Chapter 19

The thing that brought us closer together


Sunday morning. Ah, one of my favorite weekend because this is the day where Mom and I could take our long morning walks around the park, which is nearby our house. Also, I wanted Mom to go out and take a breather. Seeing her suffer at home makes me hurt on the inside. Not only that, this is one of the times where I could spend my last days with Mom. Well, only god knows when she'll leave me. 


It was around 7.30am when we left the house. It took a long time for me to get out of the house since I had to carry mom and place her on the wheelchair as well as to make breakfast for the both of us. 

Currently, we're just walking along the pathway, staring at the families who are out with their children. 

"Mama really misses the times where you were a little boy," Mom said. 

"Well aren't you glad that I've grown to a responsible and independent man mama?" 

"I'm glad but I liked it when you were so noisy and excited whenever you came back to school everyday. You were a notorious little boy and had a very loud voice. You never failed to shout at me while telling stories about what happened in school, even though I was sitting right beside you and listening to them," 

"Ah, I remembered that. Then, people would think I was being rude to you when I clearly wasn't. Sorry mama," I chuckled as I remembered those times. 

"It's okay Seunghyun. You were a little boy back then. Oh! And do you remember the first kiss that you've had? I remembered that very clearly," 

Oh my goodness, my first kiss when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. 

"Yah! Where are you taking me you little brat!" Mini Bom shouted at me as we walked to the pathway which led to my house. 

"Just keep quiet and follow me!" I said. 

"No! Mama and Papa told me not to follow someone home. What if something happens to me?" 

I stopped walking and crossed my arms at her, pretending that I was angry with Bom. "Yah! You live right beside our house and you're complaining right now?!"

When she noticed that I raised my voice, she stood forward a little and bowed at me. "Mianhe oppa, mianhe," 


I grabbed her wrist and we began walking again. Minutes later, we reached in front of my house. I brought her to behind the dumpster so that she could hide while I called my mom out. 

"Bommie, stay here okay. Oppa wants to call mama," I patted her head a little before standing in front of my door. Bom nodded in return. 

"MAMA! MAMA! I'm home!" I shouted. 

"MAMA! COME OUT NOW!" I shouted for the second time. 


This continued over and over again until my mom suddenly appeared. "Why are you shouting Seunghyun? Mama was washing the vegetables so that I could prepare lunch for you soon," She said. 

"I have to show you something mama! I have to show you!" I grabber her hands and led to her to behind the dumpster where Bom was hiding. 

It was just right in front of my house, which is a few meters away. I told mama to stand in front of me while I grabbed Bom from behind the dustbin. 

"Bom?" Mom called her name. "Seunghyun what are you-" 

Before she could say anything, I placed my lips on hers. 


"I just remembered about my first kiss Mama. Oh my goodness, it's so embarrassing!"  I said. 

Mama laughed in return. "Aigo, you're such a gentleman indeed! Just like your father!" 

When she mentioned about Dad, my heart cringed a little. I was born into the world without a Dad. Apparently, Mom got pregnant at a very young age of 18. Dad and Mom were both drunk from a friend's party which led to them sleeping together and then me. 

Mom had told me all about this. When she told dad he was pregnant, he was so furious that he asked her to go for an abortion. He said he couldn't and wouldn't want to have a baby because he wasn't ready to be a dad at that point of time. Basically, he never took full responsibility of me and hence, accused mom of being a liar and setting up all of this beforehand when she clearly didn't. 

Same goes to my grandparents. When mom told them the news, they were beyond embarrassed. Thus, she was kicked out of the house and from there on, lived outside on her own and dropped out of school early to work because she had to save money for the house as well as the constant check-ups and the delivery fees. 

"S-seunghyun? Seunghyun?" 

I was cleared from my thoughts when I heard Mom calling my name. I blinked my eyes a few times, not even noticing that there were a few tears dropping down my eyes. I wiped it away with the sleeves of my shirt and responded to her. 

"Y-Yes Mama?" 

She turned her head, checking whether if I was okay or not. We stopped along the pathway for a while. Then, her hands made their way to my cheeks where she wiped the remaining visible tears. 

"Aigo, my teenage son is crying," she joked. 

Aish, Mom just knows the right time to lighten the atmosphere, which I loved. "Come, let's go for breakfast shall we?" I told her before resuming our walk on the pathway. 

