Chapter 21

The thing that brought us closer together

I felt two arms encircling my waist while I was crying. Who could it be? Why is the person doing that to me? Isn't that person supposed to be in his class right now? Too many, too much thoughts were running in my mind. It felt as if I was protected in his arms. I felt safe and sound. 

Without even looking at who it was, I turned around and cried on the person's chest. I tugged on his uniform and continued crying. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay, I'm here," He caressed my hair. He repeatedly did that and kept saying that 'It's okay' and 'Everything is going to be fine'. No, everything is not going to be fine. Sora and her group of girls are after me. And now that he's hugging me, I know that the worst was coming after me

"Chaerin-ah, let's skip classes okay? We'll go to somewhere I know it's perfect for the both of us," he suggested. I nodded at his request and he held me closer towards me, on his chest while making our way there. I covered my eyes all the way. However, I was still wondering who this guy is. 


He sounds so familiar indeed! But, who could it be? 


Minutes later, I heard the click of the door and we entered the place that this mysterious guy brought me to. I could feel him tugging on one of my free hands, and directed me to sit down. He pulled a chair and I could guess that he was sitting right in front of me. 

"Chaerin-ah, don't cover your face. Here, take this handkerchief, " he said and offered me the cloth. 


I opened my eyes a little and accept his kind gesture. I wiped my tears away with his handkerchief. When I was done and open my eyes, I could see an initial being hand stitched on the cloth. 


I lifted up my head a little and saw Kai, staring at me while giving one of his angelic smiles. "Took you long to notice that I was the one who wrapped my arms around your waist," He said. 

I was definitely shocked when I saw him. The both of us never been close to each other. We never talk because of his cold aura. But, now he was being an nice? It seemed like he's an angel. An angel in disguise to be specific. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked, not looking at him. 

"I saw what Sora did to you Chaerin," He said. 

"Y-you're not answering my question. Besides, n-nothing happened. She and her group of girls was just playing around with me. You know, it was part of what they call 'Welcoming me to their group'," I lied. 

"Nope, I'm not buying that answer. I knew what she did to you. Don't lie Chaerin. I hate people who lie," He sternly said. I could see a concerned look on his face. He is really concerned about me. 

I didn't know what to answer him. The part where he said 'I hate people who lie' really caught me off. What am I going to say next? I can't lie to him again. Chaerin, think of something. Think of something! 

"Chaerin, don't be afraid of me okay? Tell me what exactly happened," He pleaded. 

I felt bad. I didn't know what to do and I didn't know what to exactly say to him. "Kai, let's go to class okay? We're already late by 20 minutes," I tried changing the topic. 

"Don't worry about that. Mr P.O knows everything. I texted him, so don't you worry," He caressed my cheek. I leaned in a little when he continued whatever he was doing. "Don't ever cry again okay? I don't want to see you cry," 


When he said that, I wrapped my arms around his arms, scooting closer towards him. Now, it seemed like I was sitting on his lap. "Cry baby...just cry it off," he comforted me. 


"Kai...why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?"


The first bell of the day rang, which indicated that it was already lunch time for the students. Chaerin and Kai were sitting on their usual table when slowly, the students came pouring into the cafeteria. Kai directed his gaze to Chaerin, who was sitting opposite of him. 

"Just pretend that nothing happened between us, okay?" He leaned forward and whispered. 


Chaerin nodded her head, following his demands. A few minutes ago, he was laughing with her, comforting her and even saying sweet little nothings but now, he's back to being the cold guy that she first met. Chaerin, herself, was confused. 'Is he bipolar or something?' She thought to herself. 


She was snapped out from her thoughts when someone slammed their tray on the table. Kai looked at who the person who did that. 

"Yah! Don't you have any manners Oh Sehun?!" Kai said angrily, with some beef lasagna in his mouth. 

"Hehe, sorry hyung. I just wanted to scare noona, who is busily daydreaming about something~" he cooed before taking a seat beside Chaerin.

"Sehun, didn't I tell you to stop calling me noona? Aish!" She said, irritated. Kai looked at her when she automatically placed her head down. 

The table began filling up. Someone just hand to place their fingers on Chaerin's chin and lifted her head up to make her look at him. "There you are Princess," He said before placing a kiss on her lips. 

Chaerin returned the kiss. It earned a lot of stares from the people around their table. The EXO boys were whistling and jeering. Kris pulled away from the kiss while Chaerin just pouted. He placed his tray and sat close beside her. "Aww, is my baby mad because I pulled away too quickly?" He pinched her cheeks. 

She giggled in return and continued eating. "Whoa, I've never imagined this guy courting a girl like Chaerin. I mean, what does he have that I don't!" Baekhyun grumbled. 

"You have me," Someone anonymous said. 

