't close minded it wasn't a bad thing. It was actually a good thing, if not life would be too boring here. Now every grade had to attend the entrance ceremony and hear the same talk about the future and discipline and so on.

As soon as we stepped in the entrance, we were ambushed by a group of faceless girls. Complementing here and there, asking what class we were and so on. My eyes however was looking for someone else. Where was he?He never misses the first day of school anyways. Was he going to miss this year? We were seniors after all. I started to get anxious again. When will I see him?

"I wonder where they are?" said my friend. Emphasing the word 'they'. After all Kim Jong in and Choi Jin ri always came to school together on the first day.

"Like I care where she is. I only want to know where he is" I said, displeasure obviously in my face. But I had to conceal it. Not that Ji eun didn't notice. We were on the third to last row. The seniors sat at the back. People were busy talking, 'What an entrance ceremony'

"Maybe I shouldn't have to come today after all. I should could have slept some more"

"Then we wouldn't have seen each other" someone said. For a second I thought it was Ji Eun but that was definitely no her voice. It was too low and husky for it to be hers or any female's. It was a male voice and it came from beside me.
I turned my head to see who it was even though I knew who the owner of that voice was. I knew that voice too damn well. There he was, in all his handsome glory, Kim Jong in. His hair perfectly styled back. The school uniform did him justice, broad frame and lean torso evident.

"Then again what could you expect from a girl who one time missed the first week of school" there he is the Kim Jong in I liked.

"I could say the same thing to you, you are only in time because Jin ri sets your alarm" I retorted, with a smile. But inside I was annoyed. I had just indirectly admitted just how close both of them are. Speaking of the devil, she was talking to some of her friends but as soon as she saw me and Ji Eun, she ran towards us and engulfed us in a hug. Ji Eun sincerely replied to the hug and I did the best I could.

"I missed you guys so much. Especially you Mira you were gone for so long and didn't contact me. What class are you guys in?" She asked smiling. Did she really thought I would have contacted her?

"We are on class 3-C"Ji Eun replied, returning the smile. I was innerly praying for us two be in diffent class.

"Really! That's great we are on the same class. It's so nice I have almost all my friends together" she said. We are on the same class. For the rest of the year. It took me all the strength I had not to show the displeasure I was feeling at the moment.

"What class are you in Kai" asked Ji Eun more for me actually. Jong in turned to us, he was speaking to his friends.

"Why, are you interested? I'm in 3-B" he said, with a smug smile.At that moment everything was moving so fast. The headmaster ordered everyone to sit down and quiet down. I didn't even notice Jong in sitting beside me and Jin ri besides Ji Eun. No all I could think about was that Jong in was in 3-B and I was in 3-C. That was my last chance to be on the same classroom as him. I haven't been together with him for 3 years.

"Why are so quiet Mira? Are you going to miss me?" Muttered Jong in. It was then I noticed Jong in was seated beside me.

"Who wouldn't miss you?" I replied. Me definitely.

"You wouldn't we are on the same class after all" he said. Did I hear right? Was my brain playing games with me? His smile told me otherwise. I knew that smile too well. He played a trick on me. I heard Ji Eun and Jin ri giggling quietly in order not to get caught. But you never got caught in the senior row.

I punched his arm. Happiness was evident in my eyes. Ji Eun noticed. He didn't. He never did. But that was going to change this year.

The entrance ceremony finally ended. I didn't sleep through it though no there was no way I wasn't going to stalk a sleeping Jong in.

As exited the assembly hall. Jin ri hugged me from behind, her friends, Jongin and company following suit.

"Sorry about the prank earlier. But we wanted to do it for some time now." Jin ri smiled.

"Don't worry about it. Who's idea was it?" You see there is a reason Choi Jin ri considers me her friend. I acted like her friend.

"It was my idea. But I wanted to make you think we were in different classroom. It was a last minute change. Krystal thought it would be funnier if we used Jong in instead" she answered.

Jung Soojung otherwise known as Krystal was Jinri's best friend. She had moved from California a month after I had started primary school. I despised her. I favored Jin ri more than her actually. Without her my life would have be so much easier.