Perfect weather, sunny breeze. How can I not love sundays? As I was pushing my mom along the pathway, I could hear someone running behind me. I took a step to the side when the lady politely ran past by is. Ah, my days are getting better! A young lady, who walked past by us with her headphones one while wearing a 3/4 pants with a sports bra on. How can I not think beyond that? Omg, choi seunghyun! You ert! 

I was literally staring at her when she ran past by us. She has a very great body! Then, the next thing I knew, she turned to smile at me. I smiled at her back, although I didn't have time to see who she was. She turned around once again and stopped running when she saw me. 

I gave her one of my brightest smiles because it was her. It was Chaerin. 


I stood frozen at the spot while looking at Seunghyun. He was still smiling widely at me. Uh, what should I do next? I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. Should I greet his mom or say hi to him or run away right now? There are a lot of ways for me to escape this awkward situation but I chose not to go ahead with anyone of it. 

"Ah, who's this pretty lady here?" His mom asked as she turned around to look at him. 

"A friend of mine," he replied to her in a loving way. 

The next thing I knew, he pushed his mom towards me and the gap between the three of us closed. 


"Annyeonghaseyo Aunty," I slightly bowed in front of her. That would be a small start to her first impression of me right? Oh god, it was as if I'm meeting his mom after we've been in a relationship for a long time. But the thing is, I'm meeting his mom right at this instant without us having a thing for each other! 

"Aigo, young lady. Don't be formal in front of me! Just call me Mama," She grabbed one of my hands and squeezed it. 

"Hi Chaerin," Seunghyun greeted me. 

"Hi Seunghyun," I replied, looking away from him as I was too shy to even look at him. 

"Are the both of you love birds or something?" His mom asked. 

"No! We're..." Both Seunghyun and I replied to her. 

"Hmm, okay then," His mom teased. 

"Chaerin, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home? You're going to get your host family worried about you!" Seunghyun worriedly said. 

This guy...He's so concerned about me. 

"I'm out here to jog for a while. I want to get familiarized with this place you know. I just don't want to stay in that house every single day. I need some fresh air too," 

"But what about?"

"It's okay. I've pasted a note on my bedroom door. Besides, I have my phone here any ways," I tapped my right arm, which had the band to place my phone in it. 

"Hmm, will you like to join us for breakfast then?" His mom asked, still grabbing on my hand. 

"It's okay Mama. I wouldn't want to interfere the both of you. Well, I think I should go now," 


My stomach grumbled at the same time. Aish,why do you have to do this at the wrong time! I let out an awkward smile before saying something. 

"Uh, I think I need to continue jogging. See you tomorrow Seunghyun. See you soon Mama!" I said. 

As I was about to go, Mama grabbed my wrist. "Nah uh, Chaerin darling, you're hungry. Your stomach is grumbling. Let's go for breakfast okay? And no, you're not interfering the both of us. Come, let's go," 

With that, I stood a few meters away from Seunghyun and walked behind Mama. It was a little awkward indeed because I swore Seunghyun could feel my heart beat while we were both walking. At this point of time, my heart was besting at an uncontrollable rate. 

At the same time, the wind at to blow which made me shivered. Seunghyun could probably see me shivering as I rubbed my arms continuously. He then stopped once again and took off the simple black jacket that he was wearing. 

"You're cold. I don't want you to get sick," He said as he put on his jacket for me. 

After that, he rolled the sleeves to my wrist on both sides and with the final touch, he zipped up the jacket. I saw Mama turning around, where she saw Seunghyun helping me out. 

"Ah, it all starts with a jacket doesn't it? Then it leads to the both of you being close friends and later on lovers. I can't wait for my son to get a girlfriend too. Maybe I want a girl who's Chaerin," His mom hinted. 

Both me and Seunghyun blushed as we looked away from each other. "See, I told you. Come on, I want to have breakfast!" His mom added. 



It took us a good ten minutes before arriving at Glamorous Penguin cafe. When we entered the store, I can't help but to notice the expensive furnishings and sort of exquisite wallpaper, although it was only a cafe. Seunghyun chose on of the table which is right beside the window. 

Seunghyun and I sat facing each other while Mama and in the middle of the table since it was only a two seater table. At the back of my head, I was thinking weather I should pay for this meal or not. The place looked expensive and of course, the food here must be costly. 

"Hmm, what do you want to eat dear?" Mama asked me. 

