2jun moment..


2 jun story  ep 1 1
one day the kid (B2ST) ,At room practice...

B2ST : Hwaiting !!!

dance ... dance...and dance...suddenly

Junhynng : pakkk ! (his leg fold)

Gikwang :(scream) Hyung ahh . . . (near junhyung at their dance)

Dujun : guys stop !!!

B2ST mem : why ?

Dujun : did you don"t hear someone scream hyung ahh !

B2ST mem :  hear....

Dujun : Junhyung , are you ok ? (while grab arm Junhyung into his shoulder) let ' s have a sit there...

Gikwang : (while looking at their hyung) hyung ahh , can you walk better ?

Junhyung : no , but little....

Dujun : yaa ...Gikwang , what happen to you? your hyung fall , you just ask are you ok ?

Gikwang : uhh...then?

Yoseob : Gikwang ahh...go pick water for Jun-hyung...(to defense Gikwang from Dujun)

HyunWoon : (just quite while see each other)...


2jun story ep 2

At dorm.....

Junhyung: ahh!!!

Dujun : Junhyung... why?

Dongwoon : Hyung's leg sick.....

Dujun :(go to Junhyung and bring to car to go hospital) Junhyung hold on!

Gikwang : Dongni , what happen to Junyeong ?

Dongwoon : sick suddenly attack hyung...

Yoseob : how pity of Junyeong...(feel sorry at his hyung)

Hyunseung : Then,is all was happen,what we can do...

At hospital......

Dujun : How this happen to you...?

Junhyung : maybe it my fault.....

Dujun :If I have power,I will transfer your sick to me....

Junhyung : (smile)Dujun...you can't do it cause you main person for they(B2st)

Dujun : but..I can't see you be like this!

Junhyung : It ok....,so let me destroy your's(joking)

Dujun : DO YOU WANT TO DIE !(joking)

Junhyung : Anyway...thank you because be who most person take care about me Dujun...

Dujun : it's ok,after this..I always be number 1 for you everywhere including in your mind and heart..I promise!If
         B2st member close with me...(FEELING Quilty) I hope you don't get hurt(heart)..

Junhyung :I undestood duty and promise as a leader...

Dujun : That's thing make me proud with you...

do you want more aboou 2jun.??


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