Baekhyun turned around and saw one of the beautiful girls he just met. "T-Taeyeon-ssi," He stuttered. 

"Baekhyun-ssi. Would you like to join me and my girls for lunch?" She offered. 


Baekhyun turned to look at the boys, asking them for permission. "Yes yes, go if you want to," Suho simply said and within seconds, Baekhyun disappeared from the table. 

"Haish, that guy..." Kyungsoo nodded his head. 


The eleven boys continued eating when someone dashed into the cafeteria. "I'm looking for Ms Chaerin. Is anybody named Chaerin here?!" Some unknown guy, holding flowers shouted. The whole cafeteria turned their gaze towards Chaerin. She shyly stood up. 

"H-Here," She mumbled. 

The boy holding a bouquet of flowers ran towards her, with a clipboard on one of his hands. When he reached her table, he was panting. "Ms Chaerin, flowers for you. Can you please sign here?" He shoved the clipboard to her. 


She gladly signed the paper and returned it back to him. The whole cafeteria continued with their ministrations from before. "Flowers I see..." Chanyeol said while taking a sip on the box of banana milk. 

"Wah, it's so pretty!" Luhan said. 

"Ah hah, someone has a secret admirer~~" Tao added. 

Chaerin automatically blushed at those comments. "Kris-ah, I didn't know you would be this romantic," She said before sitting down. 

The latter choked on his food a little, shocked by her comment. "Huh?" He said. 

"Didn't you buy those flowers for her Kris?" Suho asked. 

"I don't know what you're talking about..." He awkwardly replied. 

The whole table frowned, including Chaerin. "Then, who could this be from?" Chaerin asked. 



I was busily eating lunch with the Big Bang members when I saw Chaerin sitting down, holding the flowers in her hand. She was happily smiling and blushing. Ah, she's so cute when she does that! 

There was also a commotion on the table. I could guess that Chaerin was asking around who's the culprit who sent her flowers. As expected, the boys shrugged and continued eating their food. Nevertheless, she kept smiling and resuming eating, while talking to Kris. 


"Gah! Can you believe it! Kris gave her those flowers! He's so sweet, unlike Tao...," Seungri pouted and took a seat in between Daesung and Seunghyun.


My eyes widened when Seungri said that. So, Kris really did say he was the one who bought the flowers? What a friggin liar he is! I'm so mad right now, I really am! I clenched my fists as I stared at Kris, who was now giggling with Chaerin. I want to remain as the anonymous crush but why am I acting as if Chaerin belongs to me and only me? I don't know. 


"Wow, your face is so damn red. Are you okay Jiyong?" Seunghyun asked. 


"Yeah, are you okay? Is anything the problem?" Taeyang added. 


I shot up from the table, slamming my hands at the same time. "I am totally fine," I look at each and everyone of them before walking away from them. As I walked pass by Exo's table, I quickly grab a hold of Kris's arms before dragging him with me to who knows where the both of us are going. 


"What the hell are you doing?! Let me go you freak!" Kris grumbled. My grip on his arm tightened a little bit as we began approaching the exit. Once we were outside, I made my way to the staircase, where the both of us are going to the rooftop garden to discuss some things. 


As Kris and Jiyong approached the rooftop garden, Kris managed to let go of Jiyong's grip on his arm. He walked up the stairs, following Jiyong who was now walking around the garden. Kris frowned at what the guy just did to him. 

He needed an explanation and he needed to hear it from Jiyong right now. "What the hell was that all about? Mind explaining to me?" Kris sternly said. 

Jiyong, who's facing the beautiful scenery right in front of them, crossed his arms and turned his back on Kris. "We need to talk. That's why I dragged you here," 

Kris sighed. "How many times I've told you. We could talk at home if you want to. I don't want us to discuss matters here in school," he said. 

Jiyong turned and looked at Kris. "Just answer this question. Did you tell Chaerin that the flowers she got was you who gave it to her?" 


"Yeah, why?" Kris simply replied, without even hesitating. 


"What a friggin liar you are. You didn't even give those flowers to her," 

"I know. I had to lie because how would I possibly know who gave it to her. Why? Are you the one who gave it to her?" 

Jiyong gulped at Kris's accurate assumption. "No. Me giving a girl like her flowers? Please. I've stopped dating girls since the girl left. Hah, I'm a single guy who lives making every girl's life a living hell!" Jiyong said loudly. 


That mean side of Jiyong showed. Kris nodded his head left and right, disapproving of the latter's atrocious behavior. "Still doing the same thing huh? When are you even going to learn from the incident. Don't you think it's retribution? She died because you know, you her. So, god has plans for you and he definitely has made your life a living hell. That's why you go around with spoilt boys and bully girls in our school. When are you going to wake up Kwon Jiyong!" Kris shouted. 