I looked at the menu behind the counter. "Raspberry cake with iced americano," I simply replied, with a little bit of guilt. 

"Order for me the one that we usually have," Mama said to Seunghyun. 

"Okay," Seunghyun said before making his way towards the counter. 

Meanwhile, I took off the jacket a little to take the arm thingy which had my phone in it off of me. Mama started the conversation by asking some questions and knowing more about me. I began to tell her from A to Z. She gave me advices and knows about my dream of being an artist but couldn't. We talked for a good five minutes.

"It's okay sweetheart. One day, your parents will support you no matter what career you have at the end of the day. I always tell Seunghyun to chase after his dreams. He too, wants to be an artist one day," Mama told me. 

What? The both of us have the same dream. This must be crazy!  I think we were both made for each other? LOL. 

"But mama, it's good for Seunghyun to have a mother like you. You're always there for him, you're giving very good advices to me which means that you do the same thing to him too and you're very understanding," I said. 

"Well...Chaerin. I'm glad I have been there for him for all his life. However, I just think I may not be able to be there for him any longer," 

By then, Seunghyun came back with the food and drinks that we have ordered. He placed my food and drink in front of me followed by Mama's. 

I was distracted a little by what Mama had just said to me. She thinks she may not be able to see him any longer.


What does she mean by...that? 

"Let's eat shall we?"Mama said. 



Breakfast was fun. We talked a lot, literally a lot. Mama was telling me stories of Seunghyun when he was little. I didn't know that he had his first kiss already! That was shocking and cute at the same time.  Now, we were walking back to our homes respectively. 

I was pushing Mama while Seunghyun stood beside me, walking with his hands inside his pocket. "Hmm, Chaerin," 

"Yes Mama?" 

"Would you like to visit our house for awhile? You know, I want to get to know about you more," 


I kept quiet. I didn't know what to do because my mind was blank for a while. I contemplated for awhile. Should I? Should I not? 

"Mmm, I..."


Ring ring

My phone vibrated in the pocket of the jacket. We stopped walking when I took out to see who was calling me. It was Mrs Kim. I picked up the call.

"Hello?" I said. 

"Ah, Chaerin? Where are you? Why are you out for so long? Are you lost? Are you alright?" 

I laughed. "Mrs Kim, calm down,"


"I'm fine, I'm safe and I'm okay. I'm still outside with a friend right now. We met up a little," 

"Oh, I see. Well honey, are you going to come home soon? All of us are going out today,"

"Hmm, it's okay Mrs Kim. Besides, I'm going over to a friends house for a while. I'll call you and go home when I'm done," 

"Okay then. Have fun Chaerin! Anyways, you have the keys to the house right?"


"Okay. Be safe and behave yourself alright! Love you, bye," 

"Love you too Mrs Kim, and bye," I hung up the phone. 

"So?" Mama turned around to look at me with that wide smile of hers. 

"Yes, I'm following the three of you home for a while," 


Author's note ; 


An update for today! Hehe, can you daisies see a special appearance of Bom? Hehe,  if you know what I'm talking about, Bom is going to be part of the story and our other 2NE1 girls ^^ 

Don't forget to comment and subscribe. Anyways, I'll see you daisies soon ^^ 



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ABCD123efg #1
Chapter 28: Wow this boom is awesome
hopelicious #2
Chapter 28: waaahhhh if only I had someone who could surprise me wid those things KRIS did to CHAE on their date :) lol
hopelicious #3
Chapter 27: thanks for the update :) KRIS is sooo sweet preparing this date for CHAERINNIE :)
ABCD123efg #4
Love it so much
Chapter 26: Omggg. Kai is such a ghood sport. Even though he likes chaerin, he still tries to help her. ♡♡
seemstobeadream #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update <3
I'm glad you keep updating chapters, it's a good story <3
hopelicious #7
Chapter 26: aigoooo I'm glad cheer KAI up :) CHANYEOLIE why did u say those things to KAI aigooo smh!. does KAI still like CHAE??
quinnchocho #8
Chapter 25: Oh no...Kai don't cry T_T
I hope Chaerin will comfort him.
I need some ChaeKai.
Chapter 25: Poor kai!! :((( it's okay Kai. Chaerin's there for you.... I think. Lol.

Definetly liking skytempo!! ♡♡♡ I don't know why. They just seems so cute. ♡♡♡ very sweet too!!