Being a hero, sigh..

Mission: Find The Queen

Lee Jieun's pov

Now I'm screwed. Totally and utterly screwed. I'm going to die. I could not think straightly, not at all. First of all, I would not have this problem if I'd still have my powers. What the heck happened? They worked just a moment ago, but when I actually needed them, boom, gone. Second, I had just ran a marathon. I haven't ran this hard ever since the sixth grade. Sure, I work out, but hey, I'm not perfect. I'm fast, I'm strong, I have strong legs, but that's about it. I should really practice solving something that needs brains..

Third, that thing was coming closer. He must be one of those you shouldn't mess with, but like I'd care. I really need to get my brain fixed... "Oh? You even talk. Are you sure I'm going to die?" I asked calmly, furrowing my eyebrow in suspiciously. Once again that bonie started laughing it's own eerie laugh that'll propably haunt me in my nightmares. Damn that sounds so creepy.. I gulped loudly and finally I managed to take a step backwards when he (I assume that's a boy) took a step forward. "Yes, I'm pretty sure of that." He said and I seemed to believe it too. I mean, what are my changes? I'm barely 160 cm! That thing is at least four times taller!

"Yeah, well you are an idiot." I said even though I was sure it was getting me killed. I crossed my arms confidently and I tried my best to look though and unaffected by the intimidating aura of his, that actually gave me the creeps. Okay, that was so not a good idea, he got extremely mad and started swinging his sword around crazily. He sure seems to fight like the other bonies.. It tried to step on me (Hey! What a jerk!), but I avoided his feet with my quick reflexes that surely didn't seem to betray me (beat that powers!)

I started running like my life would depend on it (which it did) even though I was already extremely exhausted. It seems that the bonie wasn't only bigger and smarter, but faster too with his long legs. I cursed under my breath and I was still two rooms agead, when I decided to hide. I could not continue running any longer and I needed to rest. It was still trailing me, so I had to figure out my hiding place as soon as possible. I looked behind the empty table in this room, but it seemed a bit too obvious.

Then, just in time I happened to notice a small drawer that could hardly fit me. Perfect! I've been in a small freezer before, so no problem.. Fortunately it was empty too, so all I had to do was to squeeze myself in. I heard those heavy steps that came closer and closer, while the time being caught was ticking. I heard the steps coming from the next room and soon he'd come here. I quickly (and desperately) crept in to the drawer and closed the door right before that bonie stepped in this room. I hold my breath (another thing I'm good at, I'm almost perfect) while he scanned the room. Soon, I heard something being destroyed and my best guess was the obvious hiding place, the table.

Soon those heavy steps left the room and I heard something being wrecked there as well. I did not know I could hide this well and from that giant especially. When I couldn't hear anything, I finally let out the breath I had hold for a long time, and started breathing normally. What do I do now? Go out or stay in? Find Key? Yes, find Key. That did sound like a good plan, I could use some help. I opened the drawer's door with shaking hands and I glanced around carefully. As I assumed, the table was smashed in front of me and I saw sword marks on the wall. I actually survived, for now that is.

I had to struggle out and those burns on my legs and my back still hurted, but I tried to ignored the pain. I slowly walked back to the direction I came. I had walked back and forth. First, I walked through this room to meet the big guy and then I ran back, hid there and now I'm off to look for Key. This time I didn't just headlessly run everywhere, but I catiously peeked from the corners, just to see if there were any enemies on my way.

I don't know if I got them lost or did someone slay them or something, but I really didn't see any of them. I was getting more and more comfortable at the lack of enemies, that I almost walked straight against new ones. Thank god they made some ruckus, so that I had some time to hide before they'd discover me. I sighed in relief when they had passed and slowly, learning the lesson, tiptoed forward. I got tired of doing that, so I just removed my shoes and walked with my socks. I was almost at the place me and Key parted, when I heard some noices of battling.

I rushed to peek if it was Key or not. I did not expect to see Yoseob, nor the fact that he was trapped against the wall, unarmed. And I did not expect to see another, way too happy bonie in front of him. I did not expect to see the bony sword that was raised up, slowly but victoriously. I didn't expect to see Yoseob giving up, closing his eyes in defeat and waiting for the impact. And I definetely did not expect that I'd ran between the sword and the boy.

Curse those dreams of being a hero...

How in the world am I supposed to win against a sword?



I updated this soon! Are you guys happy? ^^ I am! This was the scene I've been wanting to get for such a long time! What will happen to Jieun? :O please wait for my next update. Also, do comment & subscribe! :3


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I just realized how much this story . It needs major editing, especially the starting chapters. Jesus...


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Chapter 36: Good story, looking forward to next update :)
Chapter 36: Aaaawwww I hope you can update this soon! I miss this story :((((((
Loving this fanfic!!! Update soon please ~
uaenaland #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please ... by the way where is the continuation of the queen story?
Chapter 35: Woaaaaa!! Hello! Its been a long time T.T

Btw, my kakao acc, i got problem with it and I create a new one, so I lost all of the contact T.T
aina_ina #6
Chapter 35: I love this fanfic!!! Please update soon!~~
Chapter 35: Omg when I saw Taemin's name I was like " asdfghjkl my TaeU feels!" xD
And awesome update!
marshmellow10 #8
Chapter 34: AWESOME please update :)