
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
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It was 6 PM as you stood in front of your wardrobe, nervously trying to figure out what you were going to wear. Your eyes suddenly fell on your little black dress with some subtle sparkly studs at the shoulders. It was pretty low-cut though but it was classy enough to make you look like a real lady. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt quite pretty in your y lingerie set. It was white lace with a touch of black. It was the prettiest set you owned and you were going to save it for a special occasion and today seemed definitely like one. Even though the idea that your best friend would ever want to see you in it was wishful thinking. You grabbed your dress from your wardrobe and cautiously slipped into it, carefully closing the zipper at the side. The dress fitted you perfectly, hugging every curve you owned. After putting on some light makeup and curling your hair into the most delicate curls that fell beautifully on your shoulders, there was only one thing missing. You put on your coloured high heels, wanting to look dazzling for Hakyeon. Checking yourself in the mirror one last time, you felt ready to go. “Calm down, everything will be fine” you mentally told yourself, even though you felt like you’d probably have a nervous breakdown later this evening.


“Sweetie, we’re about to leave now, are you ready?” your mom chimed as she came in your bedroom. “Yeah, I’m ready mom” you smiled at her. “Waw, you look stunning honey” she gasped as she clutched her hand to her heart. “I’m sure he’ll think the same as well” she winked. “Mom please!!” you yelled as a shy expression appeared on your face. “I might be ‘old’ in your terms but I know that look sweetie,  I used to be young and in love once too and you’ve had that look on your face ever since you got home last night after bumping into Hakyeon” she let out. “Whatever mom, can we go now?” you dryly said.


After a 30-minute-drive you arrived at your best friend’s house. You felt a warm and familiar feeling bubble up inside of you at the look of this house. It was a marvellous, chique and modern mansion. The cream coloured coating of the paint shined as the evening sun beat down on it. The house was enclosed by a fencing, surrounded by neatly trimmed hedges, a black stone path leading to the front door. Although it looked that very wealthy, snobbish people lived here, Hakyeon’s parents were very down to earth who worked very hard for all they have. They would give you the last penny they owned just to help you out if they could.


Yes, the house was impressive but to you it felt like a second home, even though you haven’t been there for years. It reminded you of your childhood and it brought up a lot of memories from when you used to spend hours and hours at each other’s houses. After locking the car, your mom, dad and you walked over the front door and you rang the shiny golden doorbell. Your heart suddenly began to pound really hard and you felt a sudden lump in your throat appear. While taking a deep breath to try and calm down, the front door suddenly swung open. “Hello Mr and Mrs Cha” you politely greeted them.  “Oh hello darling! We’re so happy to see you, it’s been so long!” they sweetly said as they hugged you.  “Hey Hakyeon” you winked, as he was standing in the hallway. Damn was he looking fine tonight! He was dress

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Please check out the foreword of my fanfic with N from Vixx :)


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abcd20 #1
Chapter 3: Those text messages were sooooooo cute.... Everything about this fic is cute :)
Chapter 3: Well, that escalated quickly, haha. Nice story.
Chapter 2: This is fun, liked the scene when she was calling her best friend, so me, haha.
Chapter 1: The texts are so cute, kyaaa.
I am now Dead! so fluffy, so cute ^~^
weerainbow #6
Chapter 3: Oh wow this story hit me right in the heart! I adore Hakyeon so much and the way you wrote him was just perfect for the kind of guy he is. I could imagine every scene so clearly even down to his shining (beautiful) eyes. I loved the little bit of backstory and how the reunion was unexpected but so natural in many ways and how things progressed quickly but never rushed. You made my heart flutter so many times. Great story!!
JangJongFan #7
Chapter 3: Eeeeek!!! Love it!! So great!!! Do you have a request for me to write for you??
JangJongFan #8
Chapter 2: Chapter 2; I'm LOVING this story!!!!
JangJongFan #9
Chapter 1: NEIN! I love chapter 1!!
JangJongFan #10
Yay!!!! WOOHOO! Can't wait to read more.