Chapter 3


Continue from the last chapter…


“ So Jess, I’m waiting ” Tiffany kept looking at the nervous Jessica.

“ I…Er… ” Jessica hung her head low while trying to find some excuses.

“ Don’t you want Taeyeon to regain back his memories ? ” Tiffany challenged.

“ Of course, I want he regain his memories back ” Jessica exclaimed.

“ Then, tell me about his background ”

“ Fine ” Jessica sighed.

“ Good ” Tiffany smiled.


[ Flashback ]

Taeyeon is a very happy-go-lucky boy when he was a kid. He lived in Jeonju. He had a wonderful family. Unfortunately, all his happiness is gone when he was 8. His father was murdered by some of his enemies, all of his father’s company taken by his enemies. Mrs. Kim couldn’t do anything but to cry. She didn’t care about Taeyeon and the baby Hayeon anymore. Mrs. Kim only focused on Mr. Kim death. Taeyeon’s grandmother and grandfather also died a few days after Taeyeon’s father death in a car accident. Little Taeyeon should search for jobs so he could fed his mother and his baby sister. As the time passed by, Taeyeon’s body couldn’t take it anymore. Taeyeon fell sick and his mother didn’t even care, until baby Hayeon died. Hayeon didn’t eat anything for days because of Taeyeon sickness.

“ Mom ” Little Taeyeon called weakly.

“ What do you want ?! ” Mrs. Kim snapped at Taeyeon

“ Mom, Hayeon… she haven’t cry for days, I don’t know what happen to her ” The sick boy cried.

“ Isn’t that good ? ” Mrs. Kim laughed.

“ No, mom. There’s something wrong with Hayeon ” Taeyeon went to Hayeon’s room and brought her to Mrs. Kim, “ Look mom ” Taeyeon cried.

“ Ha-hayeon ” Mrs. Kim stared at her daughter’s lifeless body and cried, “ I’m sorry ” Mrs. Kim hugged her kids.


After that day painful day, Mrs. Kim started to build some business so Taeyeon could continue his school. Everything went well until we discovered that Taeyeon got a brain cancer.


[ End of Flashback ]


“ So, that’s it ” Jessica sighed again.

“ Wow, he’s been through a lot of things ” Tiffany still amazed by the story.

“ Yeah ” Jessica looked down.

“ So, you’re always with him in his ups and downs ? ” Tiffany asked.

“ Yeah, my family help auntie to build her business ” Jessica said.

“ Jess ” Tiffany called.

“ Yes ? ” Jessica looked at Tiffany.

“ Do you love him ? ”

“ What ? Are you crazy ? ” Jessica yelled.

“ Yah ! No need to use your dolphin scream ” Tiffany covered her ears.

“ I love him as a brother ” Jessica finished.

“ Yeah, yeah, whatever you said, my beloved Jessie ” Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“ So, do you get something from my information ? ” Jessica changed the topic.

“ Well, based on what you said, I think he lost his memories because he  want to go back to his happiest time ” Tiffany said and wrote the new information in her note book.

“ But, he’s happy before he lost his memories ” Jessica argued.

“ I mean, he want to go back to his happiest time with his family, his complete family ” Tiffany said seriously.

“ Ouh ”

“ Can I bring him to the park near here ? ”

“ Of course, have fun ” Jessica went to check some of her patients again.


Tiffany walked to Taeyeon’s ward. She found Taeyeon still playing with his precious peas.

“ Tae, do you want to go to the park ? ” Tiffany asked with a bright smile.

“ No ” Taeyeon said without looking at the pouting Tiffany.

“ C’mon Tae, it’ll be fun ” Tiffany tried.

“ No, I want to play with my peas ”

“ I’ll buy you some ice cream ”

“ Really ?! ” Taeyeon asked with his puppy eyes.

“ Yes ” Tiffany smiled at his cuteness.

“ Let’s go, noona ! ” Taeyeon dragged Tiffany to the park.

“ Yah ! I told you already ! Don’t call me ‘noona’ ” Tiffany yelled.


They arrived at the park. Tiffany bought a lot of ice cream for Taeyeon. They sat on a bench while eating their ice cream.


“ Tae… ” Tiffany called.

“ Hmm? ”

“ Are you happy ? ”

“ Of course, but I miss Hayeon and Daddy, I wonder why they never come to visit me ” Taeyeon frowned.

“ Do you know you lost your memories ? ”

“ Hm ? ” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany with a confused face.

“ Don’t worry, I’ll help you to regain it back ” Tiffany hugged Taeyeon.

“ Thank you ? ” Taeyeon said in a confused tone but he hugged Tiffany back, “ You’re warm ” Taeyeon said out of blue.

“ You’re so huggable ” Tiffany blushed and hid her face in the crook of Taeyeon’s neck.

“ I love your hug ” Taeyeon said innocently.

“ Tae, let’s go to Jeonju tomorrow ”

“ Eh, why ? ” Taeyeon asked, they’re still in hugging position.

“ I’ll take you on a vacation ” Tiffany lied.

“ Okay ” Taeyeon said happily.

“ It’ll help you to regain back your memories ” Tiffany mumbled and released Taeyeon from her grip.

“ Eh, I still want to hug you ” Taeyeon whined.

“ Fine ” Tiffany blushed and hugged her cute patient again.





Sorry for the grammar errors..

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rongttae #1
Chapter 7: i like this story ^^
Chapter 7: I'm grinning like a mad person coz of this adorable story.
JasKoh89 #3
Chapter 7: So sweet!!!
tipco09 #4
Chapter 7: I like this story. Its so heartwarming and sweet.
Gorjesspazzer22 #5
Chapter 6: this story is good,update soon^_^
1135 streak #6
Chapter 3: Aww tae is so adorable..
Chapter 1: Short update but its interesting . Keep it up author shii