Chapter Two

The Seoul Teenagers Story
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Jiyeon was far away from that place and she headed to the girls' dorm.


"Hey Jiyeon right?"

She swore to herself she'd heard somebody called her name out loud but again she doubted it. No one except for Sehun and Naeun probably knew her. And then the man with his loud and pitched voice tapped on her shoulder, which was her pet peeve.

"I don't really like being tapped on the shoulder..." - Hardly Jiyeon had just finished her sentence when she found out who just did it. She had the hard-to-get face looking at the man but inside she internally screamed.

"You ran so fast I thought I couldn't catch you." - The man gasped a bit to catch his breath. "Do you remember me from the funfair? I mistook you with my cousin".

"Myungsoo... I don't know you go here. That was unexpected I haven't seen you for like 3 years..." - Jiyeon tried to distract Myungsoo from her awkwardness. "By the way do you know where the girls' dorm is I have no idea...." /that was awkward/. Then she awkwardly dropped all her stuff. Her face was red due to super embarrassment. Myungsoo smirked.

"Go straight then turn left. The securities there will help you find the way because I don't know where the dorm is mianhae .." - Myungsoo ran his hand through his charming brunette hair and he smiled like you would never see any smile better than that. Jiyeon was in the fangirl mode at the moment, not I-saw-my-super-crush-after-a-long-time mode.

"I should get going so good luck finding the dorm ok. See you around." - That kid Kim Myungsoo smiled all the time no wonder why not only teen girls, but also teacher had something for him lol. Then "golden boy" went out of the place, left Jiyeon sobbing in happiness. After, she found the dorm after 30 minutes walking because the security was actually on the right not left /dammit myungsoo/.

"Room 133 here we go ..." - Jiyeon said to herself. Her room was on the 13th floor and she had no idea who was her roommate. Poor little Jiyeonie, the elevator was out of order, and her room was on the 13th floor. She managed to get to her room for 20 other minutes. If only she hadn't denied the request of securities hours earlier.

Jiyeon's key was broken because she'd dropped all her things before, so she decided to knock. And her promising new best friend was there to open the door.

"OMG Jiyeon it's me Son Naeun! OMG I have never thought that we could be roommates." - It was the most annoying welcome Jiyeon had had since the last time she got to her stepfather's house. Naeun gave Jiyeon the tightest hug ever. "Let me out I cannot breath." - Jiyeon pushed Naeun, led to dropping her tote bag.

"I'm sorry let me pick it up." - said Naeun. The bag was full of paintings. "Wow these are beautiful ..." - Naeun skimmed through Jiyeon's paintings until she saw one.

"Who is this?" - Naeun's voice sounded not so warm anymore.

"Kim Myungsoo. I met him once at the funfair but it was crowded. That is the only piece. I drew it with my impression." - said Jiyeon. "I thought you know him why did you ask.?"

"Myungsoo was my best friend why don't I know him OTL. It was just surprising to see the picture. You don't look like you come from Seoul."

"Bucheon actually. My mother lives here in Seoul." - said Jiyeon. "Now give me my paintings. And you can make me coffee since I saw the coffee machine over there." - Jiyeon's effort was trying to be friendly, but she literally failed. In Naeun's head, Jiyeon went from BFF to another competitor for Myungsoo's heart.

7pm, El Macho's via Universe Hotel, dinner.

Nothing really happened at the dinner. It was mere awkwardness.

"You guys are still dating right?" - Mr. Kim drank a sip of wine while he was playing around the wine glass.

"We are going to get married next Summer and this is going to be big. We just want to tell you first so you can prepare yourselves." - said Mrs. Choi.

"Prepare for what?" - Myungsoo reacted spontaneously. His conscience told him that something not so good was going to happen. Sulli saw that, and held his hand.

"Since we are married, you guys will be siblings. Isn't it awesome? You can see each other anytime you want." - said Mrs. Choi.

"MOM NO. I don't approve this. You only think about your own happiness. Oh for god's sake after you left Dad you've become a different person. I hate you." - Sulli bursted in tears everytime she mentioned her father. Myungsoo rolled his eyes, not knowing what to do, so he continued his meal. At that moment Sulli desperately needed someone to stand by her side and comfort her, but Myungsoo didn't know that. After all, he never loved her enough to care about her.

"This marriage not only makes your mother happier, but also helps both business groups. I love your mother so I can't let you guys get married. Besides, your high school crush is childish, you'll get over it soon." - Mr. Kim's voice was cold yet annoying, led to Myungsoo leaving the table in anger. Sulli was behind him.

"I'll call you a cab Sul." - said Myungsoo. He seemed very tired after the intense conversation.

Sulli wrapped her arms around her man's waist, leanned her head on his back. The most comfortable feeling today.

"No need, I've called my friend, he will be here any second." - She took his arms off him and fixed her messy hair. 

"Our act wasn't so excellent. We could have done better. Like you've done earlier." - Myungsoo used his hand to remove the dust on his clothes.

"That wasn't an act you know ......"

"We are not supposed to be in love, only acting, right? Oh forget about it I should get going." - Myungsoo left Sulli alone and cold. If only he had given her his jacket. Sulli shed a tear, but she wiped it immediately. Luckily, her friend was able to pick her up in time before she "died" in loneliness.

"Thanks for letting me stay, I have no where to go tonight, and the mansion is not a very good place..." - Sulli got on his car and he helped her fasten her seatbelt.

"Anything for you noona." - Sulli always knew that whatever happened, her best friend Sehunnie would be there for her. He fired the engine and drove away from the place.

Sulli cried like a whiny kid on the car. Sehun took his hand and placed it on her shoulder. He didn't ask what happened, he would do anything to make her feel better anyway. "Nice guy" should be her "boyfriend", not the careless Kim Myungsoo.

"Tell me if it makes you feel better." - said Sehun.

"I love Myungsoo, I really love him. After all, I'm his fake girlfriend, he should at least care at bit .. But no, he doesn't give a dang care."

"Forget him Sul, he doesn't deserve you. I hope the parents get married soon. I don't want you to get hurt, it's heartbreaking seeing you cry like this." - Sehun was the only person Sulli talked aout the pact. He cared for Sulli, more than himself. He might sound like he loved her, but never in his 17 years he had that feeling for her. His heart was believed to forever belonged to a different person.

"Yeah ... When is Daehyun going back to school? He always makes me worry sick .." - Sulli changed the subject to his ex, "The Jerk".

"I think he will be around tomorrow." - said Sehun. They finally arrived to his apartment. Sulli stayed the night there in the guest room and both of them had a long talk, which made Sul felt better.

"Who is that girl you love you've never told me before." - said Sulli.

"She is not so favorite by everyone noona. I barely even speak with her. It is just a stupid crush but somehow I can't get out....."

And the talk was so on.

8am, on campus.

Today there was no classes. It was the day when students built their own stores and sold things to other people for charity. In order to make it all happened, they had to prepare for months. New students like Jiyeon could join a team to build the store, but in no way they would welcome her. Jiyeon was alone so she thought to herself that sh

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Chapter 2: this fic reminds me of the heirs :D
"Jaekyung is Myungsoo's other cousin, Kang Jiyeon's younger sister." Kang Jiyeon and Park Jiyeon are two different people right? Two people who happened to have the same name. right? I'm confused.
--tiamo #3
I already really like jihyun cx