"The past has nothing to do with me giving flowers to Chaerin," Jiyong simply replied. 


Kris took a few steps and was not standing right in front of Jiyong. "By the looks of it, you were the one who gave her the flowers. You didn't even look at me in the eye and said it. You told me that you didn't give to her but you didn't look at me in the eye. I don't call that sincerity but I call that a scared expression from you that didn't want to admit that you gave those to her," 


"So, what if I really am the one who gave it to her? What are you going to do?" 


"Firstly, I will friggin kill you if you dare lay your hands on Chaerin. Secondly, I'll make sure she'll never be friends with a bipolar-psychotic guy like you who goes around playing with girls and treating them like and s and even, bullying innocent girls who never even laid hands or even talked to you. Thirdly, I will make sure to get her because I'm surely going to protect her from you. Oh, and I'll definitely throw away those awful flowers," Kris said. 


Jiyong rolled his eyes. "Wow, well said from the mouth of an adopted child of the Kwon family. With all this threatening, I don't think this is how you treat your brother, hyung. Whatever my family has done for you, you shouldn't repay them by telling me this kind of stuffs. You should be blessed that they were kind enough to take you in," 


Kris got angry when he said that. He gripped on Jiyong's collar and lifted him up, using all the strength that he's had in him. "You may say I'm an adopted child or whatsoever about me. But, I will never...ever forgive you of what you've done to my fiancee. It's because of your stupid actions that caused her to die. And I'll bloody hell make sure, you're not going to do the same thing to Chaerin," 

With that, the school bell rang. Kris let go of Jiyong, who's now laughing evilly to himself. Jiyong arranged his tie before Kris left the rooftop garden. 


The second bell rang which indicated that lunch time is over and another three more hours of school lessons left before the students are being released for the day. 

I was standing at my locker, taking out the books that I need for the next class, which was math. As I was busy taking out my books, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around only to see a tall, handsome figure that I've met for the nth time today. 


"Hi Chaerin," Seunghyun smiled at me.

I would be lying if I said I didn't melt when he gave me one of his most sincere-angelic smiles. I closed my locker door and leaned against it. "Hi there, oppa," I replied. 


"What do you have now? I'm going for math. Mr Lee's class,"


"Omona! I'm going to the same class too! Seunghyun-ah, let's go together shall we?" I excitedly said. 


He was shocked by my sudden happiness. I wrapped my arms around his and we made our way to the other end of the school building, where our math class was located at. 


"My dongsaeng is happy today. Is it because of the flowers that someone gave it to you?" He asked. 


I smiled a little. "Y-Yah, you busybody," 


"What! I'm saying the truth. You seem extra happy ever since you got those flowers. It's only the first day of school and you're already getting flowers," Seunghyun said, a little hint of jealously in his tone. 

"Is someone...jealous?" I teased. 

Seunghyun's expression changed. He was frowning. "Tsk, me jealous? Please, I'm not," He cooly said. 

"Okay then big boy," I tiptoed and pinched his cheeks. 

"Hey, you're not supposed to pinch my cheeks! I'm not a little boy anymore," He complained. 

I tiptoed once again and whispered to his ears. "Too bad, I just did," I said before running to the next lesson. 


Hey! Finally an update after a long time I guess? Well...It's not that long. Anyways, I hoped you daisies liked this update. Hopefully...Because I feel like isn't a fun update and I'm sorry for that :( Do remember to comment before you go! Hehe, and thank you for the new subscribers. Once again, I'll see you soon my daisies. Till next time. 












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ABCD123efg #1
Chapter 28: Wow this boom is awesome
hopelicious #2
Chapter 28: waaahhhh if only I had someone who could surprise me wid those things KRIS did to CHAE on their date :) lol
hopelicious #3
Chapter 27: thanks for the update :) KRIS is sooo sweet preparing this date for CHAERINNIE :)
ABCD123efg #4
Love it so much
Chapter 26: Omggg. Kai is such a ghood sport. Even though he likes chaerin, he still tries to help her. ♡♡
seemstobeadream #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update <3
I'm glad you keep updating chapters, it's a good story <3
hopelicious #7
Chapter 26: aigoooo I'm glad cheer KAI up :) CHANYEOLIE why did u say those things to KAI aigooo smh!. does KAI still like CHAE??
quinnchocho #8
Chapter 25: Oh no...Kai don't cry T_T
I hope Chaerin will comfort him.
I need some ChaeKai.
Chapter 25: Poor kai!! :((( it's okay Kai. Chaerin's there for you.... I think. Lol.

Definetly liking skytempo!! ♡♡♡ I don't know why. They just seems so cute. ♡♡♡ very sweet too!!