Prologue II

Through Her Eyes

“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.” 
― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Because of her upbringing Hwan Mira was a confident girl. Her mother always doted on her and always placed others as inferior to her. Hwan Mira , however, was open-minded. She never bragged about her status. Not to others. However like every other child her age she always wanted the latest toy, the latest trend. But Hwan Mira, even though she didn't care about that much about her status, was aware of her status. She knew she just had to ask (sometimes she didn't even have to ask) and her mother would comply. 
So with the latest toys and trends it wasn't difficult for Hwan Mira to have a lot of friends, sure the majority had too everything she had, but she fitted and she wasn't as bad as some movies made people like her look.

Hwan Mira knew her teacher would love her. Every other teacher did. Her classmates would admire her. Back home they did. Mira was even more anxious because her father was driving her to school with her mother. It was the first time in 2 years her father drived her to school. Jean always scorted her. She was on the back seat, both her parents in the front seat.'We look like a family' she thought. Hwan Mira couldn't feel anymore lucky. When they arrived her father even opened the door for her and her mother took her hand all the way to the Headmaster's office. They were greeted by a middle aged woman who she assumed was the Headmaster and a kind looking lady. The kind looking lady presented herself as Mira's teacher. To Mira Ms. Jeon would love her. Mira honestly thought her teacher loved her already. The headmaster told Mr and Mrs Hwan that their daughter was in good hands. She then told Ms. Jeon that they could go to class, since the adults needed to talk. Mira bid goodbye to her parents. She wasn't sad since she would be seeing them in a couple of hours anyway.

While walking to their class. Mira took a closer look to her teacher, she noted how beautiful she was. 'She could be an actress', she thought. The corridor had classes in both sides most were younger looking classes. Nervousness started taking over Mira as she gripped the strips of her pretty bag pack. Ms Jeon must have noticed since she placed a kind hand on Mira's shoulder. Back then Hwan Mira was an open book to anyone.

"We are here" announced Ms Jeon.

A mix of anxiety and confidence grew on Mira as she looked on the wooden door and told herself 'everything would be alright'. Mira nodded and Ms Jeon took it as a sign to go in. The first thing that crossed Hwan Mira mind was that the doors opened differently here. They were sliding door. It was then when she thought everything was different. The confidence was replaced by fear. What if everything is different from her last school too?
For starters, she sure wouldn't be the only Asian looking person in class, and that was a good thing right. She didn't know when she started to move, but Mira found herself in front of her class. So many things went through her head at that moment. Who was that girl? Is she nice? Why is that boy picking his nose?How many people are in this class? When do we eat? Questions went through her head. Hwan Mira was thinking too much, in English not in Korean like her tutor had adviced her.

Mira started to panic. At that moment she forgot everything, every introduction she learned. Everything she had studied. All her efforts gone. She had been practicing for weeks how she was going to introduce herself, in Korean not in English.
So why did Hwan Mira introduced herself in english? She only realized when her teacher told her with a kind smile to try a say it in Korean. And even then it didn't sound nothing like she had practiced. It sounded like a girl trying to speak Korean for the first time. And so Hwan Mira did the last thing she thought could happen : she embarrassed herself on her first day of school. The class must have found it funny since they were trying hard not to laugh but Ms Jeon darkenig gaze sure intimidated them.

The teacher then smiled at Mira even kinder than before. Was that even possible?, she thought. Why was she even smiling, she thought, there was nothing to smile about she ruined everything, all her chances. She would be the joke of the week, the month or maybe even the year.

"Choi Jin-ri raise your hand" said Ms Jeon, a smile still in her face. 'Did teachers even smile that much?'
 She turned to Mira and said slowly a little too slowly for Mira's liking "That is Jin-ri, go seat next to her. If you have problem understanding just raise your hand. Don't be shy"

Mira gave her a smile, a forced one. But a smile nonetheless and went to Choi Jin-ri's table.She immediately greeted her with a smile and took a chance, her last chance. She greeted Choi Jin-ri just like she had practiced.  Choi Jin-ri, Mira noticed, was amazed but who wouldn't. She just looked like she learned to introduce herself five minutes before going to school.  Jinri also introduced herself with a kind smile, that was a little too nice, thought Mira. But she was glad she was beside a nice person. She then noted how pretty Choi Jin-ri was, she looked like a doll. A really white doll.You could lose her in the snow, she thought.

Class went smoothly, she understood almost everything. Her hard work must have paid off she thought and she could after all easily mend her image anytime, she had a whole year anyways. A small pause came, and Ms Jeon was amazed with Mira's skill. She had noted almost everything  and even understood. There was some trouble here and there but it was still amazing to her. She then left her and Jin-ri to become friends. Jin-ri took her to the maple tree were her group of friends were waiting for her. It was awkward at first but as soon as they found out Mira's love for Sailor Moon everything went well. 

Mira adapted quickly and earned praises from the Headmaster. Her father gifted her a new doll house. Not that she played with dolls all the time. Everything was going just like one of her scenario. It was her first month at school and everyone already knew her. it was hard not to though, if you had her grand-parents. Speaking of which were very proud of her and visited regularly (maybe that's why Mrs Hwan was shopping a lot  lately). 