I locked arms with Jin ri "I would have been better with your original plot" I said giving her smile. It was true, I would have been dancing in joy for a moment.

But Krystal knew too much, so I had to ask, "Is Krystal in our class too?".

"Yes! Isn't it nice almost all of us are together! God must be kind" More like the demon lord is being too nice to me. Having Jin ri in class was something, having Jin ri and Krystal was too dangerous. I had to watch myself.

"Here you are" said Jieun taking my hand "Come on, we have to choose our seats before everyone" we went ahead leaving the others behind. We only slowed down when we were in the corridors. Since did when did we care where we sat.

"Why did you do that for?" I asker her, a little bit annoyed since I could have talked a little bit with Jong In.

"Only saving your " she said.

"From what?" I demanded, interested.

"More like from who. Guess who repeated" Ji Eun said nervously almost scared. Why would she be like that? Who could possibly...no anyone but that person. Please let it be anyone but that person. But that's only person that could make Ji Eun act like that.

"That person is not in our class right?"I asked, I almost faltered, key word almost.

"Lucky for you no" she murmured.

Lucky, today has been anything but lucky.



"Let's head to the bathroom" I said to Ji eun.

"Don't tell me you going to hide in there"

"Of course not, I just need to get away from this place a little bit"

First period was over and we had a small pause. I should have been glad since, I was in the same class as Jongin. And it wasn't the fact that he sat at the back with Jinri in front that annoyed me. They always sat in the same places since middle school. I never sat at the back anyways. And it wasn't because of Jinri's stupid laugh and giggles echoing in the classroom. No, it was because Jung Soojung eyes's never left me. Not a single moment. It's like she was monitoring me. I could take everything else, but that girl was just a threat, for now.

"Do you think I could try out for the designing club?"

"Designing? Are you sure you have time for that?"

"My mom told me to enjoy this year. To take an extra curricular activity. She feels guilty for having me help her must of my school life"

"It's a great idea then, you were always interested in my mother's magazines. But why are you asking me. It's not like my opinion matters a lot in this"

"Yeah, well both Krystal and Jinri are in that club" she mumbled.

"Go for it then. I could care less about them"

"Are you sure? If it bothers you I could try for-"

"That's enough! You join that club. If it makes you happy. It makes me happy. I'll even accompany you"

I can't say I liked her being in the same club with those two. But maybe something good may come out of this. Maybe with Ji Eun's help, I could get Krystal off my shoes. After all, Ji Eun sincerely liked Jinri and was kind enough with Krystal.

"Well break period is almost over let's head to class" said Ji Eun as she washed her hands.

"I swear if I hear another 'Stop teasing me, you jerk' I will go mad" Ji eun just laughed.

"I am being serious" I said looking at her but she seemed off "hey earth to clown lover. Van you hear me?"

"He's coming towards us" she said walking a little bit faster.

"What? Who are you talking about?" And then I say him. We were almost reaching the classroom so maybe if we walked faster we could miss him. But he was faster. What I didn't expect what for that guy to flat out ignore us, or me.

"Did you see that? He didn't do anything. Maybe he doesn't care anymore" she said happily.

"Whatever. Is not like I give a if he cares or not"

"Language" she reprimanded me. I honestly didn't care. Most people were minding their own business after all. And even if they didn't, most of them had already labeled me as someone you shouldn't mess with."Remember breath in and out" she said as she slid the door.

"You will be the one asking to breath if you continue" I said as I pinched her cheek and went to my seat.

"There you are. We were planning on eating lunch together outside later on. You are joining us right?" Asked Jinri as she approached my seat.

"Sure. Same place?" She nodded and went back to her seat but no before smiling brightly. I didn't smile back this time. Smiling back at her. It was getting tiring and annoying.

Why can't she notice?If she did then things may be different. She had a kind heart. But is her heart kind enough to let him go? To give him up? No one is that kind. No one. And I am not that good. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.



