Chapter 1


A middle-age woman walked into doctor room. Nervousness could be seen on her not-so-old face. She sat in front of the doctor who was reading a patient condition chart.

“ Hello, Mrs. Kim ” The doctor greeted.

“ Hello, how is my son condition doc ? ” Mrs. Kim asked

“ Well, the surgery went well, we just need to wait for him to wake up ” The doctor smiled.

“ Really ?! ” Mrs. Kim was almost cry in happiness.

“ Yes, Mrs Kim ”

“ Thank you, Jessica. You’re really his bestfriend ” Mrs. Kim held Jessica hands.

“ Your welcome auntie, I know he’ll survive this brain cancer, he’s a strong man auntie ” Jessica smiled.

“ Can I visit my son ? ”

“ Of course, let’s go together, I need to check on him too ” Jessica took her white coat and walked out from her room.


The two ladies walked to a big ward. As they entered the ward, the patient started to wake up. Mrs. Kim quickly went to beside her son. Slowly Jessica checked on her patient.


“ Hi, Taeng. Your condition is pretty good now ” Jessica smiled widely.

“ Sica ? Why are you wearing that weird coat ? ” Taeyeon asked in a childish tone.


Mrs. Kim looked at her son weirdly then to the frozen doctor in front of her.


“ What happened Jessica ? ” Mrs. Kim asked.

“ I don’t know ” Jessica shook her head.

“ What do you mean Taeng ? ” Jessica asked Taeyeon softly.

“ Why are you wearing that coat Sica ? Are you a doctor now ? You’re a lot taller now, how can you grow so fast ? And why are you using make-up ? You’re just seven years old Sica-ah, your mom will be mad if she see you with those heels and nail polish… ” Taeyeon bombarded Jessica with questions.

“ Wait, did you just said I’m seven ?! ” Jessica shocked.

“ Yes, Sica. Did you hit your head until you got amnesia ? We just celebrate your seventh birthday a month ago ” Taeyeon said innocently.

“ What are you talking about Tae ? ” Mrs. Kim was about to cry.

“ Mommy, you got amnesia too ? ” Taeyeon widened his eyes.

“ Jessica, can you explain this ? ” Mrs. Kim looked at Jessica with a hopeful eyes.

“ Taeng, get some rest okay ? I’ll be back later with your mom ” Jessica said and signaled Mrs. Kim to come out with her.

Once they were in Jessica’s room again, Jessica heaved a long breathe.

“ Mrs. Kim ” Jessica called softly.

“ Yes ? ”

“ I think Taeng lost his memories ” Jessica turned in a serious tone.

“ What ?! ”

“ It seems like the brain cancer had ruined some of his cells ” Jessica said.

“ Can he get his memories back ? ”

“ He can. But he need a personal psychologist ”

“ How can I find one for him ? ”

“ I have a friend, she is a great psychologist, I believe she can help Taeng ” Jessica smiled.

“ Thank you so much Jessica, thank you for saving Taeyeon ”

“ Your always welcome auntie. Always. And you can meet my friend soon, I’ll call her ” Jessica smiled.


Mrs. Kim went back to his son’s ward while Jessica busy with her phone and call her friend.

“ Hello ? ”

“ Hey, Tiff ”

“ What’s up Jess ? ”

“ I need your help ”

“ As expected, what is it now ? ” Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“ I have a patient that lost his memory after brain cancer surgery, can you help him ? ”

“ Of course, tell you so called patient to come to my place ”

“ No, Tiff, you’ll become his personal psychologist ”

“ What ?! ”

“ C’mon Tiff, it’s much easier than your other patients, I already told your director and he agreed ” Jessica said in a casual tone.

“ Unpredictable as always. You always come out with strange jobs for me ” Tiffany sighed.

“ Please, Tiff. This patient is my bestfriend ”

“ Fine, I’ll meet him tomorrow ” Tiffany sighed again.

“ Thanks Tiff, you are the best ” Jessica said and hang up.


Jessica went to Taeyeon’s ward and told Mrs. Kim the good news.

“ Thank you Jessica ” Mrs. Kim was really happy.

“ Your welcome auntie. Taeng, you’ll meet a new friend tomorrow, be nice to her okay ? ” Jessica ruffled Taeyeon’s hair.

“ Alright Sica, but don’t ruin my hair ” Taeyeon pout.

“ I hope you can recover soon Taeng, I want my bestfriend back ” Jessica whisper to herself. She kissed Taeyeon’s forehead and went back for her schedule.






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rongttae #1
Chapter 7: i like this story ^^
Chapter 7: I'm grinning like a mad person coz of this adorable story.
JasKoh89 #3
Chapter 7: So sweet!!!
tipco09 #4
Chapter 7: I like this story. Its so heartwarming and sweet.
Gorjesspazzer22 #5
Chapter 6: this story is good,update soon^_^
1123 streak #6
Chapter 3: Aww tae is so adorable..
Chapter 1: Short update but its interesting . Keep it up author shii