"Ah Mira could you let me borrow your textbook this weekend, I was absent yesterday and I need to copy everything" Jin ri asked. She had been sick and looked paler than usual.

"Of course"replied Mira. Happy to help her friend. She already considered Jin ri her friend.

"Look at how dark Mira looks besides Jin-ri" said a girl. Hyomin, the girl just screamed trouble, so Mira never frequented her.

"She has always looked dark besides Jin-ri anyways" added another one

"How can she have such dark skin?" whispered another.

Mira always liked her skin tone. Back home her mother's friends praised her skin color. Calling it exotic and all sort of things she didn't understand. Mira wasn't dark, she had seen much darker people. Arnold from her past class was what you call dark or black. She wasn't much different from them just slightly tanner, so why would they say those things to her. She had been kind to them too. So why? Why? Thought Mira. Mira loved her skin tone, it was the same as her father's and honestly speaking it was the only thing she got from him. She was proud of it. It was something nobody could take from her.

"Maybe she is from Africa" said a boy.

Africa? Have these people even been to Africa. That was the first time someone had made fun of Hwan Mira. The girl who was always protected. The confident girl stood there speechless, while those classmates made some animal sounds at her direction. Were was Ms Jeon? She thought. She was with the headmaster. There was no one to protect Hwan Mira. Hwan Mira wasn't even capable of defending herself. But she wasn't going to cry. No! That was for plain women.

Jinri watched the scene with a shocked expression. She wanted to help Mira, her friend who was always kind to her. But she couldn't, she wasn't strong enough. Not strong enough to stand up to Hyomin. No one couldn't. But when she saw her friend's hurt expression everything changed. Hwan Mira didn't falter. Her head was up high, strong like usual. But Choi Jin ri saw it, a single tear stain in Hwan Mira's left cheek. Choi Jin ri saw that water forming in her eyes. The tears Hwan Mira was forcing to keep to herself.

"You guys will be going to Africa if you don't leave her alone" said a boy.

A boy Choi Jin ri knew too well. A boy Hwan Mira could care less about, at least before. His name was Kim Jong in. Kim Jong in was a curious case, you see. He never showed any interest in anyone but Jin ri. But was somehow always there. He was quiet but loud when bickering with Jin ri. He was dumb in class, but surprisingly smart when explaining things to Jin ri. He never showed any interest to Hwan Mira. Hardly had a conversation with her. But Hwan Mira didn't really care either. To her he was just one the boys in the class. 'He was' key word. Now he is the most interesting person in her eyes.

Even Hyomin didn't like to mess with Jong in. Which was stupid, the guy was only words, thought Mira. Hyomin and the nameless classmates soon left the classroom. They had better things to do anyways one of them had said. Mira's eyes never left Jong in, as he came towards both her and Jin ri, who were still by their seats. 

"Don't let them get to you. Your skin tone is nice. Jin ri is the one who looks like a freak" he said, ruffling Mira's hair and looking at Jin ri with a funny face.

"What was that!" Said Jin ri. Her face bathed with anger. An expression Jong in knows a little too well.

"You look like a ghost. You should go out more on the sun " he retorted. And soon they started  bickering like they always do.

But Hwan Mira wasn't paying them attention. Hwan Mira was having a heart attack. She couldn't understand what was happening to her. It was the first time someone had stood up for her (it was also the first time someone had bullied her). But it wasn't just someone the person who stood up for her was the person she never spared a thought about. Someone who to her faded in the background. How wrong was Hwan Mira. 

"Thank you" she said. The two stopped bickering and turned to see Hwan Mira bowing (90 degrees) to Kim Jong in.

 Jong in, who seemed unaware of the heart attack he had given Hwan Mira some minutes ago, ruffled her hair again."What are thanking me for?" He said with smile. Hwan  Mira thought it was the most beautiful smile ever. Even more beautiful than her father's.

She smiled back at him. A smile she had never given to anyone before. A smile she would only give to him from now on.

So that's it. The prologue is done. At first I was planning one making this just part of the story it self. But then I figured, it would be difficult to understand the characters. I have been wondering around this story for some time. I hope you guys like it. This a story about the villain. At first it was going to be centered around Jin ri but then I thought I would be nice to try it out. Don't worry there will be plenty of Sulli's Pov. Actually everyone will have a bit. After all this isn't only the Oc's story since her story is also the story of many characters. Thanks again for reading!!!

Don't be shy and comment. Critism is gladly accepted!!



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BadPrincesse #1
Chapter 1: Good story love it keep on the good work
Chapter 2: well wouldn't mind actually. If it'd be only oc's pov.
that's the point of the story like this lol
anyway.. can't wait till the real story starts.
i have a good feeling about this story -- honestly am hoping this would be different from others.
Fighting! o/
Yaniyang #3
Chapter 1: well it seems interesting ... update soon :)
BadPrincesse #4
Great story, I was searching for one like this one, love it keep on the good work :)
well. this seems interesting, very very interesting.
It's good to see a story from the well, villian's side.
just like maleficent.
lol sorry, i just had to bring that up.
keep it up <3