By the time lunchtime arrived I had already threw Jinri of a cliff two times, poisoned Krystal three times and punched Chanyeol in my mind. That goofy kid spent the whole morning with a teethy smile plastered in his face. What was he so happy about? Or maybe he is just on drugs.

"Ready to go?" Asked Ji Eun as she came to me with our packed she always insisted on cooking our lunch on the first day of school. We left our homeroom a little bit after the bell rang since the teacher wanted to speak with Ji Eun who was eletect as the class's representative. She definately wasn't joking when she said she wanted to try new things this year. We were walking through the empty hallways, Ji Eun telling me about what the teacher had just told her.
"When are you going to do something" her eyes narrowed slightly as she changed the topic.

"About what "

"About Kai, you are in the same class, I thought you were going to take your chance and finally make a move you know, but you seem to be avoiding him" I was about to reply but-
"And don't even say it's because of Jin ri, you never gave a about the girl"

"Language" I said imitating her.

"Seriously sometimes I don't understand you, you say you'll do anything to get him to notice you more. Yet you are doing nothing to get anymore closer to him"

"It's the first day of school. What do you want me to do? Jump into his harms and profess my undying love for him. I'm not stupid, I need to take things slowly this time. I can't afford not having him in the end"

Ji Eun's gaze softened. But nonetheless replied, "I just hope you haven't mellowed down because you are both in the same class. Just be like you have always been before, not afraid to do anything"


We walked into the courtyard, not many students liked eating outside. Why would they if they had chairs and tables inside. People nowadays always looked comfort anyways.But there were more people than usual, it was somewhat crowded. People sat underneath the tries that provided some nice shadows. It wasn't hard to find them, with Jinri shouting at us.

There was too many people, however for my liking. Jinri and Krystal were there with Sunyoung and Amber and Jongin's friends which consisted on Pororo, no-smiles Sehun, bratty Baekhyun and all-smiles Chanyeol . I knew all them, but I can't say I appreciated everyone. Not all were seated together, everyone had their personal space and were not in some lame circle like Jinri forced them sometimes. Thanks god. It didn't take long before my eyes landed on him, the moment I got there. To my luck he didn't have anyone to his right. To my displeasure Jinri was besides him and Krystal was facing Jin ri. I almost considered to sit somewhere else, but then I remembered Ji Eun's words and sat besides him; Ji Eun in front of me and besides Krystal.

"You will love what I prepared for us Mira-chan" said Ji Eun opening her huge bento-like lunch box. It had like several compartments and everything seemed delicious. I started to eat right away.

"Really Ji Eun, you even cook for her. When are you two getting married?" Said Jongin

"The moment you decide to become Priest and marry us" I retorted

"If he did that then he won't be able to marry anyone at all" said Krystal acting indifferent but I knew it was meant for me. She was a snake after all.

"Why? I didn't know you liked him that way?" I said. I didn't think before speaking and I made a wrong move but my guardian angel was quick to save me.

"Aish let's stop this. The last thing this guy will ever do is become a priest or get married" said Jinri. Jinri not Ji Eun. I felt stupid for a moment.

"How can you be so mean Jinri? Now I just have to prove you wrong and marry someone."
He then looked at me and threw his arms on my shoulders "Mira you'll marry me right?" He was joking, I knew that but I couldn't help but to skip a beat. He only chose you because you were closest to him. A voice reminded me.

"Of Course she would" said Krystal. Payback for later I think. But I was too happy care.

"Of course I would. We'll have the cutest children and a nice dog. Maybe a poodle?"

He laughed it off. Everyone did. Even me. But it wasn't a joke to me. Everything I said, I had really meant it. Ji Eun knew, I knew and Krystal knew. For the first time today I was being like before.

"Here, Ji Eun's food is great you should try some" I said as I feed him some rice cakes. He gladly accepted.

Ji Eun smiled. Krystal fumed. Jin ri deviated her attention. I was happy and that was all that mattered to me.

"I need to go to the restroom" Jin ri interjected, hurriedly gathering her things. "I'll see you guys later"

"I'll go with you"  said Krystal, clearly not wanting to stay. But be my guest. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

"I'll be heading to class too, I am done eating anyways" said Jongin, crushing his sandwich wrap, that Jinri had prepared for him. He looked at his friends and noting most had finished their food started to get up. My eyes never left him. I wonder how I looked at that moment.

Just when I thought things were doing fine. The moment Jin ri and Krystal left, everyone started packing up. Jongin was even already standing. What could I expect, this people weren't my friends and I never considered them friends. Noting Ji eun and I were not doing anything. He asked, "You aren't coming?" I said nothing.

"We still aren't done eating, so we'll see you in class" replied Ji Eun. Jongin nodded and everybody followed after him

"Well that went better than I thought" she continued.

"Are you kidding, the moment Jin ri left he ignored me, Jin ri will always comes first"

"It's only the first day. Don't give up already"

Give up? No this was only just starting. I didn't spend all these years getting close to them for no reason.

"I'm not giving up. It's just annoying how some things don't change no matter how hard you try"

"Then just try harder. I'm rooting for you after all" she smiled. At that moment I didn't feel angry anymore. I didn't need their friends, after all I had Ji Eun by my side and that was enough for me.

"I really don't know what I will do without you in my life Piglet!" I cheered, laying my head on her shoulders.

"Me neither Pooh" she said playing along.

"But we should stop before people start thinking we are lesbian" quickly taking my head off her shoulder.

"I think it's too late for that" she sighed " I should really get a boyfriend"

"But I'm really glad you decided to come back. I-I almost thought were staying in New York for good" she continued hurt evident in her voice.

"I'm glad too. I really thought it was definitive but my mother somehow changed her mind" I said, many things going through my head.

"How are your parents coping with all of that? You don't have to answer. I just want to know how's everything at home"

"They are good actors you know. They always were, and I was stupid not to see through their act" I lied on the grass looking up at the sky, feeling the sun against my face, reminding myself how easily my life fell apart. How things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies "Everything is just like before, a lie. But I am not blind, at least not anymore"

"You are not going to do anything to find...you know who it is" she murmured. I had tried to avoid that question for months but I knew I couldn't avoid it forever.

"I couldn't care less. I want him as far as possible from me and my family, I don't care who he or she is. I don't want to know anything more."

"Well I think the break it's almost over. Let's head over to class" I said standing up. I couldn't really understand what I was feeling at the moment. Ji Eun knew everything, of course she'll want to know what I thought of all of it. I am just amazed at how fast my mood was changing today. One minute I was excited, the other I was annoyed, then I was happy then bitter and the cycle repeats itself. Why can't everything just stay good for a moment? Was her happiness that hard? Didn't she deserve it?

We were walking back to class. The halls were already crowded and Ji eun complained about me hardly eating her food. No wonder why the halls were so crowded, just when I thought the day couldn't get worse, there he was, leaning against the window opposite to the classroom door, the school's infamous upperclassman Nam Taehyun.




Here's the first chapter. I wanted to put some of the pieces together here. And not make it boring. Sure it's your cliché first day at school chapter. But it was needed firstly since it was seen through our OC and second because it marks the beginning of everything. Thus the title Display Matrix. This isn't our antagonist so don't worry, she will grow with the story for the best or for the worse. For those who don't know Nam Taehyun is in Winner.

Thanks for the comments. They make me really happy and encourage me a lot.

P.s I giving descriptions so I will leave that to your imagination, plus this was her Pov I can't detail everything or else it'll look like an omniscient narrator.


















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BadPrincesse #1
Chapter 1: Good story love it keep on the good work
Chapter 2: well wouldn't mind actually. If it'd be only oc's pov.
that's the point of the story like this lol
anyway.. can't wait till the real story starts.
i have a good feeling about this story -- honestly am hoping this would be different from others.
Fighting! o/
Yaniyang #3
Chapter 1: well it seems interesting ... update soon :)
BadPrincesse #4
Great story, I was searching for one like this one, love it keep on the good work :)
well. this seems interesting, very very interesting.
It's good to see a story from the well, villian's side.
just like maleficent.
lol sorry, i just had to bring that up.
keep